文件: colorSpace.py 项目: bps10/color
    def find_testlightFromRG(self, r, g):
        '''Returns -1 if not found (extra spectral or doesn't live on locus)
        err = lambda r, g, lam: np.sqrt((r - self.rVal[lam]) ** 2 + (g - 
                                self.gVal[lam]) ** 2)

        # Check if point is extra spectral
        a = np.array([r, g]) - np.array([self.rVal[0], self.gVal[0]])
        b = np.array([self.rVal[-1], self.gVal[-1]]) - np.array(
            [self.rVal[0], self.gVal[0]])
        a = int(cart2pol(a[0], a[1])[0])
        b = int(cart2pol(b[0], b[1])[0])
        if a == b:
            return -1 # This point is extra spectral

        i = 0
        startE = err(r, g, i)
        forward = True
        while forward:
            e = err(r, g, i)
            if startE < e and e < 0.05:
                forward = False
                startE = e
                if i + 1 > len(self.spectrum) - 1:
                    return -1 # either extra spectral or not on spec locus
                i += 1

        t0 = err(r, g, i)
        t1 = err(r, g, i - 1)
        e1 = t1 / (t1 + t0)
        # take a weighted averge of the points
        outLam = self.spectrum[i] * e1 + self.spectrum[i - 1] * (1 - e1)
        return outLam
文件: colorSpace.py 项目: bps10/color
    def find_dominant_wl(self, rg, white=[1/3, 1/3]):
        '''Find the dominant wavelength from a given point within the
        chromaticity diagram. If extra spectral, returns str.
        rg = np.asarray(rg)
        white = np.asarray(white)
        ## make sure both are len 3 vectors
        if len(rg) == 2:
            rgb = np.array([rg[0], rg[1], 1 - (rg.sum())])
            rgb = rg
        if len(white) == 2:
            white = np.array([white[0], white[1], 1 - white.sum()])
        point = rgb - white
        # make sure white point wasn't fed in
        if round(point[0], 2) == 0.0 and round(point[1] == 0.0, 2): 
            return 0

        neutral_points = self.find_spect_neutral(rgb, white)
        dom = None
        for i, neutral in enumerate(neutral_points):
            n = neutral - white[:2]
            a = int(cart2pol(n[0], n[1])[0])
            b = int(cart2pol(point[0], point[1])[0])
            if a == b:
                dom = self.find_testlightFromRG(neutral[0], neutral[1])

        # must be extra spectral: use complementary color
        if dom == -1:
            if i == 0:
                i = 1
            if i == 1:
                i = 0
            neutral = neutral_points[i]
            # return as negative number to indicate it is a complement
            dom = -1 * self.find_testlightFromRG(neutral[0], neutral[1])
        elif dom == None:
            raise ValueError('dominant wavelength not found')
        return dom
文件: image.py 项目: bps10/base
def welch2d(x,L = None, over = 0.5, win = 2.0):
    """2D spectrum estimation using Welch's method.
    The spectrum of an image x is estimated using Welch's \
    method of averaging modified periodograms.
    :param x: image
    :param L: section length
    :param over: amount of overlap, where 0<over<1,
    :param win: The window type \n
                    1 = Rectangular \n
                    2 = Hamming \n
                    3 = Hanning \n
                    4 = Bartlett \n
                    5 = Blackman \n
    :returns: Welch's estimate of the power spectrum, returned in decibels. 
    .. note:: 
       Modified from: M.H. Hayes. \
       "Statistical Digital Signal Processing and Modeling" \
       (John Wiley & Sons, 1996).
    xs, ys = x.shape
    x = RemoveMean(x)
    if L == None:
        L = xs
    if xs / ys != 1.0:
        raise ValueError('This is a stupid program. Dimensions need to be \
        equal (len(x)=len(y))')
    if L < len(x[:,0]) / 2.0:
        raise ValueError('Length must be longer than 1/2 length of x')
    if (over >= 1) or (over < 0):
        raise ValueError('Overlap is invalid')
    n0 = (1.0 - over) * L
    n1 = np.array([1.0, 1.0]) - n0
    n2 = np.array([L, L]) - n0
    nsect = int(1.0 + np.floor((len(x) - L) /( n0)))
    Px = 0
    for ix in range(0,nsect):
        n1[0] = n1[0] + n0
        n2[0] = n2[0] + n0
        for iy in range(0,nsect):
            n1[1] = n1[1] + n0
            n2[1] = n2[1] + n0
            Px += PowerSpectrum2(x[n1[0]:n2[0],n1[1]:n2[1]], win) / (nsect**2)
    xs, ys = Px.shape
    f2 = np.arange(-xs / 2.0, xs / 2.0)
    f1 = np.arange(-ys / 2.0, ys / 2.0)
    XX, YY = np.meshgrid(f1,f2)
    foo, r = dm.cart2pol(XX,YY)
    if np.mod(xs,2)==1 or np.mod(ys,2)==1:
        r = np.around(r)-1
        r = np.around(r)
    r = np.array(r,dtype=int)
    ### need to possibly use a for loop.
    avg = dm.accum(r.flatten() + 1, Px.flatten()
                    )[1:] / dm.accum(r.flatten() + 1)[1:]
    avg = avg[:(xs / 2 + 1)]
    return avg