    def get_context_data(self, *args, **kwargs):
        context = super(DetailView, self).get_context_data(*args, **kwargs)

        # Now, let's generate the data for the statistics
        profile = context['profile']
        season_segments = {season.pk: season.get_year_segment()
                           for season in profile.participated_seasons}

        if not season_segments:
            return context

        # Compute the beggining and the end of the competitor's "career"

        # We go back one segment to ensure timespan is at least two segments,
        # otherwise this may cause problems with graphs
        career_start = (min(season_segments.values()) if len(season_segments.values()) > 1
                        else min(season_segments.values()).back())
        career_end = max(season_segments.values())

        career_timespan = list(YearSegment.between_segments(career_start,

        data = dict()

        for competition in profile.participated_competitions:
            # Mark all the segments when the user competed in this competition
            # and his percentile

            competed_segments = {
                s.get_year_segment(): s.get_user_percentile(profile.user) * 100
                for s in filter(lambda c: c.competition == competition,
            data[100 + competition.pk] = competed_segments

            data[competition.pk] = [competed_segments.get(segment, 0.0)
                                    for segment in career_timespan]

        context['competition_stats'] = data
        context['all_season_segments'] = career_timespan

        return context