    def parse(self):
        """Call feed first"""
        # get the titles and the artists
        soup = base.Soup(self.pagecontent)
        titles = [node.string for node in
                base.select(soup, 'span.tracktitle')]
        artists = [node.string for node in
                base.select(soup, 'span.artist')]

        # combine these
        combined = zip(artists, titles)
        # get the last artist and title
        self.artist, self.title = combined[-1]
    def parse(self):
        """Call feed first"""
        soup = base.Soup(self.pagecontent)
        elements = [element.string for element in
                base.select(soup, 'table tr a')]
        artists = elements[0::2]
        titles = elements[1::2]
        combined = zip(artists, titles)

        artist, self.title = combined[0]
        self.artist = self.uncommafy(artist)
 def parse(self):
     """Cuts the content and extracts informations"""
     # get the soup
     soup = base.Soup(self.pagecontent)
     # now the hacking begins (some trouble with BeautifulSoup)
     # select an element
     point = base.select(soup, 'tr td i')[0]
     # get its parent
     parent = point.parent
     # get all texts
     texts = parent.findAll(text=True)
     # convert and save these
     artist = texts[1].strip()
     title = texts[-1].strip()
     self.artist = self.capstext(artist)
     self.title = self.capstext(title)
    def parse(self):
        """Call feed first"""
        # create the soup and convert HTML entities
        soup = base.Soup(self.pagecontent, convertEntities='html')
        # list of artists and their tracks
        tracks = list()

        # get all elements which are td.bold (that's the artists)
        artists = base.select(soup, 'td.bold')

        for artist in artists:
            # find the next element (being hopefully the title)
            title = artist.findNextSibling()
            # append the artists name and title to the list
            tracks.append((artist.string, title.string))

        self.artist, self.title = tracks[0]
    def parse(self):
        """Call feed first"""
        soup = base.Soup(self.pagecontent)

        heading_last = base.select(soup, "h2")[-1]
        track_table = heading_last.findNextSibling()
        tds = track_table.findAll("td")
        useful = list()
        for td in tds:
            if not td.findAll("a"):
                # filter out non breaking spaces
                if td.string == " ":
                # filter out dates
                if timestamp.match(td.string):

        # group them into (title, artist)
        tracks = [(useful[a], useful[a + 1]) for a in range(0, len(useful), 2)]

        self.title = self.capstext(tracks[0][0].string)
        self.artist = self.capstext(tracks[0][1].string)