def run(task, taskFunction): llvm_bin_dir = os.environ["SRCIROR_LLVM_BIN"] clang = os.path.join(llvm_bin_dir, 'clang') opt = os.path.join(llvm_bin_dir, 'opt') mutation_lib = os.environ["SRCIROR_LLVMMutate_LIB"] # path to llvm-build/Release+Asserts/lib/ if task == "coverage": our_lib = os.environ["SRCIROR_COVINSTRUMENTATION_LIB"] # path to IRMutation/InstrumentationLib/SRCIRORCoverageLib.o else: our_lib = "" coverageDir = os.path.join(getSummaryDir(), "ir-coverage") # guarantees directory is made if not os.path.exists(coverageDir): os.makedirs(coverageDir) log_file = os.path.join(coverageDir, "hash-map") opt_command = opt + " -load " + mutation_lib args = sys.argv[1:] if '-fstack-usage' in args: # TODO: What is -fstack-usage? args.remove('-fstack-usage') compiler = clang print('logging compile flags: ' + ' '.join(args)) # if the build system is checking for the version flags, we don't mess it up, just delegate to the compiler if "--version" in args or "-V" in args: out, err, _ = executeCommand([compiler] + args, True) return 1 ###### instrument ###### # if the command contains a flag that prevents linking, then it's # not generating an executable, then we should be able to generate # bitcode and instrument it for the task # 1. find if command is compiling some source .c file src_indices = findSrcIndices(args, ".c") if not src_indices: # there is no source code to instrument, so we want to try and link, no changes print('Looking to link: ' + str([compiler, our_lib] + args)) out, err, _ = executeCommand([compiler, our_lib] + args, True) print(str(out)) print(str(err)) return 1 # TODO: Why do we return 1 instead of 0? # if there are multiple src files, only care about the first src_index = src_indices[0] src_file = args[src_indices[0]] # 2. see if there is a specified -o; if exists, use it to determine name of intermediate .ll file new_args = list(args) try: dash_o_index = new_args.index('-o') out_name = new_args[dash_o_index + 1] print("we got the dash o index") print("the out name is : " + out_name) except: out_name = src_file # if does not exist, use the src file name as the base print("we did not find dash o index, so we are using src: " + src_file) dash_o_index = len(new_args) # filling up the args with some empty placeholders for upcoming update new_args += ["-o", ""] bitcode_file = os.path.dirname(out_name) + os.path.basename(out_name).split(".")[0] + ".ll" # expect only one . in the name print("the bitcode file name is: " + bitcode_file) # 3. put flags to generate bitcode new_args[dash_o_index + 1] = bitcode_file print("we are emitting llvm bitcode: " + " ".join([clang, '-S', '-emit-llvm'] + new_args)) executeCommand([clang, '-S', '-emit-llvm'] + new_args) # 4. instrument the bitcode for the specified task taskFunction(bitcode_file, src_file, opt_command, log_file) # 5. compile the .ll into the real output so compilation can proceed peacefully # replace the input C src file with the bitcode file we determined compiling_args = list(args) compiling_args[src_index] = bitcode_file command = [clang] + compiling_args + [our_lib] print("we are generating the output from the .ll with the command " + " ".join(command)) out, err, _ = executeCommand(command, True) print(str(out)) print(str(err)) return 1
def run_ll(task, taskFunction, runCompile): #pk llvm_bin_dir = os.environ["SRCIROR_LLVM_BIN"] clang = os.path.join(llvm_bin_dir, 'clang') opt = os.path.join(llvm_bin_dir, 'opt') revng_bin_dir = os.environ["REVDIR"] # pk revng = os.path.join(revng_bin_dir, 'revng') # pk revng = revng + " --verbose translate " # pk #pk mutation_lib = os.environ["SRCIROR_LLVMMutate_LIB"] # path to llvm-build/Release+Asserts/lib/ mutation_lib = os.environ[ "SRCIROR_LLVMMutate_LIB"] # path to llvm-build/Release+Asserts/lib/ if task == "coverage": our_lib = os.environ[ "SRCIROR_COVINSTRUMENTATION_LIB"] # path to IRMutation/InstrumentationLib/SRCIRORCoverageLib.o else: our_lib = "" coverageDir = os.path.join(getSummaryDir(), "ir-coverage") # guarantees directory is made if not os.path.exists(coverageDir): os.makedirs(coverageDir) log_file = os.path.join(coverageDir, "hash-map") opt_command = opt + " -load " + mutation_lib args = sys.argv[1:] if '-fstack-usage' in args: # TODO: What is -fstack-usage? args.remove('-fstack-usage') compiler = clang print('logging compile flags: ' + ' '.join(args)) # if the build system is checking for the version flags, we don't mess it up, just delegate to the compiler if "--version" in args or "-V" in args: out, err, _ = executeCommand([compiler] + args, True) return 1 ###### instrument ###### # if the command contains a flag that prevents linking, then it's # not generating an executable, then we should be able to generate # bitcode and instrument it for the task # 1. find if command has the input bitcode .ll #pk src_indices = findSrcIndices(args, ".c") inp_bc_indices = findSrcIndices(args, ".ll") out_index = [i for i, word in enumerate(args) if word == "-o"][0] # pk if not inp_bc_indices: print("Error: no bitcode .ll file given") return 1 # TODO: Why do we return 1 instead of 0? # if there are multiple bc files, only care about the first inp_bc_index = inp_bc_indices[0] inp_bc_file = args[inp_bc_indices[0]] # 2. see if there is a specified -o; if exists, use it to determine name of intermediate .ll file new_args = list(args) try: dash_o_index = new_args.index('-o') out_name = new_args[dash_o_index + 1] print("we got the dash o index") print("the out name is : " + out_name) except: out_name = inp_bc_file # if does not exist, use the src file name as the base print("we did not find dash o index, so we are using src: " + inp_bc_file) dash_o_index = len( new_args ) # filling up the args with some empty placeholders for upcoming update new_args += ["-o", ""] #pk bitcode_file = os.path.dirname(out_name) + os.path.basename(out_name).split(".")[0] + "_coverage.ll" # expect only one . in the name bitcode_file = os.path.dirname(out_name) + os.path.basename( out_name) + '_mutate' + ".ll" print("the bitcode file name is: " + bitcode_file) #pk: no need to generate bitcode #pk # 3. put flags to generate bitcode #pk new_args[dash_o_index + 1] = bitcode_file #pk print("we are emitting llvm bitcode: " + " ".join([clang, '-S', '-emit-llvm'] + new_args)) #pk executeCommand([clang, '-S', '-emit-llvm'] + new_args) # 4. instrument the bitcode for the specified task #pk taskFunction(bitcode_file, inp_bc_file, opt_command, log_file) taskFunction(bitcode_file, inp_bc_file, opt_command, log_file) # 5. compile the .ll into the real output so compilation can proceed peacefully # replace the input C src file with the bitcode file we determined compiling_args = list(args) print(inp_bc_index) if task == "coverage": compiling_args[inp_bc_index] = bitcode_file dash_o_index = compiling_args.index('-o') compiling_args[dash_o_index + 1] = compiling_args[dash_o_index + 1] + "_mutated" command = [clang] + compiling_args + [our_lib] else: compiling_args[inp_bc_index] = inp_bc_file compiling_args.pop(out_index) # pk: no -o necessary compiling_args.insert( 0, " --ll ") # pk: --ll necessary before input ll file command = [revng] + compiling_args + [our_lib] # pk print("out_index:") print(out_index) #clang_pk = os.path.join('/home/pc-5/fi-bin/revng_dir/orchestra/root/bin/', 'clang') # pk: changed to the local installation #pk # command = [clang] + compiling_args + [our_lib] print("compiling_args:") print(compiling_args) #command = [clang_pk] + compiling_args + [our_lib] # pk # print("we are generating the output from the .ll with the command " + " ".join(command)) # if task != "coverage": # pk: don't compile for coverage # out, err, _ = executeCommand(command, True) # pk: don't compile for coverage # print("out: ") # pk # print(str(out)) # print("err: ") # pk # print(str(err)) # print("done ") # pk #if task != "coverage": if runCompile: ll_dir = CWD + '/../Examples_revng/mutation_results/ll/' bin_dir = CWD + '/../Examples_revng/mutation_results/bin/' if os.path.isdir(ll_dir): for ll_name in os.listdir(ll_dir): bin_name = ll_name[:-3] os.system('cp ' + ll_dir + ll_name + ' ' + ll_dir + '/../../') # copy ll file here copyFile = "cp " + out_name + "_lifted.ll.need.csv " + ll_dir + '/../../' + bin_name + "_lifted.ll.need.csv" os.system(copyFile) copyFile = "cp " + out_name + " " + ll_dir + '/../../' + bin_name + "" os.system(copyFile) # print(ll_name) # copyFile = "cp " + out_name + "_lifted.ll.need.csv " + bin_dir + bin_name + "_lifted.ll.need.csv" # os.system(copyFile) # copyFile = "cp " + out_name + " " + bin_dir + bin_name + "" # os.system(copyFile) # print(copyFile) output_arg = ["-o", bin_dir + bin_name] #command = [clang_pk] + [ll_dir + ll_name] + [' -o '] + [bin_dir + bin_name] # pk #command = [clang_pk] + [ll_dir + ll_name] # pk #command = [clang] + [ll_dir + ll_name] print(compiling_args) #command = [revng] + [' --ll ', ll_dir + ll_name, bin_dir + bin_name] # pk command = [revng] + [ ' --ll ', ll_dir + '/../../' + ll_name, ll_dir + '/../../' + out_name ] # pk print(command) print( "we are generating the output from the .ll with the command " + " ".join(command)) # out, err, _ = executeCommand(command + output_arg , True) com = revng + ' --ll ' + ll_dir + '/../../' + ll_name + ' ' + ll_dir + '/../../' + out_name print(com) os.system(com) os.system('mv ' + ll_dir + '/../../' + bin_name + '.translated' + ' ' + bin_dir + bin_name) # move executable to bin directory # remove extra files os.system('rm ' + ll_dir + '/../../' + ll_name + '.linked.ll') # delete generated file os.system('rm ' + ll_dir + '/../../' + ll_name + '.linked.ll.o') # delete generated file os.system('rm ' + ll_dir + '/../../' + ll_name) # delete copied ll file rmFile = "rm " + ll_dir + '/../../' + bin_name + "_lifted.ll.need.csv" os.system(rmFile) rmFile = "rm " + ll_dir + '/../../' + bin_name + "" os.system(rmFile) return 1