def probabilisticRewardTask_PSTH_WithChanMapping(hdf_filename, filename, block_num): """ This method computes the PSTH for all sorted single-unit/multi-unit data using the plx files and txt files containing the associated channel numbers represented in the plx files. This is to be used when all 96/64 channels are not represented in the plx files. Assumes the channel numbers are stored in the .txt file of the same name with channel numbers deliminated with commas. """ # Define file paths and names plx_filename1_prefix = "Offline_eNe1" plx_filename2_prefix = "Offline_eNe2" TDT_tank = "/home/srsummerson/storage/tdt/" + filename # TDT_tank = '/backup/subnetsrig/storage/tdt/'+filename hdf_location = "/storage/rawdata/hdf/" + hdf_filename # Unpack behavioral data hdf = tables.openFile(hdf_location) # Task states state = hdf.root.task_msgs[:]["msg"] state_time = hdf.root.task_msgs[:]["time"] # Target information: high-value target= targetH, low-value target= targetL targetH = hdf.root.task[:]["targetH"] targetL = hdf.root.task[:]["targetL"] # Reward schedules for each target reward_scheduleH = hdf.root.task[:]["reward_scheduleH"] reward_scheduleL = hdf.root.task[:]["reward_scheduleL"] # Trial type: instructed (1) or free-choice (2) trial trial_type = hdf.root.task[:]["target_index"] cursor = hdf.root.task[:]["cursor"] ind_wait_states = np.ravel(np.nonzero(state == "wait")) ind_check_reward_states = np.ravel(np.nonzero(state == "check_reward")) ind_target_states = ( ind_check_reward_states - 3 ) # only look at targets when the trial was successful (2 states before reward state) ind_hold_center_states = ind_check_reward_states - 4 # only look at center holds for successful trials num_successful_trials = ind_check_reward_states.size target_times = state_time[ind_target_states] center_hold_times = state_time[ind_hold_center_states] # creates vector same size of state vectors for comparison. instructed (1) and free-choice (2) instructed_or_freechoice = trial_type[state_time[ind_target_states]] # creates vector of same size of state vectors for comparision. (0) = small reward, (1) = large reward. rewarded_reward_scheduleH = reward_scheduleH[state_time[ind_target_states]] rewarded_reward_scheduleL = reward_scheduleL[state_time[ind_target_states]] num_free_choice_trials = sum(instructed_or_freechoice) - num_successful_trials # creates vector of same size of target info: maxtrix of num_successful_trials x 3; (position_offset, reward_prob, left/right) targetH_info = targetH[state_time[ind_target_states]] targetL_info = targetL[state_time[ind_target_states]] target1 = np.zeros(100) target3 = np.zeros(ind_check_reward_states.size - 200) trial1 = np.zeros(target1.size) trial3 = np.zeros(target3.size) stim_trials = np.zeros(target3.size) # Initialize variables use for in performance computation neural_data_center_hold_times = np.zeros(len(center_hold_times)) # Load syncing data for hdf file and TDT recording hdf_times = dict() mat_filename = filename + "_b" + str(block_num) + "_syncHDF.mat""/home/srsummerson/storage/syncHDF/" + mat_filename, hdf_times) print "Loaded sync data." hdf_rows = np.ravel(hdf_times["row_number"]) hdf_rows = [val for val in hdf_rows] # turn into a list so that the index method can be used later dio_tdt_sample = np.ravel(hdf_times["tdt_samplenumber"]) dio_freq = np.ravel(hdf_times["tdt_dio_samplerate"]) dio_recording_start = hdf_times["tdt_recording_start"] # starting sample value dio_tstart = dio_recording_start / dio_freq # starting time in seconds # Find corresponding timestamps for neural data from behavioral time points for i, time in enumerate(center_hold_times): hdf_index = np.argmin(np.abs(hdf_rows - time)) neural_data_center_hold_times[i] = dio_tdt_sample[hdf_index] / dio_freq """ Find target choices and trial type across the blocks. """ for i in range(0, 100): target_state1 = state[ind_check_reward_states[i] - 2] trial1[i] = instructed_or_freechoice[i] if target_state1 == "hold_targetL": target1[i] = 1 else: target1[i] = 2 for i in range(200, num_successful_trials): target_state3 = state[ind_check_reward_states[i] - 2] trial3[i - 200] = instructed_or_freechoice[i] if target_state3 == "hold_targetL": target3[i - 200] = 1 else: target3[i - 200] = 2 # Compute PSTH for units over all trials window_before = 2 # PSTH time window before alignment point in seconds window_after = 3 # PSTH time window after alignment point in seconds binsize = 100 # spike bin size in ms # Get behavior data for computing PSTH for units over trials (free-choice and instructed) where the LV target was selected target_state = state[ind_check_reward_states - 2] choose_lv = np.ravel(np.nonzero(target_state == "hold_targetL")) neural_choose_lv = neural_data_center_hold_times[choose_lv] # Get behavior data for computing PSTH for units over trials (free-choice and instructed) where the HV target was selected choose_hv = np.ravel(np.nonzero(target_state == "hold_targetH")) neural_choose_hv = neural_data_center_hold_times[choose_hv] total_units = 0 print "Getting spike data." plx_location1 = TDT_tank + "/" + "Block-" + str(block_num) + "/" plx_location2 = TDT_tank + "/" + "Block-" + str(block_num) + "/" eNe1_channs = loadtxt(plx_location1 + plx_filename1_prefix + ".txt", delimiter=",") eNe2_channs = loadtxt(plx_location2 + plx_filename2_prefix + ".txt", delimiter=",") plx_location1 = plx_location1 + plx_filename1_prefix + ".plx" plx_location2 = plx_location2 + plx_filename2_prefix + ".plx" plx1 = plexfile.openFile(plx_location1) spike_file1 = plx1.spikes[:].data spike_file1 = remap_spike_channels(spike_file1, eNe1_channs) plx2 = plexfile.openFile(plx_location2) spike_file2 = plx2.spikes[:].data spike_file2 = remap_spike_channels(spike_file2, eNe2_channs) all_channs = np.append(eNe1_channs, eNe2_channs + 96) print "Computing PSTHs." psth_all_trials, smooth_psth_all_trials, labels_all_trials = computePSTH( spike_file1, spike_file2, neural_data_center_hold_times, window_before, window_after, binsize ) psth_lv_trials, smooth_psth_lv_trials, labels_lv_trials = computePSTH( spike_file1, spike_file2, neural_data_center_hold_times[choose_lv], window_before, window_after, binsize ) psth_hv_trials, smooth_psth_hv_trials, labels_hv_trials = computePSTH( spike_file1, spike_file2, neural_data_center_hold_times[choose_hv], window_before, window_after, binsize ) psth_time_window = np.arange(-window_before, window_after - float(binsize) / 1000, float(binsize) / 1000) # Plot PSTHs all together print "Plotting." cmap_all = plt.figure() for i in range(len(all_channs)): unit_name = psth_all_trials.keys()[i] plt.plot( psth_time_window, psth_all_trials[unit_name], color=cmap_all(i / float(len(psth_all_trials))), label=unit_name, ) plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("spks/s") plt.title("PSTH") plt.savefig( "/home/srsummerson/code/analysis/Mario_Performance_figs/" + filename + "_b" + str(block_num) + "_PSTH-CenterHold.svg" ) plt.figure() for i in range(len(all_channs)): unit_name = psth_all_trials.keys()[i] if np.max(smooth_psth_all_trials[unit_name]) > 10: plt.plot( psth_time_window, smooth_psth_all_trials[unit_name], color=cmap_all(i / float(len(psth_all_trials))), label=unit_name, ) plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("spks/s") plt.title("Smooth PSTH") plt.legend() plt.savefig( "/home/srsummerson/code/analysis/Mario_Performance_figs/" + filename + "_b" + str(block_num) + "_SmoothPSTH-CenterHold.svg" ) plt.figure() for i in range(len(all_channs)): unit_name = psth_lv_trials.keys()[i] if np.max(smooth_psth_lv_trials[unit_name]) > 20: plt.plot( psth_time_window, smooth_psth_lv_trials[unit_name], color=cmap_all(i / float(len(psth_lv_trials))), label=unit_name, ) plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("spks/s") plt.title("Smooth PSTH for Trials with LV Target Selection") plt.legend() plt.savefig( "/home/srsummerson/code/analysis/Mario_Performance_figs/" + filename + "_b" + str(block_num) + "_SmoothPSTH-CenterHold-LV.svg" ) plt.figure() for i in range(len(all_channs)): unit_name = psth_hv_trials.keys()[i] if np.max(smooth_psth_hv_trials[unit_name]) > 20: plt.plot( psth_time_window, smooth_psth_hv_trials[unit_name], color=cmap_all(i / float(len(psth_hv_trials))), label=unit_name, ) plt.xlabel("Time (s)") plt.ylabel("spks/s") plt.title("Smooth PSTH for Trials with HV Target Selection") plt.legend() plt.savefig( "/home/srsummerson/code/analysis/Mario_Performance_figs/" + filename + "_b" + str(block_num) + "_SmoothPSTH-CenterHold-HV.svg" ) plt.close("all") hdf.close() return
hdf_index_start_reg = np.argmin(np.abs(hdf_rows - state_row_ind_reg[0])) time_start_reg = dio_tdt_sample[hdf_index_start_reg]/dio_freq hdf_index_end_reg = np.argmin(np.abs(hdf_rows - state_row_ind_reg[-1])) time_end_reg = dio_tdt_sample[hdf_index_end_reg]/dio_freq for i in range(0,len(row_ind_successful_reg)): hdf_index = np.argmin(np.abs(hdf_rows - state_row_ind_successful_reg[i])) time_successful_reg[i] = dio_tdt_sample[hdf_index]/dio_freq window_before = 1 window_after = 2 binsize = 100 # Compute PSTH aligned to center hold psth_stress, smooth_psth_stress, labels_stress = computePSTH(spike_file1,spike_file2,time_successful_stress,window_before,window_after, binsize) psth_reg, smooth_psth_reg, labels_reg = computePSTH(spike_file1,spike_file2,time_successful_reg,window_before,window_after, binsize) psth_time_window = np.arange(-window_before,window_after-float(binsize)/1000,float(binsize)/1000) units_with_interesting_firing = ['Ch116_1','Ch9_1','Ch31_1','Ch105_1','Ch104_1','Ch117_1','Ch130_1','Ch124_1'] spikerates_stress, spikerates_sem_stress, labels_stress = computeSpikeRatesPerChannel(spike_file1,spike_file2,time_start_stress,time_end_stress) spikerates_reg, spikerates_sem_reg, labels_reg = computeSpikeRatesPerChannel(spike_file1,spike_file2,time_start_reg,time_end_reg) cmap_stress = plt.figure() for i in range(len(psth_stress)): unit_name = psth_stress.keys()[i] if i % 6 == 0: plt.subplot(2,3,1) plt.plot(psth_time_window,smooth_psth_stress[unit_name],color=cmap_stress(i/float(len(psth_stress))),label=unit_name)