def main(): log_file = "automated_test_result.txt" summary_file = "automated_test_summary.txt" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='pyOCD automated testing') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action="store_true", help='Enable debug logging') args = parser.parse_args() # Setup logging if os.path.exists(log_file): os.remove(log_file) level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=level) logger = Logger(log_file) sys.stdout = logger sys.stderr = logger test_list = [] board_list = [] result_list = [] # Put together list of tests test = Test("Basic Test", lambda board: basic_test(board, None)) test_list.append(test) test_list.append(GdbServerJsonTest()) test_list.append(ConnectTest()) test_list.append(SpeedTest()) test_list.append(CortexTest()) test_list.append(FlashTest()) test_list.append(GdbTest()) # Put together list of boards to test board_list = MbedBoard.getAllConnectedBoards(close=True, blocking=False) start = time() for board in board_list: print("--------------------------") print("TESTING BOARD %s" % board.getUniqueID()) print("--------------------------") for test in test_list: test_start = time() result = test_stop = time() result.time = test_stop - test_start result_list.append(result) stop = time() test_time = (stop - start) print_summary(test_list, result_list, test_time) with open(summary_file, "w") as output_file: print_summary(test_list, result_list, test_time, output_file) exit_val = 0 if Test.all_tests_pass(result_list) else -1 exit(exit_val)
def main(): log_file = "automated_test_result.txt" summary_file = "automated_test_summary.txt" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='pyOCD automated testing') parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action="store_true", help='Enable debug logging') args = parser.parse_args() # Setup logging if os.path.exists(log_file): os.remove(log_file) level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=level) logger = Logger(log_file) sys.stdout = logger sys.stderr = logger test_list = [] board_list = [] result_list = [] # Put together list of tests test = Test("Basic Test", lambda board: basic_test(board, None)) test_list.append(test) test_list.append(GdbServerJsonTest()) test_list.append(SpeedTest()) test_list.append(CortexTest()) test_list.append(FlashTest()) test_list.append(GdbTest()) # Put together list of boards to test board_list = MbedBoard.getAllConnectedBoards(close=True, blocking=False) start = time() for board in board_list: print("--------------------------") print("TESTING BOARD %s" % board.getUniqueID()) print("--------------------------") for test in test_list: test_start = time() result = test_stop = time() result.time = test_stop - test_start result_list.append(result) stop = time() test_time = (stop - start) print_summary(test_list, result_list, test_time) with open(summary_file, "wb") as output_file: print_summary(test_list, result_list, test_time, output_file) exit_val = 0 if Test.all_tests_pass(result_list) else -1 exit(exit_val)
# Setup logging if os.path.exists(log_file): os.remove(log_file) level = logging.DEBUG if args.debug else logging.INFO logging.basicConfig(level=level) logger = Logger(log_file) sys.stdout = logger sys.stderr = logger test_list = [] board_list = [] result_list = [] # Put together list of tests test = Test("Basic Test", lambda board: basic_test(board, None)) test_list.append(test) test_list.append(SpeedTest()) test_list.append(CortexTest()) test_list.append(FlashTest()) test_list.append(GdbTest()) # Put together list of boards to test board_list = MbedBoard.getAllConnectedBoards(close=True, blocking=False) start = time() for board in board_list: print("--------------------------") print("TESTING BOARD %s" % board.getUniqueID()) print("--------------------------") for test in test_list: