def test_basteman_parent(p): from scipy.special import binom from math import log N = 32 a = 27 lmbd = [(i+p+1)*log(a) for i in range(N)] bp = bateman_parent(lmbd, 1) for i, v in enumerate(bp, 1): assert abs(v - _yi1(i, p, a, binom)) < 1e-14
def test_basteman_parent(p): from scipy.special import binom from math import log N = 32 a = 27 lmbd = [(i + p + 1) * log(a) for i in range(N)] bp = bateman_parent(lmbd, 1) for i, v in enumerate(bp, 1): assert abs(v - _yi1(i, p, a, binom)) < 1e-14
def integrate_rd(N=64, geom='f', nspecies=1, nstencil=3, D=2e-3, t0=3.0, tend=7., x0=0.0, xend=1.0, center=None, nt=42, logt=False, logy=False, logx=False, random=False, p=0, a=0.2, linterpol=False, rinterpol=False, ilu_limit=5.0, n_jac_diags=-1, num_jacobian=False, method='bdf', integrator='cvode', iter_type='undecided', linear_solver='default', atol=1e-8, rtol=1e-10, efield=False, random_seed=42, mobility=0.01, plot=False, savefig='None', verbose=False, yscale='linear', vline_limit=100, use_log2=False, Dexpr='[D]*nspecies', check_conserv=False ): # remember: anayltic_N_scaling.main kwargs # Example: # python3 --plot --Dexpr "D*np.exp(10*(x[:-1]+np.diff(x)/2))" if t0 == 0.0: raise ValueError("t0==0 => Dirac delta function C0 profile.") if random_seed: np.random.seed(random_seed) # decay = (nspecies > 1) # n = 2 if decay else 1 center = float(center or x0) tout = np.linspace(t0, tend, nt) assert geom in 'fcs' analytic = { 'f': flat_analytic, 'c': cylindrical_analytic, 's': spherical_analytic }[geom] # Setup the grid logx0 = math.log(x0) if logx else None logxend = math.log(xend) if logx else None if logx and use_log2: logx0 /= math.log(2) logxend /= math.log(2) _x0 = logx0 if logx else x0 _xend = logxend if logx else xend x = np.linspace(_x0, _xend, N+1) if random: x += (np.random.random(N+1)-0.5)*(_xend-_x0)/(N+2) def _k(si): return (si+p)*math.log(a+1) k = [_k(i+1) for i in range(nspecies-1)] rd = ReactionDiffusion( nspecies, [[i] for i in range(nspecies-1)], [[i+1] for i in range(nspecies-1)], k, N, D=eval(Dexpr), z_chg=[1]*nspecies, mobility=[mobility]*nspecies, x=x, geom=geom, logy=logy, logt=logt, logx=logx, nstencil=nstencil, lrefl=not linterpol, rrefl=not rinterpol, ilu_limit=ilu_limit, n_jac_diags=n_jac_diags, use_log2=use_log2 ) if efield: if geom != 'f': raise ValueError("Only analytic sol. for flat drift implemented.") rd.efield = _efield_cb(rd.xcenters) # Calc initial conditions / analytic reference values t = tout.copy().reshape((nt, 1)) yref = analytic(rd.xcenters, t, D, center, x0, xend, -mobility if efield else 0, logy, logx, use_log2).reshape(nt, N, 1) if nspecies > 1: from batemaneq import bateman_parent bateman_out = np.array(bateman_parent(k, tout)).T terminal = (1 - np.sum(bateman_out, axis=1)).reshape((nt, 1)) bateman_out = np.concatenate((bateman_out, terminal), axis=1).reshape( (nt, 1, nspecies)) if logy: yref = yref + rd.logb(bateman_out) else: yref = yref * bateman_out # Run the integration integr = run(rd, yref[0, ...], tout, atol=atol, rtol=rtol, with_jacobian=(not num_jacobian), method=method, iter_type=iter_type, linear_solver=linear_solver, C0_is_log=logy, integrator=integrator) info = if logy: def lin_err(i, j): linref = rd.expb(yref[i, :, j]) linerr = rd.expb(integr.yout[i, :, j])-linref linatol = np.average(yref[i, :, j]) linrtol = linatol return linerr/(linrtol*np.abs(linref)+linatol) if logy: rmsd = np.sum(lin_err(slice(None), slice(None))**2 / N, axis=1)**0.5 else: rmsd = np.sum((yref-integr.yout)**2 / N, axis=1)**0.5 ave_rmsd_over_atol = np.average(rmsd, axis=0)/atol if verbose: # Print statistics from pprint import pprint pprint(info) pprint(ave_rmsd_over_atol) # Plot results if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.figure(figsize=(6, 10)) # colors: (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0.5, 1), ... base_colors = list(product([.5, 1], repeat=3))[1:-1] def color(ci, ti): return np.array(base_colors[ci % len(base_colors)])*tout[ti]/tend for ti in range(nt): plt.subplot(4, 1, 1) for si in range(nspecies): plt.plot(rd.xcenters, integr.Cout[ti, :, si], c=color(si, ti), label=None if ti < nt - 1 else rd.substance_names[si]) plt.subplot(4, 1, 2) for si in range(nspecies): plt.plot(rd.xcenters, rd.expb(yref[ti, :, si]) if logy else yref[ti, :, si], c=color(si, ti)) plt.subplot(4, 1, 3) if logy: for si in range(nspecies): plt.plot(rd.xcenters, lin_err(ti, si)/atol, c=color(si, ti)) else: for si in range(nspecies): plt.plot( rd.xcenters, (yref[ti, :, si] - integr.yout[ti, :, si])/atol, c=color(si, ti)) if N < vline_limit: for idx in range(1, 4): plt.subplot(4, 1, idx) for bi in range(N): plt.axvline(rd.x[bi], color='gray') plt.subplot(4, 1, 1) plt.title('Simulation (N={})'.format(rd.N)) plt.xlabel('x / m') plt.ylabel('C / M') plt.gca().set_yscale(yscale) plt.legend() plt.subplot(4, 1, 2) plt.title('Analytic solution') plt.gca().set_yscale(yscale) plt.subplot(4, 1, 3) plt.title('Linear rel. error / Abs. tol. (={})'.format(atol)) plt.subplot(4, 1, 4) plt.title('RMS error vs. time'.format(atol)) tspan = [tout[0], tout[-1]] for si in range(nspecies): plt.plot(tout, rmsd[:, si] / atol, c=color(si, -1)) plt.plot(tspan, [ave_rmsd_over_atol[si]]*2, c=color(si, -1), ls='--') plt.xlabel('Time / s') plt.ylabel(r'$\sqrt{\langle E^2 \rangle} / atol$') plt.tight_layout() save_and_or_show_plot(savefig=savefig) if check_conserv: tot_amount = np.zeros(tout.size) for ti in range(tout.size): for si in range(nspecies): tot_amount[ti] += rd.integrated_conc(integr.yout[ti, :, si]) if plot: plt.plot(tout, tot_amount) assert np.allclose(tot_amount[0], tot_amount[1:]) return tout, integr.yout, info, ave_rmsd_over_atol, rd, rmsd