def vel_test(): jointCmdPub = rospy.Publisher("/robot/limb/right/joint_command", JointCommand, queue_size=100) rospy.init_node('vel_test') rate = rospy.Rate(1000) i = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown(): jointCmd = JointCommand() jointCmd.mode = JointCommand.VELOCITY_MODE jointCmd.names.append('right_s0') jointCmd.names.append('right_s1') jointCmd.names.append('right_e0') jointCmd.names.append('right_e1') jointCmd.names.append('right_w0') jointCmd.names.append('right_w1') jointCmd.names.append('right_w2') if i < 4000: vel = i / 1000.0 jointCmd.command.append(vel) else: jointCmd.command.append(0.0) i = i + 1 jointCmdPub.publish(jointCmd) rospy.loginfo("%s", jointCmd) rospy.set_param('time', i) rate.sleep()
def main(): rospy.init_node('jointPositionPublisherExample', anonymous=True) pub_joint_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command', JointCommand, queue_size=10) # rospy.Subscriber('/robot/limb/' + 'left' +'/gravity_compensation_torques', SEAJointState, force_sensor_callback) limb = baxter_interface.Limb("left") limb.set_joint_position_speed(0.5) limb.set_command_timeout(120.0) cmdMsg = JointCommand() cmdMsg.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE # q untucked, considered to be the initial q: 'left_w0': 0.669996718047412, 'left_w1': 1.030008750129423, 'left_w2': -0.4999996908801263, 'left_e0': -1.1899720096239292, 'left_e1': 1.940029476507764, 'left_s0': -0.08000000085054282, 'left_s1': -0.9999845808672081 q = limb.joint_angles() #joint configuration q['left_w2'] = 3 cmdMsg.command = q.values() cmdMsg.names = q.keys() print(cmdMsg) pub_joint_cmd.publish(cmdMsg) #positions = dict(zip(self.limb.joint_names(), theta)) rate = rospy.Rate(2) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): printCurJointPos(limb) pub_joint_cmd.publish(cmdMsg) rate.sleep()
def send_to_joint_vals(q, arm='right'): pub_joint_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/' + arm + '/joint_command', JointCommand) command_msg = JointCommand() command_msg.names = generate_joint_names_for_arm(arm) command_msg.command = q command_msg.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE control_rate = rospy.Rate(100) start = rospy.get_time() joint_positions = rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/joint_states", JointState) qc = joint_positions.position[9:16] qc = ([qc[2], qc[3], qc[0], qc[1], qc[4], qc[5], qc[6]]) print('q,qc') print(q) print(qc) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract( q, qc)) > 0.07: pub_joint_cmd.publish( command_msg) # sends the commanded joint values to Baxter control_rate.sleep() joint_positions = rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/joint_states", JointState) qc = (joint_positions.position[9:16]) qc = (qc[2], qc[3], qc[0], qc[1], qc[4], qc[5], qc[6]) print "joint error = ", numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(q, qc)) print((q, qc)) print("In home pose") return (qc[2], qc[3], qc[0], qc[1], qc[4], qc[5], qc[6])
def followTrajectoryFromJointVelocity(self, trajectory, stop=True, limb='left'): if limb == 'left': joint_names = self._left_limb.joint_names() else: joint_names = self._right_limb.joint_names() topic = 'robot/limb/%s/joint_command' % limb pub = rospy.Publisher(topic, JointCommand, queue_size=10) rate = rospy.Rate(50.) VELOCITY_MODE = 2 template = JointCommand() template.mode = VELOCITY_MODE template.names.extend(joint_names) for pair in trajectory: print pair velocities, delta = pair msg = copy.deepcopy(template) msg.command.extend(velocities) pub.publish(msg) rospy.sleep(delta) if stop: velocities = [0.0] * len(joint_names) cmd = dict(zip(joint_names, velocities)) if limb == 'left': self._left_limb.set_joint_velocities(cmd) else: self._right_limb.set_joint_velocities(cmd)
def send_to_joint_vals(q, arm='right'): pub_joint_cmd=rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/' + arm + '/joint_command',JointCommand) command_msg=JointCommand() command_msg.names = generate_joint_names_for_arm(arm) command_msg.command=q command_msg.mode=JointCommand.POSITION_MODE control_rate = rospy.Rate(100) start = rospy.get_time() joint_positions=rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/joint_states",JointState) qc = joint_positions.position[9:16] qc = ([qc[2], qc[3], qc[0], qc[1], qc[4], qc[5], qc[6]]) print('q,qc') print(q) print(qc) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(q,qc))> 0.07: pub_joint_cmd.publish(command_msg) # sends the commanded joint values to Baxter control_rate.sleep() joint_positions=rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/joint_states",JointState) qc = (joint_positions.position[9:16]) qc = (qc[2], qc[3], qc[0], qc[1], qc[4], qc[5], qc[6]) print "joint error = ", numpy.linalg.norm(numpy.subtract(q,qc)) print((q,qc)) print("In home pose") return (qc[2], qc[3], qc[0], qc[1], qc[4], qc[5], qc[6])
def vel_test(q_f_dot, t_dur, t_spent): global CONST_FLAG global STOP_FLAG jointCmdPub = rospy.Publisher("/robot/limb/right/joint_command", JointCommand, queue_size = 100) # rospy.init_node('vel_test') rate_val = 100 rate = rospy.Rate(rate_val) i = 0 print("\n") print(t_dur) print(t_spent) t_dur_sec = float( + float(,9) t = float(t_spent) print("----------------") print(t_dur_sec) print(t_spent) print(t) print("\n") STOP_FLAG = 0 while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not STOP_FLAG: jointCmd = JointCommand() jointCmd.mode = JointCommand.VELOCITY_MODE # print("\n\n\n") # print(t_dur) # print(t_spent) # t_dur_sec = float( + float(,9) # t = float((t_dur_sec - t_spent)) # print("----------------") # print(t_dur_sec) # print(t_spent) # print(t) # print(t + (1/rate_val) # print("\n\n\n") t = float(t) + (1.0/rate_val) # print(t) # publish vels until we are past the duration we set if t < t_dur_sec: for i in range(len(q_f_dot)): jointCmd.names.append(TRAJ_COM.names[i]) jointCmd.command.append(q_f_dot[i]) else: STOP_FLAG = 1 CONST_FLAG = 0; for i in range(len(q_f_dot)): jointCmd.names.append(TRAJ_COM.names[i]) jointCmd.command.append(0) rospy.loginfo("STOP FLAG WAS SET, DURATION WAS UP!") # TrajectoryComamnd. = Duration jointCmdPub.publish(jointCmd) # rospy.loginfo("%s",jointCmd) # rospy.loginfo(q_f_dot) rate.sleep()
def runExperiment(Kp, Kd, Ki, commandHz): bc = BaxterCache() print("Resetting robot") tucker = baxter_tools.Tuck(False) rospy.on_shutdown(tucker.clean_shutdown) tucker.supervised_tuck() rospy.sleep(1) controlTopic = "/robot/limb/right/joint_command" pub = rospy.Publisher(controlTopic, JointCommand, queue_size=20) messageObj = JointCommand() messageObj.mode = JointCommand.TORQUE_MODE messageObj.names = joint_names rate = rospy.Rate(commandHz) print("Waiting for first joint_state message") while bc.joints is None: rate.sleep() print("First joint_state message acquired") print("Waiting for first target_loc message") while bc.get_desired_joints_and_vel() is None: rate.sleep() print("First target_loc message acquired") time.sleep(1) cumulativeJointError = np.zeros(bc.joints.shape) fileName = "results/Results%s.csv" % ("Interp" if bc.trackFuture else "Naive") print("logging to %s" % fileName) with StateLogger(fileName) as logger: it = 0 maxIt = 2000 * commandHz while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # and it < maxIt: des = bc.get_desired_joints_and_vel() if des is None or des[0] is None: continue desired_joints = des[0] desired_dot = des[1] # compute the current joint angles err = bc.joints - desired_joints # note this needs to be scaled by freq of messages cumulativeJointError += err / 1000 * 2 err_dot = bc.joints_dot - desired_dot # log at 40 hz if it % int(max(1, math.floor(commandHz / 30))) == 0: if it % 100 == 0: print(it) logger.log([it, rospy.get_rostime().to_sec()] + bc.end_eff_state + bc.truth) it += 1 torques = compute_torque(err, err_dot, cumulativeJointError, Kp, Kd, Ki) messageObj.command = [float(torque) for torque in torques.tolist()] pub.publish(messageObj) rate.sleep()
def pubTruePos(pos_f, pub): jointCmd = JointCommand() jointCmd.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE for i in range(len(pos_f)): jointCmd.names.append(TRAJ_CMD.names[i]) jointCmd.command.append(pos_f[i]) # publish message pub.publish(jointCmd)
def _send_pos_command(self, pos): self._try_enable() command = JointCommand() command.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE command.names = self._limb.joint_names() #command.position = pos command.command = pos self._cmd_publisher.publish(command)
def __init__(self): # find out the absolute path of model file fname = rospy.get_param('~file') # create publisher and message instances self.leftCommand = JointCommand() self.rightCommand = JointCommand() self.leftPub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command', JointCommand, tcp_nodelay=True, queue_size=1) self.rightPub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command', JointCommand, tcp_nodelay=True, queue_size=1) # load bgplvm model from pickle file self.model = pickle.load(open(fname,'rb')) # parameters for doing latent function inference self.qDim = self.model.X.mean.shape[1] # create a joint_states publisher self.statePub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState, latch=True, queue_size=3) # variables for generating motion self.xMove = 0.0 self.yMove = 0.0 self.startMotion = False # visualize the bgplvm latent space self.maxPoints = MAXPOINTS self.plotVariance = True scales = self.model.kern.input_sensitivity(summarize=False) self.plotIndices = np.argsort(scales)[-2:] self.title = 'Latent Space Visualization' # variables for real-time plotting self.testHandle = None self.pointerColor = GREEN self.pointerHandle = None self.testData = np.empty((0,2)) = self.plotLatent() xmin, xmax = ymin, ymax = self.textHandle = plt.text(xmax/2, ymin+0.3, 'Play Mode: OFF', bbox={'facecolor':'green', 'alpha':0.5, 'pad':10}) # connect the cursor class plt.connect('button_press_event',self.mouseClick) plt.connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouseMove) raw_input('Press enter to finish') return
def moveVelocity(self, joint_values_target, speed, thresh, is_printing=False): """ Velocity controller for Baxter arm movements. """ max_iterations = 5000 step_size = 2.0 for i in range(0, max_iterations): joint_error = numpy.array(self.joint_values) joint_velocity_command = joint_error # calculate joint error, error magnitude, and command velocity joint_error = joint_values_target - joint_error joint_velocity_command = joint_error * step_size error_magnitude = numpy.linalg.norm(joint_error) joint_velocity_command_magnitude = error_magnitude * step_size # if command velocity magnitude exceeds speed, scale it back to speed if joint_velocity_command_magnitude > speed: joint_velocity_command = speed * joint_velocity_command / joint_velocity_command_magnitude # send velocity command to joints values_out = [ joint_velocity_command[2], joint_velocity_command[3], joint_velocity_command[0], joint_velocity_command[1], joint_velocity_command[4], joint_velocity_command[5], joint_velocity_command[6] ] JointCommand(JointCommand.VELOCITY_MODE, values_out, self.joint_names)) if is_printing: print "iteration:", i, "error_magnitude: ", error_magnitude # break loop if close enough to target joint values if error_magnitude < thresh: break rospy.sleep(0.001) # need to reset to position mode; o.w. the robot will disable itself values_out = [ joint_values_target[2], joint_values_target[3], joint_values_target[0], joint_values_target[1], joint_values_target[4], joint_values_target[5], joint_values_target[6] ] JointCommand(JointCommand.POSITION_MODE, values_out, self.joint_names))
def pubVels(q_f_dot, pub): # set up joint command msg jointCmd = JointCommand() jointCmd.mode = JointCommand.VELOCITY_MODE for i in range(len(q_f_dot)): jointCmd.names.append(TRAJ_CMD.names[i]) jointCmd.command.append(q_f_dot[i]) # publish message pub.publish(jointCmd)
def read_file(file): global joint_command_publisher global g_limb global g_left_gripper global g_endpoint_state f=open(file,"r") lines=f.readlines() RATE=0.1 cmd=JointCommand() cmd.mode=1 names=["left_s0","left_s1","left_e0","left_e1","left_w0","left_w1","left_w2"] cmd.names=names print cmd joint_str=lines[0].rstrip().split(',') joints=[float(joint) for joint in joint_str] limb_pos=dict(zip(names,joints[0:7])) is_grasping=is_grasp(joints[7]) if(is_grasping): g_left_gripper.close() else: g_limb.move_to_joint_positions(limb_pos) i=1 while i<len(lines) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): line=lines[i] joint_str=line.rstrip().split(',') joints=[float(joint) for joint in joint_str] if is_grasping != is_grasp(joints[7]): if is_grasp(joints[7]): g_left_gripper.close() is_grasping=True else: cmd.command=joints[0:7] # print joints[0:7] print i joint_command_publisher.publish(cmd) time.sleep(RATE) i=i+1
def publishIKdata(joint_vals, limb): # available control modes: # POSITION_MODE=1 # VELOCITY_MODE=2 # TORQUE_MODE=3 # RAW_POSITION_MODE=4 msg = JointCommand() msg.names = joint_vals.keys() msg.command = joint_vals.values() msg.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE if limb == 'left': pub_left.publish(msg) if limb == 'right': pub_right.publish(msg)
def followTrajectory(self, traj, startSpeed=0.75, endSpeed=0.25, startThresh=0.30, \ endThresh=0.10, forceThresh=float('inf')): '''TODO''' if not self.isMoving: return for i in xrange(len(traj)): if i == len(traj) - 1: self.moveVelocity(traj[i], endSpeed, endThresh, forceThresh=forceThresh) if i == len(traj) - 2: self.moveVelocity(traj[i], 0.5 * startSpeed + 0.5 * endSpeed, startThresh, forceThresh=forceThresh) else: self.moveVelocity(traj[i], startSpeed, startThresh, forceThresh=forceThresh) # send a zero velocity command at the end of the trajectory JointCommand(JointCommand.VELOCITY_MODE, [0] * 7, self.joint_names))
def __init__(self, limb): """ Constructor. @type limb: str @param limb: limb to interface """ = limb self._joint_angle = dict() self._joint_velocity = dict() self._joint_effort = dict() self._cartesian_pose = dict() self._cartesian_velocity = dict() self._cartesian_effort = dict() self._joint_names = { 'left': [ 'left_s0', 'left_s1', 'left_e0', 'left_e1', 'left_w0', 'left_w1', 'left_w2' ], 'right': [ 'right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_e0', 'right_e1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2' ] } ns = '/robot/limb/' + limb + '/' self._command_msg = JointCommand() self._pub_speed_ratio = rospy.Publisher(ns + 'set_speed_ratio', Float64, latch=True) self._pub_joint_cmd = rospy.Publisher(ns + 'joint_command', JointCommand, tcp_nodelay=True) self._pub_joint_cmd_timeout = rospy.Publisher(ns + 'joint_command_timeout', Float64, latch=True) _cartesian_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(ns + 'endpoint_state', EndpointState, self._on_endpoint_states, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True) joint_state_topic = 'robot/joint_states' _joint_state_sub = rospy.Subscriber(joint_state_topic, JointState, self._on_joint_states, queue_size=1, tcp_nodelay=True) err_msg = ("%s limb init failed to get current joint_states " "from %s") % (, joint_state_topic) baxter_dataflow.wait_for(lambda: len(self._joint_angle.keys()) > 0, timeout_msg=err_msg)
def left_pub(commands, names): global left_command_pub """ This function sets your speed for the publisher. Use this function to implement your ideas. :params: x:This is the velocity along x-axis in m/sec. Limits: [-0.3,0.3] y:This is the velocity along y-axis in m/sec. Limits: [-0.3,0.3] wz: This is the angular velocity for turning (yaw) in rad/sec. Limits: [-1,1] :return: Returns a speed message """ joint_cmd = JointCommand() joint_cmd.mode = 1 joint_cmd.command = commands joint_cmd.names = names left_command_pub.publish(joint_cmd)
def getpose(): pub_joint_cmd=rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command',JointCommand) command_msg=JointCommand() command_msg.names=['right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_e0', 'right_e1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2'] command_msg.mode=JointCommand.POSITION_MODE control_rate = rospy.Rate(100) start = rospy.get_time() joint_positions=rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/joint_states",JointState) qc = (joint_positions.position[9:16]) angles = [qc[2],qc[3],qc[0],qc[1],qc[4],qc[5],qc[6]] pub_joint_cmd=rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command',JointCommand) command_msg=JointCommand() command_msg.names=['right_e1'] command_msg.command=[0] command_msg.mode=JointCommand.POSITION_MODE control_rate = rospy.Rate(100) start = rospy.get_time() exit = 0 listener2=tf.TransformListener() #the transformations now=rospy.Time() listener2.waitForTransform("/torso","/right_hand",now,rospy.Duration(1.0)) (trans08,rot08)=listener2.lookupTransform("/torso","/right_hand",now) # Get 4*4 rotational matrix from quaternion ( 4th colume is [0][0][0][1]) R08 = transformations.quaternion_matrix(rot08) T08 = numpy.vstack((numpy.column_stack((R08[0:3,0:3], numpy.transpose(numpy.array(trans08)))),[0,0,0,1])) return (angles, T08)
def callback(comm): msg = PoseStamped() msg.header.seq = 0 msg.header.stamp = rospy.get_rostime() msg.header.frame_id = 'base' msg.pose = comm.pose arr = SolvePositionIKRequest() arr.pose_stamp.append(msg) arr.seed_mode = 0 print arr left_ik_addr = '/ExternalTools/left/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService' right_ik_addr = '/ExternalTools/right/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService' if rospy.get_param('/robot/unityros/movelock') == True: return try: left_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy(left_ik_addr, SolvePositionIK) right_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy(right_ik_addr, SolvePositionIK) if comm.limb == 'left': ik = left_ik(arr) else: ik = right_ik(arr) right_limb = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command', JointCommand, queue_size=1) left_limb = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command', JointCommand, queue_size=1) message = JointCommand() message.mode = 1 message.command = ik.joints[0].position message.names = ik.joints[0].name rospy.loginfo(message) right_limb.publish(message) left_limb.publish(message) except rospy.ServiceException, e: print 'Service call failed: %s' % e
def main(): rospy.init_node('baxter_arm') rospy.loginfo('main method called') rate = rospy.Rate(10) pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command', JointCommand, queue_size=1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): msg = JointCommand() msg.mode = msg.POSITION_MODE msg.names = { 'right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2', 'right_e0', 'right_e1' } msg.command = {0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0} pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep()
def callback(data): time_now = rospy.Time().now() if (time_now.secs - data.header.stamp.secs > 1 | time_now.nsecs - data.header.stamp.nsecs > 500000000): return print "accept command" commandPose = data.pose limb_name = data.header.frame_id limb = baxter_interface.Limb(limb_name) currentPose = limb.endpoint_pose() while not ("position" in currentPose): currentPose = limb.endpoint_pose() newPose = dict() newPose = { 'position': Point( commandPose.position.x, commandPose.position.y, commandPose.position.z, ), 'orientation': Quaternion( commandPose.orientation.x, commandPose.orientation.y, commandPose.orientation.z, commandPose.orientation.w, ), } kinematics = baxter_kinematics(limb_name) inverseKinematics = kinematics.inverse_kinematics(newPose["position"], newPose["orientation"]) if not (inverseKinematics == None): inverseKinematicsSolution = list() for num in inverseKinematics.tolist(): inverseKinematicsSolution.append(num) inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand = JointCommand() inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.mode = 1 inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.names = limb.joint_names() inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.command = inverseKinematicsSolution pub.publish(inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand)
def move_list_smooth_wobble(neutral=False, arm=None, p_list=0, timeout=default_timeout, threshold=default_threshold, speed=default_speed): arm = arm.lower() if speed > 1.0: speed = 1.0 elif speed <= 0.0: speed = 0.1 if arm == 'l': arm = 'left' elif arm == 'r': arm = 'right' if arm == 'left' or arm == 'right': limb = baxter_interface.Limb(arm) limb.set_joint_position_speed(speed) if neutral: limb.move_to_neutral() for positions in p_list: position = dictToList(limb, positions) pub_joints = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/' + arm + '/joint_command', JointCommand, queue_size=5) cmd_msg = JointCommand() cmd_msg.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE cmd_msg.names = [ arm + '_w0', arm + '_w1', arm + '_w2', arm + '_e0', arm + '_e1', arm + '_s0', arm + '_s1' ] cmd_msg.names = [ arm + '_w0', arm + '_w1', arm + '_w2', arm + '_e0', arm + '_e1', arm + '_s0', arm + '_s1' ] bo_finish = False while not bo_finish and not rospy.is_shutdown(): cmd_msg.command = position pub_joints.publish(cmd_msg) time.sleep(0.19) bo_finish = not checkThreshold(limb, position, threshold) if neutral: limb.move_to_neutral() limb.set_joint_position_speed(default_speed) else: print("Error: {} is not a valid limb".format(arm))
def move_to_ja(self, waypoints, duration=1.5): """ :param waypoints: List of joint angle arrays. If len(waypoints) == 1: then go directly to point. Otherwise: take trajectory that ends at waypoints[-1] and passes through each intermediate waypoint :param duration: Total time trajectory will take before ending """ self._try_enable() jointnames = self._limb.joint_names() prev_joint = np.array([self._limb.joint_angle(j) for j in jointnames]) waypoints = np.array([prev_joint] + waypoints) spline = CSpline(waypoints, duration) start_time = rospy.get_time() # in seconds finish_time = start_time + duration # in seconds time = rospy.get_time() while time < finish_time: pos, velocity, acceleration = spline.get(time - start_time) command = JointCommand() command.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE command.names = jointnames command.command = pos #command.velocity = np.clip(velocity, -max_vel_mag, max_vel_mag) #command.acceleration = np.clip(acceleration, -max_accel_mag, max_accel_mag) self._cmd_publisher.publish(command) self._control_rate.sleep() time = rospy.get_time() for i in xrange(10): command = JointCommand() command.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE command.names = jointnames #command.position = waypoints[-1] command.command = waypoints[-1] self._cmd_publisher.publish(command) self._control_rate.sleep()
def callback(data): #time_now = rospy.Time().now() #if (time_now.secs - data.header.stamp.secs > 1): # rospy.loginfo("time stamp too old, ignore...") # return commandPose = data.pose limb_name = data.header.frame_id; limb = baxter_interface.Limb(limb_name) newPose = dict() newPose = { 'position': Point( commandPose.position.x, commandPose.position.y, commandPose.position.z, ), 'orientation': Quaternion( commandPose.orientation.x, commandPose.orientation.y, commandPose.orientation.z, commandPose.orientation.w, ), } kinematics = baxter_kinematics(limb_name) inverseKinematics = kinematics.inverse_kinematics(newPose["position"], newPose["orientation"]) if not (inverseKinematics == None): inverseKinematicsSolution = list() for num in inverseKinematics.tolist(): inverseKinematicsSolution.append(num) inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand = JointCommand() inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.mode = 1 inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.names = limb.joint_names() inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.command = inverseKinematicsSolution commandSolutionPublisher.publish(inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand) # publish to command subscriber to check compute commandCheckPublisher.publish(String("done"))
def callback(data): time_now = rospy.Time().now() if (time_now.secs - data.header.stamp.secs > 1 | time_now.nsecs - data.header.stamp.nsecs > 500000000): return print "accept command" commandPose = data.pose limb_name = data.header.frame_id; limb = baxter_interface.Limb(limb_name) currentPose = limb.endpoint_pose() while not ("position" in currentPose): currentPose = limb.endpoint_pose() newPose = dict() newPose = { 'position': Point( commandPose.position.x, commandPose.position.y, commandPose.position.z, ), 'orientation': Quaternion( commandPose.orientation.x, commandPose.orientation.y, commandPose.orientation.z, commandPose.orientation.w, ), } kinematics = baxter_kinematics(limb_name) inverseKinematics = kinematics.inverse_kinematics(newPose["position"], newPose["orientation"]) if not (inverseKinematics == None): inverseKinematicsSolution = list() for num in inverseKinematics.tolist(): inverseKinematicsSolution.append(num) inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand = JointCommand() inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.mode = 1 inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.names = limb.joint_names() inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand.command = inverseKinematicsSolution pub.publish(inverseKinematicsSolutionJointCommand)
def stopMoving(self): lcmd = JointCommand() rcmd = JointCommand() lcmd.names = self.baxter_larm_names rcmd.names = self.baxter_rarm_names lcmd.mode = rcmd.mode = POSITION_MODE lcmd.command = [] for n in lcmd.names: index = lcmd.command.append(self.currentJointStates.position[index]) rcmd.command = [] for n in rcmd.names: index = rcmd.command.append(self.currentJointStates.position[index]) self.pub_larm.publish(lcmd) self.pub_rarm.publish(rcmd) self.pub_hnod.publish(False)
def getpose(): pub_joint_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command', JointCommand) command_msg = JointCommand() command_msg.names = [ 'right_s0', 'right_s1', 'right_e0', 'right_e1', 'right_w0', 'right_w1', 'right_w2' ] command_msg.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE control_rate = rospy.Rate(100) start = rospy.get_time() joint_positions = rospy.wait_for_message("/robot/joint_states", JointState) qc = (joint_positions.position[9:16]) angles = [qc[2], qc[3], qc[0], qc[1], qc[4], qc[5], qc[6]] pub_joint_cmd = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command', JointCommand) command_msg = JointCommand() command_msg.names = ['right_e1'] command_msg.command = [0] command_msg.mode = JointCommand.POSITION_MODE control_rate = rospy.Rate(100) start = rospy.get_time() exit = 0 listener2 = tf.TransformListener() #the transformations now = rospy.Time() listener2.waitForTransform("/torso", "/right_hand", now, rospy.Duration(1.0)) (trans08, rot08) = listener2.lookupTransform("/torso", "/right_hand", now) # Get 4*4 rotational matrix from quaternion ( 4th colume is [0][0][0][1]) R08 = transformations.quaternion_matrix(rot08) T08 = numpy.vstack((numpy.column_stack( (R08[0:3, 0:3], numpy.transpose(numpy.array(trans08)))), [0, 0, 0, 1])) return (angles, T08)
def __init__(self, input_topics, output_topic): limb = 'left' for topic in input_topics: rospy.Subscriber(topic, std_msgs.msg.Float64, callback=self.message_receive, callback_args=topic) self.names = ['s0', 's1', 'e0', 'e1', 'w0', 'w1', 'w2'] self.msg = JointCommand() self.msg.mode = JointCommand.TORQUE_MODE self.msg.names = list() for name in self.names: self.msg.names.append(limb + '_' + name) self.msg.command = [0] * 7 = rospy.Publisher(output_topic, JointCommand, queue_size=1) self.rate = rospy.Rate(100) self.publish_loop()
def __init__(self, model_file, max_points, timer_freq, dim1, dim2, resolution, manual): # create joint angle commands and corresponding publishers self.left_command = JointCommand(names=LEFT_NAMES, mode=JointCommand.POSITION_MODE) self.right_command = JointCommand(names=RIGHT_NAMES, mode=JointCommand.POSITION_MODE) self.left_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command', JointCommand, tcp_nodelay=True, queue_size=1) self.right_pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command', JointCommand, tcp_nodelay=True, queue_size=1) # load mrd model from pickle file self.mrd_model = GPy.load(model_file) mrd_X = self.mrd_model.X.mean self.mrd_point_count = mrd_X.shape[0] if self.mrd_point_count > max_points: rospy.logwarn('Mean contains more samples. Shape: (%d, %d)' % mrd_X.shape) downsample_indices = np.random.choice(self.mrd_point_count, size=max_points, replace=False) mrd_X = mrd_X[downsample_indices] # parameters for doing latent function inference self.q_dim = mrd_X.shape[1] self.latent_X = np.zeros((1, self.q_dim)) self.dim1 = dim1 self.dim2 = dim2 self.resolution = resolution self.mrd_X = mrd_X[:, [self.dim1, self.dim2]] title = 'Baxter Whill Movement using MRD' fig, (self.ax1, self.ax2) = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=2, figsize=(10, 4)) self.plot_latent_space() self.plot_whill_movement() fig.canvas.set_window_title(title) self.text_handle = self.ax1.text(0.8, 0.1, 'Play Mode: OFF', horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', transform=self.ax1.transAxes, bbox={ 'facecolor': 'green', 'alpha': 0.5, 'pad': 6 }) self.counter = 0 self.whill_move_handle = None self.latent_cursor_handle = None if manual: fig.suptitle( 'Predicted Whill movements are not sent to the Whill controller', fontstyle='italic', color='red') # variables for mouse cursor based motion self.mouse_xy = np.zeros((1, 2)) self.start_motion = False self.cursor_color = 'red' # connect the cursor class fig.canvas.mpl_connect('button_press_event', self.mouse_click) fig.canvas.mpl_connect('motion_notify_event', self.mouse_move) fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.80) else: self.whill_move = None self.init_ros_whillpy() self.cursor_color = 'green' self.text_handle.set_text('Automatic Mode: ON') # create a timer to follow the mean trajectory self.ros_timer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration(1 / timer_freq), self.timer_callback) # adjust the space at the bottom fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15)
def process(self): if self.currentAssemblyState==None: #not enabled, return print "Waiting for /robot/state..." time.sleep(1.0) return if self.currentAssemblyState.stopped: print "Robot is stopped" time.sleep(1.0) return if self.currentJointStates==None: print "Waiting for joint states to be published..." time.sleep(1.0) return if self.lastUpdateTime == None: self.lastUpdateTime = self.currentJointStates.header.stamp return self.currentTime = self.currentJointStates.header.stamp #convert to Klamp't message klamptInput = dict() klamptInput['t'] = self.currentTime.to_sec() klamptInput['dt'] = self.currentTime.to_sec() - self.lastUpdateTime.to_sec() if klamptInput['dt'] == 0.0: #no new clock messages read return klamptInput['q'] = [0.0]*self.robot_model.numLinks() klamptInput['dq'] = [0.0]*self.robot_model.numLinks() klamptInput['torque'] = [0.0]*self.robot_model.numDrivers() for i,n in enumerate( if n not in self.nameToLinkIndex: if n != 'torso_t0': print "Ignoring state of link",n continue klamptIndex = self.nameToLinkIndex[n] klamptInput['q'][klamptIndex] = self.currentJointStates.position[i] if len(self.currentJointStates.velocity) > 0: klamptInput['dq'][klamptIndex] = self.currentJointStates.velocity[i] if len(self.currentJointStates.effort) > 0: driverIndex = self.nameToDriverIndex[n] klamptInput['torque'][driverIndex] = self.currentJointStates.effort[i] #if self.currentHeadState != None: # klamptInput['q'][self.head_pan_link_index] = self.currentHeadState.pan #output is defined in SerialController klamptReply = self.output(**klamptInput) if klamptReply == None: return False #now conver the Klamp't reply to a Baxter command lcmd = JointCommand() rcmd = JointCommand() lcmd.names = self.baxter_larm_names rcmd.names = self.baxter_rarm_names hpcmd = HeadPanCommand() hncmd = Bool() if 'qcmd' in klamptReply: #use position mode lcmd.mode = rcmd.mode = POSITION_MODE q = klamptReply['qcmd'] lcmd.command = [q[self.nameToLinkIndex[n]] for n in lcmd.names] rcmd.command = [q[self.nameToLinkIndex[n]] for n in rcmd.names] = q[self.head_pan_link_index] hpcmd.speed = q[self.head_pan_link_index] elif 'dqcmd' in klamptReply: lcmd.mode = rcmd.mode = VELOCITY_MODE dq = klamptReply['dqcmd'] lcmd.command = [dq[self.nameToLinkIndex[n]] for n in lcmd.names] rcmd.command = [dq[self.nameToLinkIndex[n]] for n in rcmd.names] hpcmd = None elif 'torquecmd' in klamptReply: lcmd.mode = rcmd.mode = TORQUE_MODE torque = klamptReply['torquecmd'] lcmd.command = [torque[self.nameToDriverIndex[n]] for n in lcmd.names] rcmd.command = [torque[self.nameToDriverIndex[n]] for n in rcmd.names] hpcmd = None else: lcmd = rcmd = None hpcmd = None hncmd = None if self.currentAssemblyState.estop_button != AssemblyState.ESTOP_BUTTON_UNPRESSED: print "Estop is on..." time.sleep(1.0) elif not self.currentAssemblyState.enabled: print "Waiting for robot to turn on..." time.sleep(1.0) else: #publish the messages if lcmd: self.pub_larm.publish(lcmd) if rcmd: self.pub_rarm.publish(rcmd) if hpcmd: self.pub_hpan.publish(hpcmd) if hncmd: self.pub_hnod.publish(hncmd) self.lastUpdateTime = self.currentTime return True
def setJoints(self, angles, mode=1): self.mode = mode self.goalc = Point(*self.bk.forward_position_kinematics_arg2p(angles)) names = [name for name in iter(angles)] angles = [angles[name] for name in iter(angles)] self.jointCmd = JointCommand(mode, angles, names)
def main(): rospy.init_node('trayectoria_circular') #Ponemos RATE de mensaje rate = rospy.Rate(20) #Creamos objeto PUBLICADOR pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command',JointCommand,queue_size=10) arg_fmt = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=arg_fmt) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--limb", dest="limb", default="left", choices=['left', 'right'], help="joint trajectory limb" ) parser.add_argument( "-R", "--radius", dest="radius", default=0.2, type=float, help="trajectory radius" ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--velocity", dest="velocity", default=5.0, type=float, help="trajectory velocity" ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--revolution", dest="revolution", default=0.9, type=float, help="Revolutions" ) args = parser.parse_args(rospy.myargv()[1:]) #print(sys.argv[1]); kin = baxter_kinematics(args.limb) limb = baxter_interface.Limb(args.limb) timeout = args.velocity/10.0 radio = args.radius decremento = 0.001 posiciones = []; centro_y = 0.35 centro_z = 0.1 if args.limb == 'right': centro_y = centro_y * (-1) # FK Position limb.move_to_neutral() kp = kin.forward_position_kinematics() #Array donde vamos acumulando configuraciones q1,q2,...,qn para seguir la trayectoria #Util para control por Torques con PID posiciones.append(kp); #Centro de la Circunferencia pos = [kp[0],kp[1]-centro_y,kp[2]+centro_z] rot = [kp[3],kp[4],kp[5],kp[6]] #Calculamos configuracion Qcentro l = kin.inverse_kinematics(pos, rot) m = {args.limb +'_w0': l[4], args.limb + '_w1': l[5], args.limb +'_w2': l[6], args.limb +'_e0': l[2], args.limb +'_e1': l[3], args.limb +'_s0': l[0], args.limb +'_s1': l[1]} #Movemos al centro de la circunferencia limb.move_to_joint_positions(m) posiciones.append(l); puntos_circunferencia = [] puntos_circunferencia2 = [] #Calculamos los valores que tomara Z y que nos servira para calcular Y posteriormente valoresTomar = [] i = 1 while(i >= -0.5): valoresTomar.append(i) i = i - decremento #Calculamos las posiciones para describir circunferencia en plano ZY for z in valoresTomar: c = 2*pos[1] b = (-1)*(-z*z + 2*z*pos[2] + radio*radio - pos[2]*pos[2] - pos[1]*pos[1]) if c*c - 4*b > 0: y = (c + sqrt(c*c - 4*b)) / 2 y2 = (c - sqrt(c*c - 4*b)) / 2 puntos_circunferencia.append([y,z]) puntos_circunferencia2.append([y2,z]) Posiciones = [] Rotaciones = [] ErroresPos = [] ErroresRot = [] #Vamos PUBLICANDO las posiciones que deseamos alcanzar para seguir la trayectoria #Creamos MENSAJE msg = JointCommand() #Modo - 1 (CONTROL POR POSICION) msg.mode = 1 msg.names = [args.limb +'_w0',args.limb + '_w1',args.limb +'_w2',args.limb +'_e0',args.limb +'_e1',args.limb +'_s0',args.limb +'_s1'] for p in puntos_circunferencia2: kp = kin.forward_position_kinematics() #Calculamos (x,y,z) pos = [kp[0],p[0],p[1]] #Calculamos tupla Orientacion (i,j,w,k) rot = [kp[3],kp[4],kp[5],kp[6]] #Calculamos (theta1,...) para (x,y,z) l = kin.inverse_kinematics(pos, rot) #Posicion Valida if l != None: Posiciones.append(pos) Rotaciones.append(rot) msg.command = [l[4],l[5],l[6],l[2],l[3],l[0],l[1]] pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep() ErroresRot.append(rot) posiciones.append(l); else: print(p); ErroresPos.append(pos) puntos_circunferencia = puntos_circunferencia[::-1] for p in puntos_circunferencia: kp = kin.forward_position_kinematics() pos = [kp[0],p[0],p[1]] rot = [kp[3],kp[4],kp[5],kp[6]] l = kin.inverse_kinematics(pos, rot) if l != None: Posiciones.append(pos) Rotaciones.append(rot) msg.command = [l[4],l[5],l[6],l[2],l[3],l[0],l[1]] pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep() posiciones.append(l); else: ErroresPos.append(pos) ErroresRot.append(rot) #Caso de que queramos realizar la trayectoria en mas de una ocasion n_vueltas = args.revolution k = 1 while k < n_vueltas: for i in range(len(Posiciones)): pos = Posiciones[i] rot = Rotaciones[i] l = kin.inverse_kinematics(pos, rot) msg.command = [l[4],l[5],l[6],l[2],l[3],l[0],l[1]] pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep() k = k+1'trayectoriaC',np.array(posiciones));
def main(): rospy.init_node('trayectoria_rombo') #Definimos el RATE de publicacion de mensajes en ROS rate = rospy.Rate(10) #Creamos objeto PUBLICADOR pub = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command', JointCommand, queue_size=10) arg_fmt = argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=arg_fmt) parser.add_argument("-l", "--limb", dest="limb", default="left", choices=['left', 'right'], help="joint trajectory limb") parser.add_argument("-v", "--velocity", dest="velocity", default=5.0, type=float, help="trajectory velocity") #Leemos los argumentos dados como entrada args = parser.parse_args(rospy.myargv()[1:]) kin = baxter_kinematics(args.limb) limb = baxter_interface.Limb(args.limb) timeout = args.velocity / 10.0 n_mov = 32 # Movemos a posicion neutral limb.move_to_neutral() # Consultamos la posicion actual en formato : (x,y,z) y (i,j,w,k) kp = kin.forward_position_kinematics() #Limites del rombo a describir limite_inferior_y = -1.5 limite_inferior_z = -0.8 proporcionY = limite_inferior_y / n_mov proporcionZ = limite_inferior_z / n_mov if args.limb == 'right': proporcionY = proporcionY * (-1) #Creamos MENSAJE msg = JointCommand() #Modo - 1 (CONTROL POR POSICION) msg.mode = 1 msg.names = [ args.limb + '_w0', args.limb + '_w1', args.limb + '_w2', args.limb + '_e0', args.limb + '_e1', args.limb + '_s0', args.limb + '_s1' ] #Vamos describiendo la trayectoria de Rombo for i in range(n_mov): kp = kin.forward_position_kinematics() if i < n_mov // 2: pos = [kp[0], kp[1] + proporcionY, kp[2] - proporcionZ] else: pos = [kp[0], kp[1] + proporcionY, kp[2] + proporcionZ] rot = [kp[3], kp[4], kp[5], kp[6]] l = kin.inverse_kinematics(pos, rot) if l != None: msg.command = [l[4], l[5], l[6], l[2], l[3], l[0], l[1]] pub.publish(msg) rate.sleep() for i in range(n_mov): kp = kin.forward_position_kinematics() if i < n_mov // 2: pos = [kp[0], kp[1] - proporcionY, kp[2] + proporcionZ] else: pos = [kp[0], kp[1] - proporcionY, kp[2] - proporcionZ] rot = [kp[3], kp[4], kp[5], kp[6]] theta_i = kin.inverse_kinematics(pos, rot) if theta_i != None: m = { args.limb + '_w0': theta_i[4], args.limb + '_w1': theta_i[5], args.limb + '_w2': theta_i[6], args.limb + '_e0': theta_i[2], args.limb + '_e1': theta_i[3], args.limb + '_s0': theta_i[0], args.limb + '_s1': theta_i[1] } limb.move_to_joint_positions(m, timeout)
def execute_path(data_path): left_limb_commander = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/left/joint_command', JointCommand, queue_size=10) right_limb_commander = rospy.Publisher('/robot/limb/right/joint_command', JointCommand, queue_size=10) head_pan_commander = rospy.Publisher('/robot/head/command_head_pan', HeadPanCommand, queue_size=10) head_nod_commander = rospy.Publisher('/robot/head/command_head_nod', Bool, queue_size=10) rospy.init_node('joint_commander', anonymous=True) traj = get_trajectory(data_path) for joint_state in traj: left_limb_joint_names = [] left_limb_joint_values = [] right_limb_joint_names = [] right_limb_joint_values = [] head_pan_target = None head_nod = False joint_state = literal_eval(joint_state) for joint_name, state in joint_state.items(): if joint_name.startswith('left'): left_limb_joint_names.append(joint_name) left_limb_joint_values.append(state) elif joint_name.startswith('right'): right_limb_joint_names.append(joint_name) right_limb_joint_values.append(state) elif joint_name == "head_pan": head_pan_target = state elif joint_name == "head_nod": if abs(state) > 0: head_nod = True else: head_nod = False left_command = JointCommand() left_command.mode = 1 left_command.names = left_limb_joint_names left_command.command = left_limb_joint_values right_command = JointCommand() right_command.mode = 1 right_command.names = right_limb_joint_names right_command.command = right_limb_joint_values head_pan_command = HeadPanCommand() = head_pan_target head_pan_command.speed = 0.1 head_nod_command = Bool() = head_nod left_limb_commander.publish(left_command) right_limb_commander.publish(right_command) head_pan_commander.publish(head_pan_command) head_nod_commander.publish(head_nod_command) rospy.loginfo("State reached...")
def calcularFitness(individual, qObjs): fitness = 0 KP = np.array(individual[0:7]) KD = np.array(individual[7:14]) KI = np.array(individual[14:21]) m = { 'left_w0': 0.0, 'left_w1': 0.0, 'left_w2': 0.0, 'left_e0': 0.0, 'left_e1': 0.0, 'left_s0': -1.0, 'left_s1': 0.0 } limb.move_to_joint_positions(m) #Creamos MENSAJE msg = JointCommand() #Modo - 1 (CONTROL POR POSICION) msg.mode = 3 msg.names = [ 'left_s0', 'left_s1', 'left_e0', 'left_e1', 'left_w0', 'left_w1', 'left_w2' ] errores = [] errores2 = [] dt = [] t = 0 i = 0 q_sensores = [] kinematics = baxter_kinematics('left') while i < len(qObjs): dt.append(time.clock()) qDes = qObjs[i] angles = limb.joint_angles() q = np.array([ angles['left_s0'], angles['left_s1'], angles['left_e0'], angles['left_e1'], angles['left_w0'], angles['left_w1'], angles['left_w2'] ]) q_sensores.append(q) error = np.array(qDes - q) errores.append(error) if i != 0: der = (errores[len(errores) - 1] - errores[len(errores) - 2]) / ( dt[len(dt) - 2] - dt[len(dt) - 1]) torque = KP * error + KD * np.array(der) else: der = errores[len(errores) - 1] torque = KP * error + KD * np.array(der) m = { 'left_w0': torque[4], 'left_w1': torque[5], 'left_w2': torque[6], 'left_e0': torque[2], 'left_e1': torque[3], 'left_s0': torque[0], 'left_s1': torque[1] } msg.command = [ torque[0], torque[1], torque[2], torque[3], torque[4], torque[5], torque[6] ] pub.publish(msg) #Publicamos el mensaje rate.sleep() #Esperamos para conseguir el rate deseado #limb.set_joint_torques(m) for l in range(len(error)): fitness = fitness + error[l] * error[l] i = i + 10 print(fitness) return fitness