def endpoint_pose(self): """ Returns the pose of the end effector :return: [[x, y, z], [x, y, z, w]] """ pose = Limb.endpoint_pose(self) return [[pose['position'].x, pose['position'].y, pose['position'].z], [pose['orientation'].x, pose['orientation'].y, pose['orientation'].z, pose['orientation'].w]]
def endpoint_pose(self): """ Returns the pose of the end effector :return: [[x, y, z], [x, y, z, w]] """ pose = Limb.endpoint_pose(self) return [[pose['position'].x, pose['position'].y, pose['position'].z], [ pose['orientation'].x, pose['orientation'].y, pose['orientation'].z, pose['orientation'].w ]]
def mover_setup(self): limb = Limb("right") # Right arm planner self.planner = PathPlanner("right_arm") # Left arm planner self.planner_left = PathPlanner("left_arm") place_holder = {'images': [], 'camera_infos': []} #Create the function used to call the service compute_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_ik', GetPositionIK) count = 0 print(limb.endpoint_pose()) calibration_points = [] if ROBOT == "sawyer": Kp = 0.2 * np.array([0.4, 2, 1.7, 1.5, 2, 2, 3]) Kd = 0.01 * np.array([2, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) Ki = 0.01 * np.array([1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) Kw = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) else: Kp = 0.45 * np.array([0.8, 2.5, 1.7, 2.2, 2.4, 3, 4]) Kd = 0.015 * np.array([2, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) Ki = 0.01 * np.array([1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) Kw = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) # Controller for right arm self.c = Controller(Kp, Ki, Kd, Kw, Limb('right')) self.orien_const = OrientationConstraint() self.orien_const.link_name = "right_gripper"; self.orien_const.header.frame_id = "base"; self.orien_const.orientation.y = -1.0; self.orien_const.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1; self.orien_const.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1; self.orien_const.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 0.1; self.orien_const.weight = 1.0; box = PoseStamped() box.header.frame_id = "base" box.pose.position.x = box.pose.position.y = # box.pose.position.z = box.pose.position.z = self.conveyor_z # box.pose.position.x = 0.5 # box.pose.position.y = 0.0 # box.pose.position.z = 0.0 box.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 box.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 box.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 box.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 self.planner.add_box_obstacle((100, 100, 0.00001), "box", box) # Controller for left arm self.c_left = Controller(Kp, Ki, Kd, Kw, Limb('left'))
class Baxter(object): """ Iinterface for controlling the real and simulated Baxter robot. """ def __init__(self, sim=False, config=None, time_step=1.0, rate=100.0, missed_cmds=20000.0): """ Initialize Baxter Interface Args: sim (bool): True specifies using the PyBullet simulator False specifies using the real robot arm (str): 'right' or 'left' control (int): Specifies control type TODO: change to str ['ee', 'position', 'velocity'] config (class): Specifies joint ranges, ik null space paramaters, etc time_step (float): TODO: probably get rid of this rate (float): missed_cmds (float): """ self.sim = sim self.dof = { 'left': { 'ee': 6, 'position': 7, 'velocity': 7 }, 'right': { 'ee': 6, 'position': 7, 'velocity': 7 }, 'both': { 'ee': 12, 'position': 14, 'velocity': 14 } } if self.sim: import pybullet as p import baxter_pybullet_interface as pybullet_interface self.baxter_path = "assets/baxter_robot/baxter_description/urdf/baxter.urdf" self.time_step = time_step else: import rospy from baxter_pykdl import baxter_kinematics import baxter_interface from baxter_interface import CHECK_VERSION, Limb, Gripper from geometry_msgs.msg import PoseStamped, Pose, Point, Quaternion from std_msgs.msg import Header from baxter_core_msgs.srv import SolvePositionIK, SolvePositionIKRequest self.rate = rate self.freq = 1 / rate self.missed_cmds = missed_cmds self.config = config self.initial_setup() def set_command_time_out(self): """ Set command timeout for sending ROS commands """ if self.sim: pass else: self.left_arm.set_command_timeout(self.freq * self.missed_cmds) self.right_arm.set_command_timeout(self.freq * self.missed_cmds) return def initial_setup(self): if self.sim: # load baxter objects = [p.loadURDF(self.baxter_path, useFixedBase=True)] self.baxter_id = objects[0] print("baxter_id: ", self.baxter_id) if self.config: self.use_nullspace = True self.use_orientation = True self.ll = self.config.nullspace.ll self.ul = self.config.nullspace.ul self.jr = self.config.nullspace.jr self.rp = self.config.nullspace.rp else: self.use_nullspace = False self.create_arms() else: self.create_arms() self.set_command_time_out() self.control_rate = rospy.Rate(self.rate) def reset(self, initial_pose=None): if self.sim: self._reset_sim(initial_pose) else: self._reset_real(initial_pose) def _reset_real(self, initial_pose=None): self.enable() time.sleep(0.5) self.set_initial_position('right') self.set_initial_position('left', blocking=True) self.calibrate_grippers() def _reset_sim(self, control_type=None, initial_pose=None): # set control type if control_type == 'position' or control_type == 'ee' or control_type is None: control_mode = p.POSITION_CONTROL elif control_type == 'velocity': control_mode = p.VELOCITY_CONTROL elif control_mode == 'torque': control_mode = p.TORQUE_CONTROL else: raise ValueError( "control_type must be in ['position', 'ee', 'velocity', 'torque']." ) # set initial position if initial_pose: for joint_index, joint_val in initial_pose: p.resetJointState(0, joint_index, joint_val) p.setJointMotorControl2(self.baxter_id, jointIndex=joint_index, controlMode=control_mode, targetPosition=joint_val) else: num_joints = p.getNumJoints(self.baxter_id) for joint_index in range(num_joints): p.setJointMotorControl2(self.baxter_id, joint_index, control_mode, maxForce=self.config.max_force) return def create_arms(self): """ Create arm interface objects for Baxter. An arm consists of a Limb and its Gripper. """ # create arm objects if self.sim: self.left_arm = pybullet_interface.Limb(self.baxter_id, "left", self.config) # self.left_arm.gripper = pybullet_interface.Gripper("left") self.right_arm = pybullet_interface.Limb(self.baxter_id, "right", self.config) # self.right_arm.gripper = pybullet_interface.Gripper("right") else: self.left_arm = Limb("left") self.left_arm.gripper = Gripper("left") self.left_arm.kin = baxter_kinematics("left") self.right_arm = Limb("right") self.right_arm.gripper = Gripper("right") self.right_arm.kin = baxter_kinematics("right") return def calibrate_grippers(self): """ (Blocking) Calibrates gripper(s) if not yet calibrated """ if not self.left_arm.gripper.calibrated(): self.left_arm.gripper.calibrate() if not self.right_arm.gripper.calibrated(): self.right_arm.gripper.calibrate() return def enable(self): self._rs = baxter_interface.RobotEnable(CHECK_VERSION) self._init_state = self._rs.state().enabled self._rs.enable() def shutdown(self): pass def set_joint_velocities(self, arm, joint_velocities): """ Set joint velocites for a given arm Args arm (str): 'left' or 'right' or 'both' joint_velocities (list or tuple or numpy array): Array of len 7 or 14 """ if arm == 'left': action_dict = self.create_action_dict('left', 'velocity', joint_velocities) self.left_arm.set_joint_velocities(action_dict) elif arm == 'right': action_dict = self.create_action_dict('right', 'velocity', joint_velocities) self.right_arm.set_joint_velocities(action_dict) elif arm == 'both': l_velocities = joint_velocities[:7] r_velocities = joint_velocities[7:] l_action_dict = self.create_action_dict('left', 'velocity', l_velocities) r_action_dict = self.create_action_dict('right', 'velocity', r_velocities) self.left_arm.set_joint_velocities(l_action_dict) self.right_arm.set_joint_velocities(r_action_dict) return def move_to_joint_positions(self, arm, joint_positions): """ Move specified arm to give joint positions (This function is blocking.) Args arm (str): 'left' or 'right' or 'both' joint_positionns (list or tuple or numpy array): Array of len 7 or 14 """ if arm == 'left': action_dict = self.create_action_dict('left', 'position', joint_positions) self.left_arm.move_to_joint_positions(action_dict) elif arm == 'right': action_dict = self.create_action_dict('right', 'position', joint_positions) self.right_arm.move_to_joint_positions(action_dict) elif arm == 'both': l_joints = joint_positions[:7] r_joints = joint_positions[7:] l_action_dict = self.create_action_dict('left', 'position', l_joints) r_action_dict = self.create_action_dict('right', 'position', r_joints) self.left_arm.move_to_joint_positions(l_action_dict) self.right_arm.move_to_joint_positions(r_action_dict) return def set_joint_positions(self, arm, joint_positions): """ Move specified arm to give joint positions (This function is not blocking.) Args arm (str): 'left' or 'right' or 'both' joint_positionns (list or tuple or numpy array): Array of len 7 or 14 """ if arm == 'left': action_dict = self.create_action_dict('left', 'position', joint_positions) self.left_arm.set_joint_positions(action_dict) elif arm == 'right': action_dict = self.create_action_dict('right', 'position', joint_positions) self.right_arm.set_joint_positions(action_dict) elif arm == 'both': l_joints = joint_positions[:7] r_joints = joint_positions[7:] l_action_dict = self.create_action_dict('left', 'position', l_joints) r_action_dict = self.create_action_dict('right', 'position', r_joints) self.left_arm.set_joint_positions(l_action_dict) self.right_arm.set_joint_positions(r_action_dict) return def move_to_ee_pose(self, arm, pose, blocking=True): """ Move end effector to specified pose Args arm (string): "left" or "right" or "both" pose (list): if arm == 'left' or arm == 'right': pose = [X, Y, Z, r, p, w] else: pose = left_pose + right _pose """ if arm == "both": left_pose = pose[:6] right_pose = pose[6:] left_joints = self.ik('left', left_pose) right_joints = self.ik('right', right_pose) if blocking: self.left_arm.move_to_joint_positions(left_joints) self.right_arm.move_to_joint_positions(right_joints) else: self.left_arm.set_joint_positions(left_joints) self.right_arm.set_joint_positions(right_joints) elif arm == "left": joints = self.ik(arm, pose) if blocking: self.left_arm.move_to_joint_positions(joints) else: self.left_arm.set_joint_positions(joints) elif arm == "right": joints = self.ik(arm, pose) if blocking: self.right_arm.move_to_joint_positions(joints) else: self.right_arm.set_joint_positions(joints) else: raise ValueError("Arm must be 'right', 'left', or 'both'") return def get_ee_pose(self, arm, mode=None): """ Returns end effector pose for specified arm. End effector pose is a list of values corresponding to the 3D cartesion coordinates and roll (r), pitch (p), and yaw (w) Euler angles. Args arm (string): "right" or "left" mode (string): "Quaternion" or "quaterion" or "quat" Returns pose (list): Euler angles [X,Y,Z,r,p,w] or Quaternion [X,Y,Z,x,y,z,w] """ if arm == 'left' or arm == 'right': pos = self.get_ee_position(arm) orn = self.get_ee_orientation(arm, mode) return pos + orn elif arm == 'both': l_pos = self.get_ee_position('left') l_orn = self.get_ee_orientation('left', mode) r_pos = self.get_ee_position('right') r_orn = self.get_ee_orientation('right', mode) return l_pos + l_orn + r_pos + r_orn def get_ee_position(self, arm): """ Returns end effector position for specified arm. Returns the 3D cartesion coordinates of the end effector. Args arm (string): "left" or "right" or "both" Returns [X,Y,Z] """ if arm not in ['left', 'right', 'both']: raise ValueError("Arg arm should be 'left' or 'right' or 'both'.") if arm == "left": return list(self.left_arm.endpoint_pose()['position']) elif arm == "right": return list(self.right_arm.endpoint_pose()['position']) elif arm == "both": return list(self.left_arm.endpoint_pose()['position']) + list( self.right_arm.endpoint_pose()['position']) def get_ee_orientation(self, arm, mode=None): """ Returns a list of the orientations of the end effectors(s) Args arm (string): "right" or "left" or "both" mode (string): specifies angle representation Returns orn (list): list of Euler angles or Quaternion """ if arm not in ['left', 'right', 'both']: raise ValueError("Arg arm should be 'left' or 'right'.") if arm == "left": orn = list(self.left_arm.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) elif arm == "right": orn = list(self.right_arm.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) elif arm == "both": orn = list(self.left_arm.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) + list( self.right_arm.endpoint_pose()['orientation']) return list(p.getEulerFromQuaternion(orn)) def get_joint_angles(self, arm): """ Get joint angles for specified arm Args arm(strin): "right" or "left" or "both" Returns joint_angles (list): List of joint angles starting from the right_s0 ('right_upper_shoulder') and going down the kinematic tree to the end effector. """ if arm == "left": joint_angles = self.left_arm.joint_angles() elif arm == "right": joint_angles = self.right_arm.joint_angles() elif arm == "both": joint_angles = self.left_arm.joint_angles( ) + self.right_arm.joint_angles() else: raise ValueError("Arg arm should be 'left' or 'right' or 'both'.") if not self.sim: joint_angles = joint_angles.values() return joint_angles def get_joint_velocities(self, arm): """ Get joint velocites for specified arm """ if arm == "left": return self.left_arm.joint_velocities() elif arm == "right": return self.right_arm.joint_velocities() elif arm == "both": return self.left_arm.joint_velocities( ) + self.right_arm.joint_velocities() else: raise ValueError("Arg arm should be 'left' or 'right' or 'both'.") if not self.sim: joint_velocities = joint_velocities.values() return joint_velocities def get_joint_efforts(self, arm): """ Get joint torques for specified arm """ if arm == "left": return self.left_arm.joint_effort() elif arm == "right": return self.right_arm.joint_efforts() elif arm == "both": return self.left_arm.joint_efforts( ) + self.right_arm.joint_efforts() else: raise ValueError("Arg arm should be 'left' or 'right' or 'both'.") if not self.sim: joint_efforts = joint_efforts.values() return def apply_action(self, arm, control_type, action): """ Apply a joint action Blocking on real robot Args action - list or tuple specifying end effector pose(6DOF * num_arms) or joint angles (7DOF * num_arms) """ # verify action verified, err = self._verify_action(arm, control_type, action) if not verified: raise err # execute action if control_type == 'position': self._apply_position_control(arm, action) elif control_type == 'ee': self._apply_ee_control(arm, action) elif control_type == 'velocity': self._apply_velocity_control(arm, action) elif control_type == 'torque': self._apply_torque_control(arm, action) else: raise ValueError( "Control type must be ['ee', 'position', 'velocity', 'torque']" ) def _verify_action(self, arm, control_type, action): """ Verify type and dimension of action Args arm (str): "left" or "right" or "both" action (list): list of floats len will vary depending on action type Returns bool: True if action is right dimension, false otherwise """ if arm not in ["left", "right", "both"]: return False, ValueError("Arg arm must be string") if control_type not in ['ee', 'position', 'velocity', 'torque']: return False, ValueError( "Arg control_type must be one of ['ee', 'position', 'velocity', 'torque']" ) if not isinstance(action, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): return False, TypeError("Action must be a list or tuple.") if len(action) != self.dof[arm][control_type]: return False, ValueError("Action must have len {}".format( self.dof * num_arms)) return True, "" def _apply_torque_control(self, arm, action): """ As of right now, setting joint torques does not does not command the robot as expected """ raise NotImplementedError( 'Cannot apply torque control. Try using joint position or velocity control' ) def _apply_velocity_control(self, arm, action): """ Apply velocity control to a given arm Args arm (str): 'right' or 'left' action (list, tuple, or numpy array) of len 7 """ if self.sim: pass else: if arm == 'left': action_dict = self self.right_arm.set_joint_velocities if arm == 'right': pass if arm == 'both': pass return def _apply_position_control(self, arm, action, blocking=True): """ Apply a joint action Args: arm (str): 'right', 'left', or 'both' action - list or array of joint angles blocking (bool): If true, wait for arm(s) to reach final position(s) """ action = list(action) if blocking: self.move_to_joint_positions(arm, action) else: self.set_joint_positions(arm, action) return def _apply_ee_control(self, arm, action, blocking=True): """ Apply action to move Baxter end effector(s) Args arm (str): 'left' or 'right' or 'both' action (list, tuple, or numpy array) blocking: Bool """ action = list(action) if self.sim: if arm == 'left' or arm == 'right': self.move_to_ee_pose(arm, action) elif arm == 'both': if self.sim: joint_indices = self.left_arm.indices + self.right_arm.indices self.left_arm.move_to_joint_positions( actions, joint_indices) else: self.move_to_ee_pose(arm, action, blocking) return def fk(self, arm, joints): """ Calculate forward kinematics Args arm (str): 'right' or 'left' joints (list): list of joint angles Returns pose(list): [x,y,z,r,p,w] """ if arm == 'right': pose = list(self.right_arm.kin.forward_position_kinematics(joints)) elif arm == 'left': pose = list(self.left_arm.kin.forward_position_kinematics(joints)) else: raise ValueError("Arg arm must be 'right' or 'left'") return pose[:3] + list(self.quat_to_euler(pose[3:])) def _ik(self, arm, pos, orn=None, seed=None): """ Calculate inverse kinematics Args arm (str): 'right' or 'left' pos (list): [X, Y, Z] orn (list): [r, p, w] seed (int): for setting random seed Returns joint angles (list): A list of joint angles Note: This will probably fail if orn is not included """ if orn is not None: orn = list(self.euler_to_quat(orn)) if arm == 'right': joint_angles = self.right_arm.kin.inverse_kinematics(pos, orn) elif arm == 'left': joint_angles = self.left_arm.kin.inverse_kinematics(pos, orn, seed) else: raise ValueError("Arg arm must be 'right' or 'left'") return list(joint_angles.tolist()) def ik(self, arm, ee_pose): """ Calculate inverse kinematics for a given end effector pose Args ee_pose (list or tuple of floats): 6 dimensional array specifying the position and orientation of the end effector arm (string): "right" or "left" Return joints (list): A list of joint angles """ if self.sim: joints = self._sim_ik(arm, ee_pose) else: joints = self._real_ik(arm, ee_pose) if not joints: print("IK failed. Try running again or changing the pose.") return joints def _sim_ik(self, arm, ee_pose): """ (Sim) Calculate inverse kinematics for a given end effector pose Args: ee_pose (tuple or list): [pos, orn] of desired end effector pose pos - x,y,z orn - r,p,w arm (string): "right" or "left" Returns: joint_angles (list): List of joint angles """ if arm == 'right': ee_index = self.right_arm.ee_index elif arm == 'left': ee_index = self.left_arm.ee_index elif arm == 'both': pass else: raise ValueError("Arg arm must be 'left', 'right', or 'both'.") pos = ee_pose[:3] orn = ee_pose[3:] if (self.use_nullspace == 1): if (self.use_orientation == 1): joints = p.calculateInverseKinematics(self.baxter_id, ee_index, pos, orn, self.ll, self.ul, self.jr, self.rp) else: joints = p.calculateInverseKinematics(self.baxter_id, ee_index, pos, lowerLimits=self.ll, upperLimits=self.ul, jointRanges=self.jr, restPoses=self.rp) else: if (self.use_orientation == 1): joints = p.calculateInverseKinematics(self.baxter_id, ee_index, pos, orn, jointDamping=self.jd) else: joints = p.calculateInverseKinematics(self.baxter_id, ee_index, pos) return joints def _real_ik(self, arm, ee_pose): """ (Real) Calculate inverse kinematics for a given end effector pose Args: ee_pose (tuple or list): [pos, orn] of desired end effector pose pos - x,y,z orn - r,p,w Returns: joint_angles (dict): Dictionary containing {'joint_name': joint_angle} """ pos = ee_pose[:3] orn = ee_pose[3:] orn = self.euler_to_quat(orn) ns = "ExternalTools/" + arm + "/PositionKinematicsNode/IKService" iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(ns, SolvePositionIK) ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() hdr = Header(, frame_id='base') ik_pose = PoseStamped() ik_pose.pose.position.x = pos[0] ik_pose.pose.position.y = pos[1] ik_pose.pose.position.z = pos[2] ik_pose.pose.orientation.x = orn[0] ik_pose.pose.orientation.y = orn[1] ik_pose.pose.orientation.z = orn[2] ik_pose.pose.orientation.w = orn[3] ik_pose.header = hdr ikreq.pose_stamp.append(ik_pose) try: rospy.wait_for_service(ns, 5.0) resp = iksvc(ikreq) limb_joints = dict( zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position)) return limb_joints except (rospy.ServiceException, rospy.ROSException), e: # rospy.logerr("Service call failed: %s" % (e,)) return
def move(x, y, z, box_in): planner = PathPlanner("right_arm") #TODO: Add constraint restricting z > 0. #Wait for the IK service to become available #rospy.wait_for_service('compute_ik') #rospy.init_node('service_query') place_holder = {'images': [], 'camera_infos': []} #rospy.Subscriber("/cameras/head_camera/image", Image, lambda x: place_holder['images'].append(x)) #rospy.Subscriber("/cameras/head_camera/camera_info", CameraInfo, lambda x: place_holder['camera_infos'].append(x)) limb = Limb("right") #print(limb) #Create the function used to call the service compute_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_ik', GetPositionIK) count = 0 print(limb.endpoint_pose()) calibration_points = [] # while not rospy.is_shutdown() and count < 3: # #calibration points 1-3, closest to robot right = origin, closest to robot left, id_card 3 3/8 inches forward from first point # ''' # /cameras/head_camera/camera_info # /cameras/head_camera/camera_info_std # /cameras/head_camera/image # ''' # count += 1 # raw_input("calibrate point " + str(count)) # pos = limb.endpoint_pose() # calibration_points.append({}) # calibration_points[-1]['world_coordinates'] = (pos['position'].x, pos['position'].y, pos['position'].z) # #calibration_points[-1]['camera_info'] = place_holder['camera_infos'][-1] # #calibration_points[-1]['image'] = place_holder['images'][-1] # for i in calibration_points: # print(i['world_coordinates']) if ROBOT == "sawyer": Kp = 0.2 * np.array([0.4, 2, 1.7, 1.5, 2, 2, 3]) Kd = 0.01 * np.array([2, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) Ki = 0.01 * np.array([1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) Kw = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) else: Kp = 0.45 * np.array([0.8, 2.5, 1.7, 2.2, 2.4, 3, 4]) Kd = 0.015 * np.array([2, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) Ki = 0.01 * np.array([1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) Kw = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) ## Add the controller here! IF you uncomment below, you should get the checkoff! c = Controller(Kp, Ki, Kd, Kw, Limb('right')) orien_const = OrientationConstraint() orien_const.link_name = "right_gripper" orien_const.header.frame_id = "base" orien_const.orientation.y = -1.0 orien_const.absolute_x_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orien_const.absolute_y_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orien_const.absolute_z_axis_tolerance = 0.1 orien_const.weight = 1.0 box = PoseStamped() box.header.frame_id = "base" box.pose.position.x = box_in.pose.position.x box.pose.position.y = box_in.pose.position.y box.pose.position.z = box_in.pose.position.z # box.pose.position.x = 0.5 # box.pose.position.y = 0.0 # box.pose.position.z = 0.0 box.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 box.pose.orientation.y = 0.0 box.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 box.pose.orientation.w = 1.0 planner.add_box_obstacle((3, 4, 0.10), "box", box) # planner.add_box_obstacle((box_in.pose.position.x, box_in.pose.position.y, box_in.pose.position.z), "box", box) # ree = input("some text") while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: if ROBOT == "baxter": _x, _y, _z = .67, -.2, .3 #x, y, z = .95, .11, .02 #x, y, z = .7, -.4, .2 print(0) else: raise Exception("not configured for sawyer yet.") goal_1 = PoseStamped() goal_1.header.frame_id = "base" #x, y, and z position goal_1.pose.position.x = _x goal_1.pose.position.y = _y goal_1.pose.position.z = _z #Orientation as a quaternion goal_1.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 goal_1.pose.orientation.y = -1.0 goal_1.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 goal_1.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # Might have to edit this . . . plan = planner.plan_to_pose(goal_1, [orien_const]) raw_input("Press <Enter> to move the right arm to goal pose 1: ") start = time.time() if not c.execute_path(plan): raise Exception("Execution failed") runtime = time.time() - start with open( '/home/cc/ee106a/fa19/class/ee106a-aby/ros_workspaces/final_project_kin/src/kin/src/scripts/timing.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(str(runtime) + ' move above point \n') except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_exc() else: break while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: if ROBOT == "baxter": #x, y, z = .67, -.2, 0 # x, y, z = .79, .04, -.04 pass else: raise Exception("not configured for sawyer yet.") goal_2 = PoseStamped() goal_2.header.frame_id = "base" #x, y, and z position goal_2.pose.position.x = x goal_2.pose.position.y = y goal_2.pose.position.z = z #Orientation as a quaternion goal_2.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 goal_2.pose.orientation.y = -1.0 goal_2.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 goal_2.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # Might have to edit this . . . plan = planner.plan_to_pose(goal_2, [orien_const]) raw_input("Press <Enter> to move the right arm to goal pose 2: ") start = time.time() if not c.execute_path(plan): raise Exception("Execution failed") runtime = time.time() - start with open( '/home/cc/ee106a/fa19/class/ee106a-aby/ros_workspaces/final_project_kin/src/kin/src/scripts/timing.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(str(runtime) + ' move to point \n') except Exception as e: print(e) traceback.print_exc() else: break
tracker.busy = True done = False ik() #print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.") while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown(): c = baxter_external_devices.getch() tracker.track() if tracker.busy == False: tracker.gripper.close() rospy.sleep(0.5) arm = Limb("right") ep_position = arm.endpoint_pose()['position'] ep_orientation = arm.endpoint_pose()['orientation'] place(right,ep_position,ep_orientation,pr,pr_place) rospy.sleep(0.5) pr_place.position.y += 0.2 move(right,pr_place) #move(right,pr_init) print "I am done" done = True if c: #catch Esc or ctrl-c if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']: done = True print ("Program finished")
def main(): planner = PathPlanner("right_arm") #Wait for the IK service to become available #rospy.wait_for_service('compute_ik') rospy.init_node('service_query') place_holder = {'images': [], 'camera_infos': []} rospy.Subscriber("/cameras/head_camera/image", Image, lambda x: place_holder['images'].append(x)) rospy.Subscriber("/cameras/head_camera/camera_info", CameraInfo, lambda x: place_holder['camera_infos'].append(x)) limb = Limb("right") #Create the function used to call the service compute_ik = rospy.ServiceProxy('compute_ik', GetPositionIK) count = 0 print(limb.endpoint_pose()) calibration_points = [] while not rospy.is_shutdown() and count < 3: #calibration points 1-3, closest to robot right = origin, closest to robot left, id_card 3 3/8 inches forward from first point ''' /cameras/head_camera/camera_info /cameras/head_camera/camera_info_std /cameras/head_camera/image ''' count += 1 raw_input("calibrate point " + str(count)) pos = limb.endpoint_pose() calibration_points.append({}) calibration_points[-1]['world_coordinates'] = (pos['position'].x, pos['position'].y, pos['position'].z) calibration_points[-1]['camera_info'] = place_holder['camera_infos'][ -1] calibration_points[-1]['image'] = place_holder['images'][-1] # for i in calibration_points: # print(i['world_coordinates']) if ROBOT == "sawyer": Kp = 0.2 * np.array([0.4, 2, 1.7, 1.5, 2, 2, 3]) Kd = 0.01 * np.array([2, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) Ki = 0.01 * np.array([1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) Kw = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) else: Kp = 0.45 * np.array([0.8, 2.5, 1.7, 2.2, 2.4, 3, 4]) Kd = 0.015 * np.array([2, 1, 2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8]) Ki = 0.01 * np.array([1.4, 1.4, 1.4, 1, 0.6, 0.6, 0.6]) Kw = np.array([0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9]) ## Add the controller here! IF you uncomment below, you should get the checkoff! c = Controller(Kp, Ki, Kd, Kw, Limb('right')) for i in range(10): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: if ROBOT == "baxter": x, y, z = .67, -.2, .108 else: raise Exception("not configured for sawyer yet.") goal_1 = PoseStamped() goal_1.header.frame_id = "base" #x, y, and z position goal_1.pose.position.x = x goal_1.pose.position.y = y goal_1.pose.position.z = z #Orientation as a quaternion goal_1.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 goal_1.pose.orientation.y = -1.0 goal_1.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 goal_1.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # Might have to edit this . . . plan = planner.plan_to_pose(goal_1, []) raw_input( "Press <Enter> to move the right arm to goal pose 1: ") start = time.time() if not c.execute_path(plan): raise Exception("Execution failed") runtime = time.time() - start with open( '/home/cc/ee106a/fa19/class/ee106a-aby/ros_workspaces/final_project_kin/src/kin/src/scripts/timing.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(str(runtime) + ' move above point \n') except Exception as e: print e traceback.print_exc() else: break while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: if ROBOT == "baxter": x, y, z = .67, -.2, 0 else: raise Exception("not configured for sawyer yet.") goal_2 = PoseStamped() goal_2.header.frame_id = "base" #x, y, and z position goal_2.pose.position.x = x goal_2.pose.position.y = y goal_2.pose.position.z = z #Orientation as a quaternion goal_2.pose.orientation.x = 0.0 goal_2.pose.orientation.y = -1.0 goal_2.pose.orientation.z = 0.0 goal_2.pose.orientation.w = 0.0 # Might have to edit this . . . plan = planner.plan_to_pose(goal_2, []) raw_input( "Press <Enter> to move the right arm to goal pose 2: ") start = time.time() if not c.execute_path(plan): raise Exception("Execution failed") runtime = time.time() - start with open( '/home/cc/ee106a/fa19/class/ee106a-aby/ros_workspaces/final_project_kin/src/kin/src/scripts/timing.txt', 'a') as f: f.write(str(runtime) + ' move to point \n') except Exception as e: print e traceback.print_exc() else: break
class Baxter(object): def __init__(self, calibrate_grippers=True): self._baxter_state = RobotEnable() self._left = Limb(LEFT) self._right = Limb(RIGHT) self._limbs = {LEFT: self._left, RIGHT: self._right} self._head = Head() self._left_gripper, self._right_gripper = Gripper(LEFT), Gripper(RIGHT) if calibrate_grippers: self.calibrate() self._left_ikservice = IKService(LEFT) self._right_ikservice = IKService(RIGHT) def calibrate(self): self._left_gripper.calibrate() self._left_gripper_max = self._left_gripper.position() self._right_gripper.calibrate() self._right_gripper_max = self._right_gripper.position() @property def left_gripper_max(self): return self._left_gripper_max @property def right_gripper_max(self): return self._right_gripper_max @property def left_gripper(self): return self._left_gripper.position() @left_gripper.setter def left_gripper(self, position): self._left_gripper.command_position(position) @property def right_gripper(self): return self._right_gripper.position() @right_gripper.setter def right_gripper(self, position): self._right_gripper.command_position(position) def set_left_joints(self, angles): joints = self._left.joint_angles() for joint, angle in angles.iteritems(): if angle: joints[joint] = angle self.enable_check() self._left.set_joint_positions(joints) def set_right_joints(self, angles): joints = self._right.joint_angles() for joint, angle in angles.iteritems(): if angle: joints[joint] = angle self.enable_check() self._right.set_joint_positions(joints) def reset_limb(self, side): angles = {joint: 0.0 for joint in self._limbs[side].joint_angles()} self.enable_check() self._limbs[side].move_to_joint_positions(angles) def enable_check(self): # Sometimes robot is disabled due to another program resetting state if not self._baxter_state.state().enabled: self._baxter_state.enable() @property def joints(self): joints = { limb: joint.joint_angles() for limb, joint in self._limbs.iteritems() } return joints @property def enabled(self): return self._baxter_state.state().enabled @property def left_s0(self): return self._left.joint_angle('left_s0') @left_s0.setter def left_s0(self, angle): self.set_left_joints({'left_s0': angle}) @property def left_s1(self): return self._left.joint_angle('left_s1') @left_s1.setter def left_s1(self, angle): self.set_left_joints({'left_s1': angle}) @property def left_e0(self): return self._left.joint_angle('left_e0') @left_e0.setter def left_e0(self, angle): self.set_left_joints({'left_e0': angle}) @property def left_e1(self): return self._left.joint_angle('left_e1') @left_e1.setter def left_e1(self, angle): self.set_left_joints({'left_e1': angle}) @property def left_w0(self): return self._left.joint_angle('left_w0') @left_w0.setter def left_w0(self, angle): self.set_left_joints({'left_w0': angle}) @property def left_w1(self): return self._left.joint_angle('left_w1') @left_w1.setter def left_w1(self, angle): self.set_left_joints({'left_w1': angle}) @property def left_w2(self): return self._left.joint_angle('left_w2') @left_w2.setter def left_w2(self, angle): self.set_left_joints({'left_w2': angle}) @property def right_s0(self): return self._right.joint_angle('right_s0') @right_s0.setter def right_s0(self, angle): self.set_right_joints({'right_s0': angle}) @property def right_s1(self): return self._right.joint_angle('right_s1') @right_s1.setter def right_s1(self, angle): self.set_right_joints({'right_s1': angle}) @property def right_e0(self): return self._right.joint_angle('right_e0') @right_e0.setter def right_e0(self, angle): self.set_right_joints({'right_e0': angle}) @property def right_e1(self): return self._right.joint_angle('right_e1') @right_e1.setter def right_e1(self, angle): self.set_right_joints({'right_e1': angle}) @property def right_w0(self): return self._right.joint_angle('right_w0') @right_w0.setter def right_w0(self, angle): self.set_right_joints({'right_w0': angle}) @property def right_w1(self): return self._right.joint_angle('right_w1') @right_w1.setter def right_w1(self, angle): self.set_right_joints({'right_w1': angle}) @property def right_w2(self): return self._right.joint_angle('right_w2') @right_w2.setter def right_w2(self, angle): self.set_right_joints({'right_w2': angle}) @property def left_position(self): return self._left.endpoint_pose()['position'] @property def left_position_x(self): return self.left_position.x @left_position_x.setter def left_position_x(self, point): self.set_left_pose(position={'x': point}) @property def left_position_y(self): return self.left_position.y @left_position_y.setter def left_position_y(self, point): self.set_left_pose(position={'y': point}) @property def left_position_z(self): return self.left_position.z @left_position_z.setter def left_position_z(self, point): self.set_left_pose(position={'z': point}) @property def left_orientation(self): return self._left.endpoint_pose()['orientation'] @property def left_orientation_x(self): return self.left_orientation.x @left_orientation_x.setter def left_orientation_x(self, point): self.set_left_pose(orientation={'x': point}) @property def left_orientation_y(self): return self.left_orientation.y @left_orientation_y.setter def left_orientation_y(self, point): self.set_left_pose(orientation={'y': point}) @property def left_orientation_z(self): return self.left_orientation.z @left_orientation_z.setter def left_orientation_z(self, point): self.set_left_pose(orientation={'z': point}) @property def left_orientation_w(self): return self.left_orientation.w @left_orientation_w.setter def left_orientation_w(self, point): self.set_left_pose(orientation={'w': point}) @property def right_position(self): return self._right.endpoint_pose()['position'] @property def right_orientation(self): return self._right.endpoint_pose()['orientation'] def set_left_pose(self, position={}, orientation={}): pos = { 'x': self.left_position_x, 'y': self.left_position_y, 'z': self.left_position_z, } for key, value in position.iteritems(): pos[key] = value orient = { 'x': self.left_orientation_x, 'y': self.left_orientation_y, 'z': self.left_orientation_z, 'w': self.left_orientation_w, } for key, value in orientation.iteritems(): orient[key] = value pos = self._left_ikservice.solve_position( Pose(position=Point(**pos), orientation=Quaternion(**orient))) if pos: self.set_left_joints(pos) else: print 'nothing' #print self.joints @property def right_position(self): return self._right.endpoint_pose()['position'] @property def right_position_x(self): return self.right_position.x @right_position_x.setter def right_position_x(self, point): self.set_right_pose(position={'x': point}) @property def right_position_y(self): return self.right_position.y @right_position_y.setter def right_position_y(self, point): self.set_right_pose(position={'y': point}) @property def right_position_z(self): return self.right_position.z @right_position_z.setter def right_position_z(self, point): self.set_right_pose(position={'z': point}) @property def right_orientation(self): return self._right.endpoint_pose()['orientation'] @property def right_orientation_x(self): return self.right_orientation.x @right_orientation_x.setter def right_orientation_x(self, point): self.set_right_pose(orientation={'x': point}) @property def right_orientation_y(self): return self.right_orientation.y @right_orientation_y.setter def right_orientation_y(self, point): self.set_right_pose(orientation={'y': point}) @property def right_orientation_z(self): return self.right_orientation.z @right_orientation_z.setter def right_orientation_z(self, point): self.set_right_pose(orientation={'z': point}) @property def right_orientation_w(self): return self.right_orientation.w @right_orientation_w.setter def right_orientation_w(self, point): self.set_right_pose(orientation={'w': point}) @property def right_position(self): return self._right.endpoint_pose()['position'] @property def right_orientation(self): return self._right.endpoint_pose()['orientation'] def set_right_pose(self, position={}, orientation={}): pos = { 'x': self.right_position_x, 'y': self.right_position_y, 'z': self.right_position_z, } for key, value in position.iteritems(): pos[key] = value orient = { 'x': self.right_orientation_x, 'y': self.right_orientation_y, 'z': self.right_orientation_z, 'w': self.right_orientation_w, } for key, value in orientation.iteritems(): orient[key] = value pos = self._right_ikservice.solve_position( Pose(position=Point(**pos), orientation=Quaternion(**orient))) if pos: self.set_right_joints(pos) @property def head_position(self): return self._head.pan() @head_position.setter def head_position(self, position): self._head.set_pan(position)
def take_sample(): rospy.init_node('Take_sample', anonymous=True) # rospy.Subscriber('/tf', TFMessage, PoseCallback) # rospy.Subscriber('/camera/depth/image_rect_raw', Image, ImgCallback) right_arm = Limb('right') left_arm = Limb('left') cnt = 0 flag_cap = 0 print('start') while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # # show video stream # Wait for a coherent pair of frames: color frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames() color_frame = frames.get_color_frame() if not color_frame: continue # Convert images to numpy arrays color_image = np.asanyarray(color_frame.get_data()) # # Stack both images horizontally # images = np.hstack(color_image) # Show images cv2.namedWindow('RealSense', cv2.WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) cv2.imshow('RealSense', color_image) if flag_cap: # # Take samle # 1. Image cnt = cnt + 1 cv2.imwrite('Img_marker' + str(cnt) + '.jpg', color_image) # 2. End effector Pose ee_pose = left_arm.endpoint_pose() ee_position = ee_pose['position'] ee_orientation = ee_pose['orientation'] quat = [ ee_orientation.x, ee_orientation.y, ee_orientation.z, ee_orientation.w ] T_matrix = quaternion_matrix( quat) # order need to be checked, here is xyzw transl = np.array([ee_position.x, ee_position.y, ee_position.z]) T_matrix[0:3, 3] = transl.T print('id', cnt, 'EE_pose', T_matrix) T_matrix = np.array(T_matrix) f_name = str('EE_pose' + str(cnt) + '.txt') np.savetxt(f_name, T_matrix, fmt='%.6f', delimiter=',') # fo = open('EE_pose' + str(cnt) + '.txt', 'w') # fo.close flag_cap = 0 # reset flag key = cv2.waitKey(50) if key & 0xFF == ord('t'): flag_cap = 1 # set flag elif key & 0xFF == ord('q'): break
tracker = track(pr, pl_init) tracker.busy = True done = False ik() #print("Controlling joints. Press ? for help, Esc to quit.") while not done and not rospy.is_shutdown(): c = baxter_external_devices.getch() tracker.track() if tracker.busy == False: tracker.gripper.close() rospy.sleep(0.5) arm = Limb("right") ep_position = arm.endpoint_pose()['position'] ep_orientation = arm.endpoint_pose()['orientation'] place(right, ep_position, ep_orientation, pr, pr_place) rospy.sleep(0.5) pr_place.position.y += 0.2 move(right, pr_place) #move(right,pr_init) print "I am done" done = True if c: #catch Esc or ctrl-c if c in ['\x1b', '\x03']: done = True print("Program finished")
class BaxterController(): def __init__(self, limb_name, trajectory, offset, radius): # crate a limb instance control the baxter arm self.limb = Limb(limb_name) # numpy joint angle trajectory of nx7 shape self.trajectory = trajectory # index variable to keep track of current row in numpy array self.trajectory_index = 0 # store the joint names since # it will be used later while commanding the limb self.joint_names = self.limb.joint_names() # define a service called 'move_arm_to_waypoint' self.move_arm_to_waypoint_service = rospy.Service( 'move_arm_to_waypoint', Trigger, self.handle_move_arm_to_waypoint) # define another service called 'get_ee_pose' self.get_ee_position_service = rospy.Service( 'get_ee_position', GetEEPosition, self.handle_get_ee_position_service) # flag to set when trajectory is finished self.trajectory_finished = False # define 4x4 transformation for marker wrt end-effector # considering no rotation in 'marker_wrt_ee' transformation matrix self.marker_wrt_ee = np.eye(4) self.marker_wrt_ee[2, -1] = offset + radius # in z direction only def spin(self): # let the ros stay awake and serve the request rate = rospy.Rate(10) while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.trajectory_finished: rate.sleep() # wait some time before stopping the node so that the service request returns if any rospy.sleep(1) self.get_ee_position_service.shutdown() self.move_arm_to_waypoint_service.shutdown() rospy.logdebug('Shutting down the baxter controller node') rospy.signal_shutdown('User requested') def handle_get_ee_position_service(self, request): # create a response object for the 'GetEEPose' service ee_pose = self.limb.endpoint_pose() # get rotation matrix from quaternion. 'quaternion_matrix' # returns 4x4 HTM with translation set to sero ee_wrt_robot = quaternion_matrix(ee_pose['orientation']) ee_wrt_robot[:-1, -1] = ee_pose['position'] # update the translation # marker wrt robot = marker_wrt_ee * ee_wrt_robot marker_wrt_robot = response = GetEEPositionResponse() response.position.x = marker_wrt_robot[0, -1] response.position.y = marker_wrt_robot[1, -1] response.position.z = marker_wrt_robot[2, -1] return response def handle_move_arm_to_waypoint(self, request): # create a response object for the trigger service response = TriggerResponse() # check if the trajectory finished trajectory_finished = self.trajectory_index >= self.trajectory.shape[0] # if trajectory isn't finished if not trajectory_finished: # get the latest joint values from given trajectory joint_values = trajectory[self.trajectory_index, :] # create command, i.e., a dictionary of joint names and values command = dict(zip(self.joint_names, joint_values)) # move the limb to given joint angle try: self.limb.move_to_joint_positions(command) response.message = 'Successfully moved arm to the following waypoint %s' % command except rospy.exceptions.ROSException: response.message = 'Error while moving arm to the following waypoint %s' % command finally: # increment the counter self.trajectory_index += 1 else: response.message = 'Arm trajectory is finished already' # set the success parameter of the response object response.success = trajectory_finished # set the flag just before returning from the function so that it is # almost certain that the service request is returned successfully self.trajectory_finished = trajectory_finished return response
class IKHelper(object): """An abstraction layer for using Baxter's built in IK service.""" ############################################################################ def __init__(self): self._left_arm = Limb('left') self._left_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.3) self._right_arm = Limb('right') self._right_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.3) self._left_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(_IKSVC_LEFT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._right_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy(_IKSVC_RIGHT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._joint_update_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/robot/joint_state_publish_rate', UInt16) self._joint_update_pub.publish(250) ############################################################################ def reset(self): """Reset both arms to their neutral positions.""" self._left_arm.move_to_neutral() self._right_arm.move_to_neutral() def set_left(self, pos, rot=(0, math.pi, math.pi * 0.5), wait=False): """Set the endpoint of the left arm to the supplied coordinates. Arguments: pos -- Position in space in (x, y, z) format. rot -- Rotation in space in (r, p, y) format. (defaults to pointing downwards.) Keyword arguments: wait -- If True, method will block until in position. (default False) """ self._set_arm(self._left_iksvc, self._left_arm, pos, rot, wait) def set_left(self, pos, rot=(0, math.pi, math.pi * 0.5), wait=False): """Set the endpoint of the right arm to the supplied coordinates. Arguments: pos -- Position in space in (x, y, z) format. rot -- Rotation in space in (r, p, y) format. (defaults to pointing downwards.) Keyword arguments: wait -- If True, method will block until in position. (default False) """ self._set_arm(self._right_iksvc, self._right_arm, pos, rot, wait) def get_left(self): """Return the current endpoint pose of the left arm.""" return self._left_arm.endpoint_pose()['position'] def get_right(self): """Return the current endpoint pose of the left arm.""" return self._right_arm.endpoint_pose()['position'] def get_left_velocity(self): """Return the current endpoint velocity of the left arm.""" return self._left_arm.endpoint_velocity()['linear'] def get_right_velocity(self): """Return the current endpoint velocity of the right arm.""" return self._right_arm.endpoint_velocity()['linear'] def get_left_force(self): """Return the current endpoint force on the left arm.""" return self._left_arm.endpoint_effort()['force'] def get_right_force(self): """Return the current endpoint force on the right arm.""" return self._right_arm.endpoint_effort()['force'] ############################################################################ def _set_arm(self, iksvc, limb, pos, rot, wait): resp = self._get_ik(iksvc, pos, rot) positions = resp[0] isValid = resp[1] if not isValid: print('invalid: {0} {1} {2}'.format(x, y, z)) if not wait: limb.set_joint_positions(positions) else: limb.move_to_joint_positions(positions) def _get_ik(self, iksvc, pos, rot): q = quaternion_from_euler(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]) pose = PoseStamped( header=Header(, frame_id='base'), pose=Pose(position=Point( x=pos[0], y=pos[1], z=pos[2], ), orientation=Quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3])), ) ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() ikreq.pose_stamp.append(pose) iksvc.wait_for_service(5.0) resp = iksvc(ikreq) positions = dict(zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position)) return (positions, resp.isValid[0])
class IKHelper(object): """An abstraction layer for using Baxter's built in IK service.""" ############################################################################ def __init__(self): self._left_arm = Limb('left') self._left_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.3) self._right_arm = Limb('right') self._right_arm.set_joint_position_speed(0.3) self._left_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy( _IKSVC_LEFT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._right_iksvc = rospy.ServiceProxy( _IKSVC_RIGHT_URI, SolvePositionIK) self._joint_update_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/robot/joint_state_publish_rate', UInt16) self._joint_update_pub.publish(250) ############################################################################ def reset(self): """Reset both arms to their neutral positions.""" self._left_arm.move_to_neutral() self._right_arm.move_to_neutral() def set_left(self, pos, rot=(0, math.pi, math.pi *0.5), wait=False): """Set the endpoint of the left arm to the supplied coordinates. Arguments: pos -- Position in space in (x, y, z) format. rot -- Rotation in space in (r, p, y) format. (defaults to pointing downwards.) Keyword arguments: wait -- If True, method will block until in position. (default False) """ self._set_arm(self._left_iksvc, self._left_arm, pos, rot, wait) def set_left(self, pos, rot=(0, math.pi, math.pi *0.5), wait=False): """Set the endpoint of the right arm to the supplied coordinates. Arguments: pos -- Position in space in (x, y, z) format. rot -- Rotation in space in (r, p, y) format. (defaults to pointing downwards.) Keyword arguments: wait -- If True, method will block until in position. (default False) """ self._set_arm(self._right_iksvc, self._right_arm, pos, rot, wait) def get_left(self): """Return the current endpoint pose of the left arm.""" return self._left_arm.endpoint_pose()['position'] def get_right(self): """Return the current endpoint pose of the left arm.""" return self._right_arm.endpoint_pose()['position'] def get_left_velocity(self): """Return the current endpoint velocity of the left arm.""" return self._left_arm.endpoint_velocity()['linear'] def get_right_velocity(self): """Return the current endpoint velocity of the right arm.""" return self._right_arm.endpoint_velocity()['linear'] def get_left_force(self): """Return the current endpoint force on the left arm.""" return self._left_arm.endpoint_effort()['force'] def get_right_force(self): """Return the current endpoint force on the right arm.""" return self._right_arm.endpoint_effort()['force'] ############################################################################ def _set_arm(self, iksvc, limb, pos, rot, wait): resp = self._get_ik(iksvc, pos, rot) positions = resp[0] isValid = resp[1] if not isValid: print('invalid: {0} {1} {2}'.format(x, y, z)) if not wait: limb.set_joint_positions(positions) else: limb.move_to_joint_positions(positions) def _get_ik(self, iksvc, pos, rot): q = quaternion_from_euler(rot[0], rot[1], rot[2]) pose = PoseStamped( header=Header(, frame_id='base'), pose=Pose( position=Point( x=pos[0], y=pos[1], z=pos[2], ), orientation=Quaternion(q[0], q[1], q[2], q[3]) ), ) ikreq = SolvePositionIKRequest() ikreq.pose_stamp.append(pose) iksvc.wait_for_service(5.0) resp = iksvc(ikreq) positions = dict(zip(resp.joints[0].name, resp.joints[0].position)) return (positions, resp.isValid[0])