def test_BayesianClassifier():
    Trains Bayesian Classifier on test data and then tests it
    train_X, train_y = process_train_data("train.csv")
    classifier = BayesianClassifier(), train_y)
    test_data = pd \
                .read_csv("test.csv", encoding="utf8") \
                .drop(labels=["id", "Unnamed: 0"], axis=1)
    test_X = test_data.drop("label", axis=1)
    test_y = test_data.drop("tweet", axis=1)

    print("model score: ", classifier.score(test_X, test_y) * 100, "%")
 def __init__(self, dbfile=None, low=0.5, high=0.5, max_token_size=2):
     # classification thresholds
     self._low = float(low)
     self._high = float(high)
     # create instance of classifier
     self.bcl = BayesianClassifier(low=low, high=high)
     # dbfile with labeled data
     self.dbfile = dbfile
     self.max_token_size = max_token_size
class BayesianTest:
    Class for testing bayesian classifier.
    @param low: classification threshold
    @param high: classification threshold
    @param dbfile: source db file containing table docs
                   (lang, relevance, text annotation)

    def __init__(self, dbfile=None, low=0.5, high=0.5, max_token_size=2):
        # classification thresholds
        self._low = float(low)
        self._high = float(high)
        # create instance of classifier
        self.bcl = BayesianClassifier(low=low, high=high)
        # dbfile with labeled data
        self.dbfile = dbfile
        self.max_token_size = max_token_size

    def _test_corelation(self, test_res):
        This method prints corelation between user defined input
        in human_classified_pickle and automatic classification.
                           C(X,Y)                      E(XY) - E(X)E(Y)
        corelation = ------------------ = -------------------------------------------
                          d(X)d(Y)        sqrt(E(X^2) - E(X)^2) sqrt(E(Y^2) - E(Y)^2)
                    standard deviations

        X - automatically calculated probabilities
        Y - human input probabilities
        variables in implementation
        a = E(XY), b = E(X), c = E(Y), d,= E(X^2), e = E(Y^2)
        @param test_res: containst list of tuples (classified_prob, real_prob)
        @return: calculated corelation
        entry_count = len(test_res)
        a = 0.0
        b = 0.0
        c = 0.0
        d = 0.0
        e = 0.0
        for res in test_res:
            probability_auto = res[0]
            probability_human = res[1]

            a += probability_human * probability_auto
            b += probability_auto
            c += probability_human
            d += probability_auto * probability_auto
            e += probability_human * probability_human

        # E() values
        a /= entry_count
        b /= entry_count
        c /= entry_count
        d /= entry_count
        e /= entry_count

        return (a - (b * c)) / (sqrt(d - (b * b)) * sqrt(e - (c * c)) +

    def _calculate_results(self, clas_res):
        method prints results from of testing
        @param clas_res: dictionary of classification results
        precision = clas_res['true_positive'] / ((clas_res['true_positive'] + \
                    clas_res['false_positive']) + 0.0000000000001)
        recall = clas_res['true_positive'] / ((clas_res['true_positive'] + \
                clas_res['false_negative']) + 0.0000000000001)
        acc = (clas_res['true_positive'] + clas_res['true_negative']) / \
                ((clas_res['true_positive'] + clas_res['true_negative'] + \
                clas_res['false_positive'] + clas_res['false_negative']) + \
        f_measure = 2 * ((precision * recall)/((precision + recall) + \
        ret = 'True positive = ' + str(clas_res['true_positive']) + '\n'
        ret += 'True negative = ' + str(clas_res['true_negative']) + '\n'
        ret += 'False positive = ' + str(clas_res['false_positive']) + '\n'
        ret += 'False negative = ' + str(clas_res['false_negative']) + '\n'
        ret += 'Unknown = ' + str(clas_res['unknown']) + '\n'
        ret += 'Precision = ' + str(precision) + '\n'
        ret += 'Recall = ' + str(recall) + '\n'
        ret += 'Accuracy = ' + str(acc) + '\n'
        ret += 'F-measure = ' + str(f_measure) + '\n'
        ret += 'Corelation = ' + str(clas_res['corelation']) + '\n'
        print ret

    def _cross_validation(self, used_relevant, used_irelevant, n_fold_cv, count,
        Cross validation method
        @param used_relevant: relevant entries
        @param used_irelevant: irelevant entries
        @param n_fold_cv: n-fold-cross-validation setup
        @param used_features: defines which features to use.
        @return: results of cross validation
        # dictionary containing n-fold-cross-validation results
        results = []

        # start n-fold-cross-validation
        for i in xrange(n_fold_cv):
  'Iteration: {0}'.format(i))

            # clear dictionary from previous iterations

            # create test and train sets
  'Creating dataset...')
            to_test_relevant = \
            to_test_irelevant = \
            to_train_relevant = used_relevant[:i*(count/n_fold_cv)]
            to_train_irelevant = used_irelevant[:i*(count/n_fold_cv)]

            # train
  'Training starts...')
            for db_entry in to_train_relevant:
                entry = Entry(id=None, guid=None, entry=db_entry[1],
                        language=db_entry[0], max_token_size=self.max_token_size)
                self.bcl.train(entry, True, used_features)
            for db_entry in to_train_irelevant:
                entry = Entry(id=None, guid=None, entry=db_entry[1],
                        language=db_entry[0], max_token_size=self.max_token_size)
                self.bcl.train(entry, False, used_features)
  'Trained {0} relevant and {1} irelevant entries'.format(
                len(to_train_relevant), len(to_train_irelevant)))

            # run tests
  'Testing starts...')
            clas_res = {}
            clas_res['true_positive'] = 0
            clas_res['true_negative'] = 0
            clas_res['false_positive'] = 0
            clas_res['false_negative'] = 0
            clas_res['unknown'] = 0
            corelation_test_res = []
            for db_entry in to_test_relevant:
                result = self.bcl.classify(db_entry[1], db_entry[0], used_features)
                corelation_test_res.append((result, self.bcl.HR_PROB))
                if result >= self._high:
                    clas_res['true_positive'] += 1
                elif result > self._low:
                    clas_res['unknown'] += 1
                elif result <= self._low:
                    clas_res['false_negative'] += 1
            for db_entry in to_test_irelevant:
                result = self.bcl.classify(db_entry[1], db_entry[0], used_features)
                corelation_test_res.append((result, 1.0 - self.bcl.HR_PROB))
                if result <= self._low:
                    clas_res['true_negative'] += 1
                elif result < self._high:
                    clas_res['unknown'] += 1
                elif result >= self._high:
                    clas_res['false_positive'] += 1
  'Tested {0} relevant and {1} irelevant entries'.format(
                len(to_test_relevant), len(to_test_irelevant)))

            # calculate corelation
            clas_res['corelation'] = self._test_corelation(corelation_test_res)

            #add results to final results

        # calculate overall results for these features
        clas_res = {}
        clas_res['true_positive'] = 0.0
        clas_res['true_negative'] = 0.0
        clas_res['false_positive'] = 0.0
        clas_res['false_negative'] = 0.0
        clas_res['unknown'] = 0.0
        clas_res['corelation'] = 0.0
        for res in results:
            clas_res['true_positive'] += res['true_positive'] / float(n_fold_cv)
            clas_res['true_negative'] += res['true_negative'] / float(n_fold_cv)
            clas_res['false_positive'] += res['false_positive'] / float(n_fold_cv)
            clas_res['false_negative'] += res['false_negative'] / float(n_fold_cv)
            clas_res['unknown'] += res['unknown'] / float(n_fold_cv)
            clas_res['corelation'] += res['corelation'] / float(n_fold_cv)

        # return all cross-validation results
        return clas_res

    def get_best_features(self, count=100, n_fold_cv=10):
        Method rus test of available features and select one most fitting for
        current dataset. This is a smart version of get_best_features().
        It calculates best corelation of each feature and use only the best
        corelation of a type and only if it is better than without it.
        @param count: count of processed entries (count*relevant,count*irelevant)
        @param n_fold_cv: n-fold-cross-validation setup
        @return dictionary containing best suiting features for current dataset
        # connect to database
            conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbfile)
            cur = conn.cursor()
            self.bcl._logger.error('DB file {0} was not loaded!'.format(self.dbfile))

        # load entries from database
        cur.execute('select distinct lang, text from docs where (annotation=1)')
        relevant = cur.fetchall()
        cur.execute('select distinct lang, text from docs where (annotation=0)')
        irelevant = cur.fetchall()

        # text max amount of entries for running tests
        if len(relevant) < count:
            count = len(relevant)
        if len(irelevant) < count:
            count = len(irelevant)

        # extract needed entries
        used_relevant = relevant[:count]
        used_irelevant = irelevant[:count]

        # create controll run without features
        tmp_entry = Entry(id=None, guid=None, entry=None, language=None,
        no_feat = {f:len(tmp_entry.features_func[f])-1 for f in tmp_entry.features_func}
        controll_run = self._cross_validation(used_relevant, used_irelevant,
                    n_fold_cv, count, no_feat)

        # impact of each tested feature
        impact = {}
        # find best features
        results = {}
        for f in tmp_entry.features_func:
            results[f] = {}
            impact[f] = {}
            for i in xrange(1, len(tmp_entry.features_func[f])):
                used_feat = copy.deepcopy(no_feat)
                used_feat[f] -= i

                # calculate n_fold_cv
                result = self._cross_validation(used_relevant, used_irelevant,
                        n_fold_cv, count, used_feat)

                # save impact on corellation
                impact[f][used_feat[f]] = result['corelation'] - controll_run['corelation']

                if result['corelation'] > controll_run['corelation']:
                    results[f][i] = result

        # create best feat dictionary'No feat: {0}'.format(no_feat))
        best_feat = no_feat
        for t in results:
            if results[t] != {}:
                best_feat[t] -= max(results[t].items(), key=lambda(x): x[1]['corelation'])[0]'Best feat: {0}'.format(best_feat))'Impact of each feat: {}'.format(impact))
        return best_feat

    def create_model(self, path, used_features, count=100):
        Method creates model for future classification
        # connect to database
            conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbfile)
            cur = conn.cursor()
            self.bcl._logger.error('DB file {0} was not loaded!'.format(self.dbfile))

        # load entries from database
        cur.execute('select distinct lang, text from docs where (annotation=1)')
        relevant = cur.fetchall()
        cur.execute('select distinct lang, text from docs where (annotation=0)')
        irelevant = cur.fetchall()

        # text max amount of entries for running tests
        if len(relevant) < count:
            count = len(relevant)
        if len(irelevant) < count:
            count = len(irelevant)

        # extract needed entries
        to_train_relevant = relevant[:count]
        to_train_irelevant = irelevant[:count]

        # train'Training starts...')
        for db_entry in to_train_relevant:
            entry = Entry(id=None, guid=None, entry=db_entry[1],
                    language=db_entry[0], max_token_size=self.max_token_size)
            self.bcl.train(entry, True, used_features)
        for db_entry in to_train_irelevant:
            entry = Entry(id=None, guid=None, entry=db_entry[1],
                    language=db_entry[0], max_token_size=self.max_token_size)
            self.bcl.train(entry, False, used_features)'Trained {0} relevant and {1} irelevant entries'.format(
            len(to_train_relevant), len(to_train_irelevant)))

        self.bcl.store_word_dict(path, used_features)

    def run(self, features, count=100, n_fold_cv=10):
        method trains and tests entries from input databse 
        @param features: defines which features to use. If not defined, not using any
        @param count: count of processed entries (count*relevant,count*irelevant)
        @param n_fold_cv: n-fold-cross-validation setup
        @return: classification results
        # connect to database
            conn = sqlite3.connect(self.dbfile)
            cur = conn.cursor()
            self.bcl._logger.error('DB file {0} was not loaded!'.format(self.dbfile))

        # load entries from database
        cur.execute('select distinct lang, text from docs where (annotation=1)')
        relevant = cur.fetchall()
        cur.execute('select distinct lang, text from docs where (annotation=0)')
        irelevant = cur.fetchall()

        # text max amount of entries for running tests
        if len(relevant) < count:
            count = len(relevant)
        if len(irelevant) < count:
            count = len(irelevant)

        # extract needed entries
        used_relevant = relevant[:count]
        used_irelevant = irelevant[:count]

        # calculate n_fold_cv
        result = self._cross_validation(used_relevant, used_irelevant,
                n_fold_cv, count, features)

        # print and return results
        return result
    for index, i in data[['text']].iterrows():
        t = i['text'].lower().translate(
            str.maketrans('', '', string.punctuation)).strip().split()
        for j in t:
            if j not in stop_words:
                lst_for_rep.append(j)[index, 'text'] = lst_for_rep
        lst_for_rep = []
    return data

def read_stop_words():
    Reads file and returns list with words from file.
    lst = []
    with open('authors/stop_words.txt', 'r') as file:
        reader = csv.reader(file)
        for row in reader:
            lst += row
    return lst

if __name__ == "__main__":
    train = process_data("authors/train.csv")
    test = process_data("authors/test.csv")

    classifier = BayesianClassifier()
    print(f"Model score: {classifier.score(test)}%")