def predict_test(X_train, Y_train, X_test, hyps, str_cov=constants.STR_GP_COV, prior_mu=None, debug=False): """ This function returns posterior mean and posterior standard deviation functions over `X_test`, computed by Gaussian process regression with `X_train`, `Y_train`, and `hyps`. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param X_test: inputs. Shape: (l, d) or (l, m, d). :type X_test: numpy.ndarray :param hyps: dictionary of hyperparameters for Gaussian process. :type hyps: dict. :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str., optional :param prior_mu: None, or prior mean function. :type prior_mu: NoneType, or function, optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: a tuple of posterior mean function over `X_test`, posterior standard deviation function over `X_test`, and posterior covariance matrix over `X_test`. Shape: ((l, 1), (l, 1), (l, l)). :rtype: tuple of (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) :raises: AssertionError """ assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(X_test, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(hyps, dict) assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert callable(prior_mu) or prior_mu is None assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 utils_gp.check_str_cov('predict_test', str_cov, X_train.shape, shape_X2=X_test.shape) assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] assert X_train.shape[1] == X_test.shape[1] cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, grad_cov_X_X = gp_common.get_kernel_inverse( X_train, hyps, str_cov, debug=debug) mu_Xs, sigma_Xs, Sigma_Xs = predict_test_(X_train, Y_train, X_test, cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps, str_cov=str_cov, prior_mu=prior_mu, debug=debug) return mu_Xs, sigma_Xs, Sigma_Xs
def get_kernel_cholesky(X_train, hyps, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=constants.IS_FIXED_GP_NOISE, is_gradient=False, debug=False): """ This function computes a kernel inverse with Cholesky decomposition. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param hyps: dictionary of hyperparameters for Gaussian process. :type hyps: dict. :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str. :param is_fixed_noise: flag for fixing a noise. :type is_fixed_noise: bool., optional :param is_gradient: flag for computing and returning gradients of negative log marginal likelihood. :type is_gradient: bool., optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: a tuple of kernel matrix over `X_train`, lower matrix computed by Cholesky decomposition, and gradients of kernel matrix. If `is_gradient` is False, gradients of kernel matrix would be None. :rtype: tuple of (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) :raises: AssertionError """ assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(hyps, dict) assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(is_fixed_noise, bool) assert isinstance(is_gradient, bool) assert isinstance(debug, bool) utils_gp.check_str_cov('get_kernel_cholesky', str_cov, X_train.shape) cov_X_X = covariance.cov_main( str_cov, X_train, X_train, hyps, True) + hyps['noise']**2 * np.eye(X_train.shape[0]) cov_X_X = (cov_X_X + cov_X_X.T) / 2.0 try: lower = scipy.linalg.cholesky(cov_X_X, lower=True) except np.linalg.LinAlgError: # pragma: no cover cov_X_X += 1e-2 * np.eye(X_train.shape[0]) lower = scipy.linalg.cholesky(cov_X_X, lower=True) if is_gradient: grad_cov_X_X = covariance.grad_cov_main(str_cov, X_train, X_train, hyps, is_fixed_noise, same_X_Xs=True) else: grad_cov_X_X = None return cov_X_X, lower, grad_cov_X_X
def get_optimized_kernel(X_train, Y_train, prior_mu, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=constants.IS_FIXED_GP_NOISE, num_iters=1000, debug=False ): """ This function computes the kernel matrix optimized by optimization method specified, its inverse matrix, and the optimized hyperparameters, using GPyTorch. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param prior_mu: prior mean function or None. :type prior_mu: function or NoneType :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str. :param is_fixed_noise: flag for fixing a noise. :type is_fixed_noise: bool., optional :param num_iters: the number of iterations for optimizing negative log likelihood. :type num_iters: int., optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: a tuple of kernel matrix over `X_train`, kernel matrix inverse, and dictionary of hyperparameters. :rtype: tuple of (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, dict.) :raises: AssertionError, ValueError """ # TODO: check to input same is_fixed_noise to convert_hyps and restore_hyps assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert callable(prior_mu) or prior_mu is None assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(is_fixed_noise, bool) assert isinstance(num_iters, int) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] utils_gp.check_str_cov('get_optimized_kernel', str_cov, X_train.shape) assert num_iters >= 10 or num_iters == 0 # TODO: prior_mu and is_fixed_noise are not working now. prior_mu = None is_fixed_noise = False time_start = time.time() if str_cov in constants.ALLOWED_GP_COV_BASE: num_dim = X_train.shape[1] elif str_cov in constants.ALLOWED_GP_COV_SET: num_dim = X_train.shape[2] raise NotImplementedError('It is not implemented yet.') X_train_ = torch.from_numpy(X_train).double() Y_train_ = torch.from_numpy(Y_train.flatten()).double() likelihood = gpytorch.likelihoods.GaussianLikelihood() model = ExactGPModel(str_cov, prior_mu, X_train_, Y_train_, likelihood) model.train() likelihood.train() optimizer = torch.optim.Adam([ {'params': model.parameters()}, ], lr=1e-2) mll = gpytorch.mlls.ExactMarginalLogLikelihood(likelihood, model) list_neg_log_likelihoods = [] ind_iter = 0 while num_iters >= 10: optimizer.zero_grad() outputs = model(X_train_) loss = -1.0 * mll(outputs, Y_train_) loss.backward() optimizer.step() list_neg_log_likelihoods.append(loss.item()) if ind_iter > num_iters and np.abs(np.mean(list_neg_log_likelihoods[-6:-1]) - loss.item()) < 5e-2: break elif ind_iter > 10 * num_iters: # pragma: no cover break else: ind_iter += 1 model.eval() likelihood.eval() hyps = { 'signal': np.sqrt(model.covar_module.outputscale.item()), 'lengthscales': model.covar_module.base_kernel.lengthscale.detach().numpy()[0], 'noise': np.sqrt(model.likelihood.noise.item()) } cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, _ = gp_common.get_kernel_inverse(X_train, hyps, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) time_end = time.time() if debug: logger.debug('iterations to be converged: {}'.format(ind_iter)) if debug: logger.debug('hyps optimized: {}'.format(utils_logger.get_str_hyps(hyps))) if debug: logger.debug('time consumed to construct gpr: {:.4f} sec.'.format(time_end - time_start)) return cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps
def test_check_str_cov(): with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov(1, 'se', (2, 1)) with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov('test', 1, (2, 1)) with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov('test', 'se', 1) with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov('test', 'se', (2, 100, 100)) with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov('test', 'se', (2, 100), shape_X2=(2, 100, 100)) with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov('test', 'set_se', (2, 100), shape_X2=(2, 100, 100)) with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov('test', 'set_se', (2, 100, 100), shape_X2=(2, 100)) with pytest.raises(AssertionError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov('test', 'se', (2, 1), shape_X2=1) with pytest.raises(ValueError) as error: utils_gp.check_str_cov('test', 'abc', (2, 1))
def get_optimized_kernel( X_train, Y_train, prior_mu, str_cov, str_framework='scipy', str_optimizer_method=constants.STR_OPTIMIZER_METHOD_GP, str_modelselection_method=constants.STR_MODELSELECTION_METHOD, is_fixed_noise=constants.IS_FIXED_GP_NOISE, debug=False): """ This function computes the kernel matrix optimized by optimization method specified, its inverse matrix, and the optimized hyperparameters. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param prior_mu: prior mean function or None. :type prior_mu: function or NoneType :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str. :param str_framework: the name of framework for optimizing kernel hyperparameters. :type str_framework: str. :param str_optimizer_method: the name of optimization method. :type str_optimizer_method: str., optional :param str_modelselection_method: the name of model selection method. :type str_modelselection_method: str., optional :param is_fixed_noise: flag for fixing a noise. :type is_fixed_noise: bool., optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: a tuple of kernel matrix over `X_train`, kernel matrix inverse, and dictionary of hyperparameters. :rtype: tuple of (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, dict.) :raises: AssertionError, ValueError """ assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert callable(prior_mu) or prior_mu is None assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(str_framework, str) assert isinstance(str_optimizer_method, str) assert isinstance(str_modelselection_method, str) assert isinstance(is_fixed_noise, bool) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] utils_gp.check_str_cov('get_optimized_kernel', str_cov, X_train.shape) assert str_optimizer_method in constants.ALLOWED_OPTIMIZER_METHOD_GP assert str_modelselection_method in constants.ALLOWED_MODELSELECTION_METHOD assert str_framework in constants.ALLOWED_FRAMEWORK_GP try: if str_framework == 'tensorflow': import tensorflow as tf elif str_framework == 'gpytorch': import gpytorch except: # pragma: no cover str_framework = 'scipy' if str_framework == 'scipy': cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps = gp_scipy.get_optimized_kernel( X_train, Y_train, prior_mu, str_cov, str_optimizer_method=str_optimizer_method, str_modelselection_method=str_modelselection_method, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) elif str_framework == 'tensorflow': from import gp_tensorflow cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps = gp_tensorflow.get_optimized_kernel( X_train, Y_train, prior_mu, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) elif str_framework == 'gpytorch': from import gp_gpytorch cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps = gp_gpytorch.get_optimized_kernel( X_train, Y_train, prior_mu, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError('{}: invalid str_framework.'.format(str_framework)) return cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps
def predict_optimized(X_train, Y_train, X_test, str_cov=constants.STR_GP_COV, prior_mu=None, is_fixed_noise=constants.IS_FIXED_GP_NOISE, debug=False): """ This function returns posterior mean and posterior standard deviation functions over `X_test`, computed by the Gaussian process regression optimized with `X_train` and `Y_train`. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param X_test: inputs. Shape: (l, d) or (l, m, d). :type X_test: numpy.ndarray :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str., optional :param prior_mu: None, or prior mean function. :type prior_mu: NoneType, or function, optional :param is_fixed_noise: flag for fixing a noise. :type is_fixed_noise: bool., optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: a tuple of posterior mean function over `X_test`, posterior standard deviation function over `X_test`, and posterior covariance matrix over `X_test`. Shape: ((l, 1), (l, 1), (l, l)). :rtype: tuple of (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) :raises: AssertionError """ assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(X_test, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(is_fixed_noise, bool) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert callable(prior_mu) or prior_mu is None assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 utils_gp.check_str_cov('predict_optimized', str_cov, X_train.shape, shape_X2=X_test.shape) assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] assert X_train.shape[1] == X_test.shape[1] time_start = time.time() cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps = get_optimized_kernel( X_train, Y_train, prior_mu, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) mu_Xs, sigma_Xs, Sigma_Xs = predict_test_(X_train, Y_train, X_test, cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps, str_cov=str_cov, prior_mu=prior_mu, debug=debug) time_end = time.time() if debug: logger.debug( 'time consumed to construct gpr: {:.4f} sec.'.format(time_end - time_start)) return mu_Xs, sigma_Xs, Sigma_Xs
def predict_test_(X_train, Y_train, X_test, cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps, str_cov=constants.STR_GP_COV, prior_mu=None, debug=False): """ This function returns posterior mean and posterior standard deviation functions over `X_test`, computed by Gaussian process regression with `X_train`, `Y_train`, `cov_X_X`, `inv_cov_X_X`, and `hyps`. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param X_test: inputs. Shape: (l, d) or (l, m, d). :type X_test: numpy.ndarray :param cov_X_X: kernel matrix over `X_train`. Shape: (n, n). :type cov_X_X: numpy.ndarray :param inv_cov_X_X: kernel matrix inverse over `X_train`. Shape: (n, n). :type inv_cov_X_X: numpy.ndarray :param hyps: dictionary of hyperparameters for Gaussian process. :type hyps: dict. :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str., optional :param prior_mu: None, or prior mean function. :type prior_mu: NoneType, or function, optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: a tuple of posterior mean function over `X_test`, posterior standard deviation function over `X_test`, and posterior covariance matrix over `X_test`. Shape: ((l, 1), (l, 1), (l, l)). :rtype: tuple of (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray) :raises: AssertionError """ assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(X_test, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(cov_X_X, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(inv_cov_X_X, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(hyps, dict) assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert callable(prior_mu) or prior_mu is None assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 assert len(cov_X_X.shape) == 2 assert len(inv_cov_X_X.shape) == 2 assert (np.array(cov_X_X.shape) == np.array(inv_cov_X_X.shape)).all() utils_gp.check_str_cov('predict_test_', str_cov, X_train.shape, shape_X2=X_test.shape) assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] assert X_train.shape[1] == X_test.shape[1] prior_mu_train = utils_gp.get_prior_mu(prior_mu, X_train) prior_mu_test = utils_gp.get_prior_mu(prior_mu, X_test) cov_X_Xs = covariance.cov_main(str_cov, X_train, X_test, hyps, False) cov_Xs_Xs = covariance.cov_main(str_cov, X_test, X_test, hyps, True) cov_Xs_Xs = (cov_Xs_Xs + cov_Xs_Xs.T) / 2.0 mu_Xs =, inv_cov_X_X), Y_train - prior_mu_train) + prior_mu_test Sigma_Xs = cov_Xs_Xs -, inv_cov_X_X), cov_X_Xs) return mu_Xs, np.expand_dims(np.sqrt(np.maximum(np.diag(Sigma_Xs), 0.0)), axis=1), Sigma_Xs
def get_optimized_kernel(X_train, Y_train, prior_mu, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=constants.IS_FIXED_GP_NOISE, num_iters=1000, debug=False): """ This function computes the kernel matrix optimized by optimization method specified, its inverse matrix, and the optimized hyperparameters, using TensorFlow and TensorFlow probability. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param prior_mu: prior mean function or None. :type prior_mu: function or NoneType :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str. :param is_fixed_noise: flag for fixing a noise. :type is_fixed_noise: bool., optional :param num_iters: the number of iterations for optimizing negative log likelihood. :type num_iters: int., optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: a tuple of kernel matrix over `X_train`, kernel matrix inverse, and dictionary of hyperparameters. :rtype: tuple of (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, dict.) :raises: AssertionError, ValueError """ # TODO: check to input same is_fixed_noise to convert_hyps and restore_hyps assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert callable(prior_mu) or prior_mu is None assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(is_fixed_noise, bool) assert isinstance(num_iters, int) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] utils_gp.check_str_cov('get_optimized_kernel', str_cov, X_train.shape) assert num_iters >= 10 or num_iters == 0 # TODO: prior_mu and is_fixed_noise are not working now. prior_mu = None is_fixed_noise = False time_start = time.time() if str_cov in constants.ALLOWED_GP_COV_BASE: num_dim = X_train.shape[1] elif str_cov in constants.ALLOWED_GP_COV_SET: num_dim = X_train.shape[2] raise NotImplementedError('It is not implemented yet.') constraint_positive = tfp.bijectors.Shift(np.finfo(np.float64).tiny)( tfp.bijectors.Exp()) var_amplitude = tfp.util.TransformedVariable(initial_value=1.0, bijector=constraint_positive, dtype=np.float64) var_length_scale = tfp.util.TransformedVariable( initial_value=[1.0] * num_dim, bijector=constraint_positive, dtype=np.float64) var_observation_noise_variance = tfp.util.TransformedVariable( initial_value=1.0, bijector=constraint_positive, dtype=np.float64) def create_kernel(str_cov): if str_cov == 'eq' or str_cov == 'se': kernel_main = tfp.math.psd_kernels.ExponentiatedQuadratic( amplitude=var_amplitude, length_scale=None) elif str_cov == 'matern32': kernel_main = tfp.math.psd_kernels.MaternThreeHalves( amplitude=var_amplitude, length_scale=None) elif str_cov == 'matern52': kernel_main = tfp.math.psd_kernels.MaternFiveHalves( amplitude=var_amplitude, length_scale=None) else: raise NotImplementedError( 'allowed str_cov conditions, but it is not implemented.') kernel = tfp.math.psd_kernels.FeatureScaled(kernel_main, var_length_scale) return kernel model_gp = tfp.distributions.GaussianProcess( kernel=create_kernel(str_cov), index_points=X_train, observation_noise_variance=var_observation_noise_variance, mean_fn=prior_mu) @tf.function() def log_prob_outputs(): # pragma: no cover return model_gp.log_prob(np.ravel(Y_train)) optimizer = tf.optimizers.Adam(learning_rate=1e-2) trainable_variables = [ var_.trainable_variables[0] for var_ in [var_amplitude, var_length_scale, var_observation_noise_variance] ] list_neg_log_likelihoods = [] ind_iter = 0 while num_iters >= 10: with tf.GradientTape() as tape: loss = -1.0 * log_prob_outputs() grads = tape.gradient(loss, trainable_variables) optimizer.apply_gradients(zip(grads, trainable_variables)) list_neg_log_likelihoods.append(loss) if ind_iter > num_iters and np.abs( np.mean(list_neg_log_likelihoods[-6:-1]) - loss) < 5e-2: break elif ind_iter > 10 * num_iters: # pragma: no cover break else: ind_iter += 1 hyps = { 'signal': var_amplitude._value().numpy(), 'lengthscales': var_length_scale._value().numpy(), 'noise': np.sqrt(var_observation_noise_variance._value().numpy()) } cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, _ = gp_common.get_kernel_inverse( X_train, hyps, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) time_end = time.time() if debug: logger.debug('iterations to be converged: {}'.format(ind_iter)) if debug: logger.debug('hyps optimized: {}'.format( utils_logger.get_str_hyps(hyps))) if debug: logger.debug( 'time consumed to construct gpr: {:.4f} sec.'.format(time_end - time_start)) return cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps
def get_optimized_kernel( X_train, Y_train, prior_mu, str_cov, str_optimizer_method=constants.STR_OPTIMIZER_METHOD_GP, str_modelselection_method=constants.STR_MODELSELECTION_METHOD, is_fixed_noise=constants.IS_FIXED_GP_NOISE, debug=False): """ This function computes the kernel matrix optimized by optimization method specified, its inverse matrix, and the optimized hyperparameters. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param prior_mu: prior mean function or None. :type prior_mu: function or NoneType :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str. :param str_optimizer_method: the name of optimization method. :type str_optimizer_method: str., optional :param str_modelselection_method: the name of model selection method. :type str_modelselection_method: str., optional :param is_fixed_noise: flag for fixing a noise. :type is_fixed_noise: bool., optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: a tuple of kernel matrix over `X_train`, kernel matrix inverse, and dictionary of hyperparameters. :rtype: tuple of (numpy.ndarray, numpy.ndarray, dict.) :raises: AssertionError, ValueError """ # TODO: check to input same is_fixed_noise to convert_hyps and restore_hyps assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert callable(prior_mu) or prior_mu is None assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(str_optimizer_method, str) assert isinstance(str_modelselection_method, str) assert isinstance(is_fixed_noise, bool) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] utils_gp.check_str_cov('get_optimized_kernel', str_cov, X_train.shape) assert str_optimizer_method in constants.ALLOWED_OPTIMIZER_METHOD_GP assert str_modelselection_method in constants.ALLOWED_MODELSELECTION_METHOD # TODO: fix this. if str_optimizer_method != 'Nelder-Mead': is_gradient = True else: is_gradient = False time_start = time.time() if debug: logger.debug('str_optimizer_method: {}'.format(str_optimizer_method)) if debug: logger.debug( 'str_modelselection_method: {}'.format(str_modelselection_method)) prior_mu_train = utils_gp.get_prior_mu(prior_mu, X_train) if str_cov in constants.ALLOWED_GP_COV_BASE: num_dim = X_train.shape[1] elif str_cov in constants.ALLOWED_GP_COV_SET: num_dim = X_train.shape[2] is_gradient = False if str_modelselection_method == 'ml': neg_log_ml_ = lambda hyps: neg_log_ml(X_train, Y_train, hyps, str_cov, prior_mu_train, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, is_gradient=is_gradient, debug=debug) elif str_modelselection_method == 'loocv': neg_log_ml_ = lambda hyps: neg_log_pseudo_l_loocv(X_train, Y_train, hyps, str_cov, prior_mu_train, is_fixed_noise= is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) is_gradient = False else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( 'get_optimized_kernel: missing conditions for str_modelselection_method.' ) hyps_converted = utils_covariance.convert_hyps( str_cov, utils_covariance.get_hyps(str_cov, num_dim), is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, ) if str_optimizer_method == 'BFGS': result_optimized = scipy.optimize.minimize(neg_log_ml_, hyps_converted, method=str_optimizer_method, jac=is_gradient, options={'disp': False}) if debug: logger.debug('scipy message: {}'.format(result_optimized.message)) result_optimized = result_optimized.x elif str_optimizer_method == 'L-BFGS-B': bounds = utils_covariance.get_range_hyps(str_cov, num_dim, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise) result_optimized = scipy.optimize.minimize(neg_log_ml_, hyps_converted, method=str_optimizer_method, bounds=bounds, jac=is_gradient, options={'disp': False}) if debug: logger.debug('scipy message: {}'.format(result_optimized.message)) result_optimized = result_optimized.x elif str_optimizer_method == 'Nelder-Mead': result_optimized = scipy.optimize.minimize(neg_log_ml_, hyps_converted, method=str_optimizer_method, options={'disp': False}) if debug: logger.debug('scipy message: {}'.format(result_optimized.message)) result_optimized = result_optimized.x # TODO: Fill this conditions elif str_optimizer_method == 'DIRECT': # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError( 'get_optimized_kernel: allowed str_optimizer_method, but it is not implemented.' ) else: # pragma: no cover raise ValueError( 'get_optimized_kernel: missing conditions for str_optimizer_method' ) hyps = utils_covariance.restore_hyps(str_cov, result_optimized, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise) hyps, _ = utils_covariance.validate_hyps_dict(hyps, str_cov, num_dim) cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, grad_cov_X_X = gp_common.get_kernel_inverse( X_train, hyps, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) time_end = time.time() if debug: logger.debug('hyps optimized: {}'.format( utils_logger.get_str_hyps(hyps))) if debug: logger.debug( 'time consumed to construct gpr: {:.4f} sec.'.format(time_end - time_start)) return cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, hyps
def neg_log_ml(X_train, Y_train, hyps, str_cov, prior_mu_train, is_fixed_noise=constants.IS_FIXED_GP_NOISE, is_cholesky=True, is_gradient=True, debug=False): """ This function computes a negative log marginal likelihood. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param hyps: hyperparameters for Gaussian process. Shape: (h, ). :type hyps: numpy.ndarray :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str. :param prior_mu_train: the prior values computed by get_prior_mu(). Shape: (n, 1). :type prior_mu_train: numpy.ndarray :param is_fixed_noise: flag for fixing a noise. :type is_fixed_noise: bool., optional :param is_cholesky: flag for using a cholesky decomposition. :type is_cholesky: bool., optional :param is_gradient: flag for computing and returning gradients of negative log marginal likelihood. :type is_gradient: bool., optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: negative log marginal likelihood, or (negative log marginal likelihood, gradients of the likelihood). :rtype: float, or tuple of (float, float) :raises: AssertionError """ assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(hyps, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(prior_mu_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(is_fixed_noise, bool) assert isinstance(is_cholesky, bool) assert isinstance(is_gradient, bool) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 assert len(prior_mu_train.shape) == 2 assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] == prior_mu_train.shape[0] utils_gp.check_str_cov('neg_log_ml', str_cov, X_train.shape) hyps = utils_covariance.restore_hyps(str_cov, hyps, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise) new_Y_train = Y_train - prior_mu_train if is_cholesky: cov_X_X, lower, grad_cov_X_X = gp_common.get_kernel_cholesky( X_train, hyps, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, is_gradient=is_gradient, debug=debug) alpha = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((lower, True), new_Y_train) first_term = -0.5 *, alpha) second_term = -1.0 * np.sum( np.log(np.diagonal(lower) + constants.JITTER_LOG)) if is_gradient: assert grad_cov_X_X is not None first_term_grad = np.einsum("ik,jk->ijk", alpha, alpha) first_term_grad -= np.expand_dims(scipy.linalg.cho_solve( (lower, True), np.eye(cov_X_X.shape[0])), axis=2) grad_log_ml_ = 0.5 * np.einsum("ijl,ijk->kl", first_term_grad, grad_cov_X_X) grad_log_ml_ = np.sum(grad_log_ml_, axis=1) else: # TODO: is_gradient is fixed. is_gradient = False cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, grad_cov_X_X = gp_common.get_kernel_inverse( X_train, hyps, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, is_gradient=is_gradient, debug=debug) first_term = -0.5 *, inv_cov_X_X), new_Y_train) second_term = -0.5 * np.log( np.linalg.det(cov_X_X) + constants.JITTER_LOG) third_term = -float(X_train.shape[0]) / 2.0 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi) log_ml_ = np.squeeze(first_term + second_term + third_term) log_ml_ /= X_train.shape[0] if is_gradient: return -1.0 * log_ml_, -1.0 * grad_log_ml_ / X_train.shape[0] else: return -1.0 * log_ml_
def neg_log_pseudo_l_loocv(X_train, Y_train, hyps, str_cov, prior_mu_train, is_fixed_noise=constants.IS_FIXED_GP_NOISE, debug=False): """ It computes a negative log pseudo-likelihood using leave-one-out cross-validation. :param X_train: inputs. Shape: (n, d) or (n, m, d). :type X_train: numpy.ndarray :param Y_train: outputs. Shape: (n, 1). :type Y_train: numpy.ndarray :param hyps: hyperparameters for Gaussian process. Shape: (h, ). :type hyps: numpy.ndarray :param str_cov: the name of covariance function. :type str_cov: str. :param prior_mu_train: the prior values computed by get_prior_mu(). Shape: (n, 1). :type prior_mu_train: numpy.ndarray :param is_fixed_noise: flag for fixing a noise. :type is_fixed_noise: bool., optional :param debug: flag for printing log messages. :type debug: bool., optional :returns: negative log pseudo-likelihood. :rtype: float :raises: AssertionError """ assert isinstance(X_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(Y_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(hyps, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(str_cov, str) assert isinstance(prior_mu_train, np.ndarray) assert isinstance(is_fixed_noise, bool) assert isinstance(debug, bool) assert len(Y_train.shape) == 2 assert len(prior_mu_train.shape) == 2 assert X_train.shape[0] == Y_train.shape[0] == prior_mu_train.shape[0] utils_gp.check_str_cov('neg_log_pseudo_l_loocv', str_cov, X_train.shape) num_data = X_train.shape[0] hyps = utils_covariance.restore_hyps(str_cov, hyps, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise) cov_X_X, inv_cov_X_X, grad_cov_X_X = gp_common.get_kernel_inverse( X_train, hyps, str_cov, is_fixed_noise=is_fixed_noise, debug=debug) log_pseudo_l_ = 0.0 for ind_data in range(0, num_data): cur_X_train = np.vstack((X_train[:ind_data], X_train[ind_data + 1:])) cur_Y_train = np.vstack((Y_train[:ind_data], Y_train[ind_data + 1:])) cur_X_test = np.expand_dims(X_train[ind_data], axis=0) cur_Y_test = Y_train[ind_data] cur_mu = np.squeeze(cur_Y_test) - inv_cov_X_X, Y_train)[ind_data] / inv_cov_X_X[ind_data, ind_data] cur_sigma = np.sqrt( 1.0 / (inv_cov_X_X[ind_data, ind_data] + constants.JITTER_COV)) first_term = -0.5 * np.log(cur_sigma**2) second_term = -0.5 * (np.squeeze(cur_Y_test - cur_mu))**2 / (cur_sigma **2) third_term = -0.5 * np.log(2.0 * np.pi) cur_log_pseudo_l_ = first_term + second_term + third_term log_pseudo_l_ += cur_log_pseudo_l_ log_pseudo_l_ /= num_data log_pseudo_l_ *= -1.0 return log_pseudo_l_