def _contour_t(mu, Cov, nu, axes=None, scale=4, transpose=False, colors='k'):
    if axes is None:
        axes = plt.gca()

    if np.shape(mu) != (2, ) or np.shape(Cov) != (2, 2) or np.shape(nu) != ():
        print(np.shape(mu), np.shape(Cov), np.shape(nu))
        raise ValueError("Only 2-d t-distribution allowed")

    if transpose:
        mu = mu[[1, 0]]
        Cov = Cov[np.ix_([1, 0], [1, 0])]

    s = np.sqrt(np.diag(Cov))
    x0 = np.linspace(mu[0] - scale * s[0], mu[0] + scale * s[0], num=100)
    x1 = np.linspace(mu[1] - scale * s[1], mu[1] + scale * s[1], num=100)
    X0X1 = misc.grid(x0, x1)
    Y = X0X1 - mu
    L = linalg.chol(Cov)
    logdet_Cov = linalg.chol_logdet(L)
    Z = linalg.chol_solve(L, Y)
    Z = linalg.inner(Y, Z, ndim=1)
    lpdf = random.t_logpdf(Z, logdet_Cov, nu, 2)
    p = np.exp(lpdf)
    shape = (np.size(x0), np.size(x1))
    X0 = np.reshape(X0X1[:, 0], shape)
    X1 = np.reshape(X0X1[:, 1], shape)
    P = np.reshape(p, shape)
    return axes.contour(X0, X1, P, colors=colors)
def _contour_t(mu, Cov, nu, axes=None, scale=4, transpose=False, colors='k'):
    if axes is None:
        axes = plt.gca()

    if np.shape(mu) != (2,) or np.shape(Cov) != (2,2) or np.shape(nu) != ():
        print(np.shape(mu), np.shape(Cov), np.shape(nu))
        raise ValueError("Only 2-d t-distribution allowed")
    if transpose:
        mu = mu[[1,0]]
        Cov = Cov[np.ix_([1,0],[1,0])]

    s = np.sqrt(np.diag(Cov))
    x0 = np.linspace(mu[0]-scale*s[0], mu[0]+scale*s[0], num=100)
    x1 = np.linspace(mu[1]-scale*s[1], mu[1]+scale*s[1], num=100)
    X0X1 = misc.grid(x0, x1)
    Y = X0X1 - mu
    L = linalg.chol(Cov)
    logdet_Cov = linalg.chol_logdet(L)
    Z = linalg.chol_solve(L, Y)
    Z = linalg.inner(Y, Z, ndim=1)
    lpdf = random.t_logpdf(Z, logdet_Cov, nu, 2)
    p = np.exp(lpdf)
    shape = (np.size(x0), np.size(x1))
    X0 = np.reshape(X0X1[:,0], shape)
    X1 = np.reshape(X0X1[:,1], shape)
    P = np.reshape(p, shape)
    return axes.contour(X0, X1, P, colors=colors)
    def compute_gradient(self, g, u, phi):
        Compute the Euclidean gradient.

        In order to compute the Euclidean gradient, we first need to derive the
        gradient of the moments with respect to the variational parameters:

        .. math::

           = N \cdot \frac {e^{\phi_i} \mathrm{d}\phi_i \sum_j e^{\phi_j}}
                           {(\sum_k e^{\phi_k})^2}
             - N \cdot \frac {e^{\phi_i} \sum_j e^\phi_j \mathrm{d}\phi_j}
                             {(\sum_k e^{\phi_k})^2}
           = \overline{u}_i \mathrm{d}\phi_i
             - \overline{u}_i \sum_j \frac{\overline{u}_j}{N} \mathrm{d}\phi_j

        Now we can make use of the chain rule. Given the Riemannian gradient
        :math:`\tilde{\nabla}` of the variational lower bound
        :math:`\mathcal{L}` with respect to the variational parameters
        :math:`\phi`, put the above result to the derivative term and
        re-organize the terms to get the Euclidean gradient :math:`\nabla`:

        .. math::

           = \tilde{\nabla}^T \mathrm{d}\overline{\mathbf{u}}
           = \sum_i \tilde{\nabla}_i \mathrm{d}\overline{u}_i
           = \sum_i \tilde{\nabla}_i (
                 \overline{u}_i \mathrm{d}\phi_i
                 - \overline{u}_i \sum_j \frac {\overline{u}_j} {N} \mathrm{d}\phi_j
           = \sum_i \left(\tilde{\nabla}_i \overline{u}_i \mathrm{d}\phi_i
             - \frac{\overline{u}_i}{N} \mathrm{d}\phi_i \sum_j \tilde{\nabla}_j \overline{u}_j \right)
           \equiv \nabla^T \mathrm{d}\phi

        Thus, the Euclidean gradient is:

        .. math::

           \nabla_i = \tilde{\nabla}_i \overline{u}_i - \frac{\overline{u}_i}{N}
                      \sum_j \tilde{\nabla}_j \overline{u}_j

        See also

        compute_moments_and_cgf : Computes the moments
            :math:`\overline{\mathbf{u}}` given the variational parameters

        return u[0] * (g - linalg.inner(g, u[0])[...,None] / self.N)
    def compute_gradient(self, g, u, phi):
        Compute the Euclidean gradient.

        In order to compute the Euclidean gradient, we first need to derive the
        gradient of the moments with respect to the variational parameters:

        .. math::

           = N \cdot \frac {e^{\phi_i} \mathrm{d}\phi_i \sum_j e^{\phi_j}}
                           {(\sum_k e^{\phi_k})^2}
             - N \cdot \frac {e^{\phi_i} \sum_j e^\phi_j \mathrm{d}\phi_j}
                             {(\sum_k e^{\phi_k})^2}
           = \overline{u}_i \mathrm{d}\phi_i
             - \overline{u}_i \sum_j \frac{\overline{u}_j}{N} \mathrm{d}\phi_j

        Now we can make use of the chain rule. Given the Riemannian gradient
        :math:`\tilde{\nabla}` of the variational lower bound
        :math:`\mathcal{L}` with respect to the variational parameters
        :math:`\phi`, put the above result to the derivative term and
        re-organize the terms to get the Euclidean gradient :math:`\nabla`:

        .. math::

           = \tilde{\nabla}^T \mathrm{d}\overline{\mathbf{u}}
           = \sum_i \tilde{\nabla}_i \mathrm{d}\overline{u}_i
           = \sum_i \tilde{\nabla}_i (
                 \overline{u}_i \mathrm{d}\phi_i
                 - \overline{u}_i \sum_j \frac {\overline{u}_j} {N} \mathrm{d}\phi_j
           = \sum_i \left(\tilde{\nabla}_i \overline{u}_i \mathrm{d}\phi_i
             - \frac{\overline{u}_i}{N} \mathrm{d}\phi_i \sum_j \tilde{\nabla}_j \overline{u}_j \right)
           \equiv \nabla^T \mathrm{d}\phi

        Thus, the Euclidean gradient is:

        .. math::

           \nabla_i = \tilde{\nabla}_i \overline{u}_i - \frac{\overline{u}_i}{N}
                      \sum_j \tilde{\nabla}_j \overline{u}_j

        See also

        compute_moments_and_cgf : Computes the moments
            :math:`\overline{\mathbf{u}}` given the variational parameters

        return u[0] * (g - linalg.inner(g, u[0])[..., None] / self.N)
    def _compute_message_to_parent(self, index, m, u_Lambda, u_alpha):

        if index == 0:
            alpha = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_alpha[0], 2*self._moments.ndim)
            logalpha = u_alpha[1]
            m0 = m[0] * alpha
            m1 = m[1]
            return [m0, m1]

        if index == 1:
            Lambda = u_Lambda[0]
            logdet_Lambda = u_Lambda[1]
            m0 = linalg.inner(m[0], Lambda, ndim=2*self._moments.ndim)
            m1 = m[1] * np.prod(self._moments.shape)
            return [m0, m1]

        raise IndexError()
    def _compute_message_to_parent(self, index, m, u_Lambda, u_alpha):

        if index == 0:
            alpha = misc.add_trailing_axes(u_alpha[0], 2 * self._moments.ndim)
            logalpha = u_alpha[1]
            m0 = m[0] * alpha
            m1 = m[1]
            return [m0, m1]

        if index == 1:
            Lambda = u_Lambda[0]
            logdet_Lambda = u_Lambda[1]
            m0 = linalg.inner(m[0], Lambda, ndim=2 * self._moments.ndim)
            m1 = m[1] * np.prod(self._moments.shape)
            return [m0, m1]

        raise IndexError()
 def lower_bound_contribution(self):
     return (
         linalg.inner(self.u[0], self.regularization[0], ndim=1)
         + self.u[1] * self.regularization[1]
 def lower_bound_contribution(self):
     return (linalg.inner(self.u[0], self.regularization[0], ndim=1) +
             self.u[1] * self.regularization[1])