import numpy as np
import time
import pickle

def scale_input(array):
    return (array - array.mean(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]) / array.std(
        axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]

n_days = 20

std_rel = 0.05
std_abs = 2e-7 * 1e7
d = np.load('data.npy')
data = bbi.Data(0, (d * std_rel + std_abs)**2)
n_output = data.value.size

grid = scale_input(np.load('sorption_input.npy'))

model_y = np.load('sorption_output.npy') - d.T
n_sample = 51000

problem = bbi.Problem(grid, model_y, data)

n_subsample = 500

field = bbi.MixSquaredExponential([0.1, 10], [0.01, 1e4],
import pickle

#%% 1) Run the three new methods: map, linearized and average


# Define problem

content = np.load('input/01_model.npz')
data_value = np.load(
)  # data imported from matlab (from earlier computations, same as in previous paper)

grid = content['grid']
model_y = content['model_y']
data = bbi.Data(data_value, 0.01)

problem = bbi.Problem(grid, model_y, data)

ll_true = problem.compute_loglikelihood()'output/01_reference_ll.npy', ll_true)

# Define gpe and start sequential design

n_iterations = 30
mix = bbi.MixMatern([0.01, 1], [0.01, 10], [0.5, 10], grid, n_output=18)

t_start = time.time()
ll_m, nodes_m, n_eval = bbi.design_map(problem, mix, n_iterations)
t_end = time.time()
t_m = t_end - t_start
data_value = data_value - data_value

# define subindex to only use some of the measurement
# this allows us to create a "bimodal posterior"

#simple_idx = np.array([0,4,8,36,40,44,72,76,80]) # recreate previous experiment
simple_idx = np.arange(4,77,9) # nine wells on the horizontal center

# note: results in 05_model.npz are on a 9x9-grid. Add 81 to get
# horizontal center in second timestep
subidx = np.concatenate((simple_idx, simple_idx+81)) 
#subidx = np.array([1,4,7,10,13,16])
data_value = data_value[subidx]
model_y = model_y[:,subidx]

data = bbi.Data(data_value, sigma_squared)
problem = bbi.Problem(grid, model_y, data)
ll_true = problem.compute_loglikelihood()'output/05_reference_ll.npy', ll_true)

f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
x = np.linspace(0,1,51)
img = plt.contourf(x,x,np.exp(ll_true).reshape(51,51))

#%% # 2) Run with "miracle"-Solution (find hyper parameters from other run)
n_iterations = 50
n_output = data_value.size
mix = bbi.MixMatern([0.01, 1], [0.01, 10], [0.5, 10], grid, n_output = n_output)
def load_problem(experiment):
    # Code and models adapted from Marvin Hoege, 7/2018
    if (experiment == 'kin'):
        time_end = 30
        n_output = time_end * 2
        time_range = np.linspace(0, time_end, n_output)

        c_0 = 1  # initial concentration
        r_max_true = 0.1  # maximum reaction rate
        K_true = 1  # half velocity concentration

        # Zeroth order model: p[0] = r_max
        def model_0th(p):
            return np.array([max(c_0 - p[0] * t, 0) for t in time_range])

        # First order model: p[0] = r_max / K
        def model_1st(p):
            return c_0 * np.exp(-p[0] * time_range)

        # Michaelis-Menten kinetics model: p[0] = r_max, p[1] = K
        def model_MMK(p):
            return (
                p[1] *
                lambertw(c_0 / p[1] *
                         np.exp(-p[0] / p[1] * time_range + c_0 / p[1]))).real

        obs_sigma = 0.1
        y = model_MMK([r_max_true, K_true
                       ]) + np.random.normal(size=time_range.size) * obs_sigma
        data = bbi.Data(y.real, obs_sigma)

        r_max_low = 0.01
        r_max_high = 0.15
        K_mean = np.log(K_true)
        K_sigma = 0.01

        n_sample = 8000
        r_max_samples = np.random.uniform(r_max_low, r_max_high, size=n_sample)
        K_samples = np.random.lognormal(K_mean, K_sigma, size=n_sample)
        ratio_samples = r_max_samples / K_samples

        grid_0th = r_max_samples[:, np.newaxis]
        grid_1st = ratio_samples[:, np.newaxis]
        grid_mmk = np.array([r_max_samples, K_samples]).T

        problem_mmk = bbi.Problem(grid_mmk, model_MMK, data)
        problem_0th = bbi.Problem(grid_0th, model_0th, data)
        problem_1st = bbi.Problem(grid_1st, model_1st, data)
        problems = [problem_mmk, problem_0th, problem_1st]

        n_subsample = 500
        grids = [grid_mmk, grid_0th, grid_1st]
        models = [model_MMK, model_0th, model_1st]
        names = ['MMK', '0th order', '1st order']
        ani = [2, 1, 1]

    # Models adapted from Anneli Guthke
    if (experiment == 'synth'):
        n_output = 15
        meas_loc = np.linspace(0.25, 4.75, n_output)

        # Linear model y = a*x+b
        def L2_model(p):
            return p[0] * meas_loc + p[1]

        # Nonlinear model y = a*cos(b*x+c)+d
        def NL4_model(p):
            return p[0] * np.cos(p[1] * meas_loc + p[2]) + p[3]

        sigma = 0.6
        content = io.loadmat('data/synth_data.mat')
        data = bbi.Data(content['d'], sigma**2)

        L2_prior_mean = np.array([1, 0])
        L2_prior_cov = np.array([[0.04, -0.007], [-0.007, 0.04]])
        NL4_prior_mean = np.array([2.6, 0.5, -2.8, 2.3])
        NL4_prior_cov = np.array([[0.46, -0.07, 0.24, -0.14],
                                  [-0.07, 0.04, -0.05, 0.02],
                                  [0.24, -0.05, 0.30, -0.16],
                                  [-0.14, 0.02, -0.16, 0.30]])

        n_sample = 10000
        L2_grid = np.random.multivariate_normal(L2_prior_mean,
        NL4_grid = np.random.multivariate_normal(NL4_prior_mean,

        L2_problem = bbi.Problem(L2_grid, L2_model, data)
        NL4_problem = bbi.Problem(NL4_grid, NL4_model, data)
        problems = [L2_problem, NL4_problem]

        n_subsample = 500
        grids = [L2_grid, NL4_grid]
        models = [L2_model, NL4_model]
        names = ['linear', 'cosine']
        ani = [2, 4]

    # Data and models adapted from Anneli Guthke, 11/2016
    if (experiment == 'iso'):
        content = io.loadmat('data/iso_output.mat')
        params = io.loadmat('data/iso_input.mat')
        n_days = 20

        std_rel = 0.05
        std_abs = 2e-7 * 1e7
        d = np.load('data/iso_data.npy')
        data = bbi.Data(0, (d * std_rel + std_abs)**2)
        n_output = data.value.size

        param_lin = scale_input(params['MC_paras_M1'].T)
        param_fre = scale_input(params['MC_paras_M2'].T)
        param_lan = scale_input(params['MC_paras_M3'].T)

        mc_data = content['MC_dataw'][:n_days] * 1e7
        mc_data -= d

        n_realizations = 51000
        reali_lin = mc_data[:, 0:n_realizations].T
        reali_fre = mc_data[:, n_realizations:(2 * n_realizations)].T
        reali_lan = mc_data[:, (2 * n_realizations):].T

        problem_lin = bbi.Problem(param_lin, reali_lin, data)
        problem_fre = bbi.Problem(param_fre, reali_fre, data)
        problem_lan = bbi.Problem(param_lan, reali_lan, data)
        problems = [problem_lin, problem_fre, problem_lan]

        n_sample = n_realizations
        n_subsample = 500
        grids = [param_lin, param_fre, param_lan]
        models = [reali_lin, reali_fre, reali_lan]
        names = ['linear', 'Freundlich', 'Langmuir']
        ani = [6, 6, 6]

    n_models = len(problems)
    selection_problem = bbi.SelectionProblem(grids, models, data)
    fields = [
        bbi.MixSquaredExponential([0.1, 10], [0.01, 1e4],
                                  anisotropy=ani[m]) for m in range(n_models)
    return selection_problem, problems, fields, names, n_sample, n_subsample