def _read_input_csv(in_file):
    """Parse useful details from SampleSheet CSV file.
    # Sanitize raw file before opening with csv reader

        with open(in_file, "rU") as in_handle:
            dialect = csv.excel
            reader = csv.DictReader(in_handle, dialect=dialect)
            for line in reader:
                if line:  # skip empty lines
                    # convert '__' to '.'
                    for key, val in line.items():
                        if val is not None and type(val) is str:
                            line[key] = val.replace('__', '.')

                    yield line['FCID'], line['Lane'], line['SampleID'], \
                          line['SampleRef'], line['Index'], line['Description'], \
                          line.get('Recipe', None), line.get('Operator', None), \
                          line.get('SampleProject', line['Description'])
    except ValueError:
        log.warning("Corrupt samplesheet %s, please fix it" % in_file)
def _read_input_csv(in_file):
    """Parse useful details from SampleSheet CSV file.
    # Sanitize raw file before opening with csv reader
    # _sanitize(in_file)

        with open(in_file, "rU") as in_handle:

            dialect = csv.excel
            reader = csv.DictReader(in_handle, dialect=dialect)
            for line in reader:
                if line:  # skip empty lines
                    # convert '__' to '.'
                    for key, val in line.items():
                        if val is not None and type(val) is str:
                            line[key] = val.replace("__", ".")

                    yield line["FCID"], line["Lane"], line["SampleID"], line["SampleRef"], line["Index"], line[
                    ], line.get("Recipe", None), line.get("Operator", None), line.get(
                        "SampleProject", line["Description"]
    except ValueError:
        log.warning("Corrupt samplesheet %s, please fix it" % in_file)
    def __init__(self, project_name, config):
        """Initialize the object"""

        col_mapping = self.column_mapping()
        name_column = col_mapping["project_name"]
        columns = []
        attributes = []
        for attr, col in col_mapping.items():
            setattr(self, attr, None)

        # Get the credentials
        encoded_credentials = bcbio.google.get_credentials(config)
        assert encoded_credentials is not None, \
        "The Google Docs credentials could not be found."

        # Get the name of the spreadsheet where uppnex ids can be found
        gdocs_config = config.get("gdocs_upload", {})
        ssheet_title = gdocs_config.get("projects_spreadsheet", None)
        wsheet_title = gdocs_config.get("projects_worksheet", None)

        assert ssheet_title is not None and wsheet_title is not None, \
            "The names of the projects spreadsheet and worksheet on Google \
            Docs could not be found."

        # Connect to the spread- and worksheet
        client = bcbio.google.spreadsheet.get_client(encoded_credentials)
        ssheet = bcbio.google.spreadsheet.get_spreadsheet(client, ssheet_title)

        assert ssheet is not None, \
            "Could not fetch %s from Google Docs." % ssheet_title

        # We allow multiple, comma-separated worksheets to be searched
        for wtitle in wsheet_title.split(','):
            wsheet = bcbio.google.spreadsheet.get_worksheet(client, ssheet, wtitle.strip())
            if not wsheet:
                logger2.warning("Could not locate %s in %s." % (wsheet_title, ssheet_title))

            # Get the rows for the project
            rows = bcbio.google.spreadsheet.get_rows_columns_with_constraint( \
                client, ssheet, wsheet, columns, {name_column: project_name})
            if len(rows) == 0:

            # Will only use the first result found to set each attribute
            for i, val in enumerate(rows[0]):
                setattr(self, attributes[i], val)

            # We have found the project data so stop iterating
 def _log_messages(self, log_handler, subject="Test email"):
         with log_handler.applicationbound():
             with logbook.Processor(lambda record: record.extra.__setitem__('run', subject)):
                 logger2.debug("DEBUG record test generated @ %s" % time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.info("INFO record test generated @ %s" % time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.notice("NOTICE record test generated @ %s" % time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.warning("WARNING record test generated @ %s" % time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.error("ERROR record test generated @ %s" % time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.critical("CRITICAL record test generated @ %s" % time.strftime("%x - %X"))
     except Exception as e:
         return e
     return None
 def _log_messages(self, log_handler, subject="Test email"):
         with log_handler.applicationbound():
             with logbook.Processor(lambda record: record.extra.__setitem__(
                     'run', subject)):
                 logger2.debug("DEBUG record test generated @ %s" %
                               time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.info("INFO record test generated @ %s" %
                              time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.notice("NOTICE record test generated @ %s" %
                                time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.warning("WARNING record test generated @ %s" %
                                 time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.error("ERROR record test generated @ %s" %
                               time.strftime("%x - %X"))
                 logger2.critical("CRITICAL record test generated @ %s" %
                                  time.strftime("%x - %X"))
     except Exception as e:
         return e
     return None