        myaxis = np.array([0, 1, 0])  # must be in [x, y, z] order
    print('Q aligned along ', ref_axis_outplane, ":", myaxis)
    angle = simu.angle_vectors(ref_vector=np.array([q[2], q[1], q[0]]) /
    print("Angle between q and", ref_axis_outplane, "=", angle, "deg")
    print("Angle with y in zy plane",
          np.arctan(q[0] / q[1]) * 180 / np.pi, "deg")
    print("Angle with y in xy plane",
          np.arctan(-q[2] / q[1]) * 180 / np.pi, "deg")
    print("Angle with z in xz plane",
          180 + np.arctan(q[2] / q[0]) * 180 / np.pi, "deg")

    support, phase = pu.rotate_crystal(
        arrays=(support, phase),
        debugging=(True, False),
        title=('support', 'phase'),
        reference_axis=np.array([q[2], q[1], q[0]]) / np.linalg.norm(q))

original_obj = support * np.exp(1j * phase)
del phase, support

# compensate padding in order to keep reciprocal space resolution (detector pixel size) constant #
# compensate padding in real space
print('\nOriginal voxel size', voxel_size, 'nm')
dqz = 2 * np.pi / (nz * voxel_size * 10)  # in inverse angstroms
dqy = 2 * np.pi / (ny * voxel_size * 10)  # in inverse angstroms
dqx = 2 * np.pi / (nx * voxel_size * 10)  # in inverse angstroms
        np.savez_compressed(datadir + 'S' + str(scan) + "_amp" + phase_fieldname + comment + '_LAB',
                            amp=amp, phase=phase)

    print("VTK spacing :", str('{:.2f}'.format(voxel_size)), "nm")
    # save amp & phase to VTK before rotation in crystal frame
    # in VTK, x is downstream, y vertical, z inboard, thus need to flip the last axis
    gu.save_to_vti(filename=os.path.join(datadir, "S"+str(scan)+"_amp-"+phase_fieldname+"_LAB"+comment+".vti"),
                   voxel_size=(voxel_size, voxel_size, voxel_size), tuple_array=(amp, phase),
                   tuple_fieldnames=('amp', phase_fieldname), amplitude_threshold=0.01)
# put back the crystal in its frame, by aligning q onto the reference axis #
if not xrayutils_ortho:
    print('\nAligning Q along ', ref_axis_q, ":", myaxis)
    amp = pu.rotate_crystal(array=amp, axis_to_align=np.array([q[2], q[1], q[0]])/np.linalg.norm(q),
                            reference_axis=myaxis, debugging=debug)
    phase = pu.rotate_crystal(array=phase, axis_to_align=np.array([q[2], q[1], q[0]])/np.linalg.norm(q),
                              reference_axis=myaxis, debugging=debug)

# calculate the strain depending on which axis q is aligned on #
support = np.zeros(amp.shape)
support[amp > isosurface_strain*amp.max()] = 1
zcom, ycom, xcom = center_of_mass(support)
del support

strain = pu.get_strain(phase=phase, planar_distance=planar_dist, voxel_size=voxel_size,
                              old_voxelsize=(dz_real, dy_real, dx_real),
        # no need to interpolate
        voxel_size = dz_real, dy_real, dx_real  # in nm

    if data_frame == 'laboratory':  # the object must be rotated into the crystal frame before the strain calculation
            'Rotating the object in the crystal frame for the strain calculation'

        amp, phase = pu.rotate_crystal(
            arrays=(abs(obj_ortho), np.angle(obj_ortho)),
            debugging=(True, False),
            axis_to_align=np.array([q[2], q[1], q[0]]) / np.linalg.norm(q),
            title=('amp', 'phase'))

        obj_ortho = amp * np.exp(
            1j * phase)  # here the phase is again wrapped in [-pi pi[
        del amp, phase

del avg_obj

# center the object (centering based on the modulus) #
obj = abs(obj)
numz, numy, numx = obj.shape
print("Initial data size: (", numz, ',', numy, ',', numx, ')')

# rotate the reconstruction #
new_shape = [int(1.2 * numz), int(1.2 * numy), int(1.2 * numx)]
obj = pu.crop_pad(array=obj, output_shape=new_shape, debugging=False)
numz, numy, numx = obj.shape

print("Cropped/padded data size before rotating: (", numz, ',', numy, ',',
      numx, ')')
print('Rotating object to have the crystallographic axes along array axes')
obj = pu.rotate_crystal(array=obj,
                        reference_axis=np.array([0, 1, 0]),
                        debugging=True)  # out of plane alignement
obj = pu.rotate_crystal(array=obj,
                        reference_axis=np.array([1, 0, 0]),
                        debugging=True)  # inplane alignement

#  pad array to obtain the desired field of view #
amp = np.copy(obj)
amp = np.flip(
    amp, 2
)  # mayavi expect xyz, but we provide downstream/upward/outboard which is not in the correct order
amp = amp / amp.max()
amp[amp < threshold_isosurface] = 0
    if ref_axis_outplane == "x":
        myaxis = np.array([1, 0, 0])  # must be in [x, y, z] order
    elif ref_axis_outplane == "y":
        myaxis = np.array([0, 1, 0])  # must be in [x, y, z] order
    elif ref_axis_outplane == "z":
        myaxis = np.array([0, 0, 1])  # must be in [x, y, z] order
        ref_axis_outplane = "y"
        myaxis = np.array([0, 1, 0])  # must be in [x, y, z] order
    print('Q aligned along ', ref_axis_outplane, ":", myaxis)
    angle = pu.plane_angle(np.array([q[2], q[1], q[0]]) / np.linalg.norm(q), myaxis)
    print("Angle between q and", ref_axis_outplane, "=", angle, "deg")
    print("Angle with y in zy plane", np.arctan(q[0] / q[1]) * 180 / np.pi, "deg")
    print("Angle with y in xy plane", np.arctan(-q[2] / q[1]) * 180 / np.pi, "deg")
    print("Angle with z in xz plane", 180 + np.arctan(q[2] / q[0]) * 180 / np.pi, "deg")
    support = pu.rotate_crystal(support, axis_to_align=myaxis,
                                reference_axis=np.array([q[2], q[1], q[0]]) / np.linalg.norm(q), debugging=True)
    phase = pu.rotate_crystal(phase, axis_to_align=myaxis,
                              reference_axis=np.array([q[2], q[1], q[0]]) / np.linalg.norm(q), debugging=False)

original_obj = support * np.exp(1j * phase)
del phase, support

# compensate padding in order to keep reciprocal space resolution (detector pixel size) constant #
# compensate padding in real space
print('\nOriginal voxel size', voxel_size, 'nm')
dqz = 2 * np.pi / (nz * voxel_size * 10)  # in inverse angstroms
dqy = 2 * np.pi / (ny * voxel_size * 10)  # in inverse angstroms
dqx = 2 * np.pi / (nx * voxel_size * 10)  # in inverse angstroms
nbz, nby, nbx = obj.shape

# rotate object #
if align_axes:
    assert len(align_axes) == len(
        ref_axes), 'align_axes and ref_axes should have the same length'
    new_shape = [int(1.2 * nbz), int(1.2 * nby), int(1.2 * nbx)]
    obj = pu.crop_pad(array=obj, output_shape=new_shape, debugging=False)
    nbz, nby, nbx = obj.shape
    print('Rotating object to have the crystallographic axes along array axes')
    for axis, ref_axis in zip(align_axes, ref_axes):
        print('axis to align, reference axis:', axis, ref_axis)
        obj = pu.rotate_crystal(array=obj,
                                debugging=True)  # out of plane alignement

# apply threshold #
if not np.isnan(threshold):
    obj[obj < threshold] = 0

# check ROI #
if len(roi) == 6:
    print('Crop/pad the reconstruction to accommodate the ROI')
    obj = pu.crop_pad(