def _parallel_nbs(self, FreqBand, thresh): """ Calculates nbs for one Frequency band. Is called in calc_nbs. :return dataframe with pvals of """ print(f'Processing {FreqBand}, Thresh: {thresh}') ResultDict = { 'Freq': [], 'Threshold': [], 'P-Val': [], 'Component-File': [], 'Index': [] } GroupFCList = [] for Group in self.GroupIDs.keys(): # Find File and load file GroupFCs = np.load( self.find(suffix='stacked-FCs', filetype='.npy', Group=Group, Freq=FreqBand)) # Transform matrix for nbs (NxNxP with P being the number of subjects per group) tGroupFCs = np.moveaxis(GroupFCs, 0, -1) GroupFCList.append(tGroupFCs) # Set Component File Path CompFileName = self.createFileName(suffix='Component-Adj', filetype='.npy', Freq=FreqBand, Thresh=thresh) CompFilePath = self.createFilePath(self.EdgeStatsDir, 'NetBasedStats', 'Components', CompFileName) pval, adj, null = nbs_bct(GroupFCList[0], GroupFCList[1], thresh=thresh, k=1000) print('Adjacency Shape: ', adj.shape) for idx, p in enumerate(pval): ResultDict['Freq'].append(FreqBand) ResultDict['Threshold'].append(thresh) ResultDict['P-Val'].append(p) ResultDict['Component-File'].append(CompFilePath) ResultDict['Index'].append(idx + 1) # Save Null-Sample and Component to File NullFileName = self.createFileName(suffix='Null-Sample', filetype='.npy', Freq=FreqBand, Thresh=thresh) NullFilePath = self.createFilePath(self.EdgeStatsDir, 'NetBasedStats', 'Null-Sample', NullFileName), null), adj) # Return dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(ResultDict, index=ResultDict['Index']) return df
def apply_nbs(X, y, th, iterations=1000, verbose=False): """ Application of NBS. Computation of max component size, its null distribution and p-value. Parameters: ---------- X: shape = ((N+M), n, n), where N and M are the sizes of the two grous, and n is the number of nodes in the graphs. Data from both groups. (N+M) connectivity matrices. y: shape=(N+M,) Class labels for the data th: float Minimum t-value used as threshold iterations: int Number of permutations used to estimate the empirical null distribution verbose: bool Verbosity Returns: ------- max_comp_size: float The size of the biggest connected component. max_comp_null: array Null distribution of the size of biggest connected component. p_value: float p-value """ #taking the two groups XX = X[y == 0].T YY = X[y == 1].T #applying nbs pval, adj, max_comp_null = nbs.nbs_bct(XX, YY, th, iterations, verbose=verbose) #Computing connected component sizes _, comp_sizes = np.unique(adj[adj > 0], return_counts=True) max_comp_size = np.max( comp_sizes) / 2 #div by 2 because edges are counted twice return max_comp_size, max_comp_null, np.min(pval)
def apply_nbs(X, y, th, iterations=1000, verbose=False): """ Application of NBS. Computation of max component size, its null distribution and p-value. Parameters: ---------- X: shape = ((N+M), n, n), where N and M are the sizes of the two grous, and n is the number of nodes in the graphs. Data from both groups. (N+M) connectivity matrices. y: shape=(N+M,) Class labels for the data th: float Minimum t-value used as threshold iterations: int Number of permutations used to estimate the empirical null distribution verbose: bool Verbosity Returns: ------- max_comp_size: float The size of the biggest connected component. max_comp_null: array Null distribution of the size of biggest connected component. p_value: float p-value """ #taking the two groups XX = X[y == 0].T YY = X[y == 1].T #applying nbs pval, adj, max_comp_null = nbs.nbs_bct(XX, YY, th, iterations, verbose=verbose) #Computing connected component sizes _, comp_sizes = np.unique(adj[adj>0], return_counts=True) max_comp_size = np.max(comp_sizes) / 2 #div by 2 because edges are counted twice return max_comp_size, max_comp_null, np.min(pval)
reshape_Ses2_trauma = np.moveaxis(np.array(cor_z_array_2),0,-1) #%% create a symmetric matrix for CPM sym_mat = [] for i in range(len(ses_1_trauma_corr_z)): x = nilearn.connectome.sym_matrix_to_vec(ses_1_trauma_corr_z[i], discard_diagonal=False) x_mat = nilearn.connectome.vec_to_sym_matrix(x) sym_mat.append(x_mat) sym_mat = np.array(sym_mat) sym_mat = np.moveaxis(sym_mat,0,-1)'ses2_trauma.mat', dict(x=sym_mat)) #%% run NBS from bct import nbs # we compare ket1 and ket3 pval, adj, _ = nbs.nbs_bct(reshape_ses1_trauma, reshape_Ses2_trauma, thresh=2.5, tail='both',k=500, paired=True, verbose = True) # there is a difference. Lets plot the network # first create diff diffMat_2_1 = contFuncs(ses_1_trauma_corr, ses_2_trauma_corr) # reshape and save as .mat for CPM diffMat_21_CPM = np.moveaxis(np.array(diffMat_2_1),0, -1)'diffMat_2_1.mat', dict(x=diffMat_21_CPM)) diffMat_2_1_thr = np.array(diffMat_2_1) * adj diffMat_2_1_thr_avergae = np.mean(diffMat_2_1_thr, axis = 0) # how many edges? np.sum(adj) # 1310 edges survived np.savetxt('diffMat_2_1_thr.csv', diffMat_2_1_thr_avergae)
ket4Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(ket4_corr), 0,-1) mid1Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(mid1_corr),0,-1) mid2Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(mid2_corr),0,-1) mid3Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(mid3_corr),0,-1) #print(mid3Reshape.shape) # In[ ]: # now we can run NBS # NBS is taken from:, can be installed using pip (pip install bctpy) from bct import nbs # we compare ket1 and ket3 pval, adj, _ = nbs.nbs_bct(ket1Reshape, ket3Reshape, thresh=3, tail='both',k=1000, paired=True, verbose = True) # check mean p vlue #np.mean(checkNBS[0]) # In[ ]: # look at p values and No. of components. print(pval.shape) print (pval) len(pval) print(adj.shape) print(adj[0:10]) ad = np.array(adj) print(ad[:,0:10]) #bct.adjacency_plot_und(adj, coords, tube=False)
# %% # lets run NBS ketDeltaReshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(ketDelta), 0, -1) midDeltaReshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(midDelta), 0, -1) ketSes2_reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(ketSes2), 0, -1) midSes2_reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(midSes2), 0, -1) print(ketDeltaReshape.shape) print(midDeltaReshape.shape) from bct import nbs # we compare ket1 and ket3 pval, adj, _ = nbs.nbs_bct(ketDeltaReshape, midDeltaReshape, thresh=2.3, tail='both', k=1000, paired=False, verbose=False) print(pval) # %% # ok lets threshold using adjacency #tTresh = t[np.tril(adj)] tTresh = t * adj #tTresh[np.triu(tTresh)] = t sns.heatmap(tTresh, xticklabels=labels, yticklabels=labels, cmap='coolwarm', annot=True)
#%% #%% create time series (with condounders) session1 = timeSeries(func_files=fileList(subject_list_1,'1'), confound_files=confList(subject_list_1, '1')) session2 = timeSeries(func_files=fileList(subject_list_1,'2'), confound_files=confList(subject_list_1, '2')) session3 = timeSeries(func_files=fileList(subject_list3,'3'), confound_files=confList(subject_list3, '3')) #%% os.chdir('/home/or/kpe_conn/ShenParc')"session_1Timeseries_ShenRS",session1) # saving array"session_2TimeseriesShenRS",session2)"session_3TimeseriesShenRS", session3) #%% Correlations cor1 = createCorMat(session1) cor2 = createCorMat(session2) cor3 = createCorMat(session3) #%% NBS cor1Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(cor1),0,-1) cor2Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(cor2),0,-1) cor3Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(cor3),0,-1) from bct import nbs # we compare ket1 and ket3 pval, adj, _ = nbs.nbs_bct(cor1Reshape, cor2Reshape, thresh=2.5, tail='both',k=500, paired=True, verbose = True) # no difference in RS across groups # Compare first and 3rd pval, adj, _ = nbs.nbs_bct(cor1Reshape, cor2Reshape, thresh=2.5, tail='both',k=500, paired=True, verbose = True)
plotting.plot_connectome(empty, coords, edge_threshold='95%', colorbar=True, black_bg = False, annotate = True, node_color = color_node) # plot in browser view = plotting.view_connectome(empty, coords, threshold='90%') view.open_in_browser() view_color.open_in_browser() #%% Run Network Based Analysis # first reshape the matrix dimensions (right now its [subs,x,y]) to [x,y,subs] trt1Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(trauma_1st_ses),0,-1) trt2Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(trauma_2_1st_ses),0,-1) from bct import nbs # we compare ket1 and ket3 pval, adj, _ = nbs.nbs_bct(trt1Reshape, trt2Reshape, thresh=2.5, tail='both',k=500, paired=True, verbose = True) # one network is different #%% compare sad to trauma 1 sad1Reshape = np.moveaxis(np.array(sad_corr_subs),0,-1) pvalSadTr, adjSadTr, _ = nbs.nbs_bct(trt1Reshape, sad1Reshape, thresh=2.5, tail='both',k=500, paired=True, verbose = True) # sig difference between those two networks. # now contrast between the mean matrices of each condition contMat = np.mean(trauma_1st_ses, axis = 0) - np.mean(sad_corr_subs, axis = 0) # then multiply by the adjacency matrix created by NBS. adjCor = contMat * adjSadTr np.max(adjCor) # now we can differentiate to two positive and negative matrices pos_cor = np.array(adjCor) pos_cor[pos_cor<=0] = 0 # zero for everything lower than zero np.max(pos_cor)
# using the condition labels to seperate midazolam and ketamine ketamine_mat = [] midazolam_mat = [] for i,x in enumerate(condition_label): print(i) print(x) if x==1: # ketamine ketamine_mat.append(mat_2[i]) else: midazolam_mat.append(mat_2[i]) #%% now reshape and NBS ketamine = np.moveaxis(np.array(ketamine_mat),0,-1) midazolam = np.moveaxis(np.array(midazolam_mat),0,-1) #%% from bct import nbs # we compare ket1 and ket3 pval, adj, _ = nbs.nbs_bct(ketamine, midazolam, thresh=2.5, tail='both',k=500, paired=False, verbose = True) # no difference in RS across groups # %% nilearn.plotting.plot_matrix(mat_2[0], labels=np.array(labels.Yeo_networks7) , colorbar=True) #%% np.array(labels.Difumo_names)