async def add_photo(request, beacon_id):
    if not re.match(r"^[\da-fA-F]{24}$", beacon_id):
        return json({"error": "Incorrect beacon id"})

    user = await User.find_one(auth.current_user(request).id)
    beacon = await Beacon.find_one(beacon_id)

    if beacon.is_private and beacon_id not in user.beacons:
        return json({"error": "You have no rights on adding photo"})

    photo = request.files.get("photo")

    if not re.match(r"^image\/jpg|image\/jpeg|image\/tiff$", photo.type):
        return json({"error": "File should be *.jpeg or *.tiff"})
    if not re.match(r"^[\w_!?.,]+$", photo.name):
        return json({"error": "Incorrect symbol in filename"})
    if len(photo.body) > 10000000:
        return json({"error": "File should be less then 5 mg"})

    upserted_id = (await Photo.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(get_random_id())}, {
                                                            "$set": {"photo": photo.body, "beaconId": beacon_id, "is_private": beacon.is_private},
                                                            "$currentDate": {"createDate": {"$type": "date"}}},

    await Beacon.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(beacon_id)},
                            {"$push": {"photos": {"id": str(upserted_id), "name": photo.name}}})

    return json({"id": str(upserted_id), "name": photo.name})
async def get_user_beacons(request):
    user = await User.find_one(auth.current_user(request).id)

    user_beacons_ids = [ObjectId(beacon) for beacon in user.beacons]
    beacons = await Beacon.find(filter={"_id": {"$in": user_beacons_ids}},
                                sort=[("createDate", -1)],

    return json({"beacons": [{"id": str(beacon.id), "name": beacon.name,
                              "x": beacon.coord_x, "y": beacon.coord_y}
                             for beacon in beacons.objects]})
async def get_beacon_by_invite(request):
    invite = request.form.get("invite")

    if not re.match(r"^[\da-fA-F-]{36}$", invite):
        return json({"error": "Incorrect invite"})

    beacon = await Beacon.find_one({'invite': invite})
    if not beacon:
        return json({"error": "Incorrect invite"})
    user = await User.find_one(auth.current_user(request).id)
    if str(beacon.id) in user.beacons:
        return json({"error": "Invite already released"})
    await User.update_one({"_id": user.id}, {"$push": {"beacons": str(beacon.id)}})

    return json({"id": str(beacon.id), "x": beacon.coord_x, "y": beacon.coord_y})
async def get_beacon(request, beacon_id):
    if not re.match(r"^[\da-fA-F]{24}$", beacon_id):
        return json({"error": "Incorrect beacon id"})
    user = await User.find_one(auth.current_user(request).id)
    beacon = await Beacon.find_one(beacon_id)

    creator = await User.find_one(beacon.creator)
    if beacon.is_private and beacon_id not in user.beacons:
        return json({"name": "Hidden", "comment": "Hidden", "is_private": True,
                     "x": beacon.coord_x, "y": beacon.coord_y,
                     "creator": creator.name, "photos": []})
    return json({"name": beacon.name, "comment": beacon.comment, "is_private": False,
                 "x": beacon.coord_x, "y": beacon.coord_y,
                 "creator": creator.name, "photos": beacon.photos, "invite": beacon.invite})
def index(request):
    center_x = 0
    center_y = 0
    if "center_x" in request.args:
        center_x = parse_int(request.args["center_x"][0])
    if "center_y" in request.args:
        center_y = parse_int(request.args["center_y"][0])

    request_user = auth.current_user(request)

    return {
        "center_x": center_x,
        "center_y": center_y,
        "user": {
            "name": request_user.name
async def add_beacon(request):
    request_user = auth.current_user(request)
    user = await User.find_one(request_user.id)

    name = request.form.get("name")
    comment = request.form.get("comment")

    if len(name) > 25:
        return json({"message": "Name must be less then 25 symbols"})
    if len(comment) > 255:
        return json({"message": "Comment must be less then 255 symbols"})

    if not re.match(r"^[\w_ ]+$", name):
        return json({"error": "Username should contains only letters, numbers or _"})
    if comment and not re.match(r"^[\w_!?., ='\r\n]+$", comment):
        return json({"error": "Incorrect symbol in comment"})

    coord_x = int(request.form.get("coord_x"))
    coord_y = int(request.form.get("coord_y"))
    is_private = True if request.form.get("isPrivate") == 'on' else False
    if len(user.invites) < 1 and is_private:
        return json({"error": "Only 200 beacon permit"})
    if await Beacon.find_one({"coord_x": coord_x, "coord_y": coord_y}):
        return json({"error": "Beacon exists"})
    upserted_id = (await Beacon.update_one({"_id": ObjectId(get_random_id())}, {
                                            "$set": {"name": name,
                                                     "comment": comment,
                                                     "coord_x": coord_x,
                                                     "coord_y": coord_y,
                                                     "creator": str(user.id),
                                                     "photos": [],
                                                     "is_private": is_private,
                                                     "invite": (await get_invite_by_user(user)) if is_private else ''},
                                                     "$currentDate": {"createDate": {"$type": "date"}}}, upsert=True)

    await User.update_one({"_id": user.id}, {"$push": {"beacons": str(upserted_id)}})
    return json({"upserted_id": str(upserted_id)})