class DoiCache(object):

    def __init__(self, config):
        cache_opts = {
            'cache.type': getattr(config, 'citation_cache_type', 'file'),
            'cache.data_dir': getattr(config, 'citation_cache_data_dir', None),
            'cache.lock_dir': getattr(config, 'citation_cache_lock_dir', None),
        self._cache = CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(cache_opts)).get_cache('doi')

    def _raw_get_bibtex(self, doi):
        dx_url = "http://dx.doi.org/" + doi
        headers = {'Accept': 'text/bibliography; style=bibtex, application/x-bibtex'}
        req = requests.get(dx_url, headers=headers)
        return req.text

    def get_bibtex(self, doi):
        createfunc = functools.partial(self._raw_get_bibtex, doi)
        return self._cache.get(key=doi, createfunc=createfunc)
class DoiCache:

    def __init__(self, config):
        cache_opts = {
            'cache.type': getattr(config, 'citation_cache_type', 'file'),
            'cache.data_dir': getattr(config, 'citation_cache_data_dir', None),
            'cache.lock_dir': getattr(config, 'citation_cache_lock_dir', None),
        self._cache = CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(cache_opts)).get_cache('doi')

    def _raw_get_bibtex(self, doi):
        doi_url = f"https://doi.org/{doi}"
        headers = {'Accept': 'application/x-bibtex'}
        req = requests.get(doi_url, headers=headers, timeout=DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT)
        req.encoding = req.apparent_encoding
        return req.text

    def get_bibtex(self, doi):
        createfunc = functools.partial(self._raw_get_bibtex, doi)
        return self._cache.get(key=doi, createfunc=createfunc)
class RadioDns_():
    """Class to handle connection to the radioDns database: listing of topics and logins, special topic rules"""


    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('radiovisserver.radiodns')
        self.cache = CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(config.CACHE_OPTS)).get_cache('radiodns', expire=60)
        self.durablecache = pylibmc.Client(
                "tcp_nodelay": True,
                "ketama": True,
        )  # CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(config.CACHE_OPTS)).get_cache('radiodnsdurable')

    def do_query(self, url, params):
            return requests.get(config.API_URL + url, data=params).json()
            # Ommit params as it's may contain passwords
            self.logger.error("Error trying query %s" % (url,))
            return None

    def check_auth(self, user, password, ip):
        """Check an username and password"""

        self.logger.debug("Checking username and password for %s" % (user,))

        result = self.do_query('check_auth', {'username': user, 'password': password, 'ip': ip})

        if result:
            if result['result']:
                self.logger.debug("Password ok")
                return True
                self.logger.warning("Cannot auth: %s" % (result['error'],))
                return False
            self.logger.error("No reply when check_auth ?")
            return False

    def get_channels(self, station_id):
        """Return the list of channels for a station. Use cachinig of 1 minute"""

        self.logger.debug("Getting channels of %s" % (station_id,))

        def get_channels():
            self.logger.debug("Query channels of %s, nothing in cache !" % (station_id,))

            result = self.do_query('get_channels', {'station_id': station_id})

            if result is None:
                self.logger.error("No reply when get_channels ?")
                return []

            return result['list']

        return self.cache.get(key="get_channels-" + station_id, createfunc=get_channels)

    def update_channel_topics(self):
        """Update the channel cache from database"""
            self.logger.debug("Updating channel topic list for durable cache.")
            new_topics = []
            for (channel, id) in self.get_all_vis_channels():

                "Setting radiovis_channels_topics channel topic list with %s elements." % (len(new_topics)))
            self.durablecache.set('radiovis_channels_topics', new_topics, time=RadioDns.CACHE_DURATION)
            e = sys.exc_info()[0]
            self.logger.error("Error trying to update channel topics in durable cache. %s" % (e))

    def contains_channel_topic(self, topic):
        """Checks if cache contains a particular channel"""
            # Normalize to ignore /image and /text
            topic = topic.rstrip('image').rstrip('text')
            channel_topics = self.durablecache.get('radiovis_channels_topics')
            return topic in channel_topics
            self.logger.error("Error trying to check channel topic %s in cache." % (topic))
            return None

    def convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(self, topic):
        """Convert a fm topic using gcc instead of country code"""
        # /topic/fm/gcc/  <=> /topic/fm/cc/ . If it's a gcc, topic[13] = '/'
        if not topic[:10] == "/topic/fm/" or topic[13] == '/':
            return topic

        self.logger.debug("Converting %s to use gcc" % (topic,))

            cachevalue = self.durablecache.get('radiovis_isoecc_' + topic)
            if cachevalue:
                return cachevalue
        except (pylibmc.ConnectionError, pylibmc.ServerDown) as e:
            self.logger.warning("No memcached backend is running! %s" % (e,))

        def convert_topic():

            splited_topic = topic.split('/')

            cc = splited_topic[3]

            self.logger.debug("Querying gcc value for %s, nothing in cache !" % (cc,))

            result = self.do_query('get_gcc', {'cc': cc})
            if result is None:
                self.logger.error("No reply when convert_fm_topic_to_gcc ?")
                return topic  # Return the topic

            splited_topic[3] = result['gcc']

            gcc_topic = '/'.join(splited_topic)

            self.logger.debug("Setting radiovis_isoecc_ to durable cache topic list with %s." % (gcc_topic))
                self.durablecache.set('radiovis_isoecc_' + topic, gcc_topic, time=RadioDns.CACHE_DURATION)
            except (pylibmc.ConnectionError, pylibmc.ServerDown) as e:
                self.logger.warning("No memcached backend is running! %s" % (e,))
            return gcc_topic

        return self.cache.get(key='topic-to-gcc-' + topic, createfunc=convert_topic)

    def check_special_matchs(self, topic, topics):
        """Return true if topic is in the list of topics, using specials rules (eg. fm)"""

        # Only a special rule for fm
        if not topic[:10] == "/topic/fm/":
            return None

        # Check matches using gcc version
        topic = self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(topic)

        for subTopic in topics:
            subTopicConverted = self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(subTopic)
            if subTopicConverted == topic:
                return subTopic

        return None

    def get_all_channels(self):
        """Return the list of all channels"""

        result = self.do_query('get_all_channels', {})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when get_all_channels ?")
            return []

        retour = []

        for (topic, id) in result['list']:
            retour.append((self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(topic), id))

        return retour

    def get_all_vis_channels(self):
        """Return the list of all VIS channel that have an image"""

        result = self.do_query('get_all_vis_channels', {})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when get_all_vis_channels ?")
            return []

        retour = []

        for (topic, id) in result['list']:
            retour.append((self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(topic), id))

        return retour

    def get_channel_default(self, id):
        """Return the default image, link and message for a channel"""

        # Get out of cache if available
            cachevalue = self.durablecache.get('get_channel_default_' + str(id))
            if cachevalue:
                return cachevalue
        except (pylibmc.ConnectionError, pylibmc.ServerDown) as e:
            self.logger.warning("No memcached backend is running! %s" % (e,))

        result = self.do_query('get_channel_default', {'id': id})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when get_channel_default %s ?" % (id,))
            return []

        # Save to cache
            self.durablecache.set('get_channel_default_' + str(id), result['info'], time=RadioDns.CACHE_DURATION)
        except (pylibmc.ConnectionError, pylibmc.ServerDown) as e:
            self.logger.warning("No memcached backend is running! %s" % (e,))

        return result['info']

    def add_log(self, topic, message, headers, timestamp):
        """Add a log entry"""

        result = self.do_query('add_log', {'topic': topic, 'message': str(message), 'headers': json.dumps(headers),
                                           'timestamp': timestamp})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when add_log %s %s %s %s ?" % (topic, message, headers, timestamp,))

    def cleanup_logs(self, max_age):
        """Clean logs"""
        result = self.do_query('cleanup_logs', {'max_age': max_age})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when cleanup_logs ?")
class RadioDns_():
	"""Class to handle connection to the radioDns database: listing of topics and logins, special topic rules"""

	def __init__(self):
		self.logger = logging.getLogger('radiovisserver.radiodns')
		self.cache = CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(config.CACHE_OPTS)).get_cache('radiodns', expire=60)

	def do_query(self, url, params):
			return requests.get(config.API_URL + url, data=params).json()
			# Ommit params as it's may contain passwords
			self.logger.error("Error trying query %s" % (url, ))
			return None

	def check_auth(self, user, password, ip):
		"""Check an username and password"""

		self.logger.debug("Checking username and password for %s" % (user,))

		result = self.do_query('check_auth', {'username': user, 'password': password, 'ip': ip})

		if result:
			if result['result']:
				self.logger.debug("Password ok")
				return True
				self.logger.warning("Cannot auth: %s" % (result['error'], ))
				return False
			self.logger.error("No reply when check_auth ?")
			return False

	def get_channels(self, station_id):
		"""Return the list of channels for a station. Use cachinig of 1 minute"""

		self.logger.debug("Getting channels of %s" % (station_id,))

		def get_channels():

			self.logger.debug("Query channels of %s, nothing in cache !" % (station_id,))

			result = self.do_query('get_channels', {'station_id': station_id})

			if result is None:
				self.logger.error("No reply when get_channels ?")
				return []

			return result['list']

		return self.cache.get(key="get_channels-" + station_id, createfunc=get_channels)

	def convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(self, topic):
		"""Convert a fm topic using gcc instead of country code"""
		# /topic/fm/gcc/  <=> /topic/fm/cc/ . If it's a gcc, topic[13] = '/'
		if not topic[:10] == "/topic/fm/" or topic[13] == '/':
			return topic

		self.logger.debug("Converting %s to use gcc" % (topic,))

		def convert_topic():

			splited_topic = topic.split('/')

			cc = splited_topic[3]

			self.logger.debug("Querying gcc value for %s, nothing in cache !" % (cc,))

			result = self.do_query('get_gcc', {'cc': cc})
			if result is None:
				self.logger.error("No reply when convert_fm_topic_to_gcc ?")
				return topic  # Return the topic

			splited_topic[3] = result['gcc']

			return '/'.join(splited_topic)

		return self.cache.get(key='topic-to-gcc-' + topic, createfunc=convert_topic)

	def check_special_matchs(self, topic, topics):
		"""Return true if topic is in the list of topics, using specials rules (eg. fm)"""

		# Only a special rule for fm
		if not topic[:10] == "/topic/fm/":
			return None

		# Check matches using gcc version
		topic = self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(topic)

		for subTopic in topics:
			subTopicConverted = self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(subTopic)
			if subTopicConverted == topic:
				return subTopic

		return None

	def get_all_channels(self):
		"""Return the list of all channels"""

		result = self.do_query('get_all_channels', {})

		if result is None:
			self.logger.error("No reply when get_all_channels ?")
			return []

		retour = []

		for (topic, id) in result['list']:
			retour.append((self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(topic), id))

		return retour

	def get_channel_default(self, id):
		"""Return the default image, link and message for a channel"""

		result = self.do_query('get_channel_default', {'id': id})

		if result is None:
			self.logger.error("No reply when get_channel_default %s ?" % (id, ))
			return []

		return result['info']

	def add_log(self, topic, message, headers, timestamp):
		"""Add a log entry"""

		result = self.do_query('add_log', {'topic': topic, 'message': str(message), 'headers': json.dumps(headers), 'timestamp': timestamp })

		if result is None:
			self.logger.error("No reply when add_log %s %s %s %s ?" % (topic, message, headers, timestamp, ))

	def cleanup_logs(self, max_age):
		"""Clean logs"""
		result = self.do_query('cleanup_logs', {'max_age': max_age})

		if result is None:
			self.logger.error("No reply when cleanup_logs ?")
class RadioDns_():
    """Class to handle connection to the radioDns database: listing of topics and logins, special topic rules"""


    def __init__(self):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger('radiovisserver.radiodns')
        self.cache = CacheManager(
                'radiodns', expire=60)
        self.durablecache = pylibmc.Client(
                "tcp_nodelay": True,
                "ketama": True,
        )  # CacheManager(**parse_cache_config_options(config.CACHE_OPTS)).get_cache('radiodnsdurable')

    def do_query(self, url, params):
            return requests.get(config.API_URL + url, data=params).json()
            # Ommit params as it's may contain passwords
            self.logger.error("Error trying query %s" % (url, ))
            return None

    def check_auth(self, user, password, ip):
        """Check an username and password"""

        self.logger.debug("Checking username and password for %s" % (user, ))

        result = self.do_query('check_auth', {
            'username': user,
            'password': password,
            'ip': ip

        if result:
            if result['result']:
                self.logger.debug("Password ok")
                return True
                self.logger.warning("Cannot auth: %s" % (result['error'], ))
                return False
            self.logger.error("No reply when check_auth ?")
            return False

    def get_channels(self, station_id):
        """Return the list of channels for a station. Use cachinig of 1 minute"""

        self.logger.debug("Getting channels of %s" % (station_id, ))

        def get_channels():
            self.logger.debug("Query channels of %s, nothing in cache !" %
                              (station_id, ))

            result = self.do_query('get_channels', {'station_id': station_id})

            if result is None:
                self.logger.error("No reply when get_channels ?")
                return []

            return result['list']

        return self.cache.get(key="get_channels-" + station_id,

    def update_channel_topics(self):
        """Update the channel cache from database"""
            self.logger.debug("Updating channel topic list for durable cache.")
            new_topics = []
            for (channel, id) in self.get_all_vis_channels():

                "Setting radiovis_channels_topics channel topic list with %s elements."
                % (len(new_topics)))
            e = sys.exc_info()[0]
                "Error trying to update channel topics in durable cache. %s" %

    def contains_channel_topic(self, topic):
        """Checks if cache contains a particular channel"""
            # Normalize to ignore /image and /text
            topic = topic.rstrip('image').rstrip('text')
            channel_topics = self.durablecache.get('radiovis_channels_topics')
            return topic in channel_topics
                "Error trying to check channel topic %s in cache." % (topic))
            return None

    def convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(self, topic):
        """Convert a fm topic using gcc instead of country code"""
        # /topic/fm/gcc/  <=> /topic/fm/cc/ . If it's a gcc, topic[13] = '/'
        if not topic[:10] == "/topic/fm/" or topic[13] == '/':
            return topic

        self.logger.debug("Converting %s to use gcc" % (topic, ))

            cachevalue = self.durablecache.get('radiovis_isoecc_' + topic)
            if cachevalue:
                return cachevalue
        except (pylibmc.ConnectionError, pylibmc.ServerDown) as e:
            self.logger.warning("No memcached backend is running! %s" % (e, ))

        def convert_topic():

            splited_topic = topic.split('/')

            cc = splited_topic[3]

            self.logger.debug("Querying gcc value for %s, nothing in cache !" %
                              (cc, ))

            result = self.do_query('get_gcc', {'cc': cc})
            if result is None:
                self.logger.error("No reply when convert_fm_topic_to_gcc ?")
                return topic  # Return the topic

            splited_topic[3] = result['gcc']

            gcc_topic = '/'.join(splited_topic)

                "Setting radiovis_isoecc_ to durable cache topic list with %s."
                % (gcc_topic))
                self.durablecache.set('radiovis_isoecc_' + topic,
            except (pylibmc.ConnectionError, pylibmc.ServerDown) as e:
                self.logger.warning("No memcached backend is running! %s" %
                                    (e, ))
            return gcc_topic

        return self.cache.get(key='topic-to-gcc-' + topic,

    def check_special_matchs(self, topic, topics):
        """Return true if topic is in the list of topics, using specials rules (eg. fm)"""

        # Only a special rule for fm
        if not topic[:10] == "/topic/fm/":
            return None

        # Check matches using gcc version
        topic = self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(topic)

        for subTopic in topics:
            subTopicConverted = self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(subTopic)
            if subTopicConverted == topic:
                return subTopic

        return None

    def get_all_channels(self):
        """Return the list of all channels"""

        result = self.do_query('get_all_channels', {})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when get_all_channels ?")
            return []

        retour = []

        for (topic, id) in result['list']:
            retour.append((self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(topic), id))

        return retour

    def get_all_vis_channels(self):
        """Return the list of all VIS channel that have an image"""

        result = self.do_query('get_all_vis_channels', {})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when get_all_vis_channels ?")
            return []

        retour = []

        for (topic, id) in result['list']:
            retour.append((self.convert_fm_topic_to_gcc(topic), id))

        return retour

    def get_channel_default(self, id):
        """Return the default image, link and message for a channel"""

        # Get out of cache if available
            cachevalue = self.durablecache.get('get_channel_default_' +
            if cachevalue:
                return cachevalue
        except (pylibmc.ConnectionError, pylibmc.ServerDown) as e:
            self.logger.warning("No memcached backend is running! %s" % (e, ))

        result = self.do_query('get_channel_default', {'id': id})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when get_channel_default %s ?" %
                              (id, ))
            return []

        # Save to cache
            self.durablecache.set('get_channel_default_' + str(id),
        except (pylibmc.ConnectionError, pylibmc.ServerDown) as e:
            self.logger.warning("No memcached backend is running! %s" % (e, ))

        return result['info']

    def add_log(self, topic, message, headers, timestamp):
        """Add a log entry"""

        result = self.do_query(
            'add_log', {
                'topic': topic,
                'message': str(message),
                'headers': json.dumps(headers),
                'timestamp': timestamp

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when add_log %s %s %s %s ?" % (

    def cleanup_logs(self, max_age):
        """Clean logs"""
        result = self.do_query('cleanup_logs', {'max_age': max_age})

        if result is None:
            self.logger.error("No reply when cleanup_logs ?")