    def setUp(self):
        '''set up
        # new the to unit test class object
        self.tclass = petri_net_reachability_analyse.PetriNetReachabilityAnalyser(

        # p1->arc1->t1->arc2->p2
        p1 = petri_net_element.Place("p1", "p1", [], ["arc1"])
        arc1 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc1", "arc1", "p1", "t1")
        t1 = petri_net_element.Transition("t1", "t1", ["arc1"], ["arc2"])
        arc2 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc2", "arc2", "t1", "p2")
        p2 = petri_net_element.Place("p2", "p2", ["arc2"], [])

        places_dict = {}
        transitions_dict = {}
        arcs_dict = {}

        places_dict["p1"] = p1
        places_dict["p2"] = p2
        transitions_dict["t1"] = t1
        arcs_dict["arc1"] = arc1
        arcs_dict["arc2"] = arc2

        petri_net = petri_net_element.PetriNet(places_dict, transitions_dict,
                                               arcs_dict, "petri_net")
        self.petri_net = petri_net
    def setUp(self):
        # new the to unit test class object
        self.tclass = get_reachability_graph.PetriToReachabilityGraph()
        # place1->arc1->transition1->arc2->place2
        place1 = petri_net_element.Place("place1", "place1", [], ["arc1"])
        arc1 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc1", "arc1", "place1", "transition1")
        transition1 = petri_net_element.Transition("transition1",
                                                   "transition1", ["arc1"],
        arc2 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc2", "arc2", "transition1", "place2")
        place2 = petri_net_element.Place("place2", "place2", ["arc2"], [])

        places_dict = {}
        transitions_dict = {}
        arcs_dict = {}

        places_dict["place1"] = place1
        places_dict["place2"] = place2
        transitions_dict["transition1"] = transition1
        arcs_dict["arc1"] = arc1
        arcs_dict["arc2"] = arc2

        petri_net = petri_net_element.PetriNet(places_dict,\
                                    transitions_dict, arcs_dict, "petri_net")
        self.petri_net = petri_net
    def setUp(self):
        '''set up
        # new the to unit test class object
        self.tclass = petri_net_analyse.PetriNetAnalyser()

        # place->arc1->transition->arc2->place
        place = petri_net_element.Place("place", "place", ["arc2"], ["arc1"])
        arc1 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc1", "arc1", "place", "transition")
        transition = petri_net_element.Transition("transition", "transition",
                                                  ["arc1"], ["arc2"])
        arc2 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc2", "arc2", "transition", "place")

        places_dict = {}
        transitions_dict = {}
        arcs_dict = {}

        places_dict["place"] = place
        transitions_dict["transition"] = transition
        arcs_dict["arc1"] = arc1
        arcs_dict["arc2"] = arc2

        petri_net = petri_net_element.PetriNet(places_dict, transitions_dict,
                                               arcs_dict, "petri_net")
        self.petri_net = petri_net
    def eliminate_self_loop(self, place, arc, petri_net):
        '''eliminate the self_loop(place-->transition-->arc-->place)
        step1.separate the place and arc
        step2.create the new object,put it in the dict
        step3.connect the object to the front and back object

        places_dict = petri_net.places_dict
        transitions_dict = petri_net.transitions_dict
        arcs_dict = petri_net.arcs_dict
        # separate the place and arc
        arc.target = None

        # create a new place
        new_place_pt_id = self._get_new_id("place", places_dict)
        new_place = petri_net_element.Place(new_place_pt_id, new_place_pt_id,
                                            [arc.pt_id], [])
        places_dict[new_place_pt_id] = new_place
        arc.target = new_place_pt_id
        # create a new arc1
        new_arc1_pt_id = self._get_new_id("arc", arcs_dict)
        new_arc1 = petri_net_element.Arc(new_arc1_pt_id, new_arc1_pt_id,
                                         new_place_pt_id, None)
        arcs_dict[new_arc1_pt_id] = new_arc1
        # create a new ImmediateTransition
        new_transition_pt_id = self._get_new_id("transition", transitions_dict)
        new_transition = petri_net_element.ImmediateTransition(new_transition_pt_id,\
                                                        new_transition_pt_id, [new_arc1_pt_id], [])
        transitions_dict[new_transition_pt_id] = new_transition
        new_arc1.target = new_transition_pt_id
        # create a new arc2
        new_arc2_pt_id = self._get_new_id("arc", arcs_dict)
        new_arc2 = petri_net_element.Arc(new_arc2_pt_id, new_arc2_pt_id,
                                         new_transition_pt_id, None)
        arcs_dict[new_arc2_pt_id] = new_arc2

        new_arc2.target = place.pt_id
 def create_pt_object(self, node1, node2, prob, petri_net):
     '''create p or t object
     places_dict = petri_net.places_dict
     transitions_dict = petri_net.transitions_dict
     arcs_dict = petri_net.arcs_dict
     # the id is nodeId of the umlActivityElement , also the pt_id of the petri_net_element
     id1 = node1.xmi_id
     id2 = node2.xmi_id
     # the 2 nodes are place
     if node1.place and node2.place:
         # create a transition and put it in the transitionsDict
         # place1 -(arc1)-> transition -(arc2)-> place2
         pt_id = id1 + id2
         if pt_id not in transitions_dict:
             # create one immediate transition
             transition = pt_element.ImmediateTransition(pt_id,
             transitions_dict[pt_id] = transition
             # place1
             place1 = places_dict[id1]
             # place2
             place2 = places_dict[id2]
             # create one arc, place1 -(arc1)-> transition,
             # and put it in the arcs_dict
             self.create_arc(arcs_dict, place1, transition, prob)
             # create the other arc, transition -(arc2)-> place2,
             # and put it in the arcs_dict
             self.create_arc(arcs_dict, transition, place2)
             log.show_warn("id1-->id2 has more than one connection")
     # the 2 nodes are transition
     elif node1.transition and node2.transition:
         # create a place and put it in the placesDict
         # transition1 -(arc1)-> place -(arc2)-> transition2
         pt_id = id1 + id2
         if pt_id not in places_dict:
             # create one place
             place = pt_element.Place(pt_id,
             places_dict[pt_id] = place
             # transition1
             transition1 = transitions_dict[id1]
             # transition2
             transition2 = transitions_dict[id2]
             # create one arc, transition1 -(arc1)-> place,
             # and put it in the arcs_dict
             self.create_arc(arcs_dict, transition1, place)
             # create the other arc, place -(arc2)-> transition2,
             # and put it in the arcs_dict
             self.create_arc(arcs_dict, place, transition2)
             log.show_warn("id1-->id2 has more than one connection")
     # p --> t    #TODO more than one connection
     elif node1.place and node2.transition:
         # just create one arc, p -(arc)-> t
         place = places_dict[id1]
         transition = transitions_dict[id2]
         self.create_arc(arcs_dict, place, transition, prob)
     # t --> p
     elif node1.transition and node2.place:
         # just create one arc, t -(arc)-> p
         transition = transitions_dict[id1]
         place = places_dict[id2]
         self.create_arc(arcs_dict, transition, place)
         # Error
         print "type error +create_pt_object():", node1.xmi_type, node2.xmi_type
    def transform_to_petri_net(self, activity):
        transform the UmlActivityDiagramElemnt objects to the petri_net_element objects
        # the activity elements
        activity_name = activity.name
        nodes_dict = activity.nodes_dict
        edges_dict = activity.edges_dict

        # the Petri net elements
        # name:Place (class petri_net_element.Place)
        places_dict = {}
        # name:Transition (class petri_net_element.Transition)
        transitions_dict = {}
        # name:Arc (class petri_net_element.Arc)
        arcs_dict = {}
        # create a petri net object
        petri_net = pt_element.PetriNet(places_dict, transitions_dict,
                                        arcs_dict, activity_name)

        # create Place,Transition objects from the nodes, if node.petri=True
        for node_id in nodes_dict:
            node = nodes_dict[node_id]
            # nodes_dict[node_id].petri = True
            if node.petri:
                # get the id, name, incomings, outgoings
                pt_id = node.xmi_id
                name = node.name
                incomings = []  # list
                outgoings = []
                # new Place object, and put it in the places_dict
                if node.place:
                    # initial Node is "s1" and start:True
                    if node.xmi_type == uml_element.Types.INITIAL_NODE:
                        place = pt_element.Place(pt_id, name, incomings,
                        place.start = True
                        place.tokens = 1
                        places_dict[pt_id] = place
                    elif node.xmi_type == uml_element.Types.ACTIVITY_FINAL_NODE:
                        place = pt_element.Place(pt_id, name, incomings,
                        place.final = True
                        places_dict[pt_id] = place
                    elif node.xmi_type == uml_element.Types.MERGE_NODE:
                        place = pt_element.Place(pt_id, name, incomings,
                        places_dict[pt_id] = place
                        # if the max_tokens of the merge is not 1
                        # see example:payOrder
                        if node.max_tokens != 1:
                            place.max_tokens = node.max_tokens
                        place = pt_element.Place(pt_id, name, incomings,
                        places_dict[pt_id] = place
                # new Transition object, and put it in the transitions_dict
                elif node.transition:
                    # fork,join,action without <<Time>> stereotyping
                    if node.immediate:
                        transition = pt_element.ImmediateTransition(
                            pt_id, name, incomings, outgoings)
                        # transition.delay =0
                    # action with <<Time>> stereotyping and property time and "const"
                    elif node.deterministic:
                        transition = pt_element.DeterministicTransition(
                            pt_id, name, incomings, outgoings)
                        transition.delay = node.time
                    # action with <<Time>> stereotyping and property time and "exp"
                    elif node.exponential:
                        transition = pt_element.ExponentialTransition(
                            pt_id, name, incomings, outgoings)
                        transition.delay = node.time
                    transitions_dict[pt_id] = transition
        # edge--> arc
        for edge_id in edges_dict:
            # get the source, target of the edge
            edge = edges_dict[edge_id]
            # if it is control flows
            if edge.xmi_type == uml_element.Types.CONTROL_FLOW:
                source = edge.source
                target = edge.target
                # get the body of the guard.
                # arc_label = ""
                guard = edge.guard
                if guard is not None:
                    # arc_label = guard.body
                # get the node in nodes_dict from the ID
                if source in nodes_dict:
                    node1_id = source
                    node1 = nodes_dict[node1_id]
                # pin,pout
                    log.show_warn("the source is not a node")
                # get the node in nodes_dict from the ID
                if target in nodes_dict:
                    node2_id = target
                    node2 = nodes_dict[node2_id]
                    log.show_warn("the target is not a node")
                if node1.petri and node2.petri:  # node1 , node2 -- P(merge...) or T(action...)
                    self.create_pt_object(node1, node2, edge.prob, petri_net)
                    log.show_warn("node1 and node2 are not both petri")
            # object flow, pass
        return petri_net
    def test_get_petri_type(self):
        petri_net = self.petri_net

        places_dict = petri_net.places_dict
        transitions_dict = petri_net.transitions_dict
        arcs_dict = petri_net.arcs_dict

        # p1->arc1->transition1->arc2->place2
        petri_type = self.tclass.get_petri_type(petri_net)

            petri_net_element.PetriNetTypes.MARKED_GRAPHS in petri_type,
            "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue1 failed")
            petri_net_element.PetriNetTypes.STATE_MACHINES in petri_type,
            "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue2 failed")
            len(petri_type) == 2, "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue3 failed")

        # p1->arc3->t2->arc4->p3
        p1 = petri_net.places_dict["p1"]

        arc3 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc3", "arc3", "p1", "t2")
        t2 = petri_net_element.Transition("t2", "t2", ["arc3"], ["arc4"])
        arc4 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc4", "arc4", "t2", "p3")
        p3 = petri_net_element.Place("p3", "p3", ["arc4"], [])

        places_dict["p3"] = p3
        transitions_dict["t2"] = t2
        arcs_dict["arc3"] = arc3
        arcs_dict["arc4"] = arc4

        petri_type = self.tclass.get_petri_type(petri_net)

            petri_net_element.PetriNetTypes.STATE_MACHINES in petri_type,
            "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue4 failed")
            len(petri_type) == 1, "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue5 failed")

        # t2->arc5->p4
        arc5 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc5", "arc5", "t2", "p4")
        p4 = petri_net_element.Place("p4", "p4", ["arc5"], [])

        places_dict["p4"] = p4
        arcs_dict["arc5"] = arc5

        petri_type = self.tclass.get_petri_type(petri_net)

            petri_net_element.PetriNetTypes.FREE_CHOICE in petri_type,
            "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue6 failed")
            len(petri_type) == 1, "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue7 failed")

        # p5->arc6->t2
        arc6 = petri_net_element.Arc("arc6", "arc6", "p5", "t2")
        p5 = petri_net_element.Place("p5", "p5", [], ["arc6"])

        places_dict["p5"] = p5
        arcs_dict["arc6"] = arc6

        petri_type = self.tclass.get_petri_type(petri_net)

            petri_net_element.PetriNetTypes.NOT_FREE_CHOICE in petri_type,
            "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue8 failed")
            len(petri_type) == 1, "test_get_petri_type() assertTrue9 failed")