def sign(self, reconstruct_tx=True): """ Sign a provided transaction with the provided key(s) One or many wif keys to use for signing a transaction. The wif keys can be provided by "appendWif" or the signer can be defined "appendSigner". The wif keys from all signer that are defined by "appendSigner will be loaded from the wallet. :param bool reconstruct_tx: when set to False and tx is already contructed, it will not reconstructed and already added signatures remain """ if not self._is_constructed() or (self._is_constructed() and reconstruct_tx): self.constructTx() if "operations" not in self or not self["operations"]: return if self.blockchain.use_sc2: return # We need to set the default prefix, otherwise pubkeys are # presented wrongly! if self.blockchain.rpc is not None: operations.default_prefix = ( self.blockchain.chain_params["prefix"]) elif "blockchain" in self: operations.default_prefix = self["blockchain"]["prefix"] if self._use_ledger: #try: # ledgertx = Ledger_Transaction(**self.json(with_prefix=True)) # ledgertx.add_custom_chains(self.blockchain.custom_chains) #except: # raise ValueError("Invalid TransactionBuilder Format") #ledgertx.sign(self.path, chain=self.blockchain.chain_params) self.ledgertx.sign(self.path, chain=self.blockchain.chain_params) self["signatures"].extend(self.ledgertx.json().get("signatures")) return self.ledgertx else: try: signedtx = Signed_Transaction(**self.json(with_prefix=True)) signedtx.add_custom_chains(self.blockchain.custom_chains) except: raise ValueError("Invalid TransactionBuilder Format") if not any(self.wifs): raise MissingKeyError signedtx.sign(self.wifs, chain=self.blockchain.chain_params) self["signatures"].extend(signedtx.json().get("signatures")) return signedtx
def doit(self, printWire=False, ops=None): if ops is None: ops = [Operation(self.op)] tx = Signed_Transaction(ref_block_num=self.ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix=self.ref_block_prefix, expiration=self.expiration, operations=ops) tx = tx.sign([self.wif], chain=self.prefix) tx.verify([PrivateKey(self.wif, prefix=u"STM").pubkey], self.prefix) txWire = hexlify(py23_bytes(tx)).decode("ascii")
def doit(self, printWire=False, ops=None): ops = [Operation(ops)] tx = Signed_Transaction(ref_block_num=self.ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix=self.ref_block_prefix, expiration=self.expiration, operations=ops) start = timer() tx = tx.sign([self.wif], chain=self.prefix) end1 = timer() tx.verify([PrivateKey(self.wif, prefix=u"STM").pubkey], self.prefix) end2 = timer() return end2 - end1, end1 - start
def test_Transfer(self): transferJson = { 'from': 'test', 'to': 'test1', 'amount': "1.000 STEEM", 'memo': 'foobar' } t = Transfer(transferJson) self.assertEqual(transferJson, json.loads(str(t))) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.json()) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.toJson()) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.__json__()) transferJson = { 'from': 'test', 'to': 'test1', 'amount': ['3000', 3, '@@000000037'], 'memo': 'foobar' } t = Transfer(transferJson) self.assertEqual(transferJson, json.loads(str(t))) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.json()) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.toJson()) self.assertEqual(transferJson, t.__json__()) o = Operation(Transfer(transferJson)) self.assertEqual(o.json()[1], transferJson) tx = { 'ref_block_num': 0, 'ref_block_prefix': 0, 'expiration': '2018-04-07T09:30:53', 'operations': [o], 'extensions': [], 'signatures': [] } s = Signed_Transaction(tx) s.sign(wifkeys=[wif], chain="STEEMAPPBASE") self.assertEqual(s.json()["operations"][0][1], transferJson)
def get_tx_size(self, op): """Returns the tx size of an operation""" ops = [Operation(op)] prefix = u"STEEM" wif = "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3" ref_block_num = 34294 ref_block_prefix = 3707022213 expiration = "2016-04-06T08:29:27" tx = Signed_Transaction(ref_block_num=ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops) tx = tx.sign([wif], chain=prefix) txWire = hexlify(py23_bytes(tx)).decode("ascii") tx_size = len(txWire) return tx_size
class TransactionBuilder(dict): """ This class simplifies the creation of transactions by adding operations and signers. To build your own transactions and sign them :param dict tx: transaction (Optional). If not set, the new transaction is created. :param int expiration: Delay in seconds until transactions are supposed to expire *(optional)* (default is 30) :param Steem steem_instance: If not set, shared_blockchain_instance() is used .. testcode:: from beem.transactionbuilder import TransactionBuilder from beembase.operations import Transfer from beem import Steem wif = "5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3" stm = Steem(nobroadcast=True, keys={'active': wif}) tx = TransactionBuilder(steem_instance=stm) transfer = {"from": "test", "to": "test1", "amount": "1 STEEM", "memo": ""} tx.appendOps(Transfer(transfer)) tx.appendSigner("test", "active") # or tx.appendWif(wif) signed_tx = tx.sign() broadcast_tx = tx.broadcast() """ def __init__( self, tx={}, use_condenser_api=True, blockchain_instance=None, **kwargs ): if blockchain_instance is None: if kwargs.get("steem_instance"): blockchain_instance = kwargs["steem_instance"] elif kwargs.get("hive_instance"): blockchain_instance = kwargs["hive_instance"] self.blockchain = blockchain_instance or shared_blockchain_instance() self.clear() if tx and isinstance(tx, dict): super(TransactionBuilder, self).__init__(tx) # Load operations self.ops = tx["operations"] self._require_reconstruction = False else: self._require_reconstruction = True self._use_ledger = self.blockchain.use_ledger self.path = self.blockchain.path self._use_condenser_api = use_condenser_api self.set_expiration(kwargs.get("expiration", self.blockchain.expiration)) def set_expiration(self, p): """Set expiration date""" self.expiration = p def is_empty(self): """Check if ops is empty""" return not (len(self.ops) > 0) def list_operations(self): """List all ops""" if self.blockchain.is_connected() and self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): # appbase disabled by now appbase = not self._use_condenser_api else: appbase = False return [Operation(o, appbase=appbase, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix) for o in self.ops] def _is_signed(self): """Check if signatures exists""" return "signatures" in self and bool(self["signatures"]) def _is_constructed(self): """Check if tx is already constructed""" return "expiration" in self and bool(self["expiration"]) def _is_require_reconstruction(self): return self._require_reconstruction def _set_require_reconstruction(self): self._require_reconstruction = True def _unset_require_reconstruction(self): self._require_reconstruction = False def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __str__(self): return str(self.json()) def __getitem__(self, key): if key not in self: self.constructTx() return dict(self).__getitem__(key) def get_parent(self): """ TransactionBuilders don't have parents, they are their own parent """ return self def json(self, with_prefix=False): """ Show the transaction as plain json """ if not self._is_constructed() or self._is_require_reconstruction(): self.constructTx() json_dict = dict(self) if with_prefix: json_dict["prefix"] = self.blockchain.prefix return json_dict def appendOps(self, ops, append_to=None): """ Append op(s) to the transaction builder :param list ops: One or a list of operations """ if isinstance(ops, list): self.ops.extend(ops) else: self.ops.append(ops) self._set_require_reconstruction() def appendSigner(self, account, permission): """ Try to obtain the wif key from the wallet by telling which account and permission is supposed to sign the transaction It is possible to add more than one signer. """ if not self.blockchain.is_connected(): return if permission not in ["active", "owner", "posting"]: raise AssertionError("Invalid permission") account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) if permission not in account: account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain, lazy=False, full=True) account.clear_cache() account.refresh() if permission not in account: account = Account(account, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) if permission not in account: raise AssertionError("Could not access permission") required_treshold = account[permission]["weight_threshold"] if self._use_ledger: if not self._is_constructed() or self._is_require_reconstruction(): self.constructTx() key_found = False if self.path is not None: current_pubkey = self.ledgertx.get_pubkey(self.path) for authority in account[permission]["key_auths"]: if str(current_pubkey) == authority[0]: key_found = True if permission == "posting" and not key_found: for authority in account["active"]["key_auths"]: if str(current_pubkey) == authority[0]: key_found = True if not key_found: for authority in account["owner"]["key_auths"]: if str(current_pubkey) == authority[0]: key_found = True if not key_found: raise AssertionError("Could not find pubkey from %s in path: %s!" % (account["name"], self.path)) return if self.blockchain.wallet.locked(): raise WalletLocked() if self.blockchain.use_sc2 and self.blockchain.steemconnect is not None: self.blockchain.steemconnect.set_username(account["name"], permission) return def fetchkeys(account, perm, level=0): if level > 2: return [] r = [] for authority in account[perm]["key_auths"]: try: wif = self.blockchain.wallet.getPrivateKeyForPublicKey( authority[0]) if wif: r.append([wif, authority[1]]) except ValueError: pass except MissingKeyError: pass if sum([x[1] for x in r]) < required_treshold: # go one level deeper for authority in account[perm]["account_auths"]: auth_account = Account( authority[0], blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) r.extend(fetchkeys(auth_account, perm, level + 1)) return r if account["name"] not in self.signing_accounts: # is the account an instance of public key? if isinstance(account, PublicKey): self.wifs.add( self.blockchain.wallet.getPrivateKeyForPublicKey( str(account) ) ) else: if permission not in account: raise AssertionError("Could not access permission") required_treshold = account[permission]["weight_threshold"] keys = fetchkeys(account, permission) # If keys are empty, try again with active key if not keys and permission == "posting": _keys = fetchkeys(account, "active") keys.extend(_keys) # If keys are empty, try again with owner key if not keys and permission != "owner": _keys = fetchkeys(account, "owner") keys.extend(_keys) for x in keys: self.wifs.add(x[0]) self.signing_accounts.append(account["name"]) def appendWif(self, wif): """ Add a wif that should be used for signing of the transaction. :param string wif: One wif key to use for signing a transaction. """ if wif: try: PrivateKey(wif, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix) self.wifs.add(wif) except: raise InvalidWifError def clearWifs(self): """Clear all stored wifs""" self.wifs = set() def setPath(self, path): self.path = path def searchPath(self, account, perm): if not self.blockchain.use_ledger: return if not self._is_constructed() or self._is_require_reconstruction(): self.constructTx() key_found = False path = None current_account_index = 0 current_key_index = 0 while not key_found and current_account_index < 5: path = self.ledgertx.build_path(perm, current_account_index, current_key_index) current_pubkey = self.ledgertx.get_pubkey(path) key_found = False for authority in account[perm]["key_auths"]: if str(current_pubkey) == authority[1]: key_found = True if not key_found and current_key_index < 5: current_key_index += 1 elif not key_found and current_key_index >= 5: current_key_index = 0 current_account_index += 1 if not key_found: return None else: return path def constructTx(self, ref_block_num=None, ref_block_prefix=None): """ Construct the actual transaction and store it in the class's dict store """ ops = list() if self.blockchain.is_connected() and self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): # appbase disabled by now # broadcasting does not work at the moment appbase = not self._use_condenser_api else: appbase = False for op in self.ops: # otherwise, we simply wrap ops into Operations ops.extend([Operation(op, appbase=appbase, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix)]) # We no wrap everything into an actual transaction expiration = formatTimeFromNow( self.expiration or self.blockchain.expiration ) if ref_block_num is None or ref_block_prefix is None: ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix = self.get_block_params() if self._use_ledger: self.ledgertx = Ledger_Transaction( ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops, ref_block_num=ref_block_num, custom_chains=self.blockchain.custom_chains, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix ) self.tx = Signed_Transaction( ref_block_prefix=ref_block_prefix, expiration=expiration, operations=ops, ref_block_num=ref_block_num, custom_chains=self.blockchain.custom_chains, prefix=self.blockchain.prefix ) super(TransactionBuilder, self).update(self.tx.json()) self._unset_require_reconstruction() def get_block_params(self, use_head_block=False): """ Auxiliary method to obtain ``ref_block_num`` and ``ref_block_prefix``. Requires a connection to a node! """ dynBCParams = self.blockchain.get_dynamic_global_properties(use_stored_data=False) if use_head_block: ref_block_num = dynBCParams["head_block_number"] & 0xFFFF ref_block_prefix = struct.unpack_from( "<I", unhexlify(dynBCParams["head_block_id"]), 4 )[0] else: # need to get subsequent block because block head doesn't return 'id' - stupid from .block import BlockHeader block = BlockHeader(int(dynBCParams["last_irreversible_block_num"]) + 1, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) ref_block_num = dynBCParams["last_irreversible_block_num"] & 0xFFFF ref_block_prefix = struct.unpack_from( "<I", unhexlify(block["previous"]), 4 )[0] return ref_block_num, ref_block_prefix def sign(self, reconstruct_tx=True): """ Sign a provided transaction with the provided key(s) One or many wif keys to use for signing a transaction. The wif keys can be provided by "appendWif" or the signer can be defined "appendSigner". The wif keys from all signer that are defined by "appendSigner will be loaded from the wallet. :param bool reconstruct_tx: when set to False and tx is already contructed, it will not reconstructed and already added signatures remain """ if not self._is_constructed() or (self._is_constructed() and reconstruct_tx): self.constructTx() if "operations" not in self or not self["operations"]: return if self.blockchain.use_sc2: return # We need to set the default prefix, otherwise pubkeys are # presented wrongly! if self.blockchain.rpc is not None: operations.default_prefix = ( self.blockchain.chain_params["prefix"]) elif "blockchain" in self: operations.default_prefix = self["blockchain"]["prefix"] if self._use_ledger: #try: # ledgertx = Ledger_Transaction(**self.json(with_prefix=True)) # ledgertx.add_custom_chains(self.blockchain.custom_chains) #except: # raise ValueError("Invalid TransactionBuilder Format") #ledgertx.sign(self.path, chain=self.blockchain.chain_params) self.ledgertx.sign(self.path, chain=self.blockchain.chain_params) self["signatures"].extend(self.ledgertx.json().get("signatures")) return self.ledgertx else: if not any(self.wifs): raise MissingKeyError self.tx.sign(self.wifs, chain=self.blockchain.chain_params) self["signatures"].extend(self.tx.json().get("signatures")) return self.tx def verify_authority(self): """ Verify the authority of the signed transaction """ try: self.blockchain.rpc.set_next_node_on_empty_reply(False) if self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): args = {'trx': self.json()} else: args = self.json() ret = self.blockchain.rpc.verify_authority(args, api="database") if not ret: raise InsufficientAuthorityError elif isinstance(ret, dict) and "valid" in ret and not ret["valid"]: raise InsufficientAuthorityError except Exception as e: raise e def get_potential_signatures(self): """ Returns public key from signature """ if not self.blockchain.is_connected(): raise OfflineHasNoRPCException("No RPC available in offline mode!") self.blockchain.rpc.set_next_node_on_empty_reply(False) if self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): args = {'trx': self.json()} else: args = self.json() ret = self.blockchain.rpc.get_potential_signatures(args, api="database") if 'keys' in ret: ret = ret["keys"] return ret def get_transaction_hex(self): """ Returns a hex value of the transaction """ if not self.blockchain.is_connected(): raise OfflineHasNoRPCException("No RPC available in offline mode!") self.blockchain.rpc.set_next_node_on_empty_reply(False) if self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): args = {'trx': self.json()} else: args = self.json() ret = self.blockchain.rpc.get_transaction_hex(args, api="database") if 'hex' in ret: ret = ret["hex"] return ret def get_required_signatures(self, available_keys=list()): """ Returns public key from signature """ if not self.blockchain.is_connected(): raise OfflineHasNoRPCException("No RPC available in offline mode!") self.blockchain.rpc.set_next_node_on_empty_reply(False) if self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): args = {'trx': self.json(), 'available_keys': available_keys} ret = self.blockchain.rpc.get_required_signatures(args, api="database") else: ret = self.blockchain.rpc.get_required_signatures(self.json(), available_keys, api="database") return ret def broadcast(self, max_block_age=-1, trx_id=True): """ Broadcast a transaction to the steem network Returns the signed transaction and clears itself after broadast Clears itself when broadcast was not successfully. :param int max_block_age: parameter only used for appbase ready nodes :param bool trx_id: When True, trx_id is return """ # Cannot broadcast an empty transaction if not self._is_signed(): sign_ret = self.sign() else: sign_ret = None if "operations" not in self or not self["operations"]: return ret = self.json() if self.blockchain.is_connected() and self.blockchain.rpc.get_use_appbase(): # Returns an internal Error at the moment if not self._use_condenser_api: args = {'trx': self.json(), 'max_block_age': max_block_age} broadcast_api = "network_broadcast" else: args = self.json() broadcast_api = "condenser" else: args = self.json() broadcast_api = "network_broadcast" if self.blockchain.nobroadcast:"Not broadcasting anything!") self.clear() return ret # Broadcast try: self.blockchain.rpc.set_next_node_on_empty_reply(False) if self.blockchain.use_sc2: ret = self.blockchain.steemconnect.broadcast(self["operations"]) elif self.blockchain.blocking: ret = self.blockchain.rpc.broadcast_transaction_synchronous( args, api=broadcast_api) if "trx" in ret: ret.update(**ret.get("trx")) else: self.blockchain.rpc.broadcast_transaction( args, api=broadcast_api) except Exception as e: # log.error("Could Not broadcasting anything!") self.clear() raise e if sign_ret is not None and "trx_id" not in ret and trx_id: ret["trx_id"] = self.clear() return ret def clear(self): """ Clear the transaction builder and start from scratch """ self.ops = [] self.wifs = set() self.signing_accounts = [] self.ref_block_num = None self.ref_block_prefix = None # This makes sure that _is_constructed will return False afterwards self["expiration"] = None super(TransactionBuilder, self).__init__({}) def addSigningInformation(self, account, permission, reconstruct_tx=False): """ This is a private method that adds side information to a unsigned/partial transaction in order to simplify later signing (e.g. for multisig or coldstorage) Not needed when "appendWif" was already or is going to be used FIXME: Does not work with owner keys! :param bool reconstruct_tx: when set to False and tx is already contructed, it will not reconstructed and already added signatures remain """ if not self._is_constructed() or (self._is_constructed() and reconstruct_tx): self.constructTx() self["blockchain"] = self.blockchain.chain_params if isinstance(account, PublicKey): self["missing_signatures"] = [ str(account) ] else: accountObj = Account(account, blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) authority = accountObj[permission] # We add a required_authorities to be able to identify # how to sign later. This is an array, because we # may later want to allow multiple operations per tx self.update({"required_authorities": { accountObj["name"]: authority }}) for account_auth in authority["account_auths"]: account_auth_account = Account(account_auth[0], blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) self["required_authorities"].update({ account_auth[0]: account_auth_account.get(permission) }) # Try to resolve required signatures for offline signing self["missing_signatures"] = [ x[0] for x in authority["key_auths"] ] # Add one recursion of keys from account_auths: for account_auth in authority["account_auths"]: account_auth_account = Account(account_auth[0], blockchain_instance=self.blockchain) self["missing_signatures"].extend( [x[0] for x in account_auth_account[permission]["key_auths"]] ) def appendMissingSignatures(self): """ Store which accounts/keys are supposed to sign the transaction This method is used for an offline-signer! """ missing_signatures = self.get("missing_signatures", []) for pub in missing_signatures: try: wif = self.blockchain.wallet.getPrivateKeyForPublicKey(pub) if wif: self.appendWif(wif) except MissingKeyError: wif = None