def start(self): """ Starts sending client bees to the configured Honeypot. """'Starting client.') sessions = {} # greenlet to consume and maintain data in sessions list self.sessions_consumer = Consumer(sessions, self.config, self.my_ip) gevent.spawn(self.sessions_consumer.start_handling) self.dispatcher_greenlets = [] for honeypot_id, entry in self.config['baits'].items(): for b in clientbase.ClientBase.__subclasses__(): bait_name = b.__name__.lower() # if the bait has a entry in the config we consider the bait enabled if bait_name in entry: bait_options = entry[bait_name] #bait_session = b(sessions, bait_options) dispatcher = BaitDispatcher(sessions, b, bait_options) dispatcher.start() self.dispatcher_greenlets.append(dispatcher)'Adding {0} bait'.format(bait_name)) logger.debug( 'Bait added with options: {0}'.format(bait_options)) gevent.joinall(self.dispatcher_greenlets)
def start(self): """ Starts sending client bees to the configured Honeypot. """'Starting client.') sessions = {} # greenlet to consume and maintain data in sessions list self.sessions_consumer = Consumer(sessions, self.config, self.my_ip) gevent.spawn(self.sessions_consumer.start_handling) self.dispatcher_greenlets = [] for honeypot_id, entry in self.config['baits'].items(): for b in clientbase.ClientBase.__subclasses__(): bait_name = b.__name__.lower() # if the bait has a entry in the config we consider the bait enabled if bait_name in entry: bait_options = entry[bait_name] #bait_session = b(sessions, bait_options) dispatcher = BaitDispatcher(sessions, b, bait_options) dispatcher.start() self.dispatcher_greenlets.append(dispatcher)'Adding {0} bait'.format(bait_name)) logger.debug('Bait added with options: {0}'.format(bait_options)) gevent.joinall(self.dispatcher_greenlets)
def test_dispatcher(self): options = { 'enabled': True, 'server': '', 'active_range': '00:00 - 23:59', 'sleep_interval': '1', 'activation_probability': '1', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'port': 8080 } dispatcher = BaitDispatcher({}, None, options) dispatcher.bait_type = Mock() dispatcher_greenlet = Greenlet(dispatcher.start) dispatcher_greenlet.start() time.sleep(1) dispatcher_greenlet.kill() dispatcher.bait_type.start.assert_called()
def test_dispatcher(self): options = { "enabled": True, "server": "", "active_range": "00:00 - 23:59", "sleep_interval": "1", "activation_probability": "1", "username": "******", "password": "******", "port": 8080, } dispatcher = BaitDispatcher(None, options) dispatcher.bait_type = Mock() dispatcher_greenlet = Greenlet(dispatcher.start) dispatcher_greenlet.start() time.sleep(1) dispatcher_greenlet.kill() dispatcher.bait_type.start.assert_called()
def start(self): """ Starts sending client bait to the configured Honeypot. """'Starting client.') self.dispatcher_greenlets = [] for _, entry in self.config['baits'].items(): for b in clientbase.ClientBase.__subclasses__(): bait_name = b.__name__.lower() # if the bait has a entry in the config we consider the bait enabled if bait_name in entry: bait_options = entry[bait_name] dispatcher = BaitDispatcher(b, bait_options) dispatcher.start() self.dispatcher_greenlets.append(dispatcher)'Adding {0} bait'.format(bait_name)) logger.debug('Bait added with options: {0}'.format(bait_options)) gevent.joinall(self.dispatcher_greenlets)
def test_dispatcher(self): options = { 'enabled': True, 'server': '', 'active_range': '00:00 - 23:59', 'sleep_interval': '1', 'activation_probability': '1', 'username': '******', 'password': '******', 'port': 8080} dispatcher = BaitDispatcher(Mock(), options) dispatcher_greenlet = Greenlet(dispatcher.start) dispatcher_greenlet.start() gevent.sleep(2) dispatcher_greenlet.kill()