import os
import logging
import pickle
from collections import defaultdict

from beets import autotag
from beets import library
import beets.autotag.art
from beets import plugins
from beets import util
from beets.util import pipeline
from beets.util import syspath, normpath, displayable_path
from beets.util.enumeration import enum

action = enum(

STATE_FILE = os.path.expanduser('~/.beetsstate')
VARIOUS_ARTISTS = u'Various Artists'

# Global logger.
log = logging.getLogger('beets')

class ImportAbort(Exception):
    """Raised when the user aborts the tagging operation.
from collections import defaultdict

from beets import autotag
from beets import library
from beets import plugins
from beets import util
from beets import config
from beets.util import pipeline
from beets.util import syspath, normpath, displayable_path
from beets.util.enumeration import enum
from beets.mediafile import UnreadableFileError

action = enum('SKIP',

VARIOUS_ARTISTS = u'Various Artists'

# Global logger.
log = logging.getLogger('beets')

class ImportAbort(Exception):
    """Raised when the user aborts the tagging operation.
    elif out_type == unicode:
        if val is None:
            return u''
            return unicode(val)

        return val

# Flags for encoding field behavior.

# Determine style of packing, if any.
packing = enum('SLASHED', # pair delimited by /
               'TUPLE',   # a python tuple of 2 items
               'DATE',    # YYYY-MM-DD

class StorageStyle(object):
    """Parameterizes the storage behavior of a single field for a
    certain tag format.
     - key: The Mutagen key used to access the field's data.
     - list_elem: Store item as a single object or as first element
       of a list.
     - as_type: Which type the value is stored as (unicode, int,
       bool, or str).
     - packing: If this value is packed in a multiple-value storage
       unit, which type of packing (in the packing enum). Otherwise,
       None. (Makes as_type irrelevant).
     - pack_pos: If the value is packed, in which position it is
from __future__ import division

import datetime
import logging
import re
from munkres import Munkres

from beets import plugins
from beets import config
from beets.util import plurality
from beets.util.enumeration import enum
from beets.autotag import hooks

# Recommendation enumeration.
recommendation = enum('none', 'low', 'medium', 'strong', name='recommendation')

# Artist signals that indicate "various artists". These are used at the
# album level to determine whether a given release is likely a VA
# release and also on the track level to to remove the penalty for
# differing artists.
VA_ARTISTS = (u'', u'various artists', u'various', u'va', u'unknown')

# Global logger.
log = logging.getLogger('beets')

# Primary matching functionality.

def current_metadata(items):
    """Extract the likely current metadata for an album given a list of its
            val = re.match(r'[\+-]?[0-9\.]*', val.strip()).group(0)
            if not val:
                return 0.0
                return float(val)

        return val

# Flags for encoding field behavior.

# Determine style of packing, if any.
packing = enum(
    'SLASHED',  # pair delimited by /
    'TUPLE',  # a python tuple of 2 items
    'DATE',  # YYYY-MM-DD

class StorageStyle(object):
    """Parameterizes the storage behavior of a single field for a
    certain tag format.
     - key: The Mutagen key used to access the field's data.
     - list_elem: Store item as a single object or as first element
       of a list.
     - as_type: Which type the value is stored as (unicode, int,
       bool, or str).
     - packing: If this value is packed in a multiple-value storage
       unit, which type of packing (in the packing enum). Otherwise,
       None. (Makes as_type irrelevant).
# Reduced weights for certain portions of the string.
    (r'^the ', 0.1),
    (r'[\[\(]?(ep|single)[\]\)]?', 0.0),
    (r'[\[\(]?(featuring|feat|ft)[\. :].+', 0.1),
    (r'\(.*?\)', 0.3),
    (r'\[.*?\]', 0.3),
    (r'(, )?(pt\.|part) .+', 0.2),
# Replacements to use before testing distance.
    (r'&', 'and'),

# Recommendation enumeration.
recommendation = enum('none', 'low', 'medium', 'strong', name='recommendation')

# Artist signals that indicate "various artists". These are used at the
# album level to determine whether a given release is likely a VA
# release and also on the track level to to remove the penalty for
# differing artists.
VA_ARTISTS = (u'', u'various artists', u'various', u'va', u'unknown')

# Global logger.
log = logging.getLogger('beets')

# Primary matching functionality.

def _string_dist_basic(str1, str2):
    """Basic edit distance between two strings, ignoring
    g1 = min(round((10 ** (gain / -10)) * 1000), 65534)
    # Same as above, except our reference level is 2500 units.
    g2 = min(round((10 ** (gain / -10)) * 2500), 65534)

    # The purpose of these values are unknown, but they also seem to be
    # unused so we just use zero.
    uk = 0
    values = (g1, g1, g2, g2, uk, uk, peak, peak, uk, uk)
    return (u' %08X' * 10) % values

# Flags for encoding field behavior.

# Determine style of packing, if any.
packing = enum('SC',        # Sound Check gain/peak encoding

# StorageStyle classes describe strategies for accessing values in
# Mutagen file objects.

class StorageStyle(object):
    """Parameterizes the storage behavior of a single field for a
    certain tag format.
     - key: The Mutagen key used to access the field's data.
     - as_type: Which type the value is stored as (unicode, int,
       bool, or str).
     - packing: If this value is packed in a multiple-value storage
       unit, which type of packing (in the packing enum). Otherwise,
       None. (Makes as_type irrelevant).
    # Same as above, except our reference level is 2500 units.
    g2 = min(round((10**(gain / -10)) * 2500), 65534)

    # The purpose of these values are unknown, but they also seem to be
    # unused so we just use zero.
    uk = 0
    values = (g1, g1, g2, g2, uk, uk, peak, peak, uk, uk)
    return (u' %08X' * 10) % values

# Flags for encoding field behavior.

# Determine style of packing, if any.
packing = enum(
    'SLASHED',  # pair delimited by /
    'TUPLE',  # a python tuple of 2 items
    'DATE',  # YYYY-MM-DD
    'SC',  # Sound Check gain/peak encoding

class StorageStyle(object):
    """Parameterizes the storage behavior of a single field for a
    certain tag format.
     - key: The Mutagen key used to access the field's data.
     - list_elem: Store item as a single object or as first element
       of a list.
     - as_type: Which type the value is stored as (unicode, int,
       bool, or str).
     - packing: If this value is packed in a multiple-value storage
       unit, which type of packing (in the packing enum). Otherwise,
       None. (Makes as_type irrelevant).
    g2 = min(round((10 ** (gain / -10)) * 2500), 65534)

    # The purpose of these values are unknown, but they also seem to be
    # unused so we just use zero.
    uk = 0
    values = (g1, g1, g2, g2, uk, uk, peak, peak, uk, uk)
    return (u" %08X" * 10) % values

# Flags for encoding field behavior.

# Determine style of packing, if any.
packing = enum(
    "SLASHED",  # pair delimited by /
    "TUPLE",  # a python tuple of 2 items
    "DATE",  # YYYY-MM-DD
    "SC",  # Sound Check gain/peak encoding

class StorageStyle(object):
    """Parameterizes the storage behavior of a single field for a
    certain tag format.
     - key: The Mutagen key used to access the field's data.
     - list_elem: Store item as a single object or as first element
       of a list.
     - as_type: Which type the value is stored as (unicode, int,
       bool, or str).
     - packing: If this value is packed in a multiple-value storage
       unit, which type of packing (in the packing enum). Otherwise,
文件: match.py 项目: Lugoues/beets
# Words that can be moved to the end of a string using a comma.
SD_END_WORDS = ["the", "a", "an"]
# Reduced weights for certain portions of the string.
    (r"^the ", 0.1),
    (r"[\[\(]?(ep|single)[\]\)]?", 0.0),
    (r"[\[\(]?(featuring|feat|ft)[\. :].+", 0.1),
    (r"\(.*?\)", 0.3),
    (r"\[.*?\]", 0.3),
    (r"(, )?(pt\.|part) .+", 0.2),
# Replacements to use before testing distance.
SD_REPLACE = [(r"&", "and")]

# Recommendation enumeration.
recommendation = enum("none", "low", "medium", "strong", name="recommendation")

# Artist signals that indicate "various artists". These are used at the
# album level to determine whether a given release is likely a VA
# release and also on the track level to to remove the penalty for
# differing artists.
VA_ARTISTS = (u"", u"various artists", u"va", u"unknown")

# Global logger.
log = logging.getLogger("beets")

# Primary matching functionality.

def _string_dist_basic(str1, str2):
    # Same as above, except our reference level is 2500 units.
    g2 = min(round((10 ** (gain / -10)) * 2500), 65534)

    # The purpose of these values are unknown, but they also seem to be
    # unused so we just use zero.
    uk = 0
    values = (g1, g1, g2, g2, uk, uk, peak, peak, uk, uk)
    return (u' %08X' * 10) % values

# Flags for encoding field behavior.

# Determine style of packing, if any.
packing = enum('SLASHED',   # pair delimited by /
               'TUPLE',     # a python tuple of 2 items
               'DATE',      # YYYY-MM-DD
               'SC',        # Sound Check gain/peak encoding

class StorageStyle(object):
    """Parameterizes the storage behavior of a single field for a
    certain tag format.
     - key: The Mutagen key used to access the field's data.
     - list_elem: Store item as a single object or as first element
       of a list.
     - as_type: Which type the value is stored as (unicode, int,
       bool, or str).
     - packing: If this value is packed in a multiple-value storage
       unit, which type of packing (in the packing enum). Otherwise,
       None. (Makes as_type irrelevant).
     - pack_pos: If the value is packed, in which position it is
import pickle
import itertools
from collections import defaultdict

from beets import autotag
from beets import library
from beets import dbcore
from beets import plugins
from beets import util
from beets import config
from beets.util import pipeline
from beets.util import syspath, normpath, displayable_path
from beets.util.enumeration import enum
from beets import mediafile

action = enum("SKIP", "ASIS", "TRACKS", "MANUAL", "APPLY", "MANUAL_ID", "ALBUMS", name="action")

VARIOUS_ARTISTS = u"Various Artists"

# Global logger.
log = logging.getLogger("beets")

class ImportAbort(Exception):
    """Raised when the user aborts the tagging operation.

                val = unicode(val)
            val = re.match(r"[\+-]?[0-9\.]*", val.strip()).group(0)
            if not val:
                return 0.0
                return float(val)

        return val

# Flags for encoding field behavior.

# Determine style of packing, if any.
packing = enum(
    "SLASHED", "TUPLE", "DATE", name="packing"  # pair delimited by /  # a python tuple of 2 items  # YYYY-MM-DD

class StorageStyle(object):
    """Parameterizes the storage behavior of a single field for a
    certain tag format.
     - key: The Mutagen key used to access the field's data.
     - list_elem: Store item as a single object or as first element
       of a list.
     - as_type: Which type the value is stored as (unicode, int,
       bool, or str).
     - packing: If this value is packed in a multiple-value storage
       unit, which type of packing (in the packing enum). Otherwise,
       None. (Makes as_type irrelevant).
     - pack_pos: If the value is packed, in which position it is