def album_imported(self, lib, album): if self.on_import == False : pass print_("Tagging Lyrics: %s - %s" % (album.albumartist, album.album)) def fetch(item, artist, title): try: #print_(" -%s:" % (title), ui.colorize('yellow', 'Fetching')) lyrics = self.fetchLyrics(scrub(artist), scrub(title)) return (item, lyrics) except: return None def tag( item, lyrics): try: #print_(" -%s:" % (item.title), ui.colorize('green', 'Updated!')) item.lyrics = lyrics item.write() except: pass [(item, item.artist, item.title) for item in album.items()] \ >> ThreadPool(apply(fetch), poolsize=self.processcount) \ >> filter( lambda itm: itm != None) \ >> ThreadPool(apply(tag), poolsize=1)
def process_path(self, basePath): def produce(): def create_mf(path): try: mf = MediaFile(path) if( len(mf.lyrics) == 0 or self.force): #print_(" -%s:" % (mf.title), ui.colorize('yellow', 'Queued')) return mf except FileTypeError: return None for path in basePath: if os.path.isdir(path): # Find all files in the directory. filepaths = [] for root, dirs, files in sorted_walk(path): for filename in files: yield create_mf(os.path.join(root, filename)) else: # Just add the file. yield create_mf(path) def fetch(mf): try: print_(" -%s:" % (mf.title), ui.colorize('yellow', 'Fetching')) lyrics = self.fetchLyrics(scrub(mf.artist), scrub(mf.title)) result = (mf, lyrics); return result except: return None def tag(mf, lyrics): try: if( lyrics ): mf.lyrics = lyrics print_(" -%s:" % (mf.title), ui.colorize('green', 'Updated!')) else: print_(" -%s: " % (mf.title), ui.colorize('red', 'Not Found')) except: return #setup and run the pipeline ThreadedFeeder(produce) \ >> filter( lambda itm: itm != None) \ >> ThreadPool(map(fetch), poolsize=self.processcount) \ >> ThreadPool(apply(tag), poolsize=1)