import math
import sys
import benRun

# Test correct number of arguments used
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print('1 arguments required but only received %d' % len(sys.argv))
    print "Call with ./benRun_y3_2d.py <x>"

model_dir = "Zprime_TFHM_UFO"
mg5_path = "../"

# Initial parameters
beam_energy = 6500.0  # LHC Run II
# 2d scan usually requires no particular accuracy
number_of_events = 1
# mod of value of Wilson coefficient cbar_LL
x = float(sys.argv[1])

benRun.print_header(x, beam_energy, model_dir, number_of_events,
                    ' tsb            gzp   ')

process = 'p p > zp > mu+ mu-'
for mzp in range(200, 6100, 100):
    for tsb in benRun.my_range(0.02, 0.201, 0.02):
        gzp = mzp / 3.6e4 * math.sqrt(24.0 * x / math.sin(2.0 * tsb))
        benRun.do_a_point(tsb, gzp, process, model_dir, mg5_path,
                          number_of_events, beam_energy, mzp)
import math
import sys
import benRun

# Test correct number of arguments used
if len(sys.argv) != 2:
    print('1 arguments required but only received %d' % len(sys.argv))
    print "Call with ./benRun_mum_2d.py <x>"

model_dir = "Zprime_MUM_UFO"
mg5_path = "../"

# Initial parameters
beam_energy = 6500.0  # LHC Run II
# 2d scan usually requires no particular accuracy
number_of_events = 1
# mod of value of Wilson coefficient cbar_LL
x = float(sys.argv[1])

benRun.print_header(x, beam_energy, model_dir, number_of_events,
                    ' gmu       lg10(gsb)  ')

process = 'p p > zp > mu+ mu-'
for mzp in range(200, 6100, 100):
    for lg10_gsb in benRun.my_range(-3., -1., 0.2):
        gsb = math.exp(math.log(10) * lg10_gsb)
        gmu = -x / gsb * (mzp / 3.60000e+04)**2
        benRun.do_a_point(gmu, lg10_gsb, process, model_dir, mg5_path,
                          number_of_events, beam_energy, mzp)