def handle_command(command, channel, ts): response = "We still need to add this command" if command.startswith('show karik'): response = "" elif command.startswith('ace song'): response = ace_song() elif command.startswith('web'): response = r"\\dom1\data\hq\102pf\shared\group_lcdshd2\analytical services\cicfas\teams\ace\projects\20 ddd frontpage - discovery-alpha\datainput\index.html" elif command.startswith('file link'): response = r"\\dom1\data\hq\102pf\shared\group_lcdshd2\analytical services\cicfas\teams\ace" + "\\" + command[10:] elif command =="tumbleweed": response = "" elif command == "doc library": response = "coding doc, folder doc, learn python, learn R, data security, software doc" elif command == "coding doc": response = "" elif command =="folder doc": response = "" elif command == "learn python": response = "" elif command =="learn R": response = "" elif command == "software doc": response = "" elif command.startswith('data security'): response = r"\\dom1\data\hq\102pf\shared\group_lcdshd2\analytical services\cicfas\teams\ace\policies\20160712 data security and the macbook platform final.doc" elif 'dsh' in command or 'dash' in command: response = "AceBot does not recognise this team name. Please use 'ACE' or 'the team formerly known as ACE' when talking to me" elif 'pie chart' in command: response = "AceBot is disgusted by pie charts. They are held in the same regard as the name DaSH." elif 'weather' in command: response = "It is always sunny in the land of ACE." elif command.startswith('magic8'): response = magic_8() elif command == "help": response = help() elif command =="github": response = "" elif command =="benugo menu": response = menu() elif command =="halloumi": answer = menu_search("halloumi") if answer[0]: response = ("%s available on %s" % answer[1],answer[0]) else: response = ("Sadness, no halloumi this week.") answer = None elif command.startswith('i want'): eats = command[7:] response = halloumi(eats) elif command.startswith('python'): response=pyHelp(command) slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=response, as_user=True)
def handle_command(command, channel, ts, user): response = "We still need to add this command" if command.startswith('show karik'): response = "" elif command.startswith('ace song'): response = ace_song() elif command.startswith('web'): response = r"\\dom1\data\hq\102pf\shared\group_lcdshd2\analytical services\cicfas\teams\ace\projects\20 ddd frontpage - discovery-alpha\datainput\index.html" elif command.startswith('file link'): response = r"\\dom1\data\hq\102pf\shared\group_lcdshd2\analytical services\cicfas\teams\ace" + "\\" + command[ 10:] elif command == "tumbleweed": response = "" elif command == "doc library": response = "coding doc, folder doc, learn python, learn R, data security, software doc" elif command == "coding doc": response = "" elif command == "folder doc": response = "" elif command == "learn python": response = "" elif command == "learn R": response = "" elif command == "software doc": response = "" elif command.startswith('data security'): response = r"\\dom1\data\hq\102pf\shared\group_lcdshd2\analytical services\cicfas\teams\ace\policies\20160712 data security and the macbook platform final.doc" elif 'dsh' in command or 'dash' in command: response = "AceBot does not recognise this team name. Please use 'ACE' or 'the team formerly known as ACE' when talking to me" elif 'pie chart' in command: response = "AceBot is disgusted by pie charts. They are held in the same regard as the name DaSH." elif command.startswith('weather'): response = weather_emoji(command) elif command.startswith('magic8'): response = magic_8() elif command == "help": response = help() elif command == "github": response = "" elif command == "benugo menu": response = menu() elif command == "halloumi": answer = menu_search("halloumi") if answer[0]: response = ("%s available on %s" % answer[1], answer[0]) else: response = ("Sadness, no halloumi this week.") answer = None elif command.startswith('i want'): eats = command[7:] response = halloumi(eats) elif command.startswith('python'): response = pyHelp(command) elif command.startswith('what project'): response = handle_who_what(command) elif command.startswith('who knows'): response = return_expert(command) elif command.startswith('i know'): response = add_expert(command, user) elif command.startswith('pf'): response = pf(command) elif command.startswith('allocate'): response = shitty_task(command) elif command.startswith('next holiday'): response = nh() elif command.startswith('random song'): response = song_url() elif command.startswith("traintimes"): try: results = CallTrainTimes(command) for response in results: slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=response, as_user=True) response = "Have a lovely journey" except (UnboundLocalError, ValueError, urllib.error.HTTPError): response = "For train times, type traintimes [origin destination time(optional) date(optional)] \ time in 24hr e.g. 15:00, date in format yyyy-mm-dd" elif command.startswith('book a room'): try: results = roomcleaning(command) for response in results: response = "Your search results have opened in the browser" except (): response = "To book a room, type book a room [now/today/tomorrow/thisweek/nextweek] [number of people] [length(minutes)]" elif "stats" in command: cdummy = command.replace("stats", "") response = linker(cdummy) elif command.startswith("calculate"): response = InputsCalc(command) slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=response, as_user=True)
def handle_command(command, channel, ts): response = "We still need to add this command" if command.startswith('show karik'): response = "" elif command.startswith('ace song'): response = ace_song() elif command.startswith('file link'): response = r"\\dom1\data\hq\102pf\shared\group_lcdshd2\analytical services\cicfas\teams\ace" + "\\" + command[ 10:] elif command == "tumbleweed": response = "" elif command == "doc library": response = "coding doc, folder doc, learn python, learn R, data security, software doc" elif command == "coding doc": response = "" elif command == "folder doc": response = "" elif command == "learn python": response = "" elif command == "learn R": response = "" elif command == "software doc": response = "" elif command.startswith('data security'): response = r"\\dom1\data\hq\102pf\shared\group_lcdshd2\analytical services\cicfas\teams\ace\policies\20160712 data security and the macbook platform final.doc" elif command.startswith('webpage'): response = "" elif command.startswith('it number'): response = "0800 783 0162" elif command.startswith('name my project'): response = projectnamer() elif command.startswith('wutang my project'): response = wutang(command) elif 'dsh' in command or 'dash' in command: response = "AceBot does not recognise this team name. Please use 'ACE' or 'the team formerly known as ACE' when talking to me" elif 'pie chart' in command: response = "AceBot is disgusted by pie charts. They are held in the same regard as the name DaSH." elif command.startswith('weather'): response = weather_emoji(command) elif command.startswith('magic8'): response = magic_8() elif command == "help": response = help() elif command == "github": response = "" elif command == "benugo menu": response = menu() elif command == "halloumi": answer = menu_search("halloumi") if answer[0]: response = ("%s available on %s" % answer[1], answer[0]) else: response = ("Sadness, no halloumi this week.") answer = None elif command.startswith('i want'): eats = command[7:] response = halloumi(eats) elif command.startswith('python'): response = pyHelp(command) elif command.startswith('what project'): response = handle_who_what(command) elif command.startswith('next holiday'): response = nh() elif command.startswith('random song'): response = song_url() elif command.startswith("traintimes"): try: results = CallTrainTimes(command) for response in results: slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=response, as_user=True) response = "Safe travels" except (UnboundLocalError, ValueError): response = "For train times, type traintimes [origin destination time(optional) date(optional)] \ time in 24hr e.g. 15:00, date in format ddmmyy" elif command.startswith('book a room'): try: results = roomcleaning(command) for response in results: response = "Your search results have opened in the browser" except (): response = "To book a room, type book a room [now/today/tomorrow/thisweek/nextweek] [number of people] [length(minutes)]" elif "stats" in command: cdummy = command.replace("stats", "") response = linker(cdummy) elif command.startswith("calculate"): response = "The calculator has been disabled due to abuse, sorry" elif command.startswith("allocate "): response = "The winner is <@apoulton> again" elif command.startswith("allocate"): response = shitty_task(command) elif command.startswith("what are you thinking"): response = random_musings() elif command.startswith("prison population"): k = prisStats.handleResponse(command) if len(k) > 10: response = k else: slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text="Total prisoners: " + str(k[0] + k[1]), as_user=True) slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text="Male prisoners: " + str(k[0]), as_user=True) slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text="Female prisoners: " + str(k[1]), as_user=True) response = "Figures correct as of " + str(k[2]) if not k[3]: response = "It looks like you were looking for older figures, but I couldn't work out which ones. Sorry about that." slack_client.api_call("chat.postMessage", channel=channel, text=response, as_user=True)