def motion_base(): global velx, velxOld, vely, velyOld, velz, velzOld, host, port, send_address, s, rotVelx, rotVely, rotVelz cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner velocity = own.getLinearVelocity(1) rotVelocity = own.getAngularVelocity(1) rotVelx = rotVelocity[0] rotVely = rotVelocity[1] rotVelz = rotVelocity[2] # velx = velocity[0] # vely = velocity[1] velz = velocity[2] #this is a +90 degree rotation matrix about z velx = velocity[1] vely = -velocity[0] rotVelx = rotVelocity[1] rotVely = -rotVelocity[0] accelx = ((velx-velxOld) * logic.getAverageFrameRate()-vely*rotVelz+velz*rotVely)/9.8 accely = ((vely-velyOld) * logic.getAverageFrameRate()+velx*rotVelz-velz*rotVelx)/9.8 accelz = ((velz-velzOld) * logic.getAverageFrameRate()-velx*rotVely+vely*rotVelx)/9.8 #send accelx velxOld = velx velyOld = vely velzOld = velz #print ("Acceleration: "+str(format(accelx,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(accely,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(accelz,'0.4f'))+ "\t" + "Angular Velocity: "+str(format(rotVelx,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(rotVely,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(rotVelz,'0.4f'))) sendString = (str(format(accelx,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(accely,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(accelz,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(rotVelx,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(rotVely,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(rotVelz,'0.4f'))) sentBytes = bytearray(sendString,'utf-8') s.sendto(sentBytes, send_address)
def getAcc(): lv = own.getLinearVelocity(True) try: own['acc'] = (abs(own['lastVel'] - getArrayProduct(lv))) try: if own['settled']: elapsedTime = 1 / logic.getAverageFrameRate() force = ( (abs(own['lastVel'] - getArrayProduct(lv)) / elapsedTime) / 100) + 1 #print("force: "+str(force)+"\nelapsedTimie: "+str(elapsedTime)) if own['armed']: if logic.maxGForce < force: logic.maxGForce = force print(str(logic.maxGForce) + "G") else: logic.maxGForce = 0 logic.gForce = force except Exception as e: print(e) own['armed'] = False logic.gForce = 0 logic.maxGForce = 0 own['airSpeedDiff'] = (own['lastAirSpeedDiff'] - lv[2]) * 0.018 own['lastVel'] = getArrayProduct(lv) except Exception as e: try: own['lastVel'] = getArrayProduct(lv) own['acc'] = abs(own['lastVel'] - getArrayProduct(lv)) own['lastAirSpeedDiff'] = lv[2] except Exception as e: print(e)
def isSettled( ): #TO-DO get rid of all the settingling logic. The launch pads should be more stable now if not own['settled']: #logic.setTimeScale(0.001) if (flowState.getGameMode() == flowState.GAME_MODE_SINGLE_PLAYER): logic.isSettled = False fps = logic.getAverageFrameRate() avgFPSList = own['settleFrameRates'] avgFPSList.append(fps) deviation = 100 if (len(avgFPSList) > 1): deviation = statistics.stdev(avgFPSList) if len(avgFPSList) > 100: if deviation < 300: settle() else: own.setLinearVelocity([0, 0, 0], True) own.position = own['launchPosition'] if len(avgFPSList) > 1000: del avgFPSList[0] settle() flowState.log( "WARNING!!!: FPS did not become stable after 2000 frames. Expect physics instability..." ) flowState.log("standard deviation: " + str(deviation)) else: #we are in multiplayer and should wait a fixed time if ((time.perf_counter() - own['settleStartTime']) > 3): settle() flowState.log("settling due to time expiration in multiplayer")
def isSettled(): if not own['settled']: logic.setTimeScale(0.001) if(utils.getMode()!=utils.MODE_MULTIPLAYER): logic.isSettled = False fps = logic.getAverageFrameRate() avgFPSList = own['settleFrameRates'] avgFPSList.append(fps) deviation = 100 if(len(avgFPSList)>1): deviation = statistics.stdev(avgFPSList) if len(avgFPSList)>100: if deviation < 300: settle() else: own.setLinearVelocity([0,0,0],True) own.position = own['launchPosition'] if len(avgFPSList)>1000: del avgFPSList[0] settle() utils.log("WARNING!!!: FPS did not become stable after 2000 frames. Expect physics instability...") utils.log("standard deviation: "+str(deviation)) else: #we are in multiplayer and should wait a fixed time if ((time.perf_counter()-own['settleStartTime'])>3): settle() utils.log("settling due to time expiration in multiplayer") else: if(logic.finishedLastLap): logic.setTimeScale(0.001)
def move(self): key = logic.keyboard walk_direction = self.walk_direction walk_direction[:] = (0, 0, 0) speed = self.speed if[events.WKEY]: walk_direction[1] = 1.0 if[events.SKEY]: walk_direction[1] = -1.0 if[events.DKEY]: walk_direction[0] = 1.0 if[events.AKEY]: walk_direction[0] = -1.0 walk_direction.normalize() walk_direction *= speed if self.phys_id != 0: self.rotate_foot() footlocal = self.foot.localOrientation walk_direction[:] = footlocal * walk_direction walk_lz = walk_direction[2] velo_lz = self.getLinearVelocity(True)[2] ground = self.ground space =[events.SPACEKEY] if ground or velo_lz < 3.0: self.jumping = False if self.jumping: if not space: walk_direction[2] = velo_lz / 2 self.jumping = False else: walk_direction[2] = velo_lz elif ground: if space: walk_direction[2] += self.jump_speed self.jumping = True else: walk_direction -= footlocal.col[2] else: walk_direction[2] = velo_lz self.setLinearVelocity(walk_direction, True) else: if[events.EKEY]: walk_direction[2] += speed if[events.CKEY]: walk_direction[2] -= speed walk_direction /= logic.getAverageFrameRate() self.applyMovement(walk_direction, True)
def motion_base(): global velx, velxOld, vely, velyOld, velz, velzOld, host, port, send_address, s, rotVelx, rotVely, rotVelz cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner velocity = own.getLinearVelocity(1) rotVelocity = own.getAngularVelocity(1) rotVelx = rotVelocity[0] rotVely = rotVelocity[1] rotVelz = rotVelocity[2] # velx = velocity[0] # vely = velocity[1] velz = velocity[2] #this is a +90 degree rotation matrix about z velx = velocity[1] vely = -velocity[0] rotVelx = rotVelocity[1] rotVely = -rotVelocity[0] accelx = ((velx - velxOld) * logic.getAverageFrameRate() - vely * rotVelz + velz * rotVely) / 9.8 accely = ((vely - velyOld) * logic.getAverageFrameRate() + velx * rotVelz - velz * rotVelx) / 9.8 accelz = ((velz - velzOld) * logic.getAverageFrameRate() - velx * rotVely + vely * rotVelx) / 9.8 #send accelx velxOld = velx velyOld = vely velzOld = velz #print ("Acceleration: "+str(format(accelx,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(accely,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(accelz,'0.4f'))+ "\t" + "Angular Velocity: "+str(format(rotVelx,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(rotVely,'0.4f'))+","+str(format(rotVelz,'0.4f'))) sendString = (str(format(accelx, '0.4f')) + "," + str(format(accely, '0.4f')) + "," + str(format(accelz, '0.4f')) + "," + str(format(rotVelx, '0.4f')) + "," + str(format(rotVely, '0.4f')) + "," + str(format(rotVelz, '0.4f'))) sentBytes = bytearray(sendString, 'utf-8') s.sendto(sentBytes, send_address)
def frameSleep(): """ Forces a sleep time on BGE to make low-consiming games not melt the CPU. """ global _nosleep, _3sleep avg = logic.getAverageFrameRate() if avg < 45: _3sleep = 3 else: _3sleep = 0 if avg < 30: _nosleep = True else: _nosleep = False if _sleeptime <= 0 or _nosleep == True: return if _3sleep > 1: _3sleep -= 1 return if _3sleep == 1: _3sleep = 3 sleep(_sleeptime)
def moveObjectToPosition(origin, dest, speed = 1): """ Moves *origin* to *dest* at a speed of *speed*. Must by called every frame for a complete movement. :param origin: Object to move. :type origin: |KX_GameObject| :param dest: Destination object. :type dest: |Vector| :param float speed: The amount of movment to do in one frame. :return: True if the object has been moved, false otherwise. """ fr = logic.getAverageFrameRate() if fr < 20: fr = 20 vel = speed / fr vec = vectorFrom2Points(origin.position, dest, vel) if vec: origin.position += vec return True else: return False
def Sprite(spriteobj=None): """ Animates the UV-coordinates of the object specified (or the object that the function is performed on) to draw a sprite. The average animation looks like: [0, 0, 1, 2, 3] Where the first value is the position of the animation's column, and the later ones are the frame numbers (going upwards) The only argument for this function is: spriteobj = Which sprite's UV-mesh to change; None or omitted = this object """ sce = logic.getCurrentScene() cam = sce.active_camera cont = logic.getCurrentController() if spriteobj == None: obj = cont.owner else: obj = spriteobj frequency = cont.sensors[0].frequency + 1 try: #obj['anim'] = [0, 0, 1, 0, 3] # A test animation using the first column of the spritesheet, with the first, second, and fourth sprite sheet cells being used if obj[ 'sprcamoptimize']: # Optimization where if the sprite isn't on screen, it won't update every frame if cam.pointInsideFrustum(obj.position): cont.sensors[0].frequency = obj['sprfreqorig'] else: cont.sensors[0].frequency = obj['sprfreqorig'] + 5 if obj[ 'sprfpslock'] == 0: # Without FPS Locking on, the sprite will attempt to speed up when the game slows down and vise versa. fps = logic.getAverageFrameRate() if fps == 0.0: # At the game engine's initializing, getAverageFrameRate may return 0.0 because it samples the FPS over some time fps = logic.getLogicTicRate() else: # With FPS Locking on, the sprite will animate regardless of FPS changes. fps = logic.getLogicTicRate() ## I'll generally only use exact squares (e.g. 4 64x64 subimages on a 256x256 image), ## but I've decided to go with both a width and height variable for uneven images. ## The number for each is obtained by dividing one by the total number of sprite ## frames available on the sprite sheet (the same either way to equal a square ## sheet). For example, if you can fit 4 images on a 64x64 image, and each ## sprite is equal-sized and takes up the most space, then you would end up with ## even 32x32 images, or images whose sizes equal 0.5 each way. sprfps = obj['sprfps'] / fps anim = obj['spranim'] if anim != None: obj['sprpastsubimage'] = obj['sprsubimage'] if obj['sprfps'] != 0.0: # If spritefps == 0, don't advance the subimage obj['sprsubimage'] += round(sprfps, 2) * frequency # GameLogic's logic tic rate is constant, but if FPS drops below the tic rate, the animations won't adjust if math.floor(obj['sprsubimage']) > len(anim) - 1: if obj['sprfps'] > 0: while obj['sprsubimage'] > (len(anim) - 1): obj['sprsubimage'] -= (len(anim) - 1) else: obj['sprsubimage'] = 1.0 elif math.floor(obj[ 'sprsubimage']) < 1.0: # Hack that makes sure the subimage is never looking at the animation column for a frame if obj['sprfps'] > 0: obj[ 'sprsubimage'] = 1.0 # Shouldn't really ever happen that the subimage is going up, but somehow goes below 0; if it does, just set it to a healthy 1. else: while obj['sprsubimage'] < (len(anim) - 1): obj['sprsubimage'] += (len(anim) - 1) if obj['sprsubimage'] < 1.0: obj['sprsubimage'] = 1.0 if obj['sprsubimage'] > len(anim): obj['sprsubimage'] = len(anim) - 1 subi = math.floor(obj['sprsubimage']) ## This below is pretty much the only way to get the info from the vertices ## When viewing a plane so that the sprite appears straight on: ## Vertex 0 = Top-Right ## Vertex 1 = Top-Left ## Vertex 2 = Bottom-Left ## Vertex 3 = Bottom-Right ## I believe this has to do with culling, which apparently takes place ## counter-clockwise here (?) vertex = [None, None, None, None] for a in range(4): vertex[a] = obj.meshes[obj['sprmat']].getVertex(obj['sprmesh'], a) # The sprite object's vertices; used only by the Sprite() function if obj['sprflipx'] == 0 and obj['sprflipy'] == 0: vertex[0].setUV([obj['sprh'] + (obj['sprh'] * anim[0]), obj['sprw'] + (obj['sprw'] * anim[subi])]) vertex[1].setUV([obj['sprh'] * anim[0], obj['sprw'] + (obj['sprw'] * anim[subi])]) vertex[2].setUV([obj['sprh'] * anim[0], obj['sprw'] * anim[subi]]) vertex[3].setUV([obj['sprh'] + (obj['sprh'] * anim[0]), obj['sprw'] * anim[subi]]) elif obj['sprflipx'] == 0 and obj['sprflipy'] == 1: vertex[3].setUV([obj['sprh'] + (obj['sprh'] * anim[0]), obj['sprw'] + (obj['sprw'] * anim[subi])]) vertex[2].setUV([obj['sprh'] * anim[0], obj['sprw'] + (obj['sprw'] * anim[subi])]) vertex[1].setUV([obj['sprh'] * anim[0], obj['sprw'] * anim[subi]]) vertex[0].setUV([obj['sprh'] + (obj['sprh'] * anim[0]), obj['sprw'] * anim[subi]]) elif obj['sprflipx'] == 1 and obj['sprflipy'] == 0: vertex[1].setUV([obj['sprh'] + (obj['sprh'] * anim[0]), obj['sprw'] + (obj['sprw'] * anim[subi])]) vertex[0].setUV([obj['sprh'] * anim[0], obj['sprw'] + (obj['sprw'] * anim[subi])]) vertex[3].setUV([obj['sprh'] * anim[0], obj['sprw'] * anim[subi]]) vertex[2].setUV([obj['sprh'] + (obj['sprh'] * anim[0]), obj['sprw'] * anim[subi]]) else: vertex[2].setUV([obj['sprh'] + (obj['sprh'] * anim[0]), obj['sprw'] + (obj['sprw'] * anim[subi])]) vertex[3].setUV([obj['sprh'] * anim[0], obj['sprw'] + (obj['sprw'] * anim[subi])]) vertex[0].setUV([obj['sprh'] * anim[0], obj['sprw'] * anim[subi]]) vertex[1].setUV([obj['sprh'] + (obj['sprh'] * anim[0]), obj['sprw'] * anim[subi]]) if obj[ 'sprrotate'] != None: # If you don't set the rotate value, then you're saying that you'll handle it. ori = obj['sprori'].copy() ori.y += obj['sprrotate'] obj.orientation = ori except KeyError: # Initialize the sprite object if it hasn't been initialized SpriteInit(obj)
def SpriteMesh(spriteobj=None): """ Replaces the mesh of the object specified (or the object that the function is performed on) to draw a sprite. The average sprite replacement animation looks like: ['Explosion', 0, 1, 2, 3] Where the first value is the name of the mesh to replace for the sprite, and the later values are the image numbers (going upwards), where each individual sprite mesh is named the first value, then a later one. An example would be that the first sprite of an explosion would be named 'Explosion0'. If the sprite seems to be animating slowly (not on time), it's probably because the Rasterizer is working extra hard to change the meshes. You can see this in the profiler. To fix this, ensure no modifiers are present on the mesh frames to replace. Also, if there's a slight lag between switching sprites, this is because the sprite frames have a lot of polygons, and so loading them into and out of memory is slowing the BGE down. To fix this, place the sprites somewhere in the game scene to keep them around in memory. See SpriteInit function for possible object variables to change. The only argument for this function is: spriteobj = Which sprite's UV-mesh to change; None or omitted = this object """ from bge import logic import math sce = logic.getCurrentScene() cam = sce.active_camera cont = logic.getCurrentController() if spriteobj == None: obj = cont.owner else: obj = spriteobj if spriteobj == None: obj = cont.owner else: obj = spriteobj frequency = cont.sensors[0].frequency + 1 try: if obj[ 'sprcamoptimize']: # Optimization where if the sprite isn't on screen, it won't update every frame if cam.pointInsideFrustum(obj.position): cont.sensors[0].frequency = obj['sprfreqorig'] else: cont.sensors[0].frequency = obj['sprfreqorig'] + 5 if obj[ 'sprfpslock'] == 0: # Without FPS Locking on, the sprite will attempt to speed up when the game slows down and vise versa. fps = logic.getAverageFrameRate() if fps == 0.0: # At the game engine's initializing, getAverageFrameRate may return 0.0 because it samples the FPS over some time fps = logic.getLogicTicRate() else: # With FPS Locking on, the sprite will animate regardless of FPS changes. fps = logic.getLogicTicRate() ## I'll generally only use exact squares (e.g. 4 64x64 subimages on a 256x256 image), ## but I've decided to go with both a width and height variable for uneven images. ## The number for each is obtained by dividing one by the total number of sprite ## frames available on the sprite sheet (the same either way to equal a square ## sheet). For example, if you can fit 4 images on a 64x64 image, and each ## sprite is equal-sized and takes up the most space, then you would end up with ## even 32x32 images, or images whose sizes equal 0.5 each way. sprfps = obj['sprfps'] / fps anim = obj['spranim'] if anim != None: obj['sprpastsubimage'] = obj['sprsubimage'] if obj['sprfps'] != 0.0: # If spritefps == 0, don't advance the subimage obj['sprsubimage'] += round(sprfps, 2) * frequency # GameLogic's logic tic rate is constant, but if FPS drops below the tic rate, the animations will adjust if math.floor(obj['sprsubimage']) > len(anim) - 1: if obj['sprfps'] > 0: while obj['sprsubimage'] > (len(anim) - 1): obj['sprsubimage'] -= (len(anim) - 1) else: obj['sprsubimage'] = 1.0 elif math.floor(obj[ 'sprsubimage']) < 1.0: # Hack that makes sure the subimage is never looking at the animation column for a frame if obj['sprfps'] > 0: obj[ 'sprsubimage'] = 1.0 # Shouldn't really ever happen that the subimage is going up, but somehow goes below 0; if it does, just set it to a healthy 1. else: while obj['sprsubimage'] < (len(anim) - 1): obj['sprsubimage'] += (len(anim) - 1) if obj['sprsubimage'] < 1.0: obj['sprsubimage'] = 1.0 if obj['sprsubimage'] > len(anim): obj['sprsubimage'] = len(anim) - 1 subi = math.floor(obj['sprsubimage']) frame = anim[0] + str(anim[subi]) if str(obj.meshes[ 0]) != frame: # Only replace the mesh if the object's current mesh isn't equal to the one to use (if it's equal, then the mesh was replaced earlier) obj.replaceMesh(frame) ori = obj.worldOrientation.to_euler() if obj['sprflipx']: ori.z += math.pi if obj['sprflipy']: ori.x += math.pi if obj[ 'sprrotate'] != None: # If you set the rotate value, then you're saying that you'll handle it, so be aware of that ori.y += obj['sprrotate'] obj.worldOrientation = ori except KeyError: # Initialize the sprite object if it hasn't been initialized SpriteInit(obj)
def loop(self, scene): # update debug text if useDebug: try: t = "" for key, item in t += "%s: %s\n---------\n"%(key, item) self.debug.text = t # show number of BG process num = len(logic.registeredFunctions) if num <=0: self.bgProcessCounter.text = "Clean" elif num == 1: self.bgProcessCounter.text = "1 background process running" else: self.bgProcessCounter.text = str(num) + " background processes running" except: pass # show fps self.debug.text += '\n' + str(int(logic.getAverageFrameRate())) + ' fps' # Handle the mouse # hack needed since inactive window does not update mouse position if logic.mouseExitHack: pos = [0,0] # set position to a harmless location # disable hack once mouse events are properly capturing again if logic.mousePosDelta[0] != 0 or logic.mousePosDelta[1] != 0: logic.mouseExitHack = False else: pos = list(logic.mouse.position) pos[0] *= render.getWindowWidth() pos[1] = render.getWindowHeight() * (1.0-pos[1]) mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_NONE mouse_events = if mouse_events[events.LEFTMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED: mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_LEFT_CLICK elif mouse_events[events.LEFTMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_RELEASED or logic.tap: mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_LEFT_RELEASE elif mouse_events[events.LEFTMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE: mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_LEFT_ACTIVE elif mouse_events[events.RIGHTMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED: mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_RIGHT_CLICK elif mouse_events[events.RIGHTMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_RELEASED: mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_RIGHT_RELEASE elif mouse_events[events.RIGHTMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE: mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_RIGHT_ACTIVE elif mouse_events[events.WHEELUPMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED or mouse_events[events.WHEELUPMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE or logic.mouseUp: mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_WHEEL_UP elif mouse_events[events.WHEELDOWNMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED or mouse_events[events.WHEELDOWNMOUSE] == logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE or logic.mouseDown: mouse_state = bgui.BGUI_MOUSE_WHEEL_DOWN logic.mouseUp = False logic.mouseDown = False logic.tap = False try: self.update_mouse(pos, mouse_state) except KeyError: pass self.mousePos = pos[:] # Handle the keyboard key_events = is_shifted = 0 < key_events[events.LEFTSHIFTKEY] < 3 or \ 0 < key_events[events.RIGHTSHIFTKEY] < 3 is_ctrled = 0 < key_events[events.LEFTCTRLKEY] < 3 or \ 0 < key_events[events.RIGHTCTRLKEY] < 3 is_alted = 0 < key_events[events.LEFTALTKEY] < 3 or \ 0 < key_events[events.RIGHTALTKEY] < 3 if 'mac' in releaseOS: is_commanded = 0 < key_events[events.OSKEY] < 3 elif 'win' in releaseOS: is_commanded = False # do not process WIndows OS keys (start) else: is_commanded = False # other OS self.isCtrled = is_ctrled self.isAlted = is_alted self.isShifted = is_shifted self.isCommanded = is_commanded # to bgui, Command and Ctrl is one key for key, state in if state == logic.KX_INPUT_JUST_ACTIVATED: self.update_keyboard(self.keymap[key], is_shifted, is_ctrled or is_commanded) logic.keyCounter = -10 # key repeat delay elif state == logic.KX_INPUT_ACTIVE: if logic.keyCounter % 2 == 0 and logic.keyCounter > 0: self.update_keyboard(self.keymap[key], is_shifted, is_ctrled or is_commanded) logic.keyCounter += 1 # key repeat rate # Now setup the scene callback so we can draw scene.post_draw = [self.render] if useDebug and False: imp.reload(viewport) self.viewport = viewport.init(self)
import bge.logic as logic cont = logic.getCurrentController() own = cont.owner own['Text'] = logic.getAverageFrameRate()
def play(self, anim_name, reset_subimage_on_change=True): if not anim_name in self.anim_dict: print("ERROR: SpriteMap owner " + + " has no animation named " + anim_name + ".") return False elif len(self.anim_dict[anim_name]['animation']) < 2: print("ERROR: SpriteMap owner " + + "'s animation " + anim_name + " does not contain data " "for at least one frame of " "animation.") return False self.current_animation = anim_name if self.current_animation != self.prev_animation: self.on_animation_change(self, self.current_animation, self.prev_animation) # Callback if reset_subimage_on_change: self.subimage = 1.0 if self.adjust_by_sensor_frequency: freq = logic.getCurrentController().sensors[0].frequency + 1 else: freq = 1 if self.fps_lock: scene_fps = logic.getLogicTicRate() else: scene_fps = logic.getAverageFrameRate() if scene_fps == 0.0: scene_fps = logic.getLogicTicRate() if anim_name and anim_name in self.anim_dict: anim = self.anim_dict[anim_name]['animation'] anim_fps = self.anim_dict[anim_name]['fps'] target_fps = anim_fps / scene_fps if len(anim) > 2: # Don't advance if there's only one cell to the animation if target_fps != 0.0: self.subimage += round(target_fps, 2) * freq subi = round(self.subimage, 4) if (self.subimage <= len(anim) - 2 and anim_fps > 0) or (self.subimage > 1.0 and anim_fps < 0): self.is_playing = True if self.anim_dict[anim_name]['loop']: # The animation is to be looped fin = 0 if len(anim) >= 2: while math.floor(subi) > len(anim) - 1: subi -= len(anim) - 1 fin = 1 while math.floor(subi) < 1.0: subi += len(anim) - 1 fin = 1 if fin: self.on_animation_finished(self) # Animation's finished because it's looping self.is_playing = True else: # No loop if subi >= len(anim) - 1 or subi < 1.0: if self.is_playing: self.on_animation_finished(self) # Animation's finished because it's at the end of a # non-looping animation if len(anim) >= 2: subi = min(max(subi, 1.0), len(anim) - 1) else: subi = 1.0 self.is_playing = False if math.floor(subi) != math.floor(self.prev_subimage): self.on_subimage_change(self, math.floor(subi), math.floor(self.prev_subimage)) # Callback for subimage change self.subimage = subi else: print("ERROR: ANIMATION NAME " + anim_name + " NOT IN SPRITEMAP OR NOT STRING.") self.prev_animation = self.current_animation self.prev_subimage = self.subimage if self.obj.invalid: # You did something that killed the object; STOP PRODUCTION! print("ERROR: SPRITE MAP OPERATING ON NON-EXISTENT OBJECT!!!") return False return True
def update(self): # Mouselook if self.delay >= 1: # Get the center of the screen and the current mouse position center = Vector(self.screen_center) mouse_position = Vector([logic.mouse.position[0] * self.screen_width, logic.mouse.position[1] * self.screen_height]) x = center.x - mouse_position.x y = center.y - mouse_position.y # Smooth movement self.old_x = (self.old_x*self.mouse_smoothing + x*(1.0-self.mouse_smoothing)) self.old_y = (self.old_y*self.mouse_smoothing + y*(1.0-self.mouse_smoothing)) x = self.old_x* self.mouse_sensitivity y = self.old_y* self.mouse_sensitivity # set the values[0, 0, x], False)[y, 0, 0], True) # Center mouse in game window render.setMousePosition(*self.screen_center) if self.delay <= 1: self.delay += 1 # Keyboard movement keyboard = if logic.getAverageFrameRate() != 0: frame_equaliser = 60 / logic.getAverageFrameRate() else: frame_equaliser == 1 speed = self.move_speed * frame_equaliser if keyboard[events.LEFTSHIFTKEY]: speed = self.move_speed * 3 * frame_equaliser if keyboard[events.LEFTCTRLKEY]: speed = self.move_speed / 3 * frame_equaliser if keyboard[events.WKEY]:[0, 0, -speed], True) if keyboard[events.SKEY]:[0, 0, speed], True) if keyboard[events.AKEY]:[-speed, 0, 0], True) if keyboard[events.DKEY]:[speed, 0, 0], True) if keyboard[events.EKEY]:[0, speed, 0], True) if keyboard[events.QKEY]:[0, -speed, 0], True)
def get_deltatime(): dt = clamp(0, 1, (1 / logic.getAverageFrameRate())) # dt = (1 / logic.getAverageFrameRate()) return dt
def play(self, anim_name, reset_subimage_on_change=True): if not anim_name in self.anim_dict: print("ERROR: SpriteMap owner " + + " has no animation named " + anim_name + ".") return False elif len(self.anim_dict[anim_name]['animation']) < 2: print("ERROR: SpriteMap owner " + + "'s animation " + anim_name + " does not contain data " "for at least one frame of " "animation.") return False self.current_animation = anim_name if self.current_animation != self.prev_animation: self.on_animation_change(self, self.current_animation, self.prev_animation) # Callback if reset_subimage_on_change: self.subimage = 1.0 if self.adjust_by_sensor_frequency: freq = logic.getCurrentController().sensors[0].frequency + 1 else: freq = 1 if self.fps_lock: scene_fps = logic.getLogicTicRate() else: scene_fps = logic.getAverageFrameRate() if scene_fps == 0.0: scene_fps = logic.getLogicTicRate() if anim_name and anim_name in self.anim_dict: anim = self.anim_dict[anim_name]['animation'] anim_fps = self.anim_dict[anim_name]['fps'] target_fps = anim_fps / scene_fps if len( anim ) > 2: # Don't advance if there's only one cell to the animation if target_fps != 0.0: self.subimage += round(target_fps, 2) * freq subi = round(self.subimage, 4) if (self.subimage <= len(anim) - 2 and anim_fps > 0) or (self.subimage > 1.0 and anim_fps < 0): self.is_playing = True if self.anim_dict[anim_name][ 'loop']: # The animation is to be looped fin = 0 if len(anim) >= 2: while math.floor(subi) > len(anim) - 1: subi -= len(anim) - 1 fin = 1 while math.floor(subi) < 1.0: subi += len(anim) - 1 fin = 1 if fin: self.on_animation_finished( self) # Animation's finished because it's looping self.is_playing = True else: # No loop if subi >= len(anim) - 1 or subi < 1.0: if self.is_playing: self.on_animation_finished( self ) # Animation's finished because it's at the end of a # non-looping animation if len(anim) >= 2: subi = min(max(subi, 1.0), len(anim) - 1) else: subi = 1.0 self.is_playing = False if math.floor(subi) != math.floor(self.prev_subimage): self.on_subimage_change(self, math.floor(subi), math.floor(self.prev_subimage)) # Callback for subimage change self.subimage = subi else: print("ERROR: ANIMATION NAME " + anim_name + " NOT IN SPRITEMAP OR NOT STRING.") self.prev_animation = self.current_animation self.prev_subimage = self.subimage if self.obj.invalid: # You did something that killed the object; STOP PRODUCTION! print("ERROR: SPRITE MAP OPERATING ON NON-EXISTENT OBJECT!!!") return False return True
radioSettings = logic.globalDict['profiles'][profileIndex]['radioSettings'] g = {**droneSettings, **radioSettings} #merge the two dictionaries scene = logic.getCurrentScene() mass = own.mass gravity = 98*mass camera = scene.objects['cameraMain'] game = scene.objects['Game'] try: logic.lastLogicTic except: logic.lastLogicTic = float(time.perf_counter()) print("creating time") eTime = float(time.perf_counter())-logic.lastLogicTic logic.lastLogicTic = float(time.perf_counter()) if(logic.getAverageFrameRate()!=0): dm = eTime*60 else: dm = 1 if(dm>1): dm = 1 def getAngularAcceleration(): av = own.getAngularVelocity(True) if "init" in own: lastAv = own['lastAngularVel'] own['angularAcc'] = getArrayProduct([av[0]-lastAv[0],av[1]-lastAv[1],av[2]-lastAv[2]]) own['lastAngularVel'] = own.getAngularVelocity(True) def initAllThings(): logic.player = own