文件: test_field.py 项目: GeoMop/bgem
def test_eval_expr():
    f_1 = field.constant(1)
    f_3 = field.constant(3)
    f = f_1 * f_3 + f_3 / f_1 + 1 - f_1

    def ref_size(x):
        return 6

    apply_field(f, ref_size, dim=2, tolerance=0.38, max_mismatch=0)
文件: test_field.py 项目: GeoMop/bgem
def test_constant_2d():
    f_const = field.constant(7)

    def ref_size(x):
        return 7

    #apply_field(f_const, ref_size, dim=2, tolerance=0.3, max_mismatch=0)
    apply_field(f_const, ref_size, dim=2, tolerance=0.3, max_mismatch=2)
文件: test_field.py 项目: GeoMop/bgem
def test_eval_sin_cos():
    f_1 = field.constant(1)
    f = 11 + 10 * field.sin(field.x / 50 * np.pi) * field.cos(
        field.y / 25 * np.pi) + field.log(f_1)

    def ref_size(x):
        return 11 + 10 * np.sin(x[0] / 50 * np.pi) * np.cos(x[1] / 25 * np.pi)

文件: test_field.py 项目: GeoMop/bgem
def test_eval():
    f_3 = field.constant(3)

    def ref_size(x):
        return 6

    f = f_3 + f_3
    apply_field(f, ref_size, dim=2, tolerance=0.38, max_mismatch=0)
    f = (f_3 > 2) * 6
    apply_field(f, ref_size, dim=2, tolerance=0.38, max_mismatch=0)
    f = (2 < f_3) * 6
    apply_field(f, ref_size, dim=2, tolerance=0.38, max_mismatch=0)
    f = (3 >= f_3) * 6
    apply_field(f, ref_size, dim=2, tolerance=0.38, max_mismatch=0)
    f = (f_3 <= 3) * 6
    apply_field(f, ref_size, dim=2, tolerance=0.38, max_mismatch=0)
def make_mesh(config_dict, fractures, mesh_name, mesh_file):
    geom = config_dict["geometry"]
    fracture_mesh_step = geom['fracture_mesh_step']
    dimensions = geom["box_dimensions"]
    # well_z0, well_z1 = geom["well_openning"]
    # well_length = well_z1 - well_z0
    # well_r = geom["well_effective_radius"]
    # well_dist = geom["well_distance"]

    mtr = geom["main_tunnel_radius"]
    mtw = geom["main_tunnel_width"]
    mtl = geom["main_tunnel_length"]

    st_r = geom["lateral_tunnel_radius"]
    stw = geom["lateral_tunnel_width"]
    stl = geom["lateral_tunnel_length"]
    # small_tunnel_passage_width = geom["lateral_tunnel_passage_width"]

    br = geom["borehole_radius"]
    bl = geom["borehole_length"]
    bd = geom["borehole_distance"]

    factory = gmsh.GeometryOCC(mesh_name, verbose=True)
    gopt = options.Geometry()
    gopt.Tolerance = 0.0001
    gopt.ToleranceBoolean = 0.001
    # gopt.MatchMeshTolerance = 1e-1

    # Main box
    box = factory.box(dimensions).set_region("box")
    side_z = factory.rectangle([dimensions[0], dimensions[1]])
    side_y = factory.rectangle([dimensions[0], dimensions[2]])
    side_x = factory.rectangle([dimensions[2], dimensions[1]])
    sides = dict(
        side_z0=side_z.copy().translate([0, 0, -dimensions[2] / 2]),
        side_z1=side_z.copy().translate([0, 0, +dimensions[2] / 2]),
        side_y0=side_y.copy().translate([0, 0, -dimensions[1] / 2]).rotate([-1, 0, 0], np.pi / 2),
        side_y1=side_y.copy().translate([0, 0, +dimensions[1] / 2]).rotate([-1, 0, 0], np.pi / 2),
        side_x0=side_x.copy().translate([0, 0, -dimensions[0] / 2]).rotate([0, 1, 0], np.pi / 2),
        side_x1=side_x.copy().translate([0, 0, +dimensions[0] / 2]).rotate([0, 1, 0], np.pi / 2)
    for name, side in sides.items():

    b_box = box.get_boundary().copy()

    # # two vertical cut-off wells, just permeable part
    # left_center = [-well_dist/2, 0, 0]
    # right_center = [+well_dist/2, 0, 0]

    # main tunnel
    main_tunnel_block = factory.box([mtw, mtl, mtr])

    y_shift = math.sqrt(mtr * mtr - 0.25 * mtw * mtw) - mtr / 2
    main_tunnel_block_tmp = main_tunnel_block.copy().translate([0, 0, mtr])
    main_tunnel_cylinder_tmp = factory.cylinder(mtr, axis=[0, mtl, 0]).translate([0, -mtl / 2, -y_shift])
    main_tunnel_cylinder = main_tunnel_block_tmp.intersect(main_tunnel_cylinder_tmp)

    # lateral part of main tunnel
    y_shift_2 = math.sqrt(st_r * st_r - 0.25 * stw * stw) - st_r / 2

    small_tunnel_block = factory.box([stl, stw, st_r])
    small_tunnel_block_tmp = small_tunnel_block.copy().translate([0, 0, st_r])
    small_tunnel_cylinder_tmp = factory.cylinder(st_r, axis=[stl, 0, 0])\
        .translate([-stl / 2, 0, -y_shift_2])
    small_tunnel_cylinder = small_tunnel_block_tmp.intersect(small_tunnel_cylinder_tmp)

    lateral_tunnel_part_1 = factory.group(small_tunnel_block, small_tunnel_cylinder) \
        .translate([stl / 2, 0, 0])
    lateral_tunnel_part_2 = lateral_tunnel_part_1.copy().translate([0, bd, 0])
    lateral_tunnel_part_3 = lateral_tunnel_part_1.copy().translate([0, -bd, 0])
    # lateral_tunnel_part = factory.group(lateral_tunnel_part_1, lateral_tunnel_part_2)

    # main tunnel with lateral parts
    right_well = main_tunnel_block.fuse(main_tunnel_cylinder, lateral_tunnel_part_1, lateral_tunnel_part_2,\
                                        lateral_tunnel_part_3).translate([-bl/2, 0, 0])

    # horizontal boreholes
    # right_well_1 = factory.cylinder(br, axis=[bl, 0, 0]).translate([stl, 0, 0])
    # right_well_2 = right_well_1.copy().translate([0, 0, 20])
    # # right_well = factory.group(right_well_1, right_well_2).translate([-30, 0, 0])

    left_well_1 = factory.cylinder(br, axis=[bl, 0, 0]).translate([stl, 0, 0])
    left_well_2 = left_well_1.copy().translate([0, bd, 0])
    left_well_3 = left_well_1.copy().translate([0, -bd, 0])
    left_well = left_well_1.fuse(left_well_2, left_well_3).translate([-bl/2, 0, 0])

    b_right_well = right_well.get_boundary()
    b_left_well = left_well.get_boundary()

    print("n fractures:", len(fractures))
    fractures = process.create_fractures_rectangles(factory, fractures, factory.rectangle())
    # fractures = create_fractures_polygons(factory, fractures)
    fractures_group = factory.group(*fractures)
    # fractures_group = fractures_group.remove_small_mass(fracture_mesh_step * fracture_mesh_step / 10)

    # drilled box and its boundary
    box_drilled = box.cut(left_well, right_well)

    # fractures, fragmented, fractures boundary
    print("cut fractures by box without wells")
    fractures_group = fractures_group.intersect(box_drilled.copy())
    print("fragment fractures")
    box_fr, fractures_fr = factory.fragment(box_drilled, fractures_group)
    print("finish geometry")
    b_box_fr = box_fr.get_boundary()
    b_left_r = b_box_fr.select_by_intersect(b_left_well).set_region(".boreholes")
    b_right_r = b_box_fr.select_by_intersect(b_right_well).set_region(".main_tunnel")

    box_all = []
    for name, side_tool in sides.items():
        isec = b_box_fr.select_by_intersect(side_tool)
        box_all.append(isec.modify_regions("." + name))
    box_all.extend([box_fr, b_left_r, b_right_r])

    b_fractures = factory.group(*fractures_fr.get_boundary_per_region())
    b_fractures_box = b_fractures.select_by_intersect(b_box).modify_regions("{}_box")
    b_fr_left_well = b_fractures.select_by_intersect(b_left_well).modify_regions("{}_boreholes")
    b_fr_right_well = b_fractures.select_by_intersect(b_right_well).modify_regions("{}_main_tunnel")
    b_fractures = factory.group(b_fractures_box, b_fr_left_well, b_fr_right_well)
    mesh_groups = [*box_all, fractures_fr, b_fractures]

    # fractures_fr.set_mesh_step(fracture_mesh_step)


    min_el_size = fracture_mesh_step / 10
    fracture_el_size = np.max(dimensions) / 20
    max_el_size = np.max(dimensions) / 8

    fracture_el_size = field.constant(fracture_mesh_step, 10000)
    frac_el_size_only = field.restrict(fracture_el_size, fractures_fr, add_boundary=True)

    mesh = options.Mesh()
    # mesh.Algorithm = options.Algorithm2d.MeshAdapt # produce some degenerated 2d elements on fracture boundaries ??
    # mesh.Algorithm = options.Algorithm2d.Delaunay
    # mesh.Algorithm = options.Algorithm2d.FrontalDelaunay
    # mesh.Algorithm3D = options.Algorithm3d.Frontal
    # mesh.Algorithm3D = options.Algorithm3d.Delaunay
    mesh.ToleranceInitialDelaunay = 0.01
    # mesh.ToleranceEdgeLength = fracture_mesh_step / 5
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = True
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature = True
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthExtendFromBoundary = 2
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = min_el_size
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = max_el_size
    mesh.MinimumCirclePoints = 6
    mesh.MinimumCurvePoints = 2

    # factory.make_mesh(mesh_groups, dim=2)
    os.rename(mesh_name + ".msh2", mesh_file)
def make_mesh(config_dict, fractures, mesh_name, mesh_file):
    geom = config_dict["geometry"]
    fracture_mesh_step = geom['fracture_mesh_step']
    dimensions = geom["box_dimensions"]
    well_z0, well_z1 = geom["well_openning"]
    well_length = well_z1 - well_z0
    well_r = geom["well_effective_radius"]
    well_dist = geom["well_distance"]
    print("load gmsh api")

    factory = gmsh.GeometryOCC(mesh_name, verbose=True)
    gopt = gmsh_options.Geometry()
    gopt.Tolerance = 0.0001
    gopt.ToleranceBoolean = 0.001
    # gopt.MatchMeshTolerance = 1e-1

    # Main box
    box = factory.box(dimensions).set_region("box")
    side_z = factory.rectangle([dimensions[0], dimensions[1]])
    side_y = factory.rectangle([dimensions[0], dimensions[2]])
    side_x = factory.rectangle([dimensions[2], dimensions[1]])
    sides = dict(
        side_z0=side_z.copy().translate([0, 0, -dimensions[2] / 2]),
        side_z1=side_z.copy().translate([0, 0, +dimensions[2] / 2]),
        side_y0=side_y.copy().translate([0, 0, -dimensions[1] / 2]).rotate([-1, 0, 0], np.pi / 2),
        side_y1=side_y.copy().translate([0, 0, +dimensions[1] / 2]).rotate([-1, 0, 0], np.pi / 2),
        side_x0=side_x.copy().translate([0, 0, -dimensions[0] / 2]).rotate([0, 1, 0], np.pi / 2),
        side_x1=side_x.copy().translate([0, 0, +dimensions[0] / 2]).rotate([0, 1, 0], np.pi / 2)
    for name, side in sides.items():

    b_box = box.get_boundary().copy()

    # two vertical cut-off wells, just permeable part
    left_center = [-well_dist/2, 0, 0]
    right_center = [+well_dist/2, 0, 0]
    left_well = factory.cylinder(well_r, axis=[0, 0, well_z1 - well_z0]) \
        .translate([0, 0, well_z0]).translate(left_center)
    right_well = factory.cylinder(well_r, axis=[0, 0, well_z1 - well_z0]) \
        .translate([0, 0, well_z0]).translate(right_center)
    b_right_well = right_well.get_boundary()
    b_left_well = left_well.get_boundary()

    print("n fractures:", len(fractures))
    fractures = create_fractures_rectangles(factory, fractures, factory.rectangle())
    #fractures = create_fractures_polygons(factory, fractures)
    fractures_group = factory.group(*fractures)
    #fractures_group = fractures_group.remove_small_mass(fracture_mesh_step * fracture_mesh_step / 10)

    # drilled box and its boundary
    box_drilled = box.cut(left_well, right_well)

    # fractures, fragmented, fractures boundary
    print("cut fractures by box without wells")
    fractures_group = fractures_group.intersect(box_drilled.copy())
    print("fragment fractures")
    box_fr, fractures_fr = factory.fragment(box_drilled, fractures_group)
    print("finish geometry")
    b_box_fr = box_fr.get_boundary()
    b_left_r = b_box_fr.select_by_intersect(b_left_well).set_region(".left_well")
    b_right_r = b_box_fr.select_by_intersect(b_right_well).set_region(".right_well")

    box_all = []
    for name, side_tool in sides.items():
        isec = b_box_fr.select_by_intersect(side_tool)
        box_all.append(isec.modify_regions("." + name))
    box_all.extend([box_fr, b_left_r, b_right_r])

    b_fractures = factory.group(*fractures_fr.get_boundary_per_region())
    b_fractures_box = b_fractures.select_by_intersect(b_box).modify_regions("{}_box")
    b_fr_left_well = b_fractures.select_by_intersect(b_left_well).modify_regions("{}_left_well")
    b_fr_right_well = b_fractures.select_by_intersect(b_right_well).modify_regions("{}_right_well")
    b_fractures = factory.group(b_fr_left_well, b_fr_right_well, b_fractures_box)
    mesh_groups = [*box_all, fractures_fr, b_fractures]



    min_el_size = fracture_mesh_step / 10
    fracture_el_size = np.max(dimensions) / 20
    max_el_size = np.max(dimensions) / 8

    fracture_el_size = gmsh_field.constant(fracture_mesh_step, 10000)
    frac_el_size_only = gmsh_field.restrict(fracture_el_size, fractures_fr, add_boundary=True)

    mesh = gmsh_options.Mesh()
    #mesh.Algorithm = options.Algorithm2d.MeshAdapt # produce some degenerated 2d elements on fracture boundaries ??
    #mesh.Algorithm = options.Algorithm2d.Delaunay
    #mesh.Algorithm = options.Algorithm2d.FrontalDelaunay
    #mesh.Algorithm3D = options.Algorithm3d.Frontal
    #mesh.Algorithm3D = options.Algorithm3d.Delaunay
    mesh.ToleranceInitialDelaunay = 0.01
    #mesh.ToleranceEdgeLength = fracture_mesh_step / 5
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromPoints = True
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthFromCurvature = True
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthExtendFromBoundary = 2
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthMin = min_el_size
    mesh.CharacteristicLengthMax = max_el_size
    mesh.MinimumCirclePoints = 6
    mesh.MinimumCurvePoints = 2

    #factory.make_mesh(mesh_groups, dim=2)
    os.rename(mesh_name + ".msh2", mesh_file)