    def _populate_from_src(self, src):
        bib_data = None

        is_url = False
        if (re.match('^[A-Za-z0-9+_-]+://.*', src)):
            is_url = True
        if (not is_url):
            src = self.resolveSourcePath(src)

        # read data, decode it in the right charset
        data = None
        if is_url:
            logger.debug("Opening URL %r", src)
                f = urllib.urlopen(src)
                if (f is None):
                    return None
                data = butils.guess_encoding_decode(f.read())
                logger.longdebug(" ... successfully read %d chars from URL resouce." % len(data))
            except IOError:
                # ignore source, will have to try next in list
                return None
            logger.debug("Opening file %r", src)
                with open(src, 'r') as f:
                    data = butils.guess_encoding_decode(f.read())
            except IOError:
                # ignore source, will have to try next in list
                return None

        logger.info("Found Source: %s" %(src))

            # parse bibtex
            parser = inputbibtex.Parser()
            bib_data = None
            with io.StringIO(data) as stream:
                    bib_data = parser.parse_stream(stream)
                except Exception as e:
                    # We don't skip to next source, because we've encountered an error in the
                    # BibTeX data itself: the file itself was properly found. So raise an error.
                    raise BibolamaziBibtexSourceError(unicode(e), fname=src)

            if (self._bibliographydata is None):
                # initialize bibliography data
                self._bibliographydata = pybtex.database.BibliographyData()

            for key, entry in bib_data.entries.iteritems():
                if (key in self._bibliographydata.entries):
                    logger.warn('Repeated bibliography entry in other file: %s. Keeping first encountered entry.', key)

                # TODO: Do this cleverly?
                #if (key in self._bibliographydata.entries):
                #    oldkey = key
                #    duplcounter = 1
                #    while key in self._bibliographydata.entries:
                #        key = _rx_repl_key_duplsuffix.sub(_key_duplsuffix+str(duplcounter), key)
                #        duplcounter += 1
                #    logger.warn('Repeated bibliography entry in other file: %s. '+
                #                'Renamed duplicate occurence to %s.', oldkey, key)

                self._bibliographydata.add_entry(key, entry)

        except pybtex.database.BibliographyDataError as e:
            # We don't skip to next source, because we've encountered an error in the
            # BibTeX data itself: the file itself was properly found. So raise an error.
            raise BibolamaziBibtexSourceError(unicode(e), fname=src)

        return True
        is_url = False
        if (re.match(ur'^[A-Za-z0-9+_-]+://.*', src)):
            is_url = True
        if (not is_url):
            src = self.resolveSourcePath(src)

        # read data, decode it in the right charset
        data = None
        if is_url:
            logger.debug("Opening URL %r", src)
                f = urllib.urlopen(src)
                if (f is None):
                    return None
                data = butils.guess_encoding_decode(f.read())
                logger.longdebug(" ... successfully read %d chars from URL resouce." % len(data))
            except IOError:
                # ignore source, will have to try next in list
                return None
            logger.debug("Opening file %r", src)
                with open(src, 'r') as f:
                    data = butils.guess_encoding_decode(f.read())
            except IOError:
                # ignore source, will have to try next in list
                return None

        logger.info("Found Source: %s" %(src))