def bidscoiner(rawfolder: str,
               bidsfolder: str,
               subjects: list = (),
               force: bool = False,
               participants: bool = False,
               bidsmapfile: str = 'bidsmap.yaml',
               subprefix: str = 'sub-',
               sesprefix: str = 'ses-') -> None:
    Main function that processes all the subjects and session in the sourcefolder and uses the
    bidsmap.yaml file in bidsfolder/code/bidscoin to cast the data into the BIDS folder.

    :param rawfolder:       The root folder-name of the sub/ses/data/file tree containing the source data files
    :param bidsfolder:      The name of the BIDS root folder
    :param subjects:        List of selected subjects / participants (i.e. sub-# names / folders) to be processed (the sub- prefix can be removed). Otherwise all subjects in the sourcefolder will be selected
    :param force:           If True, subjects will be processed, regardless of existing folders in the bidsfolder. Otherwise existing folders will be skipped
    :param participants:    If True, subjects in particpants.tsv will not be processed (this could be used e.g. to protect these subjects from being reprocessed), also when force=True
    :param bidsmapfile:     The name of the bidsmap YAML-file. If the bidsmap pathname is relative (i.e. no "/" in the name) then it is assumed to be located in bidsfolder/code/bidscoin
    :param subprefix:       The prefix common for all source subject-folders
    :param sesprefix:       The prefix common for all source session-folders
    :return:                Nothing

    # Input checking & defaults
    rawfolder = Path(rawfolder).resolve()
    bidsfolder = Path(bidsfolder).resolve()
    bidsmapfile = Path(bidsmapfile)

    # Start logging
    bids.setup_logging(bidsfolder / 'code' / 'bidscoin' / 'bidscoiner.log')
        f"-------------- START BIDScoiner {bids.version()}: BIDS {bids.bidsversion()} ------------"
        f">>> bidscoiner sourcefolder={rawfolder} bidsfolder={bidsfolder} subjects={subjects} force={force}"
        f" participants={participants} bidsmap={bidsmapfile} subprefix={subprefix} sesprefix={sesprefix}"

    # Create a code/bidscoin subfolder
    (bidsfolder / 'code' / 'bidscoin').mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)

    # Create a dataset description file if it does not exist
    dataset_file = bidsfolder / 'dataset_description.json'
    if not dataset_file.is_file():
        dataset_description = {
            "REQUIRED. Name of the dataset",
            "RECOMMENDED. The license for the dataset. The use of license name abbreviations is RECOMMENDED for specifying a license. The corresponding full license text MAY be specified in an additional LICENSE file",
            "Authors": [
                "OPTIONAL. List of individuals who contributed to the creation/curation of the dataset"
            "OPTIONAL. Text acknowledging contributions of individuals or institutions beyond those listed in Authors or Funding",
            "OPTIONAL. Instructions how researchers using this dataset should acknowledge the original authors. This field can also be used to define a publication that should be cited in publications that use the dataset",
            ["OPTIONAL. List of sources of funding (grant numbers)"],
            "EthicsApprovals": [
                "OPTIONAL. List of ethics committee approvals of the research protocols and/or protocol identifiers"
            "ReferencesAndLinks": [
                "OPTIONAL. List of references to publication that contain information on the dataset, or links",
            "OPTIONAL. The Document Object Identifier of the dataset (not the corresponding paper)"
        LOGGER.info(f"Creating dataset description file: {dataset_file}")
        with open(dataset_file, 'w') as fid:
            json.dump(dataset_description, fid, indent=4)

    # Create a README file if it does not exist
    readme_file = bidsfolder / 'README'
    if not readme_file.is_file():
        LOGGER.info(f"Creating README file: {readme_file}")
        with open(readme_file, 'w') as fid:
                f"A free form text ( README ) describing the dataset in more details that SHOULD be provided\n\n"
                f"The raw BIDS data was created using BIDScoin {bids.version()}\n"
                f"All provenance information and settings can be found in ./code/bidscoin\n"
                f"For more information see: https://github.com/Donders-Institute/bidscoin"

    # Get the bidsmap heuristics from the bidsmap YAML-file
    bidsmap, _ = bids.load_bidsmap(bidsmapfile,
                                   bidsfolder / 'code' / 'bidscoin')
    if not bidsmap:
            f"No bidsmap file found in {bidsfolder}. Please run the bidsmapper first and / or use the correct bidsfolder"

    # Save options to the .bidsignore file
    bidsignore_items = [
        for item in bidsmap['Options']['bidscoin']['bidsignore'].split(';')
        f"Writing {bidsignore_items} entries to {bidsfolder}.bidsignore")
    with (bidsfolder / '.bidsignore').open('w') as bidsignore:
        for item in bidsignore_items:
            bidsignore.write(item + '\n')

    # Get the table & dictionary of the subjects that have been processed
    participants_tsv = bidsfolder / 'participants.tsv'
    participants_json = participants_tsv.with_suffix('.json')
    if participants_tsv.is_file():
        participants_table = pd.read_csv(participants_tsv, sep='\t')
        participants_table = pd.DataFrame()
        participants_table.index.name = 'participant_id'
    if participants_json.is_file():
        with participants_json.open('r') as json_fid:
            participants_dict = json.load(json_fid)
        participants_dict = {
            'participant_id': {
                'Description': 'Unique participant identifier'

    # Get the list of subjects
    if not subjects:
        subjects = bids.lsdirs(rawfolder, subprefix + '*')
        if not subjects:
            LOGGER.warning(f"No subjects found in: {rawfolder/subprefix}*")
        subjects = [
            subprefix + re.sub(f"^{subprefix}", '', subject)
            for subject in subjects
        ]  # Make sure there is a "sub-" prefix
        subjects = [
            rawfolder / subject for subject in subjects
            if (rawfolder / subject).is_dir()

    # Loop over all subjects and sessions and convert them using the bidsmap entries
    for n, subject in enumerate(subjects, 1):

            f"------------------- Subject {n}/{len(subjects)} -------------------"
        if participants and subject.name in list(participants_table.index):
            LOGGER.info(f"Skipping subject: {subject} ({n}/{len(subjects)})")

        personals = dict()
        sessions = bids.lsdirs(subject, sesprefix + '*')
        if not sessions:
            sessions = [subject]
        for session in sessions:

            # Unpack the data in a temporary folder if it is tarballed/zipped and/or contains a DICOMDIR file
            session, unpacked = bids.unpack(session, subprefix, sesprefix)

            # See what dataformat we have
            dataformat = bids.get_dataformat(session)
            if not dataformat:
                LOGGER.info(f"Skipping unknown session: {session}")

            # Check if we should skip the session-folder
            if not force:
                subid, sesid = bids.get_subid_sesid(session / 'dum.my',
                bidssession = bidsfolder / subid / sesid
                if not bidsmap[dataformat]['session']:
                    bidssession = bidssession.parent
                datatypes = []
                for datatype in bids.lsdirs(
                ):  # See what datatypes we already have in the bids session-folder
                    if datatype.glob('*') and bidsmap[dataformat].get(
                    ):  # See if we are going to add data for this datatype
                if datatypes:
                        f"Skipping processed session: {bidssession} already has {datatypes} data (use the -f option to overrule)"

            LOGGER.info(f"Coining session: {session}")

            # Update / append the source data mapping
            if dataformat in ('DICOM', 'PAR'):
                coin_data2bids(dataformat, session, bidsmap, bidsfolder,
                               personals, subprefix, sesprefix)

            # Update / append the P7 mapping
            if dataformat == 'P7':
                    f"{dataformat} not (yet) supported, skipping session: {session}"

            # Update / append the nifti mapping
            if dataformat == 'Nifti':
                coin_nifti(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

            # Update / append the file-system mapping
            if dataformat == 'FileSystem':
                coin_filesystem(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

            # Update / append the plugin mapping
            if bidsmap['PlugIns']:
                coin_plugin(session, bidsmap, bidsfolder, personals)

            # Clean-up the temporary unpacked data
            if unpacked:

        # Store the collected personals in the participant_table
        for key in personals:

            # participant_id is the index of the participants_table
            assert 'participant_id' in personals
            if key == 'participant_id':

            # TODO: Check that only values that are consistent over sessions go in the participants.tsv file, otherwise put them in a sessions.tsv file

            if key not in participants_dict:
                participants_dict[key] = dict(
                    LongName='Long (unabbreviated) name of the column',
                    Description='Description of the the column',
                        'Value (This is for categorical variables: a dictionary of possible values (keys) and their descriptions (values))'
                    'Measurement units. [<prefix symbol>]<unit symbol> format following the SI standard is RECOMMENDED',
                    'URL pointing to a formal definition of this type of data in an ontology available on the web'
                                   key] = personals[key]

    # Write the collected data to the participant files
    LOGGER.info(f"Writing subject data to: {participants_tsv}")
    participants_table.replace('', 'n/a').to_csv(participants_tsv,

    LOGGER.info(f"Writing subject data dictionary to: {participants_json}")
    with participants_json.open('w') as json_fid:
        json.dump(participants_dict, json_fid, indent=4)

    LOGGER.info('-------------- FINISHED! ------------')

def bidsmapper(rawfolder: str,
               bidsfolder: str,
               bidsmapfile: str,
               templatefile: str,
               subprefix: str = 'sub-',
               sesprefix: str = 'ses-',
               store: bool = False,
               interactive: bool = True) -> None:
    Main function that processes all the subjects and session in the sourcefolder
    and that generates a maximally filled-in bidsmap.yaml file in bidsfolder/code/bidscoin.
    Folders in sourcefolder are assumed to contain a single dataset.

    :param rawfolder:       The root folder-name of the sub/ses/data/file tree containing the source data files
    :param bidsfolder:      The name of the BIDS root folder
    :param bidsmapfile:     The name of the bidsmap YAML-file
    :param templatefile:    The name of the bidsmap template YAML-file
    :param subprefix:       The prefix common for all source subject-folders
    :param sesprefix:       The prefix common for all source session-folders
    :param store:           If True, the provenance samples will be stored
    :param interactive:     If True, the user will be asked for help if an unknown run is encountered
    :return:bidsmapfile:    The name of the mapped bidsmap YAML-file

    # Input checking
    rawfolder = Path(rawfolder).resolve()
    bidsfolder = Path(bidsfolder).resolve()
    bidsmapfile = Path(bidsmapfile)
    templatefile = Path(templatefile)
    bidscoinfolder = bidsfolder / 'code' / 'bidscoin'

    # Start logging
    bids.setup_logging(bidscoinfolder / 'bidsmapper.log')
    LOGGER.info('-------------- START BIDSmapper ------------')
        f">>> bidsmapper sourcefolder={rawfolder} bidsfolder={bidsfolder} bidsmap={bidsmapfile} "
        f" template={templatefile} subprefix={subprefix} sesprefix={sesprefix} store={store} interactive={interactive}"

    # Get the heuristics for filling the new bidsmap
    bidsmap_old, _ = bids.load_bidsmap(bidsmapfile, bidscoinfolder)
    template, _ = bids.load_bidsmap(templatefile, bidscoinfolder)

    # Create the new bidsmap as a copy / bidsmap skeleton with no modality entries (i.e. bidsmap with empty lists)
    if bidsmap_old:
        bidsmap_new = copy.deepcopy(bidsmap_old)
        bidsmap_new = copy.deepcopy(template)
    for logic in ('DICOM', 'PAR', 'P7', 'Nifti', 'FileSystem'):
        for modality in bids.bidsmodalities + (bids.unknownmodality,
            if bidsmap_new[logic] and modality in bidsmap_new[logic]:
                bidsmap_new[logic][modality] = None

    # Start with an empty skeleton if we didn't have an old bidsmap
    if not bidsmap_old:
        bidsmap_old = copy.deepcopy(bidsmap_new)

    # Start the Qt-application
    gui = interactive
    if gui:
        app = QApplication(sys.argv)
        app.setApplicationName('BIDS editor')
        mainwin = bidseditor.MainWindow()
        gui = bidseditor.Ui_MainWindow()
        gui.interactive = interactive
        gui.subprefix = subprefix
        gui.sesprefix = sesprefix

        if gui.interactive == 2:
                mainwin, 'BIDS mapping workflow',
                f"The bidsmapper will now scan {bidsfolder} and whenever "
                f"it detects a new type of scan it will ask you to identify it.\n\n"
                f"It is important that you choose the correct BIDS modality "
                f"(e.g. 'anat', 'dwi' or 'func') and suffix (e.g. 'bold' or 'sbref').\n\n"
                f"At the end you will be shown an overview of all the "
                f"different scan types and BIDScoin options (as in the "
                f"bidseditor) that you can then (re)edit to your needs")

    # Loop over all subjects and sessions and built up the bidsmap entries
    dataformat = ''
    subjects = bids.lsdirs(rawfolder, subprefix + '*')
    if not subjects:
        LOGGER.warning(f'No subjects found in: {rawfolder/subprefix}*')
        gui = None
    for n, subject in enumerate(subjects, 1):

        sessions = bids.lsdirs(subject, sesprefix + '*')
        if not sessions:
            sessions = [subject]
        for session in sessions:

            # Unpack the data in a temporary folder if it is tarballed/zipped and/or contains a DICOMDIR file
            session, unpacked = bids.unpack(session, subprefix, sesprefix, '*')
            if unpacked:
                store = dict(source=unpacked,
                             target=bidscoinfolder / 'provenance')
            elif store:
                store = dict(source=rawfolder,
                             target=bidscoinfolder / 'provenance')
                store = dict()

            # Loop of the different DICOM runs (series) and collect source files
            sourcefiles = []
            dataformat = bids.get_dataformat(session)
            if not dataformat:
                    f"Skipping: {session} (subject {n}/{len(subjects)})")

            LOGGER.info(f"Parsing: {session} (subject {n}/{len(subjects)})")

            if dataformat == 'DICOM':
                for sourcedir in bids.lsdirs(session):
                    sourcefile = bids.get_dicomfile(sourcedir)
                    if sourcefile.name:

            if dataformat == 'PAR':
                sourcefiles = bids.get_parfiles(session)

            if dataformat == 'P7':
                sourcefiles = bids.get_p7file(session)

            # Update the bidsmap with the info from the source files
            for sourcefile in sourcefiles:
                bidsmap_new = build_bidsmap(dataformat, sourcefile,
                                            bidsmap_new, bidsmap_old, template,
                                            store, gui)

            # Update / append the nifti mapping
            if dataformat == 'Nifti':
                bidsmap_new = build_niftimap(session, bidsmap_new, bidsmap_old)

            # Update / append the file-system mapping
            if dataformat == 'FileSystem':
                bidsmap_new = build_filesystemmap(session, bidsmap_new,

            # Update / append the plugin mapping
            if bidsmap_old['PlugIns']:
                bidsmap_new = build_pluginmap(session, bidsmap_new,

            # Clean-up the temporary unpacked data
            if unpacked:

    if not dataformat:
        LOGGER.warning('Could not determine the dataformat of the source data')

    # (Re)launch the bidseditor UI_MainWindow
    bidsmapfile = bidscoinfolder / 'bidsmap.yaml'
    if gui:
        if not dataformat:
                mainwin, 'BIDS mapping workflow',
                'Could not determine the dataformat of the source data.\n'
                'You can try running the bidseditor tool yourself')
                mainwin, 'BIDS mapping workflow',
                f"The bidsmapper has finished scanning {rawfolder}\n\n"
                f"Please carefully check all the different BIDS output names "
                f"and BIDScoin options and (re)edit them to your needs.\n\n"
                f"You can always redo this step later by re-running the "
                f"bidsmapper or by just running the bidseditor tool")

            LOGGER.info('Opening the bidseditor')
        # Save the bidsmap in the bidscoinfolder
        bids.save_bidsmap(bidsmapfile, bidsmap_new)

    LOGGER.info('-------------- FINISHED! -------------------')
