def plot_T(self, k, T, Tc=None, Tb=None): from biggles import FramedPlot, Curve, PlotKey plt=FramedPlot() c=Curve(k, T**2) c.label = '$T^2$' plt.add(c) plist = [c] if Tc is not None: cc=Curve(k,Tc**2,color='blue') cc.label = '$Tc^2$' plt.add(cc) plist.append(cc) if Tb is not None: tmp = where(Tb < 1.e-5, 1.e-5, Tb) cb=Curve(k,tmp**2,color='red') cb.label = '$Tb^2$' plt.add(cb) plist.append(cb) plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True plt.ylabel = '$T^2' plt.xlabel = 'k' plt.yrange = [1.e-8,1.0] plt.aspect_ratio=1 if Tc is not None or Tb is not None: key=PlotKey(0.1,0.9,plist) plt.add(key)
def test_fit_nfw_dsig(rmin=0.01): from biggles import FramedPlot,Points,SymmetricErrorBarsY,Curve omega_m=0.25 z=0.25 n = lensing.nfw.NFW(omega_m, z) r200 = 1.0 c = 5.0 rmax = 5.0 log_rmin = log10(rmin) log_rmax = log10(rmax) npts = 25 logr = numpy.linspace(log_rmin,log_rmax,npts) r = 10.0**logr ds = n.dsig(r, r200, c) # 10% errors dserr = 0.1*ds ds += dserr*numpy.random.standard_normal(ds.size) guess = numpy.array([r200,c],dtype='f8') # add 10% error to the guess guess += 0.1*guess*numpy.random.standard_normal(guess.size) res = fit_nfw_dsig(omega_m, z, r, ds, dserr, guess) r200_fit = res['r200'] r200_err = res['r200_err'] c_fit = res['c'] c_err = res['c_err'] print 'Truth:' print ' r200: %f' % r200 print ' c: %f' % c print 'r200_fit: %f +/- %f' % (r200_fit,r200_err) print ' c_fit: %f +/- %f' % (c_fit,c_err) print 'Cov:' print res['cov'] logr = numpy.linspace(log_rmin,log_rmax,1000) rlots = 10.0**logr yfit = n.dsig(rlots,r200_fit,c_fit) plt=FramedPlot() plt.add(Points(r,ds,type='filled circle')) plt.add(SymmetricErrorBarsY(r,ds,dserr)) plt.add(Curve(rlots,yfit,color='blue')) plt.xlabel = r'$r$ [$h^{-1}$ Mpc]' plt.ylabel = r'$\Delta\Sigma ~ [M_{sun} pc^{-2}]$' plt.xrange = [0.5*rmin, 1.5*rmax] plt.yrange = [0.5*(ds-dserr).min(), 1.5*(ds+dserr).max()] plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True
def plot_nfwfits_byrun(run, name, prompt=False): conf = lensing.files.read_config(run) d = lensing.sample_read(type='fit', sample=run, name=name) omega_m = conf['omega_m'] rvals = numpy.linspace(d['r'].min(), d['r'].max(),1000) for i in xrange(d.size): plt = FramedPlot() lensing.plotting.add_to_log_plot(plt, d['r'][i], d['dsig'][i], d['dsigerr'][i]) z = d['z_mean'][i] n = lensing.nfw.NFW(omega_m, z) yfit = n.dsig(rvals, d['r200_fit'][i],d['c_fit'][i]) plt.add(Curve(rvals,yfit,color='blue')) plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True plt.xlabel = r'$r$ [$h^{-1}$ Mpc]' plt.ylabel = r'$\Delta\Sigma ~ [M_{sun} pc^{-2}]$' if prompt: raw_input('hit a key: ') else: epsfile='/home/esheldon/tmp/plots/desmocks-nfwfit-%02i.eps' % i print 'Writing epsfile:',epsfile plt.write_eps(epsfile)
def plotprimedens(n): pd = primedens(n) steps = range(len(pd)) from biggles import FramedPlot, Curve g = FramedPlot() g.add(Curve(steps,pd)) return
def test_interp_hybrid(): """ Send y0,y1 with one or both less than zero to test the hybrid offset scheme """ slope = -2.0 #xvals = 0.1+linspace(0.0,8.0,9) xvals = 10.0**linspace(0.0,1.0,10) yvals = xvals**slope #yerr = 0.5*yvals #yerr = sqrt(yvals) yerr = yvals.copy() yerr[:] = 0.05 #xfine = 0.1+linspace(0.0,8.0,1000) xfine = 10.0**linspace(0.0,1.0,1000) yfine = xfine**slope #yerr = yvals.copy() #yerr[:] = 2 plt=FramedPlot() plt.xrange = [0.5*xvals.min(), 1.5*xvals.max()] plt.xlog=True #plt.ylog=True plt.add(Points(xvals,yvals,type='filled circle',size=1)) plt.add(Curve(xfine,yfine,color='blue')) #w=where1( (yvals-yerr) > 1.e-5 ) #plt.add(SymmetricErrorBarsY(xvals[w],yvals[w],yerr[w])) plt.add(SymmetricErrorBarsY(xvals,yvals,yerr)) # make points in between consecutive xvals,yvals so we # can use hybrid 2-point function xi = numpy.zeros(xvals.size-1,dtype='f8') yi = numpy.zeros(xi.size,dtype='f8') for i in xrange(xi.size): logx = (log10(xvals[i+1])+log10(xvals[i]))/2.0 xi[i] = 10.0**logx yi[i],amp,slope,off = interp_hybrid(xvals[i], xvals[i+1], yvals[i], yvals[i+1], yerr[i], yerr[i+1], xi[i],more=True) print 'amp:',amp print 'slope:',slope print 'off:',off print xvals print xi print yi plt.add( Points(xi, yi, type='filled circle', size=1, color='red'))
def plot_sub_pixel(ellip,theta, show=False): import biggles from biggles import PlotLabel,FramedPlot,Table,Curve,PlotKey,Points from pcolors import rainbow f=subpixel_file(ellip,theta,'fits') data = colors = rainbow(data.size,'hex') pltSigma = FramedPlot() pltSigma.ylog=1 pltSigma.xlog=1 curves=[] for j in xrange(data.size): sigest2 = (data['Irr'][j,:] + data['Icc'][j,:])/2 pdiff = sigest2/data['sigma'][j]**2 -1 nsub=numpy.array(data['nsub'][j,:]) #pc = biggles.Curve(nsub, pdiff, color=colors[j]) pp = Points(data['nsub'][j,:], pdiff, type='filled circle',color=colors[j]) pp.label = r'$\sigma: %0.2f$' % data['sigma'][j] curves.append(pp) pltSigma.add(pp) #pltSigma.add(pc) #pltSigma.yrange=[0.8,1.8] #pltSigma.add(pp) c5 = Curve(linspace(1,8, 20), .005+zeros(20)) pltSigma.add(c5) key=PlotKey(0.95,0.95,curves,halign='right',fontsize=1.7) key.key_vsep=1 pltSigma.add(key) pltSigma.xlabel='N_{sub}' pltSigma.ylabel=r'$\sigma_{est}^2 /\sigma_{True}^2 - 1$' lab=PlotLabel(0.05,0.07,r'$\epsilon: %0.2f \theta: %0.2f$' % (ellip,theta),halign='left') pltSigma.add(lab) pltSigma.yrange = [1.e-5,0.1] pltSigma.xrange = [0.8,20] if show: epsfile=subpixel_file(ellip,theta,'eps') print("Writing eps file:",epsfile) pltSigma.write_eps(epsfile)
def plot_pk(self,k,pk): from biggles import FramedPlot, Curve plt=FramedPlot() plt.add(Curve(k,pk)) plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True plt.xlabel = r'$k [h/Mpc]$' plt.ylabel = r'$P_{lin}(k)$' plt.aspect_ratio = 1
def plot_m(self, r200, c): from biggles import FramedPlot, Curve n=1000 r = numpy.linspace(0.01, 20.0,n) m = self.m(r, r200, c) plt=FramedPlot() plt.add( Curve(r,m) ) plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True
def plot_dsig_one(r, dsig, dsigerr, **kw): """ plot delta sigma useful if adding to an existing plot parameters ---------- r: array radius dsig: array delta sigma dsigerr: array error on delta sigma """ from biggles import FramedPlot nbin=1 _set_biggles_defs(nbin) visible=kw.get('visible',True) xlog=kw.get('xlog',True) ylog=kw.get('ylog',True) aspect_ratio=kw.get('aspect_ratio',1) is_ortho=kw.get('is_ortho',False) plt=kw.get('plt',None) if plt is None: plt=FramedPlot() plt.aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio plt.xlog=xlog plt.ylog=ylog plt.xlabel = LABELS['rproj'] if is_ortho: plt.ylabel = LABELS['osig'] else: plt.ylabel = LABELS['dsig'] xrng, yrng = _add_dsig_to_plot(plt, r, dsig, dsigerr, **kw) plt.xrange=xrng plt.yrange=yrng if visible: return plt
def plot_ellip_vs_input(self, show=False): ''' Plot the measured ellip as a function of the input for sigma_index=0 which is a reasonably large object ''' import biggles from biggles import PlotLabel,FramedPlot,Table,Curve,PlotKey,Points from pcolors import rainbow import pprint data = w=where1(data['sigma_index'] == 10) data = data[w] e1_input, e2_input, Tinput = util.mom2ellip(data['Irr_input'], data['Irc_input'], data['Icc_input']) e1_meas, e2_meas, Tinput = util.mom2ellip(data['Irr_meas'], data['Irc_meas'], data['Icc_meas']) einput = sqrt(e1_input**2 + e2_input**2) emeas = sqrt(e1_meas**2 + e2_meas**2) plt=FramedPlot() p = Points(einput,emeas, type='filled circle') plt.add(p) plt.xlabel=r'$\epsilon_{in}$' plt.ylabel=r'$\epsilon_{meas}$' sig=sqrt((data['Irr_meas'][0]+data['Icc_meas'][0])/2) lab1=PlotLabel(0.1,0.9,self.model, halign='left') lab2=PlotLabel(0.1,0.8,r'$\sigma: %0.2f$' % sig, halign='left') plt.add(lab1,lab2) einput.sort() c = Curve(einput, einput, color='red') c.label = r'$\epsilon_{input} = \epsilon_{meas}$' key=PlotKey(0.95,0.07,[c], halign='right') plt.add(c) plt.add(key) if show: epsfile=self.epsfile('ellip-vs-input') print("Writing eps file:",epsfile) plt.write_eps(epsfile)
def plot_boss_geometry(color=None, colorwheel=None, plt=None, width=1, show=True, region=None): """ Plot the boundaries in the boss_survey.par file """ import esutil as eu import biggles from biggles import FramedPlot, Curve bg = read_boss_geometry() if plt is None: plt = FramedPlot() plt.xlabel=r'$\lambda$' plt.ylabel=r'$\eta$' if color is not None: colors = [color]*len(bg) elif colorwheel is not None: colors = colorwheel else: colors = ['red','blue','green','magenta','navyblue','seagreen', 'firebrick','cadetblue','green4'] for i in xrange(len(bg)): b = bg[i] color = colors[i % len(colors)] c = eu.plotting.bbox( b['clambdaMin'], b['clambdaMax'], b['cetaMin'], b['cetaMax'], color=color, width=width) plt.add(c) if region == 'ngc': plt.yrange = [-40.,50.] plt.xrange = [-80.,80.] elif region == 'sgc': plt.yrange = [105.,165.] plt.xrange = [-60.,60.] else: plt.yrange = [-40.,165.] plt.xrange = [-80.,80.] plt.aspect_ratio = (plt.yrange[1]-plt.yrange[0])/(plt.xrange[1]-plt.xrange[0]) if show: return plt
def plot_xi(self, r, xi): from biggles import FramedPlot, Curve minval = 1.e-4 xi = where(xi < minval, minval, xi) plt=FramedPlot() plt.add(Curve(r,xi)) plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True plt.xlabel = r'$r [Mpc/h]$' plt.ylabel = r'$\xi_{lin}(r)$' plt.aspect_ratio=1
def plot_size_vs_input(self, show=False): ''' Plot recovered size vs input for ellip=0, which is ellip_index=0 ''' import biggles from biggles import PlotLabel,FramedPlot,Table,Curve,PlotKey,Points from pcolors import rainbow import pprint data = w=where1(data['ellip_index'] == 0) data = data[w] siginput = sqrt(data['Irr_input']) sigmeas = sqrt(data['Irr_meas']) pars=numpy.polyfit(siginput, sigmeas, 1) print("offset:",pars[1]) print("slope: ",pars[0]) print("IGNORING OFFSET") plt=FramedPlot() p = Points(siginput,sigmeas, type='filled circle') plt.add(p) plt.xlabel=r'$\sigma_{in}$' plt.ylabel=r'$\sigma_{meas}$' lab=PlotLabel(0.1,0.9,self.model) plt.add(lab) yfit2=pars[0]*siginput cfit2=Curve(siginput, yfit2, color='steel blue') cfit2.label = r'$%0.2f \sigma_{in}$' % pars[0] plt.add( cfit2 ) key=PlotKey(0.95,0.07,[cfit2], halign='right') plt.add(key) if show: epsfile=self.epsfile('size-vs-input') print("Writing eps file:",epsfile) plt.write_eps(epsfile)
def compare_all_other(self, type, show=True): fdict=self.all_other_fdict(type) # this is the original file. It has the redshifts orig = zphot.weighting.read_training(fdict['origfile']) # this is the outputs num = zphot.weighting.read_num(fdict['numfile1']) # this is the weights file weights = zphot.weighting.read_training(fdict['wfile2']) # recoverable set w_recoverable = where1(num['num'] > 0) # this is actually the indexes back into the "orig" file w_keep = num['photoid'][w_recoverable] # get the z values for these validation objects zrec = orig['z'][w_keep] binsize=0.0314 valid_dict = histogram(zrec, min=0, max=1.1, binsize=binsize, more=True) plt=FramedPlot() vhist = valid_dict['hist']/(float(valid_dict['hist'].sum())) pvhist=biggles.Histogram(vhist, x0=valid_dict['low'][0], binsize=binsize) pvhist.label = 'truth' weights_dict = histogram(weights['z'], min=0, max=1.1, binsize=binsize, weights=weights['weight'], more=True) whist = weights_dict['whist']/weights_dict['whist'].sum() pwhist=biggles.Histogram(whist, x0=weights_dict['low'][0], binsize=binsize, color='red') pwhist.label = 'weighted train' key = PlotKey(0.6,0.6,[pvhist,pwhist]) plt.add(pvhist,pwhist,key) plt.add( biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .9, type) ) plt.write_eps(fdict['zhistfile']) converter.convert(fdict['zhistfile'],dpi=90,verbose=True) if show:
def test_rainbow(): import numpy from biggles import FramedPlot, Points, Curve num = 20 plt = FramedPlot() x = numpy.linspace(0.0, 1.0, num) y = x**2 colors = rainbow(num, 'hex') for i in xrange(num): p = Points([x[i]], [y[i]], type='filled circle', color=colors[i]) c = Curve([x[i]],[y[i]], color=colors[i]) plt.add(p,c)
def plot_drho(comb=None, r=None, drho=None, drhoerr=None, color='black',type='filled circle', nolabel=False, noshow=False, minval=1.e-5, aspect_ratio=1): """ This one stands alone. """ if comb is not None: r=comb['rdrho'] drho=comb['drho'] drhoerr=comb['drhoerr'] else: if r is None or drho is None or drhoerr is None: raise ValueError("Send a combined struct or r,drho,drhoerr") plt=FramedPlot() plt.aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True if not nolabel: plt.xlabel = r'$r$ [$h^{-1}$ Mpc]' plt.ylabel = r'$\delta\rho ~ [M_{\odot} pc^{-3}]$' od=add_to_log_plot(plt, r, drho, drhoerr, color=color, type=type, minval=minval) # for drho we need even broader yrange plt.xrange = od['xrange'] yr=od['yrange'] plt.yrange = [0.5*yr[0], 3*yr[1]] if not noshow: od['plt'] = plt return od
def testfit(): import biggles from biggles import FramedPlot,Points,Curve import scipy from scipy.optimize import leastsq ## Parametric function: 'v' is the parameter vector, 'x' the independent varible fp = lambda v, x: v[0]/(x**v[1])*sin(v[2]*x) ## Noisy function (used to generate data to fit) v_real = [1.5, 0.1, 2.] fn = lambda x: fp(v_real, x) ## Error function e = lambda v, x, y: (fp(v,x)-y) ## Generating noisy data to fit n = 30 xmin = 0.1 xmax = 5 x = linspace(xmin,xmax,n) y = fn(x) + scipy.rand(len(x))*0.2*(fn(x).max()-fn(x).min()) ## Initial parameter value v0 = [3., 1, 4.] ## Fitting v, success = leastsq(e, v0, args=(x,y), maxfev=10000) print('Estimater parameters: ', v) print('Real parameters: ', v_real) X = linspace(xmin,xmax,n*5) plt=FramedPlot() plt.add(Points(x,y)) plt.add(Curve(X,fp(v,X),color='red'))
def plot_mass(comb=None, r=None, mass=None, masserr=None, color='black',type='filled circle', nolabel=False, noshow=False, minval=1.e11, aspect_ratio=1): if comb is not None: r=comb['rmass'] mass=comb['mass'] masserr=comb['masserr'] else: if r is None or mass is None or masserr is None: raise ValueError("Send a combined struct or r,mass,masserr") plt=FramedPlot() plt.aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True if not nolabel: plt.xlabel = r'$r$ [$h^{-1}$ Mpc]' plt.ylabel = r'$M(<r) ~ [h^{-1} M_{\odot}]$' od=add_to_log_plot(plt, r, mass, masserr, color=color, type=type, minval=minval) plt.xrange = od['xrange'] plt.yrange = od['yrange'] if not noshow: od['plt'] = plt return od
def plot_dsig(**keys): """ This one stands alone. """ comb=keys.get('comb',None) r=keys.get('r',None) dsig=keys.get('dsig',None) dsigerr=keys.get('dsigerr',None) color=keys.get('color','black') type=keys.get('type','filled circle') nolabel=keys.get('nolabel',False) show=keys.get('show',True) minval=keys.get('minval',1.e-3) xlog=keys.get('xlog',True) ylog=keys.get('ylog',True) aspect_ratio=keys.get('aspect_ratio',1) plt=keys.get('plt',None) label=keys.get('label',None) if comb is not None: r=comb['r'] dsig=comb['dsig'] dsigerr=comb['dsigerr'] else: if r is None or dsig is None or dsigerr is None: raise ValueError("Send a combined struct or r,dsig,dsigerr") if plt is None: plt=FramedPlot() plt.aspect_ratio=aspect_ratio plt.xlog=xlog plt.ylog=ylog if not nolabel: plt.xlabel = labels['rproj'] plt.ylabel = labels['dsig'] if ylog: od=add_to_log_plot(plt, r, dsig, dsigerr, color=color, type=type, minval=minval) plt.xrange = od['xrange'] plt.yrange = od['yrange'] if label: od['p'].label=label else: zpts=Curve(r, dsig*0) plt.add(zpts) pts=Points(r, dsig, type=type, color=color) if label: pts.label=label plt.add(pts) if dsigerr is not None: epts=SymErrY(r, dsig, dsigerr, color=color) plt.add(epts) yrng=keys.get('yrange',None) xrng=keys.get('xrange',None) if yrng: plt.yrange=yrng if xrng: plt.xrange=xrng else: if xlog: plt.xrange=eu.plotting.get_log_plot_range(r) if show: if ylog: od['plt'] = plt return od else: return plt
def plot2dsig_over(r1,dsig1,dsig1err,r2,dsig2, dsig2err, **keys): ptype1=keys.get('ptype1','filled circle') ptype2=keys.get('ptype2','filled circle') size1=keys.get('size1',1) size2=keys.get('size2',1) color1=keys.get('color1','red') color2=keys.get('color2','blue') label = keys.get('label',None) label1 = keys.get('label1',None) label2 = keys.get('label2',None) xrng = keys.get('xrange',None) yrng = keys.get('yrange',None) show = keys.get('show',True) ylog = keys.get('ylog',True) plt=keys.get('plt',None) yall=numpy.concatenate((dsig1, dsig2)) yerrall=numpy.concatenate((dsig1err, dsig2err)) if yrng is None: if ylog: yrng = eu.plotting.get_log_plot_range(yall, err=yerrall, input_range=yrng) rr=numpy.concatenate((r1,r2)) if xrng is None: xrng = eu.plotting.get_log_plot_range(rr) if plt is None: plt=FramedPlot() plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=ylog plt.xrange=xrng plt.yrange=yrng plt.xlabel = labels['rproj'] plt.ylabel = labels['dsig'] dsig1_p = Points(r1, dsig1, color=color1, type=ptype1, size=size1) dsig1err_p = SymErrY(r1, dsig1, dsig1err, color=color2) dsig1_p.label=label1 dsig2_p = Points(r2, dsig2, color=color2, type=ptype2, size=size2) dsig2err_p = SymErrY(r2, dsig2, dsig2err, color=color2) dsig2_p.label=label2 plt.add(dsig1_p, dsig2_p) if ylog: # biggles chokes if you give it negative data for a log plot eu.plotting.add_log_error_bars(plt,'y',r1,dsig1,dsig1err,yrng, color=color1) eu.plotting.add_log_error_bars(plt,'y',r2,dsig2,dsig2err,yrng, color=color2) else: err1 = biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsY(r1,dsig1,dsig1err,color=color1) err2 = biggles.SymmetricErrorBarsY(r2,dsig2,dsig2err,color=color2) plt.add(err1,err2) zerop = biggles.Curve(xrng, [0,0]) plt.add(zerop) if label is not None: plt.add(PlotLabel(0.9,0.9,label,halign='right')) if label1 is not None or label2 is not None: key = PlotKey(0.9,0.15, [dsig1_p,dsig2_p], halign='right') plt.add(key) if show: return plt
def test_fit_nfw_lin_dsig(rmin=0.01): from biggles import FramedPlot,Points,SymmetricErrorBarsY,Curve,PlotKey omega_m=0.25 z=0.25 r200 = 1.0 c = 5.0 B=10.0 rmax = 50.0 log_rmin = log10(rmin) log_rmax = log10(rmax) npts = 30 r = 10.0**linspace(log_rmin,log_rmax,npts) fitter = NFWBiasFitter(omega_m,z,r) ds = fitter.dsig(r, r200, c, B) # 10% errors dserr = 0.1*ds ds += dserr*numpy.random.standard_normal(ds.size) guess = numpy.array([r200,c,B],dtype='f8') # add 10% error to the guess guess += 0.1*guess*numpy.random.standard_normal(guess.size) res =,dserr,guess, more=True) r200_fit=res['r200'] r200_err = res['r200_err'] c_fit=res['c'] c_err = res['c_err'] B_fit=res['B'] B_err = res['B_err'] print 'Truth:' print ' r200: %f' % r200 print ' c: %f' % c print ' B: %f' % B print 'r200_fit: %f +/- %f' % (r200_fit,r200_err) print ' c_fit: %f +/- %f' % (c_fit,c_err) print ' B_fit: %f +/- %f' % (B_fit,B_err) print 'Cov:' print res['cov'] rfine = 10.0**linspace(log_rmin,log_rmax,100) fitter2 = NFWBiasFitter(omega_m,z,rfine) yfit = fitter2.dsig(rfine, r200_fit, c_fit, B_fit) yfit_nfw = fitter2.nfw.dsig(rfine, r200_fit, c_fit) yfit_lin = fitter2.lin_dsig(rfine,B_fit) plt=FramedPlot() plt.add(Points(r,ds,type='filled circle')) plt.add(SymmetricErrorBarsY(r,ds,dserr)) cyfit = Curve(rfine,yfit,color='blue') cyfit_nfw = Curve(rfine,yfit_nfw,color='red') cyfit_lin = Curve(rfine,yfit_lin,color='orange') cyfit.label = 'Best Fit' cyfit_nfw.label = 'NFW' cyfit_lin.label = 'linear' key=PlotKey(0.1,0.3,[cyfit,cyfit_nfw,cyfit_lin]) plt.add(cyfit,cyfit_nfw,cyfit_lin,key) plt.xlabel = r'$r$ [$h^{-1}$ Mpc]' plt.ylabel = r'$\Delta\Sigma ~ [M_{sun} pc^{-2}]$' plt.xrange = [0.5*rmin, 1.5*rmax] plt.yrange = [0.5*(ds-dserr).min(), 1.5*(ds+dserr).max()] plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True
def plot_coverage(self, region='both', show=True, dops=True): import biggles from biggles import FramedPlot, Points, PlotKey l = w,=numpy.where( (l['ra'] >= 0.0) & (l['ra'] <= 360.0) ) if w.size != l.size: print("threw out",l.size-w.size,"with bad ra") l=l[w] llam,leta = eu.coords.eq2sdss(l['ra'],l['dec']) maskflags = l['maskflags'] lammin,lammax = (-70.,70.) if region=='ngc': # a bit high to make room for the legend emin,emax=(-40,60) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1800) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) elif region=='sgc': emin,emax=(100,165) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1800) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) else: emin,emax=(-40,165) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1140) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) wl=where1((leta > emin) & (leta < emax)) llam=llam[wl] leta=leta[wl] maskflags=maskflags[wl] plt=FramedPlot() plt.xlabel=r'$\lambda$' plt.ylabel=r'$\eta$' print("adding all lenses") type = 'filled circle' symsize=0.2 allp = Points(llam,leta,type=type,size=symsize) allp.label='all' plt.add(allp) wquad = es_sdsspy.stomp_maps.quad_check(maskflags) print("adding quad pass") quadp = Points(llam[wquad],leta[wquad],type=type,color='red',size=symsize) quadp.label = 'quad good' plt.add(quadp) fakepoints = eu.plotting.fake_filled_circles(['all','quad good'],['black','red']) key=PlotKey(0.95,0.95,fakepoints,halign='right') plt.add(key) es_sdsspy.stomp_maps.plot_boss_geometry(color='blue',plt=plt,show=False) xrng = (lammin, lammax) yrng = (emin, emax) plt.xrange = xrng plt.yrange = yrng plt.aspect_ratio = (yrng[1]-yrng[0])/float(xrng[1]-xrng[0]) if show: if dops: d = lensing.files.sample_dir(type='lcat',sample=self['sample']) d = os.path.join(d,'plots') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) epsfile = os.path.join(d, 'lcat-%s-%s-coverage.eps' % (self['sample'],region) ) print("Writing to eps file:",epsfile) plt.write_eps(epsfile) return plt
def plot_coverage_bybin(self, binner, region='both', show=True, dops=True, rand=None): import pcolors import biggles import converter from biggles import FramedPlot, Points, PlotKey orig = self.read_original() lcat = all_clam,all_ceta = eu.coords.eq2sdss(orig['ra'],orig['dec']) l = orig[lcat['zindex']] clam,ceta = eu.coords.eq2sdss(lcat['ra'],lcat['dec']) clammin,clammax = (-70.,120.) if region=='ngc': # a bit high to make room for the legend emin,emax=(-40,60) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1800) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) clammin,clammax = (-70.,120.) elif region=='sgc': emin,emax=(105,165) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1800) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) clammin,clammax = (-50.,90.) else: emin,emax=(-40,165) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1140) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) clammin,clammax = (-70.,120.) wl=where1((all_ceta > emin) & (all_ceta < emax)) all_clam=all_clam[wl] all_ceta=all_ceta[wl] wl=where1((ceta > emin) & (ceta < emax)) clam=clam[wl] ceta=ceta[wl] l=l[wl] plt=FramedPlot() plt.xlabel=r'$\lambda$' plt.ylabel=r'$\eta$' xrng = (clammin, clammax) yrng = (emin, emax) plt.xrange = xrng plt.yrange = yrng print("adding all lenses") type = 'filled circle' symsize=0.2 colors = pcolors.rainbow(binner['nbin'],'hex') if rand is not None: clam_r,ceta_r = eu.coords.eq2sdss(rand['ra'],rand['dec']) wl=where1((ceta_r > emin) & (ceta_r < emax)) clam_r=clam_r[wl] ceta_r=ceta_r[wl] rp = Points(clam_r, ceta_r, type='dot', size=0.2) plt.add(rp) size_min=0.2 size_max=4 sizes=[] minlambda = l['lambda_zred'].min() maxlambda = l['lambda_zred'].max() for i in xrange(binner['nbin']): w=binner.select_bin(l, i) mlam=l['lambda_zred'][w].mean() # scale 0 to 1 sz=(mlam-minlambda)/maxlambda # now scale size sz = size_min + sz*(size_max-size_min) sizes.append(sz) all_plots=[] labels=[] #for i in xrange(binner['nbin']): for i in reversed(xrange(binner['nbin'])): w=binner.select_bin(l, i) #points = Points(clam[w], ceta[w],type=type,size=symsize, color=colors[i]) points = Points(clam[w], ceta[w],type=type,size=sizes[i], color=colors[i]) labels.append(binner.bin_label(i)) plt.add(points) labels.reverse() fakepoints = eu.plotting.fake_filled_circles(labels, colors) key=PlotKey(0.95,0.95,fakepoints,halign='right',size=1.5) plt.add(key) plt.aspect_ratio = (yrng[1]-yrng[0])/float(xrng[1]-xrng[0]) es_sdsspy.stomp_maps.plot_boss_geometry(color='blue',plt=plt,show=False) if show: if dops: d = lensing.files.sample_dir(type='lcat',sample=self['sample']) d = os.path.join(d,'plots') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) epsfile = os.path.join(d, 'lcat-%s-coverage-bybin.eps' % self['sample']) if rand is not None: epsfile=epsfile.replace('.eps','-withrand.eps') if region in ['sgc','ngc']: epsfile=epsfile.replace('.eps','-%s.eps' % region) print("Writing to eps file:",epsfile) plt.write_eps(epsfile) print("converting to png") converter.convert(epsfile, dpi=300) return plt
def compare_same_same(self, type, show=True): """ Use the id from the validation set to go back and get the z for those objects. Then plot histograms for comparision. read in all file read in validation set take recoverable subset based on num file Get z info for these points from the all file plot the histgram of actual validation set redshifts overplot the histgram of weighted redshifts Then bin by true validation set redshift and plot the ztrue - <z> Where <z> is the expectation value of z based on the p(z) <z> = integral( z*p(z) )/integral( p(z) ) That will be noisy """ fdict=self.same_same_fdict(type) # this is the original file all = zphot.weighting.read_training(fdict['origfile']) # this is the validation set, for which the "photoid" field # is actually an id pointing back into "all" # we take version 1 and will demand num > 0 valid = zphot.weighting.read_photo(fdict['photofile']) num = zphot.weighting.read_num(fdict['numfile1']) # this is the weights file weights = zphot.weighting.read_training(fdict['wfile2']) # recoverable set w_recoverable = where1(num['num'] > 0) # this is actually the indexes back into the "all" file w_keep = num['photoid'][w_recoverable] # get the z values for these validation objects zvalid = all['z'][w_keep] binsize=0.0314 valid_dict = histogram(zvalid, min=0, max=1.1, binsize=binsize, more=True) plt=FramedPlot() vhist = valid_dict['hist']/(float(valid_dict['hist'].sum())) pvhist=biggles.Histogram(vhist, x0=valid_dict['low'][0], binsize=binsize) pvhist.label = 'validation' weights_dict = histogram(weights['z'], min=0, max=1.1, binsize=binsize, weights=weights['weight'], more=True) whist = weights_dict['whist']/weights_dict['whist'].sum() pwhist=biggles.Histogram(whist, x0=weights_dict['low'][0], binsize=binsize, color='red') pwhist.label = 'weighted train' key = PlotKey(0.6,0.6,[pvhist,pwhist]) plt.add(pvhist,pwhist,key) plt.add( biggles.PlotLabel(.8, .9, type) ) plt.write_eps(fdict['zhistfile']) converter.convert(fdict['zhistfile'],dpi=90,verbose=True) if show:
def plot_vs_field(self, field, plot_type, rmag_min=None, rmag_max=None, fmin=None, fmax=None, nbin=20, nperbin=50000, xrng=None, yrng=None, show=True): allowed=['meane','residual'] if plot_type not in allowed: raise ValueError("plot_type should be in [%s]" % ','.join(allowed)) if plot_type == 'residual' and self.sweeptype != 'star': raise ValueError("residuals only supported for stars") if rmag_min is None: if self.sweeptype == 'gal': rmag_min=18.0 else: rmag_min=15.0 if rmag_max is None: if self.sweeptype == 'gal': rmag_max=21.8 else: rmag_max=19.0 # this will only load the main data once. self.load_data(field) print("Using rmag range: [%0.2f,%0.2f]" % (rmag_min,rmag_max)) # notes # - amflags here is really corrflags_rg for gals # - e1 is really e1_rg for gals logic = ((self['amflags'] == 0) & (self['e1'] < 4) & (self['e1'] > -4) & (self['rmag'] > rmag_min) & (self['rmag'] < rmag_max) ) if self.sweeptype == 'gal': logic = logic & (self['R'] > 1.0/3.0) & (self['R'] < 1.0) w=where1(logic) print("Number passing cuts:",w.size) minnum=31000 if w.size < minnum: print("want %d good objects, found %d" % (minnum,w.size)) return weights = 1.0/(0.32**2 + self['uncer'][w]**2) # we can try to get nice labels for some fields if field == 'fwhm_psf': field_data = self['fwhm_psf'][w] fstr = 'PSF FWHM (arcsec)' elif field == 'sigma_psf': field_data = self['sigma_psf'][w] fstr = r'\sigma_{PSF}' elif field == 'sigma': field_data = self['sigma'][w] fstr = r'\sigma_{obj+PSF}' else: field_data = self[field][w] fstr=field fstr = fstr.replace('_','\_') print("Plotting for field:",field) if plot_type == 'residual': print(' doing: residual') be1 = eu.stat.Binner(field_data, self['e1'][w]-self['e1_psf'][w], weights=weights) be2 = eu.stat.Binner(field_data, self['e2'][w]-self['e2_psf'][w], weights=weights) ylabel = r'$<e_{star}-e_{PSF}>$' else: print(' doing meane') be1 = eu.stat.Binner(field_data, self['e1'][w], weights=weights) be2 = eu.stat.Binner(field_data, self['e2'][w], weights=weights) ylabel = r'$<e>$' # regular hist for display print(" regular fixed binsize hist") xm,xe,xstd=eu.stat.wmom(field_data, weights, sdev=True) #hxmin = xm-4.0*xstd #hxmax = xm+4.0*xstd bsize = xstd/5. hist = eu.stat.histogram(field_data, binsize=bsize, weights=weights, more=True) print(" hist e1, nperbin: ",nperbin) be1.dohist(nperbin=nperbin, min=fmin, max=fmax) #be1.dohist(nbin=nbin, min=fmin, max=fmax) print(" stats e1") be1.calc_stats() print(" hist e2, nperbin: ",nperbin) be2.dohist(nperbin=nperbin, min=fmin, max=fmax) #be2.dohist(nbin=nbin, min=fmin, max=fmax) print(" stats e2") be2.calc_stats() plt = FramedPlot() if xrng is not None: plt.xrange=xrng else: if field == 'R': plt.xrange=[0.29,1.01] if yrng is not None: plt.yrange=yrng ymin = yrng[0] ymax = 0.8*yrng[1] else: ymin = min( be1['wymean'].min(),be2['wymean'].min() ) ymax = 0.8*max( be1['wymean'].max(),be2['wymean'].max() ) # this is a histogram-like object ph = eu.plotting.make_hist_curve(hist['low'], hist['high'], hist['whist'], ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax, color='grey50') plt.add(ph) p1 = Points( be1['wxmean'], be1['wymean'], type='filled circle', color='blue') p1err = SymErrY( be1['wxmean'], be1['wymean'], be1['wyerr2'], color='blue') p1.label = r'$e_1$' p2 = Points( be2['wxmean'], be2['wymean'], type='filled circle', color='red') p2.label = r'$e_2$' p2err = SymErrY( be2['wxmean'], be2['wymean'], be2['wyerr2'], color='red') key = PlotKey(0.1,0.9, [p1,p2]) plt.add(p1, p1err, p2, p2err, key) if self.camcol != 'any' and field == 'R' and plot_type=='meane': order=3 print(" getting poly order",order) coeff1 = numpy.polyfit(be1['wxmean'], be1['wymean'], order) poly1=numpy.poly1d(coeff1) coeff2 = numpy.polyfit(be2['wxmean'], be2['wymean'], order) poly2=numpy.poly1d(coeff2) ps1 = Curve( be1['wxmean'], poly1(be1['wxmean']), color='blue') ps2 = Curve( be2['wxmean'], poly2(be2['wxmean']), color='red') plt.add(ps1,ps2) polyf = self.R_polyfile(self.camcol, rmag_max) out={'coeff_e1':list([float(c) for c in coeff1]), 'coeff_e2':list([float(c) for c in coeff2])} print(" -- Writing poly coeffs to:",polyf),out) if field != 'rmag': rmag_lab = \ PlotLabel(0.1,0.05,'%0.2f < rmag < %0.2f' % (rmag_min,rmag_max), halign='left') plt.add(rmag_lab) procrun_lab = PlotLabel(0.1,0.1, 'procrun: %s filter: %s' % (self.procrun,, halign='left') plt.add(procrun_lab) cy=0.9 if != 'any': run_lab = PlotLabel(0.9,0.9, 'run: %06i' %, halign='right') plt.add(run_lab) cy=0.8 if self.camcol != 'any': run_lab = PlotLabel(0.9,cy, 'camcol: %i' % self.camcol, halign='right') plt.add(run_lab) plt.xlabel = r'$'+fstr+'$' plt.ylabel = ylabel if show: epsfile = self.plotfile(field, rmag_max, plot_type=plot_type) eu.ostools.makedirs_fromfile(epsfile, verbose=True) print(" Writing eps file:",epsfile) plt.write_eps(epsfile) converter.convert(epsfile, verbose=True)
def define_bins(var_input, lastmin, alpha=0.6666, visible=False, prompt=False): """ define bins assuming the data look similar to a schechter function. The trick is dealing with the exponential cutoff: pick a "lastmin" such that defines the lower edge of the last bin. For lower values we assume a power law, working downward keeping N*var^alpha = constant parameters ---------- var: array sample data with wich to define bins lastmin: float lower edge of last bin alpha: float, optional Assumed power law at the lower end of distribution. Default 0.6666 visible: bool, optional make a plot if True prompt: bool, optional prompt the user if set True """ from biggles import FramedPlot, Curve, Point, PlotLabel var = var_input.copy() var.sort() # reverse sort, biggest to smallest var = numpy.fromiter(reversed(var), dtype='f8') ind = numpy.arange(var.size,dtype='i8') w_last, = where(var > lastmin) mvar_last = var[w_last].sum()/w_last.size print("wlast.size:",w_last.size,"mvar_last:",mvar_last) cref = 0.5*log10(w_last.size) + alpha*log10(mvar_last) # now look at mean var*N for rest by using cumulative # sums var = var[w_last[-1]:] var_last = lastmin binnum=0 minbin=[] maxbin=[] while 1: nd = 1+numpy.arange(var.size) mvar = var.cumsum()/nd cval = 0.5*log10(nd) + alpha*log10(mvar) wthis, = where(cval < cref) var_min = var[wthis[-1]] var_max = var_last minbin.append(var_min) maxbin.append(var_max) if visible: print("numleft:",var.size,"wthis.size",wthis.size) plt=FramedPlot() curve = Curve(var, cval) plt.add(curve) oc = Curve([var.min(), var.max()],[cref,cref],color='blue') plt.add(oc) p = Point(var[wthis[-1]], cval[wthis[-1]], color='orange', type='filled circle') plt.add(p) binnum -= 1 blab=PlotLabel(0.9,0.9,'bin %d' % binnum, halign='right') rlab=PlotLabel(0.9,0.85,r'%0.2f $ < var < $ %0.2f' % (var_min,var_max), halign='right') nlab=PlotLabel(0.9,0.80,'N: %d' % wthis.size, halign='right') plt.add(blab) plt.add(rlab) plt.add(nlab) if prompt: key=raw_input('hit a key: ') if key == 'q': return var_last = var_min var=var[wthis[-1]+1:] if len(var) == 0: break minbin = list(reversed(minbin)) maxbin = list(reversed(maxbin)) minbin.append(maxbin[-1]) maxbin.append(var_input.max()) minstr=[] maxstr=[] for i in xrange(len(minbin)): if minbin[i] is not None: minstr.append('%0.1f' % minbin[i]) else: minstr.append('None') if maxbin[i] is not None: maxstr.append('%0.1f' % maxbin[i]) else: maxstr.append('None') minstr = '[' + ', '.join(minstr) +']' maxstr = '[' + ', '.join(maxstr) +']' #for i in xrange(len(minbin)): # print('%i %0.1f %0.1f' % (i+1,minbin[i],maxbin[i])) print("nbin:",len(minbin)) print(minstr) print(maxstr)
def plot_nfw_lin_fits_byrun(run, name, npts=100, prompt=False, withlin=True, ymin=0.01, ymax=2000.0): """ This should be made not specific for the m-z splits we used on the sims """ conf = lensing.files.cascade_config(run) if withlin: ex='lin' nex='lin' else: nex='' ex='' d = lensing.sample_read(type='fit',sample=run, name=name, extra=ex) omega_m = conf['cosmo_config']['omega_m'] rravel = d['r'].ravel() xrange = [0.5*rravel.min(), 1.5*rravel.max()] #for i in xrange(d.size): i=0 for dd in d: zrange = dd['z_range'] mrange = dd['m200_range'] if dd['rrange'][0] > 0: log_rmin = log10(dd['rrange'][0]) log_rmax = log10(dd['rrange'][1]) else: log_rmin = log10(dd['r'][0]) log_rmax = log10(dd['r'][-1]) rvals = 10.0**linspace(log_rmin,log_rmax,npts) plt = FramedPlot() lensing.plotting.add_to_log_plot(plt, dd['r'],dd['dsig'],dd['dsigerr']) z = dd['z_mean'] fitter =,z,rvals,withlin=withlin) if withlin: yfit = fitter.nfw_lin_dsig(rvals, dd['r200_fit'],dd['c_fit'],dd['B_fit']) yfit_nfw = fitter.nfw.dsig(rvals,dd['r200_fit'],dd['c_fit']) yfit_lin = fitter.lin_dsig(rvals,dd['B_fit']) yfit = where(yfit < 1.e-5, 1.e-5, yfit) yfit_lin = where(yfit_lin < 1.e-5, 1.e-5, yfit_lin) cyfit = Curve(rvals,yfit,color='blue') cyfit_nfw = Curve(rvals,yfit_nfw,color='red') cyfit_lin = Curve(rvals,yfit_lin,color='orange') cyfit.label = 'Best Fit' cyfit_nfw.label = 'NFW' cyfit_lin.label = 'linear' key=PlotKey(0.1,0.3,[cyfit,cyfit_nfw,cyfit_lin]) plt.add(cyfit,cyfit_nfw,cyfit_lin,key) else: yfit_nfw = fitter.nfw.dsig(rvals,dd['r200_fit'],dd['c_fit']) cyfit_nfw = Curve(rvals,yfit_nfw,color='blue') plt.add(cyfit_nfw) zlab='%0.2f < z < %0.2f' % (zrange[0],zrange[1]) plt.add(PlotLabel(0.7,0.8,zlab)) ll = (log10(mrange[0]),log10(mrange[1])) mlab = r'$%0.2f < logM_{200} < %0.2f$' % ll plt.add(PlotLabel(0.7,0.9,mlab)) #yrange = [ymin,(dd['dsig']+dd['dsigerr']).max()*1.5] yrange = [ymin,ymax] plt.xrange = xrange plt.yrange = yrange plt.xlog=True plt.ylog=True plt.xlabel = r'$r$ [$h^{-1}$ Mpc]' plt.ylabel = r'$\Delta\Sigma ~ [M_{sun} pc^{-2}]$' plt.aspect_ratio=1 if prompt: rinput = raw_input('hit a key: ') if rinput == 'q': return else: d = lensing.files.lensbin_plot_dir(run,name) if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) epsfile=path_join(d,'desmocks-nfw%s-fit-%02i.eps' % (nex,i)) print 'Writing epsfile:',epsfile plt.write_eps(epsfile) i += 1
def plot_ellip_vs_field(self, field, rmag_max=21.8, fmin=None, fmax=None, nbin=20, nperbin=50000, yrange=None, show=True): self.load_data() w=where1((self['cmodelmag_dered_r'] > 18.0) & (self['cmodelmag_dered_r'] < rmag_max) ) if w.size == 0: print("no good objects") return weights = 1.0/(0.32**2 + self['uncer_rg'][w]**2) if field == 'psf_fwhm': field_data = self['psf_fwhm'][w] fstr = 'PSF FWHM (arcsec)' elif field == 'psf_sigma': field_data = self['psf_sigma'][w] fstr = r'$\sigma_{PSF}$' elif field == 'R_rg': field_data = self['r_rg'][w] fstr = 'R_rg' else: field_data = self[field][w] fstr=field print("Plotting mean e for field:",field) fstr = fstr.replace('_','\_') be1 = eu.stat.Binner(field_data, self['e1_rg'][w], weights=weights) be2 = eu.stat.Binner(field_data, self['e2_rg'][w], weights=weights) print(" hist e1") be1.dohist(nperbin=nperbin, min=fmin, max=fmax) #be1.dohist(nbin=nbin, min=fmin, max=fmax) print(" stats e1") be1.calc_stats() print(" hist e2") be2.dohist(nperbin=nperbin, min=fmin, max=fmax) #be2.dohist(nbin=nbin, min=fmin, max=fmax) print(" stats e2") be2.calc_stats() plt = FramedPlot() p1 = Points( be1['wxmean'], be1['wymean'], type='filled circle', color='blue') p1err = SymErrY( be1['wxmean'], be1['wymean'], be1['wyerr2'], color='blue') p1.label = r'$e_1$' p2 = Points( be2['wxmean'], be2['wymean'], type='filled circle', color='red') p2.label = r'$e_2$' p2err = SymErrY( be2['wxmean'], be2['wymean'], be2['wyerr2'], color='red') key = PlotKey(0.8, 0.9, [p1,p2]) plt.add(p1, p1err, p2, p2err, key) if field != 'cmodelmag_dered_r': rmag_lab = PlotLabel(0.1,0.05,'rmag < %0.2f' % rmag_max, halign='left') plt.add(rmag_lab) plab = PlotLabel(0.1,0.1, 'CH+RM', halign='left') plt.add(plab) plt.xlabel = r'$'+fstr+'$' plt.ylabel = r'$<e>$' if yrange is not None: plt.yrange=yrange if show: epsfile = self.plotfile(field, rmag_max) print(" Writing eps file:",epsfile) plt.write_eps(epsfile)
def plot_coverage(self, region='both', show=True, dops=True): """ Plot a random subset of the randoms along with the boss survey geometry area as bounding boxes """ import biggles from biggles import FramedPlot, Points, PlotKey symsize=0.5 l = llam,leta = eu.coords.eq2sdss(l['ra'],l['dec']) lammin,lammax = (-70.,70.) if region=='ngc': # a bit high to make room for the legend emin,emax=(-40,60) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1800) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) width=1.5 elif region=='sgc': emin,emax=(125,165) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1800) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) width=2 else: emin,emax=(-40,165) biggles.configure('screen','width', 1140) biggles.configure('screen','height', 1140) width=2 wl=where1((leta > emin) & (leta < emax)) llam=llam[wl] leta=leta[wl] plt=FramedPlot() plt.xlabel=r'$\lambda$' plt.ylabel=r'$\eta$' xrng = (lammin, lammax) yrng = (emin, emax) plt.xrange = xrng plt.yrange = yrng print("adding random subset of randoms") ii = eu.numpy_util.random_subset(llam.size, 500000) allp = Points(llam[ii],leta[ii],type='dot',size=symsize) plt.add(allp) plt.aspect_ratio = (yrng[1]-yrng[0])/float(xrng[1]-xrng[0]) #es_sdsspy.stomp_maps.plot_boss_geometry(color='blue',plt=plt,show=False) es_sdsspy.stomp_maps.plot_boss_geometry(plt=plt,show=False,width=width) if show: if dops: d = lensing.files.sample_dir(type='lcat',sample=self['sample']) d = os.path.join(d,'plots') if not os.path.exists(d): os.makedirs(d) epsfile = os.path.join(d, '%s-%s-coverage.eps' % ('lcat',self['sample'])) print("Writing to eps file:",epsfile) plt.write_eps(epsfile) return plt