label=_("Sampling Frequency"), description= _("If a sample is taken periodically at this sample point, enter frequency here, e.g. weekly" ), ), ), ReferenceField( 'SampleTypes', required=0, multiValued=1, allowed_types=('SampleType', ), vocabulary='SampleTypesVocabulary', relationship='SamplePointSampleType', widget=brw( label=_("Sample Types"), description=_("The list of sample types that can be collected " "at this sample point. If no sample types are " "selected, then all sample types are available."), ), ), ComputedField('SampleTypeTitle', expression="[o.Title() for o in context.getSampleTypes()]", widget=ComputedWidget(visible=False, )), BooleanField( 'Composite', default=False, widget=BooleanWidget( label=_("Composite"), description= _("Check this box if the samples taken at this point are 'composite' " "and put together from more than one sub sample, e.g. several surface " "samples from a dam mixed together to be a representative sample for the dam. "
description =_( "The default container type. New sample partitions " "are automatically assigned a container of this " "type, unless it has been specified in more details " "per analysis service"), ), ), ReferenceField('SamplePoints', required = 0, multiValued = 1, allowed_types = ('SamplePoint',), vocabulary = 'SamplePointsVocabulary', relationship = 'SampleTypeSamplePoint', widget = brw( label=_("Sample Points"), description =_("The list of sample points from which this sample " "type can be collected. If no sample points are " "selected, then all sample points are available."), ), ), ComputedField( 'SamplePointTitle', expression="[o.Title() for o in context.getSamplePoints()]", widget = ComputedWidget( visibile=False, ) ), )) schema['description'].schemata = 'default' schema['description'].widget.visible = True
description=_("The default container type. New sample partitions " "are automatically assigned a container of this " "type, unless it has been specified in more details " "per analysis service"), ), ), ReferenceField( 'SamplePoints', required=0, multiValued=1, allowed_types=('SamplePoint', ), vocabulary='SamplePointsVocabulary', relationship='SampleTypeSamplePoint', widget=brw( label=_("Sample Points"), description=_("The list of sample points from which this sample " "type can be collected. If no sample points are " "selected, then all sample points are available."), ), ), ComputedField('SamplePointTitle', expression="[o.Title() for o in context.getSamplePoints()]", widget=ComputedWidget(visibile=False, )), )) schema['description'].schemata = 'default' schema['description'].widget.visible = True class SampleType(BaseContent, HistoryAwareMixin): implements(ISampleType)
DurationField('SamplingFrequency', vocabulary_display_path_bound=sys.maxint, widget=DurationWidget( label=_("Sampling Frequency"), description=_("If a sample is taken periodically at this sample point, enter frequency here, e.g. weekly"), ), ), ReferenceField('SampleTypes', required = 0, multiValued = 1, allowed_types = ('SampleType',), vocabulary = 'SampleTypesVocabulary', relationship = 'SamplePointSampleType', widget = brw( label=_("Sample Types"), description =_("The list of sample types that can be collected " "at this sample point. If no sample types are " "selected, then all sample types are available."), ), ), ComputedField( 'SampleTypeTitle', expression="[o.Title() for o in context.getSampleTypes()]", widget = ComputedWidget( visible=False, ) ), BooleanField('Composite', default=False, widget=BooleanWidget( label=_("Composite"), description =_(
"per analysis service"), ), ), ReferenceField( 'SamplePoints', required=0, multiValued=1, allowed_types=('SamplePoint', ), relationship='SampleTypeSamplePoint', widget=brw( label=_("Sample Points"), description=_("The list of sample points from which this sample " "type can be collected. If no sample points are " "selected, then all sample points are available."), catalog_name='bika_setup_catalog', base_query={ "is_active": True, "sort_on": "sortable_title", "sort_order": "ascending" }, showOn=True, ), ), ComputedField('SamplePointTitle', expression="[o.Title() for o in context.getSamplePoints()]", widget=ComputedWidget(visibile=False, )), RecordsField( 'AdmittedStickerTemplates', subfields=( 'admitted', SMALL_DEFAULT_STICKER,