    def test_MultiVerificationType(self):
        #Testing when the same user can verify multiple times

        client = self.portal.clients['client-1']
        sampletype = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_sampletypes['sampletype-1']
        values = {'Client': client.UID(),
                  'Contact': client.getContacts()[0].UID(),
                  'SamplingDate': '2016-12-12',
                  'SampleType': sampletype.UID()}
        ar = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", client, tmpID())
        servs = self.portal.bika_setup.bika_analysisservices
        an = create_analysis(ar, service)
        member = self.portal.portal_membership.getMemberById('admin')
        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), True)

        #Testing when the same user can verify multiple times but not consequetively
        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), False)

        #Testing when the same user can not verify more than once
        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), False)

        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), True)

        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), False)
    def test_MultiVerificationType(self):
        bika_setup = self.portal.bika_setup

        # Testing when the same user can verify multiple times

        client = self.portal.clients['client-1']
        ar = _createObjectByType("AnalysisRequest", client, tmpID())
        servs = bika_setup.bika_analysisservices
        service = servs['analysisservice-3']
        an = create_analysis(ar, service)
        member = self.portal.portal_membership.getMemberById('admin')
        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), True)

        # Testing when the same user can verify multiple times but not
        # consequetively
        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), False)

        # Testing when the same user can not verify more than once
        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), False)

        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), True)

        self.assertEquals(an.isUserAllowedToVerify(member), False)
def after_retract(obj):
    """Function triggered after a 'retract' transition for the analysis passed
    in is performed. Retracting an analysis cause its transition to 'retracted'
    state and the creation of a new copy of the same analysis as a retest.
    Note that retraction only affects to single Analysis and has no other
    effect in the status of the Worksheet to which the Analysis is assigned or
    to the Analysis Request to which belongs (transition is never proomoted)
    This function is called automatically by
    # TODO Workflow Analysis - review this function
    # Rename the analysis to make way for it's successor.
    # Support multiple retractions by renaming to *-0, *-1, etc
    parent = obj.aq_parent
    kw = obj.getKeyword()
    analyses = [
        x for x in parent.objectValues("Analysis")
        if x.getId().startswith(obj.getId())

    # LIMS-1290 - Analyst must be able to retract, which creates a new
    # Analysis.  So, _verifyObjectPaste permission check must be cancelled:
    parent._verifyObjectPaste = str
    # This is needed for tests:
    # https://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/content/rename.html
    # Testing warning: Rename mechanism relies of Persistent attribute
    # called _p_jar to be present on the content object. By default, this is
    # not the case on unit tests. You need to call transaction.savepoint() to
    # make _p_jar appear on persistent objects.
    # If you don't do this, you'll receive a "CopyError" when calling
    # manage_renameObjects that the operation is not supported.
    parent.manage_renameObject(kw, "{0}-{1}".format(kw, len(analyses)))
    delattr(parent, '_verifyObjectPaste')

    # Create new analysis from the retracted obj
    analysis = create_analysis(parent, obj)
    changeWorkflowState(analysis, "bika_analysis_workflow", "sample_received")

    # Assign the new analysis to this same worksheet, if any.
    ws = obj.getWorksheet()
    if ws:

    # retract our dependencies
    dependencies = obj.getDependencies()
    for dependency in dependencies:
        doActionFor(dependency, 'retract')

    # Retract our dependents
    dependents = obj.getDependents()
    for dependent in dependents:
        doActionFor(dependent, 'retract')

文件: events.py 项目: xispa/bika.lims
def after_retract(obj):
    """Function triggered after a 'retract' transition for the analysis passed
    in is performed. Retracting an analysis cause its transition to 'retracted'
    state and the creation of a new copy of the same analysis as a retest.
    Note that retraction only affects to single Analysis and has no other
    effect in the status of the Worksheet to which the Analysis is assigned or
    to the Analysis Request to which belongs (transition is never proomoted)
    This function is called automatically by
    # TODO Workflow Analysis - review this function
    # Rename the analysis to make way for it's successor.
    # Support multiple retractions by renaming to *-0, *-1, etc
    parent = obj.aq_parent
    kw = obj.getKeyword()
    analyses = [x for x in parent.objectValues("Analysis")
                if x.getId().startswith(obj.getId())]

    # LIMS-1290 - Analyst must be able to retract, which creates a new
    # Analysis.  So, _verifyObjectPaste permission check must be cancelled:
    parent._verifyObjectPaste = str
    # This is needed for tests:
    # https://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/content/rename.html
    # Testing warning: Rename mechanism relies of Persistent attribute
    # called _p_jar to be present on the content object. By default, this is
    # not the case on unit tests. You need to call transaction.savepoint() to
    # make _p_jar appear on persistent objects.
    # If you don't do this, you'll receive a "CopyError" when calling
    # manage_renameObjects that the operation is not supported.
    parent.manage_renameObject(kw, "{0}-{1}".format(kw, len(analyses)))
    delattr(parent, '_verifyObjectPaste')

    # Create new analysis from the retracted obj
    analysis = create_analysis(parent, obj)
        analysis, "bika_analysis_workflow", "sample_received")

    # Assign the new analysis to this same worksheet, if any.
    ws = obj.getWorksheet()
    if ws:

    # retract our dependencies
    dependencies = obj.getDependencies()
    for dependency in dependencies:
        doActionFor(dependency, 'retract')

    # Retract our dependents
    dependents = obj.getDependents()
    for dependent in dependents:
        doActionFor(dependent, 'retract')

def after_retract(obj):
    """Function triggered after a 'retract' transition for the analysis passed
    in is performed. Retracting an analysis cause its transition to 'retracted'
    state and the creation of a new copy of the same analysis as a retest.
    Note that retraction only affects to single Analysis and has no other
    effect in the status of the Worksheet to which the Analysis is assigned or
    to the Analysis Request to which belongs (transition is never proomoted)
    This function is called automatically by
    # TODO Workflow Analysis - review this function
    # Rename the analysis to make way for it's successor.
    # Support multiple retractions by renaming to *-0, *-1, etc
    parent = obj.aq_parent
    kw = obj.getKeyword()
    analyses = [
        x for x in parent.objectValues("Analysis")
        if x.getId().startswith(obj.getId())

    # LIMS-1290 - Analyst must be able to retract, which creates a new
    # Analysis.  So, _verifyObjectPaste permission check must be cancelled:
    parent._verifyObjectPaste = str
    parent.manage_renameObject(kw, "{0}-{1}".format(kw, len(analyses)))
    delattr(parent, '_verifyObjectPaste')

    # Create new analysis from the retracted obj
    analysis = create_analysis(parent, obj)
    changeWorkflowState(analysis, "bika_analysis_workflow", "sample_received")

    # Assign the new analysis to this same worksheet, if any.
    ws = obj.getWorksheet()
    if ws:

    # retract our dependencies
    dependencies = obj.getDependencies()
    for dependency in dependencies:
        doActionFor(dependency, 'retract')

    # Retract our dependents
    dependents = obj.getDependents()
    for dependent in dependents:
        doActionFor(dependent, 'retract')

def after_retract(analysis):
    """Function triggered after a 'retract' transition for the analysis passed
    in is performed. The analysis transitions to "retracted" state and a new
    copy of the analysis is created. The copy initial state is "unassigned",
    unless the the retracted analysis was assigned to a worksheet. In such case,
    the copy is transitioned to 'assigned' state too

    # Retract our dependents (analyses that depend on this analysis)
    cascade_to_dependents(analysis, "retract")

    # Retract our dependencies (analyses this analysis depends on)
    promote_to_dependencies(analysis, "retract")

    # Rename the analysis to make way for it's successor.
    # Support multiple retractions by renaming to *-0, *-1, etc
    parent = analysis.aq_parent
    keyword = analysis.getKeyword()

    # Get only those that are analyses and with same keyword as the original
    analyses = parent.getAnalyses(full_objects=True)
    analyses = filter(lambda an: an.getKeyword() == keyword, analyses)
    # TODO This needs to get managed by Id server in a nearly future!
    new_id = '{}-{}'.format(keyword, len(analyses))

    # Create a copy of the retracted analysis
    an_uid = api.get_uid(analysis)
    new_analysis = create_analysis(parent,
    logger.info("Retest for {} ({}) created: {}".format(
        keyword, api.get_id(analysis), api.get_id(new_analysis)))

    # Assign the new analysis to this same worksheet, if any.
    worksheet = analysis.getWorksheet()
    if worksheet:

    # Try to rollback the Analysis Request
    if IRequestAnalysis.providedBy(analysis):
        doActionFor(analysis.getRequest(), "rollback_to_receive")
    def add_analysis(self, instance, service, **kwargs):
        service_uid = api.get_uid(service)

        # Ensure we have suitable parameters
        specs = kwargs.get("specs") or {}

        # Get the hidden status for the service
        hidden = kwargs.get("hidden") or []
        hidden = filter(lambda d: d.get("uid") == service_uid, hidden)
        hidden = hidden and hidden[0].get("hidden") or service.getHidden()

        # Get the price for the service
        prices = kwargs.get("prices") or {}
        price = prices.get(service_uid) or service.getPrice()

        # Gets the analysis or creates the analysis for this service
        # Note this returns a list, because is possible to have multiple
        # partitions with same analysis
        analyses = self.resolve_analyses(instance, service)
        if not analyses:
            # Create the analysis
            keyword = service.getKeyword()
            logger.info("Creating new analysis '{}'".format(keyword))
            analysis = create_analysis(instance, service)

        skip = ["cancelled", "retracted", "rejected"]
        for analysis in analyses:
            # Skip analyses to better not modify
            if api.get_review_status(analysis) in skip:

            # Set the hidden status

            # Set the price of the Analysis

            # Set the internal use status
            parent_sample = analysis.getRequest()

            # Set the result range to the analysis
            analysis_rr = specs.get(service_uid) or analysis.getResultsRange()
def after_retract(analysis):
    """Function triggered after a 'retract' transition for the analysis passed
    in is performed. The analysis transitions to "retracted" state and a new
    copy of the analysis is created. The copy initial state is "unassigned",
    unless the the retracted analysis was assigned to a worksheet. In such case,
    the copy is transitioned to 'assigned' state too
    # Rename the analysis to make way for it's successor.
    # Support multiple retractions by renaming to *-0, *-1, etc
    parent = analysis.aq_parent
    keyword = analysis.getKeyword()
    analyses = filter(lambda an: an.getKeyword() == keyword,

    # Rename the retracted analysis
    # https://docs.plone.org/develop/plone/content/rename.html
    # _verifyObjectPaste permission check must be cancelled
    parent._verifyObjectPaste = str
    retracted_id = '{}-{}'.format(keyword, len(analyses))
    # Make sure all persistent objects have _p_jar attribute
    parent.manage_renameObject(analysis.getId(), retracted_id)
    delattr(parent, '_verifyObjectPaste')

    # Create a copy of the retracted analysis
    analysis_uid = api.get_uid(analysis)
    new_analysis = create_analysis(parent, analysis, RetestOf=analysis_uid)

    # Assign the new analysis to this same worksheet, if any.
    worksheet = analysis.getWorksheet()
    if worksheet:

    # Retract our dependents (analyses that depend on this analysis)
    cascade_to_dependents(analysis, "retract")

    # Try to rollback the Analysis Request
    if IRequestAnalysis.providedBy(analysis):
        doActionFor(analysis.getRequest(), "rollback_to_receive")
def create_ast_analysis(sample, keyword, microorganism, antibiotics):
    """Creates a new AST analysis
    # Convert antibiotics to interim fields
    interim_fields = map(lambda ab: to_interim(keyword, ab), antibiotics)

    # Create a new ID to prevent clashes
    new_id = new_analysis_id(sample, keyword)

    # Create the analysis
    service = get_service(keyword)
    analysis = create_analysis(sample, service, id=new_id)

    # Assign the name of the microorganism as the title
    title = get_analysis_title(keyword, microorganism)
    short_title = api.get_title(microorganism)

    # Assign the antibiotics as interim fields

    # Compute all combinations of interim/antibiotic and possible result and
    # and generate the result options for this analysis (the "Result" field is
    # never displayed and is only used for reporting)
    result_options = get_result_options(analysis)

    # Apply the IASTAnalysis and IInternalUser marker interfaces
    alsoProvides(analysis, IASTAnalysis)
    alsoProvides(analysis, IInternalUse)

    # Initialize the analysis and reindex
    doActionFor(analysis, "initialize")

    return analysis
    def set(self, instance, items, prices=None, specs=None, hidden=None, **kw):
        """Set/Assign Analyses to this AR

        :param items: List of Analysis objects/brains, AnalysisService
                      objects/brains and/or Analysis Service uids
        :type items: list
        :param prices: Mapping of AnalysisService UID -> price
        :type prices: dict
        :param specs: List of AnalysisService UID -> Result Range mappings
        :type specs: list
        :param hidden: List of AnalysisService UID -> Hidden mappings
        :type hidden: list
        :returns: list of new assigned Analyses
        # This setter returns a list of new set Analyses
        new_analyses = []

        # Current assigned analyses
        analyses = instance.objectValues("Analysis")

        # Analyses which are in a non-open state must be retained, except those
        # that are in a registered state (the sample has not been received)
        non_open_analyses = filter(lambda an: not an.isOpen(), analyses)
        non_open_analyses = filter(
            lambda an: api.get_workflow_status_of(an) != "registered",

        # Prevent removing all analyses
        # N.B.: Non-open analyses are rendered disabled in the HTML form.
        #       Therefore, their UIDs are not included in the submitted UIDs.
        if not items and not non_open_analyses:
            logger.warn("Not allowed to remove all Analyses from AR.")
            return new_analyses

        # Bail out if the items is not a list type
        if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Items parameter must be a tuple or list, got '{}'".format(

        # Bail out if the AR is inactive
        if not api.is_active(instance):
            raise Unauthorized(
                "Inactive ARs can not be modified".format(AddAnalysis))

        # Bail out if the user has not the right permission
        if not check_permission(AddAnalysis, instance):
            raise Unauthorized(
                "You do not have the '{}' permission".format(AddAnalysis))

        # Convert the items to a valid list of AnalysisServices
        services = filter(None, map(self._to_service, items))

        # Calculate dependencies
        # FIXME Infinite recursion error possible here, if the formula includes
        #       the Keyword of the Service that includes the Calculation
        dependencies = map(lambda s: s.getServiceDependencies(), services)
        dependencies = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dependencies))

        # Merge dependencies and services
        services = set(services + dependencies)

        # Modify existing AR specs with new form values of selected analyses.
        self._update_specs(instance, specs)

        # Create a mapping of Service UID -> Hidden status
        if hidden is None:
            hidden = []
        hidden = dict(map(lambda d: (d.get("uid"), d.get("hidden")), hidden))

        # Ensure we have a prices dictionary
        if prices is None:
            prices = dict()


        for service in services:
            service_uid = api.get_uid(service)
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            # Create the Analysis if it doesn't exist
            if shasattr(instance, keyword):
                analysis = instance._getOb(keyword)
                analysis = create_analysis(instance, service)

            # set the hidden status
            analysis.setHidden(hidden.get(service_uid, False))

            # Set the price of the Analysis
            analysis.setPrice(prices.get(service_uid, service.getPrice()))


        # Service UIDs
        service_uids = map(api.get_uid, services)

        # Analyses IDs to delete
        delete_ids = []

        # Assigned Attachments
        assigned_attachments = []

        for analysis in analyses:
            service_uid = analysis.getServiceUID()

            # Skip if the Service is selected
            if service_uid in service_uids:

            # Skip non-open Analyses
            if analysis in non_open_analyses:

            # Remember assigned attachments
            # https://github.com/senaite/senaite.core/issues/1025

            # If it is assigned to a worksheet, unassign it before deletion.
            worksheet = analysis.getWorksheet()
            if worksheet:

            # Unset the partition reference
            # TODO Remove in >v1.3.0 - This is kept for backwards-compatibility
            part = analysis.getSamplePartition()
            if part:
                # From this partition, remove the reference to the current
                # analysis that is going to be removed to prevent inconsistent
                # states (Sample Partitions referencing to Analyses that do not
                # exist anymore
                an_uid = api.get_uid(analysis)
                part_ans = part.getAnalyses() or []
                part_ans = filter(lambda an: api.get_uid(an) != an_uid,
            # Unset the Analysis-to-Partition reference

        if delete_ids:
            # Note: subscriber might promote the AR

        # Remove orphaned attachments
        for attachment in assigned_attachments:
            # only delete attachments which are no further linked
            if not attachment.getLinkedAnalyses():
                logger.info("Deleting attachment: {}".format(
                attachment_id = api.get_id(attachment)

        return new_analyses
    def set(self, instance, items, prices=None, specs=None, **kwargs):
        """Set/Assign Analyses to this AR

        :param items: List of Analysis objects/brains, AnalysisService
                      objects/brains and/or Analysis Service uids
        :type items: list
        :param prices: Mapping of AnalysisService UID -> price
        :type prices: dict
        :param specs: List of AnalysisService UID -> Result Range Record mappings
        :type specs: list
        :returns: list of new assigned Analyses

        # This setter returns a list of new set Analyses
        new_analyses = []

        # Prevent removing all Analyses
        if not items:
            logger.warn("Not allowed to remove all Analyses from AR.")
            return new_analyses

        # Bail out if the items is not a list type
        if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Items parameter must be a tuple or list, got '{}'".format(

        # Bail out if the AR in frozen state
        if self._is_frozen(instance):
            raise ValueError(
                "Analyses can not be modified for inactive/verified ARs")

        # Convert the items to a valid list of AnalysisServices
        services = filter(None, map(self._to_service, items))

        # Calculate dependencies
        # FIXME Infinite recursion error possible here, if the formula includes
        #       the Keyword of the Service that includes the Calculation
        dependencies = map(lambda s: s.getServiceDependencies(), services)
        dependencies = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dependencies))

        # Merge dependencies and services
        services = set(services + dependencies)

        # Service UIDs
        service_uids = map(api.get_uid, services)

        # Modify existing AR specs with new form values of selected analyses.
        self._update_specs(instance, specs)

        for service in services:
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            # Create the Analysis if it doesn't exist
            if shasattr(instance, keyword):
                analysis = instance._getOb(keyword)
                # TODO Entry point for interims assignment and Calculation
                #      decoupling from Analysis. See comments PR#593
                analysis = create_analysis(instance, service)
                # TODO Remove when the `create_analysis` function supports this
                # Set the interim fields only for new created Analysis
                self._update_interims(analysis, service)

            # Set the price of the Analysis
            self._update_price(analysis, service, prices)

        # delete analyses
        delete_ids = []
        for analysis in instance.objectValues('Analysis'):
            service_uid = analysis.getServiceUID()

            # Skip assigned Analyses
            if service_uid in service_uids:

            # Skip Analyses in frozen states
            if self._is_frozen(analysis, "retract"):
                logger.warn("Inactive/verified/retracted Analyses can not be "

            # If it is assigned to a worksheet, unassign it before deletion.
            if self._is_assigned_to_worksheet(analysis):
                backrefs = self._get_assigned_worksheets(analysis)
                ws = backrefs[0]

            # Unset the partition reference
            part = analysis.getSamplePartition()
            if part:
                # From this partition, remove the reference to the current
                # analysis that is going to be removed to prevent inconsistent
                # states (Sample Partitions referencing to Analyses that do not
                # exist anymore
                an_uid = api.get_uid(analysis)
                part_ans = part.getAnalyses() or []
                part_ans = filter(lambda an: api.get_uid(an) != an_uid, part_ans)
            # Unset the Analysis-to-Partition reference

        if delete_ids:
            # Note: subscriber might promote the AR

        return new_analyses
    def set(self, instance, service_uids, prices=None, specs={}, **kwargs):
        """ service_uids are the services selected on the AR Add/Edit form.

        prices is a service_uid keyed dictionary containing the prices entered
            on the form.

        specs is a uid keyed dict with values of
            {min:, max:, error:}
        if not service_uids:

        assert type(service_uids) in (list, tuple)

        workflow = instance.portal_workflow

        # one can only edit Analyses up to a certain state.
        ar_state = workflow.getInfoFor(instance, 'review_state', '')
        assert ar_state in ('sample_registered', 'sampled',
                            'to_be_sampled', 'to_be_preserved',
                            'sample_due', 'sample_received',
                            'attachment_due', 'to_be_verified')

        bsc = getToolByName(instance, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        services = bsc(UID=service_uids)

        new_analyses = []

        for service in services:
            service_uid = service.UID
            service = service.getObject()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()
            price = prices[service_uid] if prices and service_uid in prices \
                else service.getPrice()
            vat = Decimal(service.getVAT())

            # analysis->InterimFields
            calc = service.getCalculation()
            interim_fields = calc and list(calc.getInterimFields()) or []

            # override defaults from service->InterimFields
            service_interims = service.getInterimFields()
            sif = dict([[x['keyword'], x.get('value', '')]
                        for x in service_interims])
            for i, i_f in enumerate(interim_fields):
                if i_f['keyword'] in sif:
                    interim_fields[i]['value'] = sif[i_f['keyword']]
                    service_interims = [x for x in service_interims
                                        if x['keyword'] != i_f['keyword']]
            # Add remaining service interims to the analysis
            for v in service_interims:

            # create the analysis if it doesn't exist
            if hasattr(instance, keyword):
                analysis = instance._getOb(keyword)
                analysis = create_analysis(
            # Note: subscriber might retract and/or unassign the AR

            spec = specs[service_uid] if specs and service_uid in specs \
                else None
            # If no specification came to us from the form, then we will
            # see if there is a spec for this SampleType & AnalysisService
            if not spec:
                spec = analysis.get_default_specification()
            analysis.specification = spec

            # XXX Price?
            # analysis.setPrice(price)

        # delete analyses
        delete_ids = []
        for analysis in instance.objectValues('Analysis'):
            service_uid = analysis.Schema()['Service'].getRaw(analysis)
            if service_uid not in service_uids:
                # If it is verified or published, don't delete it.
                if workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state') in ('verified', 'published'):
                    continue  # log it
                # If it is assigned to a worksheet, unassign it before deletion.
                elif workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    ws = analysis.getBackReferences("WorksheetAnalysis")[0]
                # Unset the partition reference

        if delete_ids:
            # Note: subscriber might promote the AR
        return new_analyses
    def set(self, instance, service_uids, prices=None, specs=None, **kwargs):
        """Set the 'Analyses' field value, by creating and removing Analysis
        objects from the AR.

        service_uids is a list:
            The UIDs of all services which should exist in the AR.  If a service
            is not included here, the corrosponding Analysis will be removed.

        prices is a dictionary:
            key = AnalysisService UID
            value = price

        specs is a dictionary:
            key = AnalysisService UID
            value = dictionary: defined in ResultsRange field definition
        if not service_uids:

        assert type(service_uids) in (list, tuple)

        bsc = getToolByName(instance, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        workflow = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_workflow')

        # one can only edit Analyses up to a certain state.
        ar_state = workflow.getInfoFor(instance, 'review_state', '')
        assert ar_state in ('sample_registered', 'sampled', 'to_be_sampled',
                            'to_be_preserved', 'sample_due', 'sample_received',
                            'attachment_due', 'to_be_verified')

        # -  Modify existing AR specs with new form values for selected analyses.
        # -  new analysis requests are also using this function, so ResultsRange
        #    may be undefined.  in this case, specs= will contain the entire
        #    AR spec.
        rr = instance.getResultsRange()
        specs = specs if specs else []
        for s in specs:
            s_in_rr = False
            for i, r in enumerate(rr):
                if s['keyword'] == r['keyword']:
                    s_in_rr = True
            if not s_in_rr:

        new_analyses = []
        proxies = bsc(UID=service_uids)
        for proxy in proxies:
            service = proxy.getObject()
            service_uid = service.UID()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()
            price = prices[service_uid] if prices and service_uid in prices \
                else service.getPrice()
            vat = Decimal(service.getVAT())

            # analysis->InterimFields
            calc = service.getCalculation()
            interim_fields = calc and list(calc.getInterimFields()) or []

            # override defaults from service->InterimFields
            service_interims = service.getInterimFields()
            sif = dict([(x['keyword'], x.get('value', ''))
                        for x in service_interims])
            for i, i_f in enumerate(interim_fields):
                if i_f['keyword'] in sif:
                    interim_fields[i]['value'] = sif[i_f['keyword']]
                    service_interims = [
                        x for x in service_interims
                        if x['keyword'] != i_f['keyword']
            # Add remaining service interims to the analysis
            for v in service_interims:

            # create the analysis if it doesn't exist
            if shasattr(instance, keyword):
                analysis = instance._getOb(keyword)
                analysis = create_analysis(instance, service, keyword,
            for i, r in enumerate(rr):
                if r['keyword'] == analysis.getService().getKeyword():
                    r['uid'] = analysis.UID()

            # XXX Price?
            # analysis.setPrice(price)

        # We add rr to the AR after we create all the analyses

        # delete analyses
        delete_ids = []
        for analysis in instance.objectValues('Analysis'):
            service_uid = analysis.Schema()['Service'].getRaw(analysis)
            if service_uid not in service_uids:
                # If it is verified or published, don't delete it.
                if workflow.getInfoFor(analysis,
                                       'review_state') in ('verified',
                    continue  # log it
                # If it is assigned to a worksheet, unassign it before deletion.
                elif workflow.getInfoFor(
                        'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    ws = analysis.getBackReferences("WorksheetAnalysis")[0]
                # Unset the partition reference

        if delete_ids:
            # Note: subscriber might promote the AR
        return new_analyses
    def set(self, instance, service_uids, prices=None, specs=None, **kwargs):
        """Set the 'Analyses' field value, by creating and removing Analysis
        objects from the AR.

        service_uids is a list:
            The UIDs of all services which should exist in the AR.  If a service
            is not included here, the corrosponding Analysis will be removed.

        prices is a dictionary:
            key = AnalysisService UID
            value = price

        specs is a dictionary:
            key = AnalysisService UID
            value = dictionary: defined in ResultsRange field definition
        if not service_uids:

        assert type(service_uids) in (list, tuple)

        bsc = getToolByName(instance, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        workflow = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_workflow')

        # one can only edit Analyses up to a certain state.
        ar_state = workflow.getInfoFor(instance, 'review_state', '')
        assert ar_state in ('sample_registered', 'sampled',
                            'to_be_sampled', 'to_be_preserved',
                            'sample_due', 'sample_received',
                            'attachment_due', 'to_be_verified')

        # -  Modify existing AR specs with new form values for selected analyses.
        # -  new analysis requests are also using this function, so ResultsRange
        #    may be undefined.  in this case, specs= will contain the entire
        #    AR spec.
        rr = instance.getResultsRange()
        specs = specs if specs else []
        for s in specs:
            s_in_rr = False
            for i, r in enumerate(rr):
                if s['keyword'] == r['keyword']:
                    s_in_rr = True
            if not s_in_rr:

        new_analyses = []
        proxies = bsc(UID=service_uids)
        for proxy in proxies:
            service = proxy.getObject()
            service_uid = service.UID()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()
            price = prices[service_uid] if prices and service_uid in prices \
                else service.getPrice()
            vat = Decimal(service.getVAT())

            # analysis->InterimFields
            calc = service.getCalculation()
            interim_fields = calc and list(calc.getInterimFields()) or []

            # override defaults from service->InterimFields
            service_interims = service.getInterimFields()
            sif = dict([(x['keyword'], x.get('value', ''))
                        for x in service_interims])
            for i, i_f in enumerate(interim_fields):
                if i_f['keyword'] in sif:
                    interim_fields[i]['value'] = sif[i_f['keyword']]
                    service_interims = [x for x in service_interims
                                        if x['keyword'] != i_f['keyword']]
            # Add remaining service interims to the analysis
            for v in service_interims:

            # create the analysis if it doesn't exist
            if shasattr(instance, keyword):
                analysis = instance._getOb(keyword)
                analysis = create_analysis(
            for i, r in enumerate(rr):
                if r['keyword'] == analysis.getService().getKeyword():
                    r['uid'] = analysis.UID()

            # XXX Price?
            # analysis.setPrice(price)

        # We add rr to the AR after we create all the analyses

        # delete analyses
        delete_ids = []
        for analysis in instance.objectValues('Analysis'):
            service_uid = analysis.Schema()['Service'].getRaw(analysis)
            if service_uid not in service_uids:
                # If it is verified or published, don't delete it.
                if workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state') in ('verified', 'published'):
                    continue  # log it
                # If it is assigned to a worksheet, unassign it before deletion.
                elif workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    ws = analysis.getBackReferences("WorksheetAnalysis")[0]
                # Unset the partition reference

        if delete_ids:
            # Note: subscriber might promote the AR
        return new_analyses
    def set(self, instance, items, prices=None, specs=None, **kwargs):
        """Set/Assign Analyses to this AR

        :param items: List of Analysis objects/brains, AnalysisService
                      objects/brains and/or Analysis Service uids
        :type items: list
        :param prices: Mapping of AnalysisService UID -> price
        :type prices: dict
        :param specs: List of AnalysisService UID -> Result Range Record mappings
        :type specs: list
        :returns: list of new assigned Analyses

        # This setter returns a list of new set Analyses
        new_analyses = []

        # Prevent removing all Analyses
        if not items:
            logger.warn("Not allowed to remove all Analyses from AR.")
            return new_analyses

        # Bail out if the items is not a list type
        if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
            raise TypeError(
                "Items parameter must be a tuple or list, got '{}'".format(

        # Bail out if the AR in frozen state
        if self._is_frozen(instance):
            raise ValueError(
                "Analyses can not be modified for inactive/verified ARs")

        # Convert the items to a valid list of AnalysisServices
        services = filter(None, map(self._to_service, items))

        # Calculate dependencies
        # FIXME Infinite recursion error possible here, if the formula includes
        #       the Keyword of the Service that includes the Calculation
        dependencies = map(lambda s: s.getServiceDependencies(), services)
        dependencies = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(dependencies))

        # Merge dependencies and services
        services = set(services + dependencies)

        # Service UIDs
        service_uids = map(api.get_uid, services)

        # Modify existing AR specs with new form values of selected analyses.
        self._update_specs(instance, specs)

        for service in services:
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            # Create the Analysis if it doesn't exist
            if shasattr(instance, keyword):
                analysis = instance._getOb(keyword)
                # TODO Entry point for interims assignment and Calculation
                #      decoupling from Analysis. See comments PR#593
                analysis = create_analysis(instance, service)
                # TODO Remove when the `create_analysis` function supports this
                # Set the interim fields only for new created Analysis
                self._update_interims(analysis, service)

            # Set the price of the Analysis
            self._update_price(analysis, service, prices)

        # delete analyses
        delete_ids = []
        for analysis in instance.objectValues('Analysis'):
            service_uid = analysis.getServiceUID()

            # Skip assigned Analyses
            if service_uid in service_uids:

            # Skip Analyses in frozen states
            if self._is_frozen(analysis):
                logger.warn("Inactive/verified Analyses can not be removed.")

            # If it is assigned to a worksheet, unassign it before deletion.
            if self._is_assigned_to_worksheet(analysis):
                backrefs = self._get_assigned_worksheets(analysis)
                ws = backrefs[0]

            # Unset the partition reference

        if delete_ids:
            # Note: subscriber might promote the AR

        return new_analyses
    def set(self, instance, items, prices=None, specs=None, **kwargs):
        """Set the 'Analyses' field value, by creating and removing Analysis
        objects from the AR.

        items is a list that contains the items to be set:
            The list can contain Analysis objects/brains, AnalysisService
            objects/brains and/or Analysis Service uids.

        prices is a dictionary:
            key = AnalysisService UID
            value = price

        specs is a dictionary:
            key = AnalysisService UID
            value = dictionary: defined in ResultsRange field definition

        if not items:

        assert isinstance(items,
                          (list, tuple)), "items must be a list or a tuple"

        # Convert the items list to a list of service uids and remove empties
        service_uids = map(self._get_service_uid, items)
        service_uids = filter(None, service_uids)

        bsc = getToolByName(instance, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        workflow = getToolByName(instance, 'portal_workflow')

        # one can only edit Analyses up to a certain state.
        ar_state = workflow.getInfoFor(instance, 'review_state', '')
        assert ar_state in ('sample_registered', 'sampled', 'to_be_sampled',
                            'to_be_preserved', 'sample_due', 'sample_received',
                            'attachment_due', 'to_be_verified')

        # - Modify existing AR specs with new form values for selected analyses.
        # - new analysis requests are also using this function, so ResultsRange
        #   may be undefined.  in this case, specs= will contain the entire
        #   AR spec.
        rr = instance.getResultsRange()
        specs = specs if specs else []
        for s in specs:
            s_in_rr = False
            for i, r in enumerate(rr):
                if s['keyword'] == r['keyword']:
                    s_in_rr = True
            if not s_in_rr:

        new_analyses = []
        proxies = bsc(UID=service_uids)
        for proxy in proxies:
            service = proxy.getObject()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()

            # analysis->InterimFields
            calc = service.getCalculation()
            interim_fields = calc and list(calc.getInterimFields()) or []

            # override defaults from service->InterimFields
            service_interims = service.getInterimFields()
            sif = dict([(x['keyword'], x.get('value', ''))
                        for x in service_interims])
            for i, i_f in enumerate(interim_fields):
                if i_f['keyword'] in sif:
                    interim_fields[i]['value'] = sif[i_f['keyword']]
                    service_interims = [
                        x for x in service_interims
                        if x['keyword'] != i_f['keyword']
            # Add remaining service interims to the analysis
            for v in service_interims:

            # create the analysis if it doesn't exist
            if shasattr(instance, keyword):
                analysis = instance._getOb(keyword)
                analysis = create_analysis(instance, service)
            for i, r in enumerate(rr):
                if r['keyword'] == analysis.getKeyword():
                    r['uid'] = analysis.UID()

        # delete analyses
        delete_ids = []
        for analysis in instance.objectValues('Analysis'):
            service_uid = analysis.getServiceUID()
            if service_uid not in service_uids:
                # If it is verified or published, don't delete it.
                state = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis, 'review_state')
                if state in ('verified', 'published'):
                # If it is assigned to a worksheet, unassign it before deletion.
                state = workflow.getInfoFor(analysis,
                if state == 'assigned':
                    ws = analysis.getBackReferences("WorksheetAnalysis")[0]
                # Unset the partition reference

        if delete_ids:
            # Note: subscriber might promote the AR
        return new_analyses
    def set(self, instance, service_uids, prices=None, specs={}, **kwargs):
        """ service_uids are the services selected on the AR Add/Edit form.

        prices is a service_uid keyed dictionary containing the prices entered
            on the form.

        specs is a uid keyed dict with values of
            {min:, max:, error:}
        if not service_uids:

        assert type(service_uids) in (list, tuple)

        workflow = instance.portal_workflow

        # one can only edit Analyses up to a certain state.
        ar_state = workflow.getInfoFor(instance, 'review_state', '')
        assert ar_state in ('sample_registered', 'sampled', 'to_be_sampled',
                            'to_be_preserved', 'sample_due', 'sample_received',
                            'attachment_due', 'to_be_verified')

        bsc = getToolByName(instance, 'bika_setup_catalog')
        services = bsc(UID=service_uids)

        new_analyses = []

        for service in services:
            service_uid = service.UID
            service = service.getObject()
            keyword = service.getKeyword()
            price = prices[service_uid] if prices and service_uid in prices \
                else service.getPrice()
            vat = Decimal(service.getVAT())

            # analysis->InterimFields
            calc = service.getCalculation()
            interim_fields = calc and list(calc.getInterimFields()) or []

            # override defaults from service->InterimFields
            service_interims = service.getInterimFields()
            sif = dict([[x['keyword'], x.get('value', '')]
                        for x in service_interims])
            for i, i_f in enumerate(interim_fields):
                if i_f['keyword'] in sif:
                    interim_fields[i]['value'] = sif[i_f['keyword']]
                    service_interims = [
                        x for x in service_interims
                        if x['keyword'] != i_f['keyword']
            # Add remaining service interims to the analysis
            for v in service_interims:

            # create the analysis if it doesn't exist
            if hasattr(instance, keyword):
                analysis = instance._getOb(keyword)
                analysis = create_analysis(instance, service, keyword,
            # Note: subscriber might retract and/or unassign the AR

            spec = specs[service_uid] if specs and service_uid in specs \
                else None
            # If no specification came to us from the form, then we will
            # see if there is a spec for this SampleType & AnalysisService
            if not spec:
                spec = analysis.get_default_specification()
            analysis.specification = spec

            # XXX Price?
            # analysis.setPrice(price)

        # delete analyses
        delete_ids = []
        for analysis in instance.objectValues('Analysis'):
            service_uid = analysis.Schema()['Service'].getRaw(analysis)
            if service_uid not in service_uids:
                # If it is verified or published, don't delete it.
                if workflow.getInfoFor(analysis,
                                       'review_state') in ('verified',
                    continue  # log it
                # If it is assigned to a worksheet, unassign it before deletion.
                elif workflow.getInfoFor(
                        'worksheetanalysis_review_state') == 'assigned':
                    ws = analysis.getBackReferences("WorksheetAnalysis")[0]
                # Unset the partition reference

        if delete_ids:
            # Note: subscriber might promote the AR
        return new_analyses
def doActionToAnalysis(source_analysis, action):
    This functions executes the action against the analysis.
    :base: a full analysis object. The new analyses will be cloned from it.
    :action: a dictionary representing an action row.
        [{'action': 'duplicate', ...}, {,}, ...]
    :returns: the new analysis
    if not IRequestAnalysis.providedBy(source_analysis):
        # Only routine analyses (assigned to a Request) are supported
        logger.warn("Only IRequestAnalysis are supported in reflex testing")
        return None

    state = api.get_review_status(source_analysis)
    action_id = action.get('action', '')

    if action_id == "new_analysis":
        # Create a new analysis (different from the original)
        service_uid = action.get("new_analysis", "")
        if not api.is_uid(service_uid):
            logger.error("Not a valid UID: {}".format(service_uid))
            return None
        service = api.get_object_by_uid(service_uid, None)
        if not service or not IAnalysisService.providedBy(service):
            logger.error("No valid service for UID {}".format(service_uid))
            return None

        analysis = create_analysis(source_analysis.aq_parent, service)
        changeWorkflowState(analysis, "bika_analysis_workflow",
    elif action_id == 'setvisibility':
        target_id = action.get('setvisibilityof', '')
        if target_id == "original":
            analysis = source_analysis
            analysis = _fetch_analysis_for_local_id(source_analysis, target_id)

    elif action_id == 'repeat' and state != 'retracted':
        # Repeat an analysis consist on cancel it and then create a new
        # analysis with the same analysis service used for the canceled
        # one (always working with the same sample). It'll do a retract
        # action
        doActionFor(source_analysis, 'retract')
        analysis_request = source_analysis.getRequest()
        analysis = analysis_request.getAnalyses(sort_on="created")[-1]
        analysis = api.get_object(analysis)

    elif action_id == 'duplicate' or state == 'retracted':
        analysis = duplicateAnalysis(source_analysis)

    elif action_id == 'setresult':
        target = action.get('setresulton', '')
        result_value = action.get('setresultdiscrete', '') or \

        if target == 'original':
            analysis = source_analysis.getOriginalReflexedAnalysis()

        elif target == 'new':
            # Create a new analysis
            analysis = duplicateAnalysis(source_analysis)
            doActionFor(analysis, 'submit')

            logger.error("Unknown 'setresulton' directive: {}".format(target))
            return None

        logger.error("Unknown Reflex Rule action: {}".format(action_id))
        return None

    if action.get('showinreport', '') == "invisible":
    elif action.get('showinreport', '') == "visible":
    # Setting the original reflected analysis
    if source_analysis.getOriginalReflexedAnalysis():
    analysis.setReflexRuleLocalID(action.get('an_result_id', ''))

    # Setting the remarks to base analysis
    #remarks = get_remarks(action, analysis)

    return analysis