    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1,
        """Formatted result:
        1. If the result is a detection limit, returns '< LDL' or '> UDL'
        2. Print ResultText of matching ResultOptions
        3. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        4. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        5. If the result is below Lower Detection Limit, show '<LDL'
        6. If the result is above Upper Detecion Limit, show '>UDL'
        7. Otherwise, render numerical value
        :param specs: Optional result specifications, a dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        :param decimalmark: The string to be used as a decimal separator.
            default is '.'
        :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                          2. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                          4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                          By default 1
        :param html: if true, returns an string with the special characters
            escaped: e.g: '<' and '>' (LDL and UDL for results like < 23.4).
        result = self.getResult()

        # 1. The result is a detection limit, return '< LDL' or '> UDL'
        dl = self.getDetectionLimitOperand()
        if dl:
                res = float(result)  # required, check if floatable
                res = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(res)
                fdm = formatDecimalMark(res, decimalmark)
                hdl = cgi.escape(dl) if html else dl
                return '%s %s' % (hdl, fdm)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    "The result for the analysis %s is a detection limit, "
                    "but not floatable: %s" % (self.id, result))
                return formatDecimalMark(result, decimalmark=decimalmark)

        choices = self.getResultOptions()

        # 2. Print ResultText of matching ResulOptions
        match = [x['ResultText'] for x in choices
                 if str(x['ResultValue']) == str(result)]
        if match:
            return match[0]

        # 3. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return formatDecimalMark(result, decimalmark=decimalmark)

        # 4. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        specs = specs if specs else self.getResultsRange()
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            abovemax = False

        # 4.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('< ', '&lt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # 4.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('> ', '&gt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Below Lower Detection Limit (LDL)?
        ldl = self.getLowerDetectionLimit()
        if result < ldl:
            # LDL must not be formatted according to precision, etc.
            # Drop trailing zeros from decimal
            ldl = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(ldl)
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('< %s' % ldl, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('< ', '&lt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Above Upper Detection Limit (UDL)?
        udl = self.getUpperDetectionLimit()
        if result > udl:
            # UDL must not be formatted according to precision, etc.
            # Drop trailing zeros from decimal
            udl = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(udl)
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('> %s' % udl, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('> ', '&gt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Render numerical values
        return format_numeric_result(self, self.getResult(),
    def getFormattedResult(self, specs=None, decimalmark='.', sciformat=1,
        """Formatted result:
        1. If the result is a detection limit, returns '< LDL' or '> UDL'
        2. Print ResultText of matching ResultOptions
        3. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
        4. If the analysis specs has hidemin or hidemax enabled and the
           result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        5. If the result is below Lower Detection Limit, show '<LDL'
        6. If the result is above Upper Detecion Limit, show '>UDL'
        7. Otherwise, render numerical value
        :param specs: Optional result specifications, a dictionary as follows:
            {'min': <min_val>,
             'max': <max_val>,
             'error': <error>,
             'hidemin': <hidemin_val>,
             'hidemax': <hidemax_val>}
        :param decimalmark: The string to be used as a decimal separator.
            default is '.'
        :param sciformat: 1. The sci notation has to be formatted as aE^+b
                          2. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          3. As 2, but with super html entity for exp
                          4. The sci notation has to be formatted as a·10^b
                          5. As 4, but with super html entity for exp
                          By default 1
        :param html: if true, returns an string with the special characters
            escaped: e.g: '<' and '>' (LDL and UDL for results like < 23.4).
        result = self.getResult()

        # 1. The result is a detection limit, return '< LDL' or '> UDL'
        dl = self.getDetectionLimitOperand()
        if dl:
                res = float(result)  # required, check if floatable
                res = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(res)
                fdm = formatDecimalMark(res, decimalmark)
                hdl = cgi.escape(dl) if html else dl
                return '%s %s' % (hdl, fdm)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                    "The result for the analysis %s is a detection limit, "
                    "but not floatable: %s" % (self.id, result))
                return formatDecimalMark(result, decimalmark=decimalmark)

        choices = self.getResultOptions()

        # 2. Print ResultText of matching ResulOptions
        match = [x['ResultText'] for x in choices
                 if str(x['ResultValue']) == str(result)]
        if match:
            return match[0]

        # 3. If the result is not floatable, return it without being formatted
            result = float(result)
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            return formatDecimalMark(result, decimalmark=decimalmark)

        # 4. If the analysis specs has enabled hidemin or hidemax and the
        #    result is out of range, render result as '<min' or '>max'
        specs = specs if specs else self.getResultsRange()
        hidemin = specs.get('hidemin', '')
        hidemax = specs.get('hidemax', '')
            belowmin = hidemin and result < float(hidemin) or False
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            belowmin = False
            abovemax = hidemax and result > float(hidemax) or False
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            abovemax = False

        # 4.1. If result is below min and hidemin enabled, return '<min'
        if belowmin:
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('< %s' % hidemin, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('< ', '&lt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # 4.2. If result is above max and hidemax enabled, return '>max'
        if abovemax:
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('> %s' % hidemax, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('> ', '&gt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Below Lower Detection Limit (LDL)?
        ldl = self.getLowerDetectionLimit()
        if result < ldl:
            # LDL must not be formatted according to precision, etc.
            # Drop trailing zeros from decimal
            ldl = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(ldl)
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('< %s' % ldl, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('< ', '&lt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Above Upper Detection Limit (UDL)?
        udl = self.getUpperDetectionLimit()
        if result > udl:
            # UDL must not be formatted according to precision, etc.
            # Drop trailing zeros from decimal
            udl = drop_trailing_zeros_decimal(udl)
            fdm = formatDecimalMark('> %s' % udl, decimalmark)
            return fdm.replace('> ', '&gt; ', 1) if html else fdm

        # Render numerical values
        return format_numeric_result(self, self.getResult(),