def visit_binopnode(self, node, context):
     Returns the result of the binary operation.
     :param node: Node which houses two children Nodes.
     :param context: Context of the caller.
     :return: Result of the binary operation on both child Nodes.
     result, error = None, None
     runtime_result = RuntimeResult()
     left_node = runtime_result.register(self.visit(node.left_node,
     right_node = runtime_result.register(
         self.visit(node.right_node, context))
     if runtime_result.should_return():
         return runtime_result
     if node.op_token.type == TP_PLUS:
         result, error = left_node.add_to(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_MINUS:
         result, error = left_node.subtract_by(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_POWER:
         result, error = left_node.power_by(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_MUL:
         result, error = left_node.multiply_by(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_DIV:
         result, error = left_node.divide_by(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_MODULO:
         result, error = left_node.modulo_by(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_CLEAN_DIV:
         result, error = left_node.divide_by(right_node, clean=True)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_NE:
         result, error = left_node.get_comparison_ne(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_EE:
         result, error = left_node.get_comparison_ee(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_LT:
         result, error = left_node.get_comparison_lt(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_LTE:
         result, error = left_node.get_comparison_lte(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_GT:
         result, error = left_node.get_comparison_gt(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.type == TP_GTE:
         result, error = left_node.get_comparison_gte(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.matches(TP_KEYWORD, 'AND'):
         result, error = left_node.anded_by(right_node)
     elif node.op_token.matches(TP_KEYWORD, 'OR'):
         result, error = left_node.ored_by(right_node)
     if runtime_result.should_return():
         return runtime_result.failure(runtime_result)
     if error:
         return runtime_result.failure(error)
     return runtime_result.success(
         result.set_position(node.start_pos, node.end_pos))
 def visit_varaccessnode(self, node, context):
     Accesses the value of variables in the stream.
     :param node: Node with which to fetch the variable.
     :param context: Context of the caller.
     :return: Value of fetching a variable's value and executing it.
     runtime_result = RuntimeResult()
     var_name = node.var_name.value
     var_value = context.symbol_table.get(var_name)
     if var_value is None:
             ActiveRuntimeError('VAR "{}" not defined'.format(var_name),
                                node.start_pos, node.end_pos, context))
     var_value = var_value.copy().set_position(
         node.start_pos, node.end_pos).set_context(context)
     return runtime_result.success(var_value)
 def check_args(self, arg_names, args):
     Checks that correct number of args are present.
     :param arg_names: List of argument names.
     :param args: List of arguments passed into func.
     :return: None, if there are no issues.
     runtime_result = RuntimeResult()
     if len(args) > len(arg_names):
         return runtime_result.failure(
                 'Too many arguments'.format(len(args) - len(arg_names)),
                 self.start_pos, self.end_pos, self.context))
     if len(args) < len(arg_names):
         return runtime_result.failure(
                 'Too few arguments'.format(len(arg_names) - len(args)),
                 self.start_pos, self.end_pos, self.context))
     return runtime_result.success(None)
 def visit_unaryopnode(self, node, context):
     Returns result of the unary operator on the node.
     :param node: Node with which to perform a unary operation.
     :param context: Context of the caller.
     :return: Result of the unary operation on the node.
     error = None
     runtime_result = RuntimeResult()
     number = runtime_result.register(self.visit(node.right_node, context))
     if runtime_result.should_return():
         return runtime_result
     if node.op_token.type == TP_MINUS:
         number, error = number.multiply_by(Number(-1))
     elif node.op_token.matches(TP_KEYWORD, 'NOT'):
         number, error = number.notted()
     if error:
         return runtime_result.failure(error)
     return runtime_result.success(
         number.set_position(node.start_pos, node.end_pos))