def logic(self, data): _PR = PR.getInstance() _data = { "title": { "text": 'ECharts 入门示例' }, "tooltip": {}, "legend": { "data": ['销量'] }, "xAxis": { "data": ["衬衫", "羊毛衫", "雪纺衫", "裤子", "高跟鞋", "袜子"] }, "yAxis": {}, "series": [{ "name": '销量', "type": 'bar', "data": [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 200] }] } _PR.setResult(_data) print(_PR.getResult()) # L.debug(_data) # # L.warn(_data) # L.error(_data) # L.critical(_data) return _PR.getPRBytes()
def line_test(self, data): _PR = PR.getInstance() _title_text = data['title_text'] # 标题 _step_count = data["step_count"] # 横坐标点 _step = data['step'] # 步长(单位:min) _type = data['type'] # 绘图类型 # 保宝网的点击量和保宝网的观看人数统计的折线图 怎么处理??? 项目 类型 _legend_infos = data['legend_infos'] # 数据项信息 print(_legend_infos) _legend_datas = _legend_infos.keys() # 数据项名称 _search_filter_infos = {} for _legend_data in _legend_datas: _project_name = _legend_infos[_legend_data]['project_name'] # 项目名称 _statistic_type = _legend_infos[_legend_data]['statistic_type'] # 统计类型 _statistic_name = _legend_infos[_legend_data]['statistic_name'] # 统计名称 _filter_infos = _legend_infos[_legend_data]['filter_infos'] # 过滤条件 print(_filter_infos) ds = logic.project_ds_info[_project_name] # 查询数据源 table = _project_name + "_" + _statistic_type # YXYBB_interface self_mongo_instance = Mongo.getInstance(table=table, ds=ds) self_collection = self_mongo_instance.getCollection() _search_filter_infos[_legend_data] = { "project_name": _project_name, "self_collection": self_collection, # 连接额外数据源 "filter_infos": _filter_infos, # 过滤机制 "statistic_type": _statistic_type, # 统计类型 "statistic_name": _statistic_name # 统计名称 } _result = Line.getInsatnce(search_filter_infos=_search_filter_infos, _step=_step, _step_count=_step_count, _title_text=_title_text, _type=_type).getLineChartData() self_mongo_instance.close() _PR.setResult(_result) return _PR.getPRBytes()
def logic(self, data,xxx="xxx"): _PR = PR.getInstance() _data = { "title": { "text": 'ECharts 入门示例' }, "tooltip": { }, "legend": { "data": ['销量'] }, "xAxis": { "data": ["衬衫", "羊毛衫", "雪纺衫", "裤子", "高跟鞋", "袜子"] }, "yAxis": {}, "series": [{ "name": '销量', "type": 'bar', "data": [5, 20, 36, 10, 10, 200] }] } _PR.setResult(_data) print(_PR.getResult()) # L.debug(_data) # # L.warn(_data) # L.error(_data) # L.critical(_data) return _PR.getPRBytes()
def getInstance(data): if data is None: pr = PR.getInstance() pr.setCode(PR.Code_PARERROR) pr.setMsg("not set the instance par") return pr # return PR.getInstance().setCode(PR.Code_PARERROR).setMsg("not set the instance par").setResult(data).getPRBytes() return Msg_logic(data)
def xx(self, data): _PR = PR.getInstance() chart = Echart('GDP', 'This is a fake chart') chart.use(Bar('China', [2, 3, 4, 5])) chart.use(Legend(['GDP'])) chart.use(Axis('category', 'bottom', data=['Nov', 'Dec', 'Jan', 'Feb'])) _chart = chart.json print(_chart) _chart["tooltip"] = {} _PR.setResult(_chart) return _PR.getPRBytes()
def get(self): _PR = PR.getInstance() try: method = self.get_argument('method', '__error__') if method == "__error__": _PR.setCode(PR.Code_METHODERROR) _PR.setMsg("method ERROR , not give the method or get the method is __error__") return self.write(_PR.getPRBytes()) data = json.loads(self.get_argument('data', None)) L.debug("the service request method : " + str(method)) L.debug("the service request parameter : " + str(data)) self.write(operator.get(method)(data)) except Exception as e: _PR.setCode(PR.Code_EXCEPTION) _PR.setMsg("exception ERROR :" + str(e)) self.write(_PR.getPRBytes())
def line_test(self, data): _PR = PR.getInstance() _title_text = data['title_text'] # 标题 _step_count = data["step_count"] # 横坐标点 _step = data['step'] # 步长(单位:min) _type = data['type'] # 绘图类型 # 保宝网的点击量和保宝网的观看人数统计的折线图 怎么处理??? 项目 类型 _legend_infos = data['legend_infos'] # 数据项信息 print(_legend_infos) _legend_datas = _legend_infos.keys() # 数据项名称 _search_filter_infos = {} for _legend_data in _legend_datas: _project_name = _legend_infos[_legend_data]['project_name'] # 项目名称 _statistic_type = _legend_infos[_legend_data][ 'statistic_type'] # 统计类型 _statistic_name = _legend_infos[_legend_data][ 'statistic_name'] # 统计名称 _filter_infos = _legend_infos[_legend_data]['filter_infos'] # 过滤条件 print(_filter_infos) ds = logic.project_ds_info[_project_name] # 查询数据源 table = _project_name + "_" + _statistic_type # YXYBB_interface self_mongo_instance = Mongo.getInstance(table=table, ds=ds) self_collection = self_mongo_instance.getCollection() _search_filter_infos[_legend_data] = { "project_name": _project_name, "self_collection": self_collection, # 连接额外数据源 "filter_infos": _filter_infos, # 过滤机制 "statistic_type": _statistic_type, # 统计类型 "statistic_name": _statistic_name # 统计名称 } _result = Line.getInsatnce(search_filter_infos=_search_filter_infos, _step=_step, _step_count=_step_count, _title_text=_title_text, _type=_type).getLineChartData() self_mongo_instance.close() _PR.setResult(_result) return _PR.getPRBytes()
def get(self): _PR = PR.getInstance() try: method="open_falcon_send_mail" method = self.get_argument('method', '__error__') if method == "__error__": _PR.setCode(PR.Code_METHODERROR) _PR.setMsg("method ERROR , not give the method or get the method is __error__") return self.write(_PR.getPRBytes()) # 需要重新进行单独处理数据数据结构 data = json.loads(self.get_argument('data', None)) L.debug("the service request method : " + str(method)) L.debug("the service request parameter : " + str(data)) self.write(operator.get(method)(data)) except Exception as e: _PR.setCode(PR.Code_EXCEPTION) _PR.setMsg("exception ERROR :" + str(e)) self.write(_PR.getPRBytes()) pass