def __init__(self, map_path2yaml, agents, main_sensor, saving=False, test_name="", acq=-1): """ Simulator(map_path2yaml, agents, render) Returns a new Simulator. Parameters ---------- map_path2yaml : string Absolute path to map yaml archive , e.g., ``"C:/data/yaml"``. agents : list of bin.Environment.simple_agent Agents Returns ------- out : Simulator See Also -------- Examples -------- """ self.saving = saving self.environment = Env(map_path2yaml=map_path2yaml) self.agents = agents self.sensors = set() self.init_maps() self.load_envs_into_agents() if main_sensor in self.sensors: self.main_sensor = main_sensor for agent in self.agents: agent.randomize_pos() # agent.randomize_pos() # agent.randomize_pos() # agent.randomize_pos() self.sender = Sender() if acq == 1: acq = "LD" elif acq == 2: acq = "LU" elif acq == 3: acq = "RD" elif acq == 4: acq = "RU" else: raise Exception self.coordinator = Coordinator(self.agents, self.environment.grid, self.main_sensor, acq) # self.coordinator.acquisition = "maxvalue_entropy_search" self.sender.send_new_acq_msg(self.coordinator.acquisition) for agent in self.agents: agent.next_pose = self.coordinator.generate_new_goal(pose=agent.pose) agent.step() agent.distance_travelled = 0 self.sender.send_new_drone_msg(agent.pose) self.use_cih_as_initial_points = True if self.use_cih_as_initial_points: import numpy as np reads = [ [np.array([785, 757]), self.environment.maps["t"][757, 785]], # CSNB (757, 785) # [np.array([492, 443]), self.environment.maps["t"][443, 492]], # YVY (443, 492) [np.array([75, 872]), self.environment.maps["t"][872, 75]], # PMAregua (872, 75) self.agents[0].read() ] print(reads) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg(str(reads[0][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[0][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[0][1])) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg(str(reads[1][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[1][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[1][1])) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg(str(reads[2][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[2][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[2][1])) else: reads = [ for agent in self.agents] for i in range(2): self.agents[0].randomize_pos() reads.append(self.agents[0].read()) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg(str(reads[0][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[0][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[0][1])) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg(str(reads[1][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[1][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[1][1])) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg(str(reads[2][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[2][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[2][1])) self.coordinator.initialize_data_gpr(reads) plt.imshow(self.environment.render_maps()["t"], origin='lower', cmap='inferno') plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') CS = plt.contour(self.environment.render_maps()["t"], colors=('gray', 'gray', 'gray', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k'), alpha=0.6, linewidths=1.0) plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) plt.title("Ground Truth") plt.xlabel("x") plt.ylabel("y") plt.draw() # plt.pause(0.0001) if saving: self.f = open("E:/ETSI/Proyecto/results/csv_results/{}_{}.csv".format(test_name, int(time.time())), "a") self.f.write("kernel,acq,masked\n") self.f.write(str( "LM,{},{}\n".format(self.coordinator.acquisition, self.coordinator.acq_method))) self.f.write("step,mse,t_dist\n") mse = self.coordinator.get_mse(self.environment.maps['t'].T.flatten()) self.f.write("{},{},{}\n".format(0, mse, self.agents[0].distance_travelled))
def __init__(self, map_path2yaml, agents: list, main_sensor, saving=False, test_name="", acq="gaussian_sei", acq_mod="normal", file=0, initial_pos="circle"): """ Simulator(map_path2yaml, agents, render) Returns a new Simulator. Parameters ---------- map_path2yaml : string Absolute path to map yaml archive , e.g., ``"C:/data/yaml"``. agents : list of sppa.SimpleAgent Agents Returns ------- out : Simulator See Also -------- Examples -------- """ self.saving = saving self.file_no = file self.environment = Env(map_path2yaml=map_path2yaml) self.agents = agents self.sensors = set() self.init_maps() self.load_envs_into_agents() if main_sensor in self.sensors: self.main_sensor = main_sensor self.sender = Sender() # if initial_pos == "none": # print("random initial positions") # elif initial_pos == "circle": # print("circle initial positions") # initial_positions = get_init_pos4(n=len(agents)) # elif initial_pos == "cvt": # print("cvt initial positions") initial_positions = get_init_pos4(n=len(agents), map_data=self.environment.grid, expand=True) for agent in self.agents: aux_f = agent.position_flag agent.position_flag = False if initial_pos == "circle": agent.pose, initial_positions = initial_positions[0, :], initial_positions[1:, :] else: agent.randomize_pos() agent.randomize_pos() # agent.randomize_pos(near=False) agent.next_pose = deepcopy(agent.pose) agent.position_flag = aux_f self.sender.send_new_drone_msg(agent.pose, agent.drone_id) self.sender.send_new_goal_msg(agent.next_pose, agent.drone_id) self.coordinator = Coordinator(self.environment.grid, self.main_sensor, acq=acq, acq_mod=acq_mod) self.sender.send_new_acq_msg(self.coordinator.acquisition) reads = [ # [np.array([785, 757]), self.environment.maps["t"][757, 785]], # CSNB (757, 785) # [np.array([492, 443]), self.environment.maps["t"][443, 492]], # YVY (443, 492) # [np.array([75, 872]), self.environment.maps["t"][872, 75]], # PMAregua (872, 75) ] [reads.append( for read in self.agents] for [read, my_id] in zip(reads, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]): self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg(str(read[0][0]) + "," + str(read[0][1]) + "," + str(read[1]), _id=my_id) self.sender.send_new_drone_msg(self.agents[my_id].pose, my_id) plt.pause(0.01) # plt.plot(reads[0][0][0], reads[0][0][1], '^y', markersize=12, label="Previous Positions") self.coordinator.initialize_data_gpr(reads) # from copy import copy # import as cm # current_cmap = copy(cm.get_cmap("inferno")) # current_cmap.set_bad(color="#eaeaf2") # # plt.imshow(self.environment.render_maps()["t"], origin='lower', cmap=current_cmap) # YlGn_r # cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') # # CS = plt.contour(self.environment.render_maps()["t"], colors=('gray', 'gray', 'gray', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k'), # alpha=0.6, linewidths=1.0) # plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) # # plt.title("Mask", fontsize=30) # plt.xlabel("x", fontsize=20) # plt.ylabel("y", fontsize=20) # plt.xticks(fontsize=20) # plt.yticks(fontsize=20) # plt.draw() # plt.pause(0.0001) # if saving: self.f = open( "E:/ETSI/Proyecto/results/{}_{}_{}.csv".format(test_name, int(time.time()), self.file_no), "a") self.f.write("num,acq,masked\n") self.f.write(str( "{},{},{}\n".format(len(self.agents)+50, self.coordinator.acquisition, self.coordinator.acq_mod))) self.f.write("step,mse,qty,time,t_dist\n") mse = self.coordinator.get_mse(self.environment.maps['t'].T.flatten()) self.f.write("{},{},{},{},{}\n".format(0, mse, len([1]), 0, sum(c.distance_travelled for c in self.agents) / len(self.agents)))
def __init__(self, map_path2yaml, agents, main_sensor, saving=False, test_name="", acq="gaussian_sei", acq_mod="normal", file=0): """ Simulator(map_path2yaml, agents, render) Returns a new Simulator. Parameters ---------- map_path2yaml : string Absolute path to map yaml archive , e.g., ``"C:/data/yaml"``. agents : list of bin.Environment.simple_agent Agents Returns ------- out : Simulator See Also -------- Examples -------- """ self.saving = saving self.file_no = file self.environment = Env(map_path2yaml=map_path2yaml) self.agents = agents self.sensors = set() self.init_maps() self.load_envs_into_agents() if main_sensor in self.sensors: self.main_sensor = main_sensor for agent in self.agents: agent.randomize_pos() agent.randomize_pos() # agent.randomize_pos() # agent.randomize_pos() self.sender = Sender() self.coordinator = Coordinator(self.environment.grid, self.main_sensor, acq=acq, acq_mod=acq_mod) self.sender.send_new_acq_msg(self.coordinator.acquisition) self.use_cih_as_initial_points = True if self.use_cih_as_initial_points: reads = [ [np.array([785, 757]), self.environment.maps["t"][757, 785]], # CSNB (757, 785) # [np.array([492, 443]), self.environment.maps["t"][443, 492]], # YVY (443, 492) [np.array([75, 872]), self.environment.maps["t"][872, 75]], # PMAregua (872, 75) self.agents[0].read() ] self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg( str(reads[0][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[0][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[0][1])) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg( str(reads[1][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[1][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[1][1])) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg( str(reads[2][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[2][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[2][1])) # plt.plot(reads[0][0][0], reads[0][0][1], '^y', markersize=12, label="Previous Positions") # plt.plot(reads[1][0][0], reads[1][0][1], '^y', markersize=12) # plt.plot(reads[2][0][0], reads[2][0][1], '^y', markersize=12) else: reads = [ for agent in self.agents] for i in range(2): self.agents[0].randomize_pos() reads.append(self.agents[0].read()) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg( str(reads[0][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[0][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[0][1])) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg( str(reads[1][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[1][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[1][1])) self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg( str(reads[2][0][0]) + "," + str(reads[2][0][1]) + "," + str(reads[2][1])) self.coordinator.initialize_data_gpr(reads) # from copy import copy # import as cm # current_cmap = copy(cm.get_cmap("inferno")) # current_cmap.set_bad(color="#eaeaf2") # plt.imshow(self.environment.render_maps()["t"], origin='lower', cmap=current_cmap) # YlGn_r # cbar = plt.colorbar(orientation='vertical') # # CS = plt.contour(self.environment.render_maps()["t"], colors=('gray', 'gray', 'gray', 'k', 'k', 'k', 'k'), # alpha=0.6, linewidths=1.0) # plt.clabel(CS, inline=1, fontsize=10) # # plt.title("Mask", fontsize=30) # plt.xlabel("x", fontsize=20) # plt.ylabel("y", fontsize=20) # plt.xticks(fontsize=20) # plt.yticks(fontsize=20) # plt.draw() # plt.pause(0.0001) # if saving: self.f = open( "E:/ETSI/Proyecto/results/csv_results/{}_{}.csv".format( test_name, int(time.time())), "a") self.f.write("kernel,acq,masked\n") self.f.write( str("{},{},{}\n".format(self.coordinator.k_name, self.coordinator.acquisition, self.coordinator.acq_mod))) self.f.write("step,mse,t_dist,time\n") mse = self.coordinator.get_mse( self.environment.maps['t'].T.flatten()) self.f.write("{},{},{},0\n".format( 0, mse, self.agents[0].distance_travelled))
def __init__(self, map_path2yaml, agents: list, acq="gaussian_ei", saving=False, acq_fusion="coupled", acq_mod="normal", id_file=0, render2gui=True, initial_pos="circle", name_file="", d=1.0): """ :param map_path2yaml: file path to mapyaml :param agents: list of simple agents. ALL agents have the same set of sensors :param acq: str of the acquisition function name :param acq_mod: str of the modification of the AF :param id_file: int unique file id [0, 1, 2, ... , n] :param render2gui: bool if visualization mode is online (performed through MQTT) """ # instancing variables self.environment = Env(map_path2yaml=map_path2yaml) self.noiseless_maps = False self.agents = agents # for agent in self.agents: # assert isinstance(agent, Ga), "All agents should be instances of gym.SimpleAgent" self.file_no = id_file self.sensors = set() self._init_maps() self.coordinator = Coordinator(self.environment.grid, self.sensors, acq=acq, acq_mod=acq_mod, acq_fusion=acq_fusion, d=d) self.timestep = 0 # initializing environment self._load_envs_into_agents() # initialize drone positions initial_positions = get_init_pos4(n=len(agents), map_data=self.environment.grid, expand=True) for agent in self.agents: aux_f = agent.position_flag agent.position_flag = False if initial_pos == "circle": agent.pose, initial_positions = initial_positions[ 0, :], initial_positions[1:, :] else: agent.randomize_pos() agent.next_pose = deepcopy(agent.pose) agent.position_flag = aux_f # initial readings reads = [] [reads.append( for read in self.agents] self.coordinator.initialize_data_gpr(reads) self.saving = saving if self.saving: self.f = open( path[-1] + "/results/MAMS/{}_{}_{}.csv".format( name_file, int(time()), self.file_no), "a") self.f.write( "n_agent,n_sensors,acq_fusion,kernels,acq,acq_mod,prop\n") self.f.write( str("{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n".format( len(self.agents), len(self.sensors), acq_fusion, len(self.coordinator.gps), self.coordinator.acquisition, self.coordinator.acq_mod, d))) # mses, scores, keys = self.reward() scores, keys = self.reward() titles = "" for sensor in keys: titles += f',score_{sensor}' # titles += f',mse_{sensor},score_{sensor}' results = "" # for mse, score in zip(mses, scores): # results += f",{mse},{score}" for bic in scores: results += f",{bic}" # self.f.write( # "step,qty,time,t_dist,avg_mse,avg_score{}\n".format(titles)) self.f.write("step,qty,time,t_dist,avg_score{}\n".format(titles)) # self.f.write("{},{},{},{},{},{}{}\n".format(self.timestep, len(self.coordinator.train_inputs), 0, # sum(c.distance_travelled for c in self.agents) / len( # self.agents), mean(mses), mean(scores), results)) self.f.write("{},{},{},{},{}{}\n".format( self.timestep, len(self.coordinator.train_inputs), 0, sum(c.distance_travelled for c in self.agents) / len(self.agents), mean(scores), results)) self.t0 = time() self.render2gui = render2gui if render2gui: self.sender = Sender() self.sender.send_new_acq_msg(self.coordinator.acquisition) for agent in self.agents: for sensor in agent.sensors: self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg( str(["pos"][0]) + "," + str(["pos"][1]) + "," + str([sensor]), sensor=sensor, _id=agent.drone_id) self.sender.send_new_drone_msg(agent.pose, agent.drone_id) self.sender.send_new_goal_msg(agent.next_pose, agent.drone_id)
def __init__(self, map_path2yaml, agents: list, acq="GALM", saving=False, acq_fusion="GALM", acq_mod="truncated", id_file=0, render2gui=True, name_file="", d=1.0): """ :param map_path2yaml: file path to mapyaml :param agents: list of simple agents. ALL agents have the same set of sensors :param acq: str of the acquisition function name :param acq_mod: str of the modification of the AF :param id_file: int unique file id 0, 1, 2, ... , n :param render2gui: bool if visualization mode is online (performed through MQTT) """ # instancing variables self.environment = Env(map_path2yaml=map_path2yaml) self.noiseless_maps = False self.agents = agents self.file_no = id_file self.sensors = set() self._init_maps() if acq == "ga": self.coordinator = GACoordinator(self.environment.grid, self.sensors, d=d, no_drones=len(agents)) elif acq == "lm": self.coordinator = LMCoordinator(self.environment.grid, self.sensors, d=d, no_drones=len(agents), acq=id_file) self.timestep = 0 self._load_envs_into_agents() for agent in enumerate(self.agents): aux_f = agent[1].position_flag agent[1].position_flag = False agent[1].pose = self.coordinator.current_goals[agent[0]] agent[1].next_pose = deepcopy(agent[1].pose) agent[1].position_flag = aux_f # initial readings # import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # for sx, sy, cg in zip(self.coordinator.fpx, self.coordinator.fpy, self.coordinator.current_goals): # plt.plot(sx, sy, '-x') # plt.plot([cg[0], sx[0]], [cg[1], sy[0]], '-x') # for a in agents: # plt.plot(a.pose[0], a.pose[1], '*') # reads = [] [reads.append( for read in self.agents] self.coordinator.initialize_data_gpr(reads) self.saving = saving if self.saving: self.f = open( path[-1] + "/results/MAMS/{}_{}_{}.csv".format( name_file, int(time()), self.file_no), "a") self.f.write( "n_agent,n_sensors,acq_fusion,kernels,acq,acq_mod,prop\n") self.f.write( str("{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\n".format(len(self.agents), len(self.sensors), acq_fusion, len(self.coordinator.gps), acq, acq_mod, d))) # mses, scores, keys = self.reward() scores, keys = self.reward() titles = "" for sensor in keys: titles += f',score_{sensor}' # titles += f',mse_{sensor},score_{sensor}' results = "" # for mse, score in zip(mses, scores): # results += f",{mse},{score}" for bic in scores: results += f",{bic}" # self.f.write( # "step,qty,time,t_dist,avg_mse,avg_score{}\n".format(titles)) self.f.write("step,qty,time,t_dist,avg_score{}\n".format(titles)) # self.f.write("{},{},{},{},{},{}{}\n".format(self.timestep, len(self.coordinator.train_inputs), 0, # sum(c.distance_travelled for c in self.agents) / len( # self.agents), mean(mses), mean(scores), results)) self.f.write("{},{},{},{},{}{}\n".format( self.timestep, len(self.coordinator.train_inputs), 0, sum(c.distance_travelled for c in self.agents) / len(self.agents), mean(scores), results)) self.t0 = time() self.render2gui = render2gui if render2gui: self.sender = Sender() self.sender.send_new_acq_msg(self.coordinator.acquisition) for agent in self.agents: for sensor in agent.sensors: self.sender.send_new_sensor_msg( str(["pos"][0]) + "," + str(["pos"][1]) + "," + str([sensor]), sensor=sensor, _id=agent.drone_id) self.sender.send_new_drone_msg(agent.pose, agent.drone_id) self.sender.send_new_goal_msg(agent.next_pose, agent.drone_id)