def s_box(original):
	"""permutation with the S box
	B = [original[:6],
	#print 'B =', B

	new_B = []
	for i in range(1, 9):
		M_row = int(B[i-1][0] + B[i-1][5], 2)
		N_colum = int(B[i-1][1:5],2)
		#print 'M_row = :', M_row
		#print 'N_colum = :', N_colum

# 		sub_box = 'table.substitution_box_%s' % str(i)
# 		print 'sub_box:', (sub_box)
		if i == 1:
			sub_box = table.substitution_box_1
		elif i == 2:
			sub_box = table.substitution_box_2
		elif i == 3:
			sub_box = table.substitution_box_3
		elif i == 4:
			sub_box = table.substitution_box_4
		elif i == 5:
			sub_box = table.substitution_box_5
		elif i == 6:
			sub_box = table.substitution_box_6
		elif i == 7:
			sub_box = table.substitution_box_7
		elif i == 8:
			sub_box = table.substitution_box_8

		#print sub_box[M_row][N_colum]

		#print 'This is:', B[i-1]
		temp = binary.hexstr_binary(hex(sub_box[M_row][N_colum])[-1])
		#print temp
	new_B = ''.join(new_B)
	#print 'new_B = ', new_B

	return new_B
def des(plaintext_hexstr, key_hexstr, mode = 'encrypt'):
	"""Encrypt a plaintext_bin with the key_bin, Or Decrypt a cipher_bin with the key_bin
	plaintext_bin = binary.hexstr_binary(plaintext_hexstr) # get the string's 64bits binary code
	key_bin = binary.hexstr_binary(key_hexstr) # get the string's 64bits binary code
	# To get the turn_key 1-16
	# permuted choice 1
	after_permuted_choice_1 = permutation.permutation(key_bin, table.permuted_choice_1)
	#print 'After permuted choice 1 is:', binary.format(after_permuted_choice_1)
	#print 'The len of after_permuted_choice_1 is', len(after_permuted_choice_1)

	C_0 = after_permuted_choice_1[:28]
	D_0 = after_permuted_choice_1[28:]
	#print 'C_0 is: ', binary.format(C_0, 7)
	#print 'D_0 is: ', binary.format(D_0, 7)

	C_1 = C_0
	D_1 = D_0

	turn_key = []
	# get the turn_key by turn 16 times
	for times in range(16):
		# circle shift left 1 or 2 bit(s)
		C_1 = binary.circle_shift_left(C_1, table.shift_table[times])
		D_1 = binary.circle_shift_left(D_1, table.shift_table[times])

		#print 'C_1 shift left', table.shift_table[times], 'bits is: ', C_1
		#print 'D_1 shift left', table.shift_table[times], 'bits is: ', D_1

		after_permuted_choice_2 = permutation.permutation(C_1+D_1, table.permuted_choice_2) # permuted choice 2

		#print 'The turn_key[', times + 1, '] is:', binary.format(after_permuted_choice_2, 6)
		#print 'The len of after_permuted_choice_2 is:', len(after_permuted_choice_2)

	#print 'The turn key is:', turn_key
	#print len(turn_key)

	# #####################################################
	# #####################################################
	# Encrypt the Data
	# #####################################################
	# #####################################################

	# Do the initial permutation
	after_init_perm = permutation.permutation(plaintext_bin, table.initial_permutation)
	#print 'After initial permutation is:', binary.format(after_init_perm)

	L_0 = after_init_perm[:32]
	R_0 = after_init_perm[32:]
	#print 'The L_0 is:', binary.format(L_0)
	#print 'The R_0 is:', binary.format(R_0)

	R_1 = R_0

	# judging is the mode
	if mode == 'encrypt':
		range_type = range(16)
	elif mode == 'decrypt':
		range_type = range(15, -1, -1)

	# do the 16 tiems turn
	for i in range_type:
		temp = R_1
		#print 'Round:', i+1

		# Expansion R_1 from 32bits to 48bits, using the expansion table
		E = permutation.permutation(R_1, table.expansion) # now, E is 48bits
		#print 'E :', binary.format(E, 6)
		#print 'KS :', binary.format(turn_key[i], 6)

		# Xor E with turn_key[i]
		R_xor_turnkey = binary.xor_bybit(E, turn_key[i])
		#print 'E xor KS:', binary.format(R_xor_turnkey, 6)

		# S box permutation
		s_box = permutation.s_box(R_xor_turnkey)
		#print 'Sbox:', binary.format(s_box, 4)

		# P permutation
		P = permutation.permutation(s_box, table.permutation_p)
		#print 'P :', binary.format(P)

		# Xor P with L_0
		R_1 = binary.xor_bybit(L_0, P)

		L_0 = temp			# L[i] = R[i+1]
		#print 'The L[',i+1, ']:', binary.format(L_0)
		#print 'The R[',i+1,']:', binary.format(R_1)

	final = R_1 + L_0			# exchange the left 32bits with right 32bits
	#print 'R[16]L[16]:', binary.format(final)

	# do the inverse initial permutation
	output = permutation.permutation(final, table.inverse_initial_permutation)
	#print 'Output:', binary.format(output)

	# Turn binary code to hexdecimal
	output_hex = []
	for i in range(0, 64, 4):
		#print output[i:i+4]
	if mode == 'encrypt':
		#print 'The encryped hexdecimal is:', ''.join(output_hex)
		return ''.join(output_hex)
		#print 'The decrypted hexdecimal is:', ''.join(output_hex)
		#decrypt_text = binascii.a2b_hex(''.join(output_hex))
		#print 'The decrypted text is:', decrypt_text
		#return decrypt_text
		return ''.join(output_hex)