def _orient_normals(self, k):
        print 'Orienting normals'
        # find pt with maximum z value
        index = np.argmax([pt.position[2] for pt in self.points])
        root = self.points[index]
        if root.normal[2] > 0:
            root.normal *= -1
        parents = {}
        heap = BinaryHeap()
        for pt in self.points:
            if pt == root:
                heap.insert(0, pt)
                parents[root] = root
                heap.insert(float('inf'), pt)
        while not heap.is_empty():
            pt = heap.extract_min()
            if pt in parents:
                prev = parents[pt]
                prev = self.nearest_neighbors(pt, 1, parents.keys())[0]
                parents[pt] = prev
            if, pt.normal) < 0:
                pt.normal *= -1

            neighbors = self.nearest_neighbors(pt, k)
            for pt2 in neighbors:
                if pt2 not in parents:
                    old_dist = heap.get_key(pt2)
                    dist = 1. - np.abs(, pt2.normal))
                    if dist < old_dist:
                        parents[pt2] = pt
                        heap.update_key(dist, pt2)
        return parents
    def _orient_normals(self, k):
        print 'Orienting normals'
        # find pt with maximum z value
        index = np.argmax([pt.position[2] for pt in self.points])
        root = self.points[index]
        if root.normal[2] > 0:
            root.normal *= -1
        parents = {}
        heap = BinaryHeap()
        for pt in self.points:
            if pt == root:
                heap.insert(0, pt)
                parents[root] = root
                heap.insert(float('inf'), pt)
        while not heap.is_empty():
            pt = heap.extract_min()
            if pt in parents:
                prev = parents[pt]
                prev = self.nearest_neighbors(pt, 1, parents.keys())[0]
                parents[pt] = prev
            if, pt.normal) < 0:
                pt.normal *= -1

            neighbors = self.nearest_neighbors(pt, k)
            for pt2 in neighbors:
                if pt2 not in parents:
                    old_dist = heap.get_key(pt2)
                    dist = 1. - np.abs(, pt2.normal))
                    if dist < old_dist:
                        parents[pt2] = pt
                        heap.update_key(dist, pt2)
        return parents
def least_cost_path(graph, start, dest, cost):
    """Find and return a least cost path in graph from start
    vertex to dest vertex.
    Efficiency: If E is the number of edges, the run-time is
    O( E log(E) ).
    graph (Graph): The digraph defining the edges between the
    start: The vertex where the path starts. It is assumed
    that start is a vertex of graph.
    dest:  The vertex where the path ends. It is assumed
    that dest is a vertex of graph.
    cost:  A class with a method called "distance" that takes
    as input an edge (a pair of vertices) and returns the cost
    of the edge. For more details, see the CostDistance class
    description below.
    list: A potentially empty list (if no path can be found) of
    the vertices in the graph. If there was a path, the first
    vertex is always start, the last is always dest in the list.
    Any two consecutive vertices correspond to some
    edge in graph.
    reached = {}  # empty dictionary
    events = BinaryHeap()  # empty heap
    events.insert((start, start), 0)  # vertex s burns at time 0

    while len(events) > 0:
        edge, time = events.popmin()
        if edge[1] not in reached:
            reached[edge[1]] = edge[0]
            for nbr in graph.neighbours(edge[1]):
                events.insert((edge[1], nbr), time + cost.distance(
                    (edge[1], nbr)))
    # if the dest is not in reached, then no route was found
    if dest not in reached:
        return []

    current = dest
    route = [current]
    # go through the reached vertices until we get back to start and append
    # each vertice that we "stop" at
    while current != start:
        current = reached[current]
    # reverse the list because we made a list that went from the dest to start
    route = route[::-1]
    return route
def main():
    heap = BinaryHeap(5)
    print("Root node: {}".format(
    leaf = heap.getLeaf(heap.root)
    print("Leaf: {}".format(