
    world_zeo = World_zeo()
    world = world_zeo.root
    maxsecs = timedelta(0, world['resigntime'])
    world_coords = str(sys.argv[1])
    #this copy is really important, copies the objects out of the zeo and into memory.
    f = copy.deepcopy(world['Fields'][world_coords])
    ply_time = 600  #for testing ending conditions
    #ply_time = f.ply_time
    atkr_name, atksquad = f.battlequeue[0]
    defsquad = f.get_defenders()
    #TODO rewrite player and hex_battle
    dfndr = Player(f.owner, [defsquad])
    atkr = Player(atkr_name, [atksquad])
    game = Game(grid=f.grid, defender=dfndr, attacker=atkr)
    btl = game.battlefield

    #!!!obviously for testing only.
    #The locations should be pushed to world before battle is started.
    for s in xrange(2):
        l = len(btl.squads[s])
        for x in xrange(l):
            btl.place_object(btl.squads[s][x], Loc(x, s))

    game.log['init_locs'] = game.log.init_locs()
    start_time = datetime.strptime(game.log['start_time'],
                                   "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
    ART = start_time + maxsecs  #attacker resign time
    static_path = "./web"
from binary_tactics.player import Player
from binary_tactics.grid import Loc

def hp():
    for s in btl.squads:
        print s.name
        for u in s:
            print "     %s\n    %s" % (u.name, u.hp)
        print ""

p1 = Player(name='p1', squads=[load('yaml/ice_maxes.yaml')])
p2 = Player(name='p2', squads=[load('yaml/fire_maxes.yaml')])

game = Game(defender=p1, attacker=p2)

btl = game.battlefield

for s in range(2):
    for x in range(4):
        btl.place_object(btl.squads[s][x], Loc(x, s))

game.log['init_locs'] = game.log.init_locs()

def show_squad(squad):
    for u in squad:
        print u.name, u.location, u.hp