def main():
        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "k", ["keepfiles"])
    except getopt.GetoptError as e:

    k = False
    for o, a in opts:
        if o in ["-k", "--keepfiles"]:
            k = True

    pythonpath = os.environ.get("PATH_TO_PYBIND_TEST_PYTHON") if \
                  os.environ.get('PATH_TO_PYBIND_TEST_PYTHON') is not None \
                    else sys.executable
    pyangpath = os.environ.get('PYANGPATH') if \
                  os.environ.get('PYANGPATH') is not None else False
    pyangbindpath = os.environ.get('PYANGBINDPATH') if \
                  os.environ.get('PYANGBINDPATH') is not None else False
    assert pyangpath is not False, "could not find path to pyang"
    assert pyangbindpath is not False, "could not resolve pyangbind directory"

    this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

    cmd = "%s " % pythonpath
    cmd += "%s --plugindir %s/pyangbind/plugin" % (pyangpath, pyangbindpath)
    cmd += " -f pybind -o %s/bindings.py" % this_dir
    cmd += " -p %s" % this_dir
    cmd += " %s/%s.yang" % (this_dir, TESTNAME)

    from bindings import union

    u = union()

    for i in ["u1", "u2", "u3", "u4", "u6", "u7", "u8"]:
        assert hasattr(u.container,
                       i), "container was missing attribute %s" % i

    # need to test some oddities of ordering in unions

    # u1: precedence of int over string
    u.container.u1 = 2
    u.container.u1 += 1
    assert u.container.u1 == 3, \
        "union with int over string precedence did not result in element " + \
            "acting as int (%s)" % u.container.u1
    u.container.u1 = "aStringTest"
    assert u.container.u1 == "aStringTest", \
        "union of int and string could not be set to a string correctly"
    u.container.u1 += "A"
    assert u.container.u1 == "aStringTestA", \
        "union of int and string when set to string had wrong addition (%s)" \
            % u.container.u1

    # u2: precedence of string over int, with a default set
    assert len(u.container.u2) == 0, \
        "union with a default set was equal to it, rather than a zero " + \
            "length string (%s)" % len(u.container.u2)
    assert u.container.u2._default == "set from u2", \
      "union with a default did not have the correct value (%s)" \
        % u.container.u2._default
    u.container.u2 = 2
    u.container.u2 += "A"
    assert u.container.u2 == "2A", \
      "union with precedence {str,int} did not add correctly (%s)" \
        % u.container.u2

    # u3: union of int with precendence over string, but default is a string
    assert u.container.u3 == 0, \
      "union with a default set directly was equal to it rather than an " + \
          "int of value 0 (%s)" % u.container.u3
    assert u.container.u3._default == "set from u3", \
      "union with a default that skipped a type did not have " + \
          "the correct value (%s)" % u.container.u3._default

    assert hasattr(u.container.u4._default, "_restricted_int_size"), \
      "union with integer default did not have integer type default (%s)" % \

    assert type(u.container.u6._default) == unicode, \
      "union with an inherited default from a typedef did not " + \
          "do so correctly (%s)" % type(u.container.u6._default)

    u.container.u7 = "hello"
    assert u.container.u7 == "hello", \
      "leaf with union specified within a typedef not correctly " + \
          "set to string (%s)" % u.container.u7
    u.container.u7 = 10
    assert u.container.u7 == 10, \
      "leaf with union specified within a typdef not correctly set " + \
          "to int (%s)" % u.container.u7

    assert u.container.u8._default == 10, \
      "leaf with default int specified within a union (that was in a" + \
          " typedef) was not set correctly (%s)" % u.container.u8._default

    from bitarray import bitarray
    for i in [(1, True), ("hello", True), (42.42, True), (True, True),
              (bitarray(10), False)]:
        passed = False
            passed = True
        except ValueError:
        assert passed == i[1], \
          "leaf-list of union of unions did not correctly validate value " + \
            "(%s -> %s != %s)" % (i[0], passed, i[1])


    # 10-20, 30-40 or starting with a and b
    for i in [(15, True), (35, True), ("aardvark", True), ("bear", True),
              (21, False), (42, False), ("cat", False), ("fish", False)]:
        passed = False
            passed = True
        except ValueError:
        assert passed == i[1], \
          "leaf-list of union of unions that had restricted types did not " \
          + "correctly validate the value (%s -> %s != %s)" % (i[0], passed, i[1])

    assert type(u.container.u11._default) == unicode, \
      "union of unions that has a string type default not correctly " + \
        "identified (%s)" % type(u.container.u11._default)

    for i in [('unlimited', True), (1, True), (0, True), ('fish', False),
              (2**64, False)]:
        passed = False
            u.container.u12 = i[0]
            passed = True
        except ValueError:
        assert passed == i[1], \
          "Union specifying restricted class type was not set correctly " \
            + "(%s -> %s != %s)" % (i[0], i[1], passed)

    if not k:
        os.system("/bin/rm %s/bindings.py" % this_dir)
        os.system("/bin/rm %s/bindings.pyc" % this_dir)
def main():
    opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "k", ["keepfiles"])
  except getopt.GetoptError as e:
    print str(e)

  k = False
  for o, a in opts:
    if o in ["-k", "--keepfiles"]:
      k = True

  pythonpath = os.environ.get("PATH_TO_PYBIND_TEST_PYTHON") if \
                os.environ.get('PATH_TO_PYBIND_TEST_PYTHON') is not None \
                  else sys.executable
  pyangpath = os.environ.get('PYANGPATH') if \
                os.environ.get('PYANGPATH') is not None else False
  pyangbindpath = os.environ.get('PYANGBINDPATH') if \
                os.environ.get('PYANGBINDPATH') is not None else False
  assert pyangpath is not False, "could not find path to pyang"
  assert pyangbindpath is not False, "could not resolve pyangbind directory"

  this_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))

  cmd = "%s " % pythonpath
  cmd += "%s --plugindir %s/pyangbind/plugin" % (pyangpath, pyangbindpath)
  cmd += " -f pybind -o %s/bindings.py" % this_dir
  cmd += " -p %s" % this_dir
  cmd += " %s/%s.yang" % (this_dir, TESTNAME)

  from bindings import union
  import numpy

  u = union()

  for i in ["u1", "u2", "u3", "u4", "u6", "u7", "u8"]:
    assert hasattr(u.container, i), "container was missing attribute %s" % i

  # need to test some oddities of ordering in unions

  # u1: precedence of int over string
  u.container.u1 = 2
  u.container.u1 += 1
  assert u.container.u1 == 3, \
      "union with int over string precedence did not result in element " + \
          "acting as int (%s)" % u.container.u1
  u.container.u1 = "aStringTest"
  assert u.container.u1 == "aStringTest", \
      "union of int and string could not be set to a string correctly"
  u.container.u1 += "A"
  assert u.container.u1 == "aStringTestA", \
      "union of int and string when set to string had wrong addition (%s)" \
          % u.container.u1

  # u2: precedence of string over int, with a default set
  assert len(u.container.u2) == 0, \
      "union with a default set was equal to it, rather than a zero " + \
          "length string (%s)" % len(u.container.u2)
  assert u.container.u2._default == "set from u2", \
    "union with a default did not have the correct value (%s)" \
      % u.container.u2._default
  u.container.u2 = 2
  u.container.u2 += "A"
  assert u.container.u2 == "2A", \
    "union with precedence {str,int} did not add correctly (%s)" \
      % u.container.u2

  # u3: union of int with precendence over string, but default is a string
  assert u.container.u3 == 0, \
    "union with a default set directly was equal to it rather than an " + \
        "int of value 0 (%s)" % u.container.u3
  assert u.container.u3._default == "set from u3", \
    "union with a default that skipped a type did not have " + \
        "the correct value (%s)" % u.container.u3._default

  assert type(u.container.u4._default) == numpy.int8, \
    "union with integer default did not have integer type default (%s)" % \

  assert type(u.container.u6._default) == unicode, \
    "union with an inherited default from a typedef did not " + \
        "do so correctly (%s)" % type(u.container.u6._default)

  u.container.u7 = "hello"
  assert u.container.u7 == "hello", \
    "leaf with union specified within a typedef not correctly " + \
        "set to string (%s)" % u.container.u7
  u.container.u7 = 10
  assert u.container.u7 == 10, \
    "leaf with union specified within a typdef not correctly set " + \
        "to int (%s)" % u.container.u7

  assert u.container.u8._default == 10, \
    "leaf with default int specified within a union (that was in a" + \
        " typedef) was not set correctly (%s)" % u.container.u8._default

  from bitarray import bitarray
  for i in [(1, True), ("hello", True), (42.42, True), (True, True),
            (bitarray(10), False)]:
    passed = False
      passed = True
    except ValueError:
    assert passed == i[1], \
      "leaf-list of union of unions did not correctly validate value " + \
        "(%s -> %s != %s)" % (i[0], passed, i[1])

  # 10-20, 30-40 or starting with a and b
  for i in [(15, True), (35, True), ("aardvark", True), ("bear", True),
            (21, False), (42, False), ("cat", False), ("fish", False)]:
    passed = False
      passed = True
    except ValueError:
    assert passed == i[1], \
      "leaf-list of union of unions that had restricted types did not " \
      + "correctly validate the value (%s -> %s != %s)" % (i[0], passed, i[1])

  assert type(u.container.u11._default) == unicode, \
    "union of unions that has a string type default not correctly " + \
      "identified (%s)" % type(u.container.u11._default)

  if not k:
    os.system("/bin/rm %s/bindings.py" % this_dir)
    os.system("/bin/rm %s/bindings.pyc" % this_dir)