def convert_pubtator(input_path, output_path):
    """Convert pubtators annotation list to BioC XML
    Keyword Arguments:
    input_file -- the path of pubtators annotation file
    output_file -- the path to output the BioC XML file

    # Set up BioCWriter to write specifically Pubtator
    # Can change to incorporate other sources besides pubtator
    writer = BioCWriter()
    writer.collection = BioCCollection()
    collection = writer.collection
    collection.date = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
    collection.source = "Pubtator"
    collection.key = "Pubtator.key"

    opener = utilities.get_opener(output_path)
    with opener(output_path, 'wb') as xml_file:

        # Have to manually do this because hangs otherwise
        # Write the head of the xml file
        xml_shell = writer.tostring('UTF-8')
        *xml_head, xml_tail = xml_shell.rstrip().split(b'\n')
        for line in xml_head:
            xml_file.write(line + b'\n')

        article_generator = read_bioconcepts2pubtator_offsets(input_path)
        # Write each article in BioC format
        for article in tqdm.tqdm(article_generator):
            document = BioCDocument()
            document.id = article["pubmed_id"]

            title_passage = BioCPassage()
            title_passage.put_infon('type', 'title')
            title_passage.offset = '0'
            title_passage.text = article["title"]

            abstract_passage = BioCPassage()
            abstract_passage.put_infon('type', 'abstract')
            abstract_passage.offset = article["abstract"]
            abstract_passage.text = article["abstract"]

            id_index = 0
            for tag in article["title_annot"]:
                title_passage.annotations.append(bioconcepts2pubtator_annotations(tag, id_index))
                id_index += 1

            for tag in article["abstract_annot"]:
                abstract_passage.annotations.append(bioconcepts2pubtator_annotations(tag, id_index))
                id_index += 1


            step_parent = E('collection')
            writer._build_documents([document], step_parent)
            xml_file.write(tostring(step_parent[0], pretty_print=True))

        # Write the closing tag of the xml document
        xml_file.write(xml_tail + b'\n')
def convert_pubtator(input_file, output_file=None):
    """Convert pubtators annotation list to BioC XML

    Keyword Arguments:
    input_file -- the path of pubtators annotation file
    output_file -- the path to output the converted text
    if output_file is None:
        output_file = "bioc-converted-docs.xml"

    # Set up BioCWriter to write specifically Pubtator
    # Can change to incorporate other sources besides pubtator
    writer = BioCWriter()
    writer.collection = BioCCollection()
    collection = writer.collection
    collection.date = time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d")
    collection.source = "Pubtator"
    collection.key = "Pubtator.key"

    with open(output_file, 'wb') as g:

        # Have to manually do this because hangs otherwise
        # Write the head of the xml file
        xml_header = writer.tostring('UTF-8')
        xml_tail = '</collection>\n'
        xml_head = xml_header[:-len(xml_tail)]

        article_generator = bioconcepts2pubtator_offsets(input_file)
        # Write each article in BioC format
        for article in tqdm.tqdm(article_generator):
            document = BioCDocument()
            document.id = article["Document ID"]

            title_passage = BioCPassage()
            title_passage.put_infon('type', 'title')
            title_passage.offset = '0'
            title_passage.text = article["Title"]

            abstract_passage = BioCPassage()
            abstract_passage.put_infon('type', 'abstract')
            abstract_passage.offset = str(article["Abstract"])
            abstract_passage.text = article["Abstract"]

            id_index = 0
            for tag in article["Title_Annot"]:
                title_passage.annotations.append(bioconcepts2pubtator_annotations(tag, id_index))
                id_index += 1

            for tag in article["Abstract_Annot"]:
                abstract_passage.annotations.append(bioconcepts2pubtator_annotations(tag, id_index))
                id_index += 1


            step_parent = E('collection')
            writer._build_documents([document], step_parent)
            g.write(tostring(step_parent[0], pretty_print=True))

        # Write the closing tag of the xml document