def _own_handle(self, genome_data, handle_property): """ _own_handle: check that handle_property point to shock nodes owned by calling user """ log('start checking handle {} ownership'.format(handle_property)) if handle_property in genome_data: handle_id = genome_data[handle_property] hs = HandleService(self.handle_url, token=self.token) handles = hs.hids_to_handles([handle_id]) shock_id = handles[0]['id'] # Copy from DataFileUtil.own_shock_node implementation: header = {'Authorization': 'Oauth {}'.format(self.token)} res = requests.get(self.shock_url + '/node/' + shock_id + '/acl/?verbosity=full', headers=header, allow_redirects=True) self._check_shock_response( res, 'Error getting ACLs for Shock node {}: '.format(shock_id)) owner = res.json()['data']['owner']['username'] user_id = self.auth_client.get_user(self.token) if owner != user_id: log('start copying node to owner: {}'.format(user_id)) dfu_shock = self.dfu.copy_shock_node({ 'shock_id': shock_id, 'make_handle': True }) handle_id = dfu_shock['handle']['hid'] genome_data[handle_property] = handle_id
def own_handle(self, genome, handle_property, ctx): if not handle_property in genome: return token = ctx['token'] handle_id = genome[handle_property] hs = HandleService(self.handle_url, token=token) handles = hs.hids_to_handles([handle_id]) shock_id = handles[0]['id'] ## Copy from DataFileUtil.own_shock_node implementation: header = {'Authorization': 'Oauth {}'.format(token)} res = requests.get(self.shock_url + '/node/' + shock_id + '/acl/?verbosity=full', headers=header, allow_redirects=True) self.check_shock_response( res, 'Error getting ACLs for Shock node {}: '.format(shock_id)) owner = res.json()['data']['owner']['username'] if owner != ctx['user_id']: shock_id = self.copy_shock_node(ctx, shock_id) r = requests.get(self.shock_url + '/node/' + shock_id, headers=header, allow_redirects=True) errtxt = ('Error downloading attributes from shock ' + 'node {}: ').format(shock_id) self.check_shock_response(r, errtxt) shock_data = r.json()['data'] handle = {'id': shock_data['id'], 'type': 'shock', 'url': self.shock_url, 'file_name': shock_data['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': shock_data['file']['checksum']['md5'] } handle_id = hs.persist_handle(handle) genome[handle_property] = handle_id
def __init__(self, url=None, timeout=30 * 60, user_id=None, password=None, token=None, ignore_authrc=False, trust_all_ssl_certificates=False): self.url = url self.timeout = int(timeout) self._headers = dict() self.trust_all_ssl_certificates = trust_all_ssl_certificates self.token = token # token overrides user_id and password if token is not None: pass elif user_id is not None and password is not None: self.token = _get_token(user_id, password) elif 'KB_AUTH_TOKEN' in _os.environ: self.token = _os.environ.get('KB_AUTH_TOKEN') elif not ignore_authrc: authdata = _read_inifile() if authdata is None: authdata = _read_rcfile() if authdata is not None: if authdata.get('token') is not None: self.token = authdata['token'] elif(authdata.get('user_id') is not None and authdata.get('password') is not None): self.token = _get_token( authdata['user_id'], authdata['password']) if self.timeout < 1: raise ValueError('Timeout value must be at least 1 second') self.dsi = AbstractHandle(url=url, token=self.token, trust_all_ssl_certificates=trust_all_ssl_certificates)
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, prog='trns_transform_KBaseAssembly.FQ-to-KBaseAssembly.SingleEndLibrary', epilog=desc3) parser.add_argument('-s', '--shock_url', help='Shock url', action='store', dest='shock_url', default='') parser.add_argument('-n', '--hndl_svc_url', help='Handle service url', action='store', dest='hndl_url', default='') parser.add_argument('-i', '--in_id', help='Input Shock node id', action='store', dest='inobj_id', default=None, required=False) parser.add_argument('-f','--file_name', help = 'File Name', action= 'store', dest='file_name',default=None,required=False) parser.add_argument('-d','--hid', help = 'Handle id', action= 'store', dest='hid',default=None, required=False) parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_file_name', help='Output file name', action='store', dest='out_fn', default=None, required=True) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() if args.inobj_id is None and args.hid is None: print >> sys.stderr, parser.description print >> sys.stderr, "Need to provide either shock node id or handle id" exit(1) kb_token = os.environ.get('KB_AUTH_TOKEN') hs = AbstractHandle(url=args.hndl_url, token = kb_token) if args.hid is None: try: args.hid = hs.persist_handle({ "id" : args.inobj_id , "type" : "shock" , "url" : args.shock_url}) except: try: args.hid=hs.ids_to_handles([args.inobj_id])[0]["hid"] except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide handle id.\nThe input shock node id {} is already registered or could not be registered".format(args.inobj_id) exit(3) hds = hs.hids_to_handles([args.hid]) if len(hds) <= 0: print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not register a new handle with shock node id {} or wrong input handle id'.format(args.inobj_id) exit(2) ret = { "handle" : hds[0] } of = open(args.out_fn, "w") of.write(to_JSON(ret)) of.close()
def getHandles(logger, shock_url = "", handle_url = "", shock_ids = None, handle_ids = None, token = None): hs = AbstractHandle(url=handle_url, token=token) handles = list() if shock_ids is not None: header = dict() header["Authorization"] = "Oauth {0}".format(token) for sid in shock_ids: info = None try:"Found shock id {0}, retrieving information about the data.".format(sid)) response = requests.get("{0}/node/{1}".format(shock_url, sid), headers=header, verify=True) info = response.json()["data"] except: logger.error("There was an error retrieving information about the shock node id {0} from url {1}".format(sid, shock_url)) try:"Retrieving a handle id for the data.") handle_id = hs.persist_handle({"id" : sid, "type" : "shock", "url" : shock_url, "file_name": info["file"]["name"], "remote_md5": info["file"]["md5"]}) except: try: handle_id = hs.ids_to_handles([sid])[0]["hid"] single_handle = hs.hids_to_handles([handle_id]) assert len(single_handle) != 0 if info is not None: single_handle[0]["file_name"] = info["file"]["name"] single_handle[0]["remote_md5"] = info["file"]["md5"] print >> sys.stderr, single_handle handles.append(single_handle[0]) except: logger.error("The input shock node id {} is already registered or could not be registered".format(sid)) raise elif handle_ids is not None: for hid in handle_ids: try: single_handle = hs.hids_to_handles([hid]) assert len(single_handle) != 0 handles.append(single_handle[0]) except: logger.error("Invalid handle id {0}".format(hid)) raise return handles
class HandleService(object): def __init__(self, url=None, timeout=30 * 60, user_id=None, password=None, token=None, ignore_authrc=False, trust_all_ssl_certificates=False): self.url = url self.timeout = int(timeout) self._headers = dict() self.trust_all_ssl_certificates = trust_all_ssl_certificates self.token = token # token overrides user_id and password if token is not None: pass elif user_id is not None and password is not None: self.token = _get_token(user_id, password) elif 'KB_AUTH_TOKEN' in _os.environ: self.token = _os.environ.get('KB_AUTH_TOKEN') elif not ignore_authrc: authdata = _read_inifile() if authdata is None: authdata = _read_rcfile() if authdata is not None: if authdata.get('token') is not None: self.token = authdata['token'] elif(authdata.get('user_id') is not None and authdata.get('password') is not None): self.token = _get_token( authdata['user_id'], authdata['password']) if self.timeout < 1: raise ValueError('Timeout value must be at least 1 second') self.dsi = AbstractHandle(url=url, token=self.token, trust_all_ssl_certificates=trust_all_ssl_certificates) def upload(self,infile) : handle = self.dsi.new_handle() url = "{}/node/{}".format(handle["url"], handle["id"]); ref_data = {} try: ref_data = _upload_file_to_shock(url,filePath=infile,token=self.token) except: raise remote_md5 = ref_data["file"]["checksum"]["md5"] #remote_sha1 = ref_data["file"]["checksum"]["sha1"] #SHOCK PUT would not create remote_sha1 if remote_md5 is None: raise Exception("looks like upload failed and no md5 returned from remote server") handle["remote_md5"] = remote_md5 #handle["remote_sha1"] = remote_sha1 handle["file_name"] = _os.path.basename(infile) self.dsi.persist_handle(handle) return handle def download (self, handle, outfile): if( isinstance(handle, dict)): raise Exception("hande is not a dictionary") if "id" not in handle: raise Exception("no id in handle") if "url" not in handle: raise Exception("no url in handle") if outfile is None: raise Exception("outfile is not defined") raise Exception("Not implemented yet") def new_handle(self, *arg): return self.dsi.new_handle(*arg) def localize_handle(self, *arg): return self.dsi.localize_handle(*arg) def initialize_handle (self, *arg): return self.dsi.initialize_handle (*arg) def persist_handle(self, *arg): return self.dsi.persist_handle (*arg) def upload_metadata(self, handle, infile): raise Exception("Not implemented yet") def download_metadata (self, handle, outfile): raise Exception("Not implemented yet") def list_handles (self, *arg): return self.dsi.list_handles (*arg) def are_readable (self, *arg): return self.dsi.are_readable(*arg) def is_readable(self, *arg): return self.dsi.is_readable(*arg) def hids_to_handles(self, *arg): return self.dsi.hids_to_handles(*arg) def ids_to_handles(self, *arg): return self.dsi.ids_to_handles(*arg)
def getPairedEndLibInfo(self): if hasattr(self.__class__, 'pairedEndLibInfo'): return self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo # 1) upload files to shock token = self.ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url=self.shockURL, filePath='data/small.forward.fq', token=token) reverse_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url=self.shockURL, filePath='data/small.reverse.fq', token=token) #pprint(forward_shock_file) #pprint(reverse_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) handf = { 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'type': 'shock', 'url': self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] } forward_handle = hs.persist_handle(handf) handr = { 'id': reverse_shock_file['id'], 'type': 'shock', 'url': self.shockURL, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] } reverse_handle = hs.persist_handle(handr) # 3) save to WS paired_end_library = { 'lib1': { 'file': { 'hid': forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type': 'shock', 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'type': 'fastq', 'size': forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'lib2': { 'file': { 'hid': reverse_handle, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': reverse_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type': 'shock', 'remote_md5': reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'type': 'fastq', 'size': reverse_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'interleaved': 0, 'sequencing_tech': 'artificial reads', 'read_length_mean': 100, 'insert_size_mean': 250, 'insert_size_std_dev': 10, 'total_bases': 125000, 'read_orientation_outward': 1 } ws_obj = { 'workspace': self.getWsName(), 'objects': [{ 'type': 'KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary', 'data': paired_end_library, 'name': '', 'meta': {}, 'provenance': [{ 'service': 'hipmer', 'method': 'test_hipmer' }] }] } new_obj_info = self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo = new_obj_info[0] return new_obj_info[0]
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, prog='trnf_Convert_fastq', epilog=desc3) parser.add_argument('-s', '--shock_url', help='Shock url', action='store', dest='shock_url', default='') parser.add_argument('-n', '--handle_service_url', help='Handle service url', action='store', dest='hndl_url', default='') parser.add_argument('-i', '--in_ids', help='Two input Shock node ids (comma separated)', action='store', dest='inobj_id', default=None, required=False) parser.add_argument('-f','--file_names', help = 'Two optional handle file names (comma separated)', action= 'store', dest='loc_filepath',default=None,nargs=1,required=False) parser.add_argument('-d','--hids', help = 'Two handle ids (comma separated)', action= 'store', dest='hid',default=None,required=False) parser.add_argument('-m','--ins_mean', help = 'Mean insert size', action= 'store', dest='ins_mean',type=float,default=None) parser.add_argument('-k','--std_dev', help = 'Standard deviation', action= 'store', dest='std_dev',type=float,default=None) parser.add_argument('-l','--inl', help = 'Interleaved -- true/false', action= 'store', dest='inl',default=None) parser.add_argument('-r','--r_ori', help = 'Read Orientation -- true/false', action= 'store', dest='read_orient',default=None) parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_file_name', help='Output file name', action='store', dest='out_fn', default=None, required=True) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() if args.inobj_id is None and args.hid is None: print >> sys.stderr, parser.description print >> sys.stderr, "Need to provide either shock node ids or handle ids" exit(1) kb_token = os.environ.get('KB_AUTH_TOKEN') hs = AbstractHandle(url=args.hndl_url, token = kb_token) hids = [] if args.hid is None: snids = args.inobj_id.split(',') if len(snids) != 2: print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide two shock node ids for pairend library" exit(4) try: hids.append(hs.persist_handle({ "id" : snids[0] , "type" : "shock" , "url" : args.shock_url})) except: try: hids.append(hs.ids_to_handles([snids[0]])[0]["hid"]) except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) e,v = sys.exc_info()[:2] print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide handle id.\nThe input shock node id {} is already registered or could not be registered : {} -- {}".format(snids[0], str(e), str(v)) exit(3) try: hids.append(hs.persist_handle({ "id" : snids[1] , "type" : "shock" , "url" : args.shock_url})) except: try: hids.append(hs.ids_to_handles([snids[1]])[0]["hid"]) except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) e,v = sys.exc_info()[:2] print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide handle id.\nThe input shock node id {} is already registered or could not be registered : {} -- {}".format(snids[1], str(e), str(v)) exit(3) else: hids = args.hid.split(',') if len(hids) != 2: print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide two handle ids for pairend library" exit(5) hds = hs.hids_to_handles(hids) if len(hds) != 2: print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not register a new handle with shock node id {} or wrong input handle id'.format(args.inobj_id) exit(2) ret = {"handle_1" : hds[0], "handle_2" : hds[1]} if args.ins_mean is not None : ret["insert_size_mean"] = args.ins_mean if args.std_dev is not None: ret["insert_size_std_dev"] = args.std_dev if args.inl == 'true': ret["interleaved"] = 0 if args.read_orient == 'true': ret["read_orientation_outward"] = 0 of = open(args.out_fn, "w") of.write(to_JSON(ret)) of.close()
def getPairedEndLibInfo(self): if hasattr(self.__class__, 'pairedEndLibInfo'): return self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo # try to reuse persist test json file if it exists testFile = 'data/testPairedEndLibInfo.json' if os.path.exists(testFile):"Reading pairedEndLibInfo from {}".format(testFile)) with open(testFile) as testInfoFile: return json.load(testInfoFile) # 1) upload files to shock token = self.ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.curl_upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url=self.shockURL, filePath='/kb/module/data/small.forward.fq', token=token) reverse_shock_file = self.curl_upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url=self.shockURL, filePath='/kb/module/data/small.reverse.fq', token=token) #pprint(forward_shock_file) #pprint(reverse_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'type': 'shock', 'url': self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }) reverse_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id': reverse_shock_file['id'], 'type': 'shock', 'url': self.shockURL, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }) # 3) save to WS paired_end_library = { 'lib1': { 'file': { 'hid': forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type': 'shock', 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'type': 'fastq', 'size': forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'lib2': { 'file': { 'hid': reverse_handle, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': reverse_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type': 'shock', 'remote_md5': reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'type': 'fastq', 'size': reverse_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'interleaved': 0, 'sequencing_tech': 'artificial reads' } new_obj_info ={ 'workspace': self.getWsName(), 'objects': [{ 'type': 'KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary', 'data': paired_end_library, 'name': '', 'meta': {}, 'provenance': [{ 'service': 'AssemblyRAST', 'method': 'test_kiki' }] }] }) self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo = new_obj_info[0]"pairedEndLibInfo='{}'".format(json.dumps( new_obj_info[0]))) return new_obj_info[0]
def getPairedEndInterleavedLibInfo(self, read_lib_basename, lib_i=0): if hasattr(self.__class__, 'pairedEndLibInfo_list'): try: info = self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list[lib_i] name = self.__class__.pairedEndLibName_list[lib_i] if info != None: if name != read_lib_basename: self.__class__.singleEndLibInfo_list[lib_i] = None self.__class__.singleEndLibName_list[lib_i] = None else: return info except: pass # 1) upload files to shock token = self.ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock('data/'+read_lib_basename+'.inter.fq') #pprint(forward_shock_file) #pprint(reverse_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : forward_shock_file['shock_id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['node_file_name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['handle']['remote_md5']}) # 3) save to WS paired_end_library = { 'lib1': { 'file': { 'hid':forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['node_file_name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['shock_id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':forward_shock_file['handle']['remote_md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fastq', 'size':forward_shock_file['size'] }, 'interleaved':1, 'sequencing_tech':'artificial reads' } new_obj_info = self.wsClient.save_objects({ 'workspace':self.getWsName(), 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary', 'data':paired_end_library, 'name':'test-'+str(lib_i)+'.pe.reads', 'meta':{}, 'provenance':[ { 'service':'kb_ea_utils', 'method':'test_run_ea-utils' } ] }] })[0] # store it if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'pairedEndLibInfo_list'): self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list = [] self.__class__.pairedEndLibName_list = [] for i in range(lib_i+1): try: assigned = self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list[i] except: self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list.append(None) self.__class__.pairedEndLibName_list.append(None) self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list[lib_i] = new_obj_info self.__class__.pairedEndLibName_list[lib_i] = read_lib_basename return new_obj_info
def getPairedEndLibInfo(self, read_lib_basename, lib_i=0): if hasattr(self.__class__, 'pairedEndLibInfo_list'): try: info = self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list[lib_i] name = self.__class__.pairedEndLibName_list[lib_i] if info != None: if name != read_lib_basename: self.__class__.singleEndLibInfo_list[lib_i] = None self.__class__.singleEndLibName_list[lib_i] = None else: return info except: pass # 1) upload files to shock token = self.ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock('data/'+read_lib_basename+'.fwd.fq') reverse_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock('data/'+read_lib_basename+'.rev.fq') #pprint(forward_shock_file) #pprint(reverse_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : forward_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) reverse_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : reverse_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) # 3) save to WS paired_end_library = { 'lib1': { 'file': { 'hid':forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fastq', 'size':forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'lib2': { 'file': { 'hid':reverse_handle, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': reverse_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fastq', 'size':reverse_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'interleaved':0, 'sequencing_tech':'artificial reads' } new_obj_info = self.wsClient.save_objects({ 'workspace':self.getWsName(), 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary', 'data':paired_end_library, 'name':'test-'+str(lib_i)+'.pe.reads', 'meta':{}, 'provenance':[ { 'service':'kb_trimmomatic', 'method':'test_runTrimmomatic' } ] }] })[0] # store it if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'pairedEndLibInfo_list'): self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list = [] self.__class__.pairedEndLibName_list = [] for i in range(lib_i+1): try: assigned = self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list[i] except: self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list.append(None) self.__class__.pairedEndLibName_list.append(None) self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo_list[lib_i] = new_obj_info self.__class__.pairedEndLibName_list[lib_i] = read_lib_basename return new_obj_info
def upload_SingleEndLibrary_to_shock_and_ws( self, ctx, console, # DEBUG workspace_name, obj_name, file_path, provenance, sequencing_tech): self.log( console, 'UPLOADING FILE ' + file_path + ' TO ' + workspace_name + '/' + obj_name) # 1) upload files to shock token = ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock( console, # DEBUG shock_service_url=self.shockURL, filePath=file_path, token=token) #pprint(forward_shock_file) self.log(console, 'SHOCK UPLOAD DONE') # 2) create handle self.log(console, 'GETTING HANDLE') hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'type': 'shock', 'url': self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }) # 3) save to WS self.log(console, 'SAVING TO WORKSPACE') single_end_library = { 'lib': { 'file': { 'hid': forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type': 'shock', 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding': 'UTF8', 'type': 'fasta', 'size': forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'sequencing_tech': sequencing_tech } self.log(console, 'GETTING WORKSPACE SERVICE OBJECT') ws = workspaceService(self.workspaceURL, token=ctx['token']) self.log(console, 'SAVE OPERATION...') new_obj_info = ws.save_objects({ 'workspace': workspace_name, 'objects': [{ 'type': 'KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary', 'data': single_end_library, 'name': obj_name, 'meta': {}, 'provenance': provenance }] })[0] self.log(console, 'SAVED TO WORKSPACE') return new_obj_info[0]
forward_shock_file = upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = '', filePath = 'small.forward.fq', token = token ) reverse_shock_file = upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = '', filePath = 'small.reverse.fq', token = token ) pprint(forward_shock_file) pprint(reverse_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=HANDLE_URL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : forward_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : SHOCK_URL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) reverse_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : reverse_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : SHOCK_URL, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) pprint(forward_handle) pprint(reverse_handle)
def getSingleEndLibInfo(self,name): # if hasattr(self.__class__, 'SingleEndLibInfo'): # if self.__class__.SingeEndLibInfo[name]: # return self.__class__.SingleEndLibInfo[name] # 1) upload files to shock token = self.ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = self.shockURL, filePath = 'kb_vsearch_test_data/'+name, token = token ) #pprint(forward_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : forward_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) # 3) save to WS single_end_library = { 'lib': { 'file': { 'hid':forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fasta', 'size':forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'sequencing_tech':'artificial reads' } new_obj_info ={ 'workspace':self.getWsName(), 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary', 'data':single_end_library, 'name':name, 'meta':{}, 'provenance':[ { 'service':'kb_vsearch', 'method':'test_kb_vsearch' } ] }] }) # if not hasattr(self.__class__, 'SingleEndLibInfo'): # self.__class__.SingleEndLibInfo = dict() # self.__class__.SingleEndLibInfo[name] = new_obj_info[0] return new_obj_info[0]
def getPairedEndLibInfo(self): if hasattr(self.__class__, 'pairedEndLibInfo'): return self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo # try to reuse persist test json file if it exists testFile = 'data/testPairedEndLibInfo.json' if os.path.exists(testFile):"Reading pairedEndLibInfo from {}".format(testFile)) with open(testFile) as testInfoFile: return json.load(testInfoFile) # 1) upload files to shock token = self.ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.curl_upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = self.shockURL, filePath = 'data/small.forward.fq', token = token ) reverse_shock_file = self.curl_upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = self.shockURL, filePath = 'data/small.reverse.fq', token = token ) #pprint(forward_shock_file) #pprint(reverse_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : forward_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) reverse_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : reverse_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) # 3) save to WS paired_end_library = { 'lib1': { 'file': { 'hid':forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fastq', 'size':forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'lib2': { 'file': { 'hid':reverse_handle, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': reverse_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fastq', 'size':reverse_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'interleaved':0, 'sequencing_tech':'artificial reads' } new_obj_info ={ 'workspace':self.getWsName(), 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary', 'data':paired_end_library, 'name':'', 'meta':{}, 'provenance':[ { 'service':'AssemblyRAST', 'method':'test_kiki' } ] }] }) self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo = new_obj_info[0]"pairedEndLibInfo='{}'".format(json.dumps(new_obj_info[0]))) return new_obj_info[0]
def pick_closed_reference_otus(self, ctx, params): # ctx is the context object # return variables are: returnVal #BEGIN pick_closed_reference_otus print('Running QIIME.pick_closed_reference_otus with params=') print(pformat(params)) #### do some basic checks objref = '' if 'workspace' not in params: raise ValueError('workspace parameter is required') if 'post_split_lib' not in params: raise ValueError('post_split_lib parameter is required') if 'otu_table_name' not in params: raise ValueError('otu_table_name parameter is required') # setup provenance provenance = [{}] if 'provenance' in ctx: provenance = ctx['provenance'] # add additional info to provenance here, in this case the input data object reference provenance[0]['input_ws_objects']=[params['workspace']+'/'+params['post_split_lib']] # get the file ws = workspaceService(self.workspaceURL, token=ctx['token']) try: objects = ws.get_objects([{'ref': params['workspace']+'/'+params['post_split_lib']}]) data = objects[0]['data'] info = objects[0]['info'] # Object Info Contents # absolute ref = info[6] + '/' + info[0] + '/' + info[4] # 0 - obj_id objid # 1 - obj_name name # 2 - type_string type # 3 - timestamp save_date # 4 - int version # 5 - username saved_by # 6 - ws_id wsid # 7 - ws_name workspace # 8 - string chsum # 9 - int size # 10 - usermeta meta type_name = info[2].split('.')[1].split('-')[0] except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to fetch read library object from workspace: ' + str(e)) input_file_path = os.path.join(self.scratch,data['fasta']['file_name']) self.KBaseDataUtil.download_file_from_shock( shock_service_url = data['fasta']['url'], shock_id = data['fasta']['id'], filePath = input_file_path, token = ctx['token']) # create a UUID for output directory and parameter file name; not generally needed in KBase, # but useful for local testing in case directories already exist. unique_id = str(hex(uuid.getnode())); params_file_path = os.path.join(self.scratch,'parameters_'+unique_id+'.txt') # If a parameters file is specified, write it out and save in provenance if 'parameters_config' in params: if params['parameters_config']: try: objects = ws.get_objects([{'ref': params['workspace']+'/'+params['parameters_config']}]) except Exception as e: raise ValueError('Unable to fetch parameters configuration from workspace: ' + str(e)) p_file = open(params_file_path, 'w') p_lines = objects[0]['data']['lines'] for l in p_lines: p_file.write(l+'\n') p_file.close() provenance[0]['input_ws_objects'].append(params['workspace']+'/'+params['parameters_config']) # Write any additional parameters to the end of the configuration file p_file = open(params_file_path, 'a+') if 'rev_strand_match' in params: if params['rev_strand_match']: p_file.write('pick_otus:enable_rev_strand_match True\n'); p_file.close() # be nice and print the parameters file to the log f = open(params_file_path, "r") print('\nParameters File: ') print( print('END Parameters File.\n') f.close() out_dir = os.path.join(self.scratch,'out_'+unique_id) cmd = ['', '-i', input_file_path, '-o', out_dir, '-p', params_file_path] print('running: '+' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd = self.scratch, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell = False) # capture the log as it is written stopLogStream= threading.Event() logThread = DisplayLogFileThread(out_dir,stopLogStream) logThread.start() console_messages = ''; while True: # Read std out/err and print anything we get line = p.stdout.readline() if not line: break console_messages += line print(line.replace('\n', '')) p.stdout.close() p.wait() stopLogStream.set() print('command return code: ' + str(p.returncode)) if p.returncode != 0: raise ValueError('Error running, return code: '+str(p.returncode) + ' - ' + console_messages) # analyze stats for the output biom biom_file = os.path.join(out_dir,'otu_table.biom') print('Collecting summary of output OTU Table ('+biom_file+')') cmd = ['biom', 'summarize-table', '-i', biom_file] print('running: '+' '.join(cmd)) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, cwd = self.scratch, stdout = subprocess.PIPE, stderr = subprocess.STDOUT, shell = False) biom_file_summary = ''; while True: # Read std out/err and print anything we get line = p.stdout.readline() if not line: break biom_file_summary += line print('SUMMARY: '+line.replace('\n', '')) p.stdout.close() p.wait() print('command return code: ' + str(p.returncode)) if p.returncode != 0: raise ValueError('Error running biom summarize-table, return code: '+str(p.returncode) + ' - ' + biom_file_summary) # collect output and save the result print('saving BIOM output: ' + biom_file) # tree file: tree_file = os.path.join(out_dir,'otu_table.biom') # upload files to shock shock_file = self.KBaseDataUtil.upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = self.shockURL, filePath = biom_file, token = ctx['token'] ) # create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=ctx['token']) file_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) # save to WS otu_tbl = { 'biom': { 'hid':file_handle, 'file_name': shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'remote_md5':shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'], 'size':shock_file['file']['size'] }, #'n_samples':0, #'n_observations':0, #'count':0, #'density':0, #'sample_detail':{}, 'summary':biom_file_summary } otu_tbl_info = ws.save_objects({ 'id':info[6], 'objects':[ { 'type':'QIIME.OTUTable', 'data':otu_tbl, 'name':params['otu_table_name'], 'meta':{}, 'provenance':provenance }] })[0] print(pformat(otu_tbl_info)) # create the report report = '' report += 'OTU Table saved to: '+otu_tbl_info[7]+'/'+otu_tbl_info[1]+'\n' report += 'OTU Table Summary:\n' report += biom_file_summary reportObj = { 'objects_created':[{'ref':otu_tbl_info[7]+'/'+otu_tbl_info[1], 'description':'The new OTU Table'}], 'text_message':report } reportName = 'QIIME.pick_closed_reference_otus_report_'+str(hex(uuid.getnode())) report_obj_info = ws.save_objects({ 'id':info[6], 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseReport.Report', 'data':reportObj, 'name':reportName, 'meta':{}, 'hidden':1, 'provenance':provenance } ] })[0] # return the result returnVal = { 'report_name': reportName, 'report_ref': str(report_obj_info[6]) + '/' + str(report_obj_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_obj_info[4]), 'otu_table_ref': str(otu_tbl_info[6]) + '/' + str(otu_tbl_info[0]) + '/' + str(otu_tbl_info[4]) } #END pick_closed_reference_otus # At some point might do deeper type checking... if not isinstance(returnVal, dict): raise ValueError('Method pick_closed_reference_otus return value ' + 'returnVal is not type dict as required.') # return the results return [returnVal]
def getPairedEndLibInfo(self): if hasattr(self.__class__, 'pairedEndLibInfo'): return self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo # 1) upload files to shock token = self.ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = self.shockURL, filePath = 'data/small.forward.fq', token = token ) reverse_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = self.shockURL, filePath = 'data/small.reverse.fq', token = token ) #pprint(forward_shock_file) #pprint(reverse_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : forward_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) reverse_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : reverse_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) # 3) save to WS paired_end_library = { 'lib1': { 'file': { 'hid':forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fastq', 'size':forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'lib2': { 'file': { 'hid':reverse_handle, 'file_name': reverse_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': reverse_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':reverse_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fastq', 'size':reverse_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'interleaved':0, 'sequencing_tech':'artificial reads' } new_obj_info ={ 'workspace':self.getWsName(), 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary', 'data':paired_end_library, 'name':'', 'meta':{}, 'provenance':[ { 'service':'MegaHit', 'method':'test_megahit' } ] }] }) self.__class__.pairedEndLibInfo = new_obj_info[0] return new_obj_info[0]
def upload_SingleEndLibrary_to_shock_and_ws (self, ctx, console, # DEBUG workspace_name, obj_name, file_path, provenance, sequencing_tech): self.log(console,'UPLOADING FILE '+file_path+' TO '+workspace_name+'/'+obj_name) # 1) upload files to shock token = ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock( console, # DEBUG shock_service_url = self.shockURL, filePath = file_path, token = token ) #pprint(forward_shock_file) self.log(console,'SHOCK UPLOAD DONE') # 2) create handle self.log(console,'GETTING HANDLE') hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : forward_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) # 3) save to WS self.log(console,'SAVING TO WORKSPACE') single_end_library = { 'lib': { 'file': { 'hid':forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fasta', 'size':forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'sequencing_tech':sequencing_tech } self.log(console,'GETTING WORKSPACE SERVICE OBJECT') ws = workspaceService(self.workspaceURL, token=ctx['token']) self.log(console,'SAVE OPERATION...') new_obj_info = ws.save_objects({ 'workspace':workspace_name, 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseFile.SingleEndLibrary', 'data':single_end_library, 'name':obj_name, 'meta':{}, 'provenance':provenance }] })[0] self.log(console,'SAVED TO WORKSPACE') return new_obj_info[0]
def main(argv): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, prog='trnf_Convert_fastq', epilog=desc3) parser.add_argument('-s', '--shock_url', help='Shock url', action='store', dest='shock_url', default='') parser.add_argument('-n', '--handle_service_url', help='Handle service url', action='store', dest='hndl_url', default='') parser.add_argument('-i', '--in_ids', help='Two input Shock node ids (comma separated)', action='store', dest='inobj_id', default=None, required=False) parser.add_argument( '-f', '--file_names', help='Two optional handle file names (comma separated)', action='store', dest='loc_filepath', default=None, nargs=1, required=False) parser.add_argument('-d', '--hids', help='Two handle ids (comma separated)', action='store', dest='hid', default=None, required=False) parser.add_argument('-m', '--ins_mean', help='Mean insert size', action='store', dest='ins_mean', type=float, default=None) parser.add_argument('-k', '--std_dev', help='Standard deviation', action='store', dest='std_dev', type=float, default=None) parser.add_argument('-l', '--inl', help='Interleaved -- true/false', action='store', dest='inl', default=None) parser.add_argument('-r', '--r_ori', help='Read Orientation -- true/false', action='store', dest='read_orient', default=None) parser.add_argument('-o', '--out_file_name', help='Output file name', action='store', dest='out_fn', default=None, required=True) usage = parser.format_usage() parser.description = desc1 + ' ' + usage + desc2 parser.usage = argparse.SUPPRESS args = parser.parse_args() if args.inobj_id is None and args.hid is None: print >> sys.stderr, parser.description print >> sys.stderr, "Need to provide either shock node ids or handle ids" exit(1) kb_token = os.environ.get('KB_AUTH_TOKEN') hs = AbstractHandle(url=args.hndl_url, token=kb_token) hids = [] if args.hid is None: snids = args.inobj_id.split(',') if len(snids) != 2: print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide two shock node ids for pairend library" exit(4) try: hids.append( hs.persist_handle({ "id": snids[0], "type": "shock", "url": args.shock_url })) except: try: hids.append(hs.ids_to_handles([snids[0]])[0]["hid"]) except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) e, v = sys.exc_info()[:2] print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide handle id.\nThe input shock node id {} is already registered or could not be registered : {} -- {}".format( snids[0], str(e), str(v)) exit(3) try: hids.append( hs.persist_handle({ "id": snids[1], "type": "shock", "url": args.shock_url })) except: try: hids.append(hs.ids_to_handles([snids[1]])[0]["hid"]) except: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) e, v = sys.exc_info()[:2] print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide handle id.\nThe input shock node id {} is already registered or could not be registered : {} -- {}".format( snids[1], str(e), str(v)) exit(3) else: hids = args.hid.split(',') if len(hids) != 2: print >> sys.stderr, "Please provide two handle ids for pairend library" exit(5) hds = hs.hids_to_handles(hids) if len(hds) != 2: print >> sys.stderr, 'Could not register a new handle with shock node id {} or wrong input handle id'.format( args.inobj_id) exit(2) ret = {"handle_1": hds[0], "handle_2": hds[1]} if args.ins_mean is not None: ret["insert_size_mean"] = args.ins_mean if args.std_dev is not None: ret["insert_size_std_dev"] = args.std_dev if args.inl == 'true': ret["interleaved"] = 0 if args.read_orient == 'true': ret["read_orientation_outward"] = 0 of = open(args.out_fn, "w") of.write(to_JSON(ret)) of.close()
def upload(self, ctx, params): # ctx is the context object # return variables are: output #BEGIN upload print('Parameters:') pprint(params) # 0) download file from shock ### NOTE: this section is what could be replaced by the transform services forward_reads_file_location = os.path.join(self.scratch,'f1.fq') forward_reads_file = open(forward_reads_file_location, 'w', 0) print('downloading reads file from staging: '+str(forward_reads_file_location)) headers = {'Authorization': 'OAuth '+ctx['token']} r = requests.get(self.shockURL+'/node/'+params['fastqFile1']+'?download', stream=True, headers=headers) for chunk in r.iter_content(1024): forward_reads_file.write(chunk) forward_reads_file.close(); print('done downloading') # 1) upload files to shock token = ctx['token'] forward_shock_file = self.upload_file_to_shock( shock_service_url = self.shockURL, filePath = forward_reads_file_location, token = token ) pprint(forward_shock_file) # 2) create handle hs = HandleService(url=self.handleURL, token=token) forward_handle = hs.persist_handle({ 'id' : forward_shock_file['id'], 'type' : 'shock', 'url' : self.shockURL, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'remote_md5': forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5']}) # 3) save to WS paired_end_library = { 'lib1': { 'file': { 'hid':forward_handle, 'file_name': forward_shock_file['file']['name'], 'id': forward_shock_file['id'], 'url': self.shockURL, 'type':'shock', 'remote_md5':forward_shock_file['file']['checksum']['md5'] }, 'encoding':'UTF8', 'type':'fastq', 'size':forward_shock_file['file']['size'] }, 'interleaved':1, 'sequencing_tech':'artificial reads' } provenance = [{}] if 'provenance' in ctx: provenance = ctx['provenance'] ws = workspaceService(self.workspaceURL, token=ctx['token']) new_obj_info = ws.save_objects({ 'workspace':params['workspace_name'], 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseFile.PairedEndLibrary', 'data':paired_end_library, 'name':params['read_library_name'], 'meta':{}, 'provenance':provenance }] }) new_obj_info = new_obj_info[0] print('saved data to WS:') pprint(new_obj_info) # create a Report report = '' report += 'Uploaded read library to: '+params['workspace_name']+'/'+params['read_library_name']+'\n' reportObj = { 'objects_created':[{'ref':params['workspace_name']+'/'+params['read_library_name'], 'description':'Uploaded reads library'}], 'text_message':report } reportName = 'pe_uploader_report'+str(hex(uuid.getnode())) report_obj_info = ws.save_objects({ 'id':new_obj_info[6], 'objects':[ { 'type':'KBaseReport.Report', 'data':reportObj, 'name':reportName, 'meta':{}, 'hidden':1, 'provenance':provenance } ] })[0] output = { 'report_name': reportName, 'report_ref': str(report_obj_info[6]) + '/' + str(report_obj_info[0]) + '/' + str(report_obj_info[4]) } print('all done!') #END upload # At some point might do deeper type checking... if not isinstance(output, dict): raise ValueError('Method upload return value ' + 'output is not type dict as required.') # return the results return [output]