def index(self, format='html'): """GET /fastas: All items in the collection.""" c.fasta_files = fastafile.get_fasta_files() # for filename in os.listdir(permanent_store): # if re.compile('.*fasta$').match(filename): # c.fasta_files.append( filename ) # c.links = [ 'James', 'Ben', 'Philip' ] return render('/fastas/index_fasta.mako')
def index(self, format='html'): """GET /flexfastas: All items in the collection.""" # url_for('flexfastas') message = "They called index on flexfastas" log.debug(message) response.headers['Content-type'] = "text/xml" c.fasta_files = fastafile.get_fasta_files() return render('/flexfastas/index_flexfasta.xml.mako')
import sys sys.path.append('/home/kenglish/workspace/kenglish-ics699/www/biotoolspylons') #sys.path.append('/home/kenglish/workspace/kenglish-ics699/sandbox/blast_tests') from biotoolspylons.lib.base import * from biotoolspylons.model import fastafile from biotoolspylons.model import miniblast from biotoolspylons.model.pathinfo import * #import Bio.Fasta #from Bio.Blast import NCBIStandalone #from Bio.Blast import NCBIXML # files = fastafile.get_fasta_files() for file in files: print file.path print file.size # fileinfo = PathInfo(file) # print fileinfo #p = PathInfo("/home/kenglish/downloads/uploads/EST_Clade_A_1.fasta") #print p
def index(self): # Return a rendered template # return render('/some/template.mako') # or, Return a response c.fasta_files = fastafile.get_fasta_files() return render('/miniblast/index_miniblast.mako')
def test_fastfile(): files = fastafile.get_fasta_files() assert files[0].filename assert files[0].size assert files[0].to_xml()