def HybridNewton(f, fprime, a, b, tol, maxIter):

    error = 10 * tol
    i = 0
    newton = None

    x = bisection.bisection(f, a, b, tol, 4)
    xa = x[0]
    xb = x[1]

    if (x is None):
        return None

    while (i < maxIter):

        i += 1
        x0 = .5 * (xa + xb)

        newton = newtonMethod.NewtonMethod(f, fprime, x0, tol, maxIter)

        if (newton is not None):

            return newton
            x = bisection.bisection(f, xa, xb, tol, 4)
            xa = x[0]
            xb = x[1]

    return newton
def test_bisection():
    def f(x):
        if x < 2: return -1
        elif x >= 3: return 1
        else: return 0
    r=bisection(f, 0, 10, 111)
    assert r == 2.5
def test_bisection_not_found():
    def f(x):
        if x < 3.2: return -1
        elif x >= 3.5: return 1
        else: return 0
    r=bisection(f, 0, 10, 100)
    assert r == 3.4375
def bisect():
    data = request.json
    a = data["a"]
    b = data["b"]
    tol = data["tol"]
    iters = data["iters"]
    return dict(bisection(a, b, tol, iters))
 def get_implied_volatilities(self, Ks, opt_prices):
     impvols = []
     for i in range(len(Ks)):
         # Bind f(sigma) for use by the bisection method
         f = lambda sigma: self._option_valuation_(Ks[i], sigma) - opt_prices[i]
         impv = bisection(f, 0.01, 0.99, 0.0001, 100)[0]
     return impvols
 def get_implied_volatilities(self, Ks, option_prices):
     impvols = []
     for i in range(len(Ks)):
         # Bind f(sigma) for use by the bisection method
         f = lambda sigma: self._option_valuation_(Ks[i], sigma
                                                   ) - option_prices[i]
         impv = bisection(f, 0.01, 0.99, 0.0001, 100)[0]
     return impvols
def TestRootFinding():
    function1 = lambda x: x**2 - 3
    funciton1prime = lambda x: 2 * x
    functionSin = lambda x: math.sin(math.pi * x)
    functionCos = lambda x: math.pi * math.cos(math.pi * x)

    tol = pow(10, -15)
    maxIter = 15

    fixPoint1 = fixPoint.fixPoint(lambda x: (x + 3) / (x + 1), 2, tol, maxIter)

    bisection1 = bisection.bisection(function1, 1, 2, tol, maxIter)
    bisection2 = bisection.bisection(functionSin, .45, 1.45, tol, maxIter)

    newton1 = newtonMethod.NewtonMethod(function1, funciton1prime, 2, tol,
    newton2 = newtonMethod.NewtonMethod(functionSin, functionCos, .45, tol,

    secant1 = secant.Secant(function1, 1.5, 2, tol, maxIter)
    secant2 = secant.Secant(functionSin, .45, 1.45, tol, maxIter)

    hyNewton1 = hybridNewton.HybridNewton(function1, funciton1prime, 1, 3, tol,
    hyNewton2 = hybridNewton.HybridNewton(functionSin, functionCos, 1, 1.5,
                                          tol, maxIter)

    hySecant1 = hybridSecant.hybridSecant(function1, 1, 2, tol, maxIter)
    hySecant2 = hybridSecant.hybridSecant(functionSin, 1, 1.5, tol, maxIter)

def main():
    n = int(input())
    for k in range(0, n):
        amp = float(input())
        eps = float(input())
        (a, b) = isolation(amp)
        print('\nIsolation: ', (a, b))
        print('Bissection: ', round(bisection(a, b, eps), 4))
        print('Newton-Raphson: ',round(newton_raphson((a + b) * 0.5, eps), 4))
        print('Secant: ',round(secant(a, b, eps), 4))
def main(argv):
    if (len(sys.argv) != 8):

    flag = int(sys.argv[1])
    a0 = int(sys.argv[2])
    a1 = int(sys.argv[3])
    a2 = int(sys.argv[4])
    a3 = int(sys.argv[5])
    a4 = int(sys.argv[6])
    prec = int(sys.argv[7])
    equa = [a0, a1, a2, a3, a4]
    if (flag == 1):
        bisection.bisection(equa, prec)
    elif (flag == 2):
        newton.newton(equa, prec)
    elif (flag == 3):
        secant.secant(equa, prec)
 def chooseAction(self, h, g, BEnergy, AoI, k):
     m_list = []
     bisection_list = []
     action_number = int(5)
     t0 = time.time()
     th = time.time()
     th0 = th - t0
     temp = torch.Tensor([np.hstack((h, g, BEnergy, AoI))])
     t1 = time.time()
     t1h = t1 - th
     # print('===', temp.shape)
     predict = self.model(temp)
     predict = predict.detach().numpy()
     t2 = time.time()
     t12 = t2 - t1
     # print('------',predict)
     list_in = []
     list_in = np.argsort(-predict)
     # for i in range(k+1):
     #     max=0
     #     flat=0
     #     for j in range(k+1):
     #         if predict[0,j]>=max and (j not in list_in) :
     #             max=predict[0,j]
     #             flat=j
     #     list_in.append(flat)
     t3 = time.time()
     t23 = t3 - t2
     flat_number = 0
     for node_to_trans in list_in[0]:
         m_index = []
         for i in range(k + 1):
             if i == node_to_trans:
         B_bb = [x / 1000 for x in BEnergy]
         t4 = time.time()
         x = bisection(h / 10000, g / 10000, B_bb, AoI, m_index)
         t5 = time.time()
         t45 = t5 - t4
         if x[0] > -1000:
             flat_number += 1
         if flat_number == action_number:
     t6 = time.time()
     t63 = t6 - t3
     return m_list, bisection_list
def hybridSecant(f, a, b, tol, maxIter):

    i = 0
    sec = None
    x = bisection.bisection(f, a, b, tol, 4)
    xa = x[0]
    xb = x[1]

    if (x is None):
        return None

    while (i < maxIter):

        i += 1

        sec = secant.Secant(f, xa, xb, tol, maxIter)

        if (sec is not None):
            return sec
            x = bisection.bisection(f, xa, xb, tol, 4)
            xa = x[0]
            xb = x[1]
 def get_implied_volatilities( self, Ks, opt_prices):
     """ Find implied volatilities given a list of 
         market price inputs Ks as strike and price
         return vol-curve in imp_vol
     imp_vol = []
     for i in range(len(Ks)):
         # Find f(sigma) by bisection method
         # f is defined as in-line function
         f = lambda sigma: self._option_valuation_(Ks[i],sigma)-opt_prices[i]
         vol = bisection( f, 0.01, 0.99, 0.0001, 100)[0]
     return imp_vol
def do():
    # Recebe número de movimentos e precisão
    n = int(input('Insert number of movements:\n'))
    eps = float(input('Insert precision(eps):\n'))

    # Para cada movimento
    for k in range(n):
        # Recebe o valor da amplitude
        amp = float(input(str(k + 1) + ': Insert amplitude:\n'))

        # Calcula o intervalo
        (a, b) = isolation(amp)

        # Inicializa lista que conterá os dados das tabelas dos 3 métodos
        data_list = []

        # Calcula e salva aproximações de d, abs(b - a) ou abs(dk - d[k-1]), f(d) e erros relativos
        bisection_data, bisection_abs_diff = zip(*bisection(a, b, eps, amp))
        bisection_applied = [f(x, amp) for x in bisection_data]
        bisection_re = re_per_method(bisection_data)
        data_list.append([bisection_data, bisection_applied, bisection_abs_diff, bisection_re])

        nr_data, nr_abs_diff = zip(*newton_raphson((a + b) * 0.5, eps, amp))
        nr_applied = [f(x, amp) for x in nr_data]
        nr_re = re_per_method(nr_data)
        data_list.append([nr_data, nr_applied, nr_abs_diff, nr_re])

        secant_data, secant_abs_diff = zip(*secant(a, b, eps, amp))
        secant_applied = [f(x, amp) for x in secant_data]
        secant_re = re_per_method(secant_data)
        data_list.append([secant_data, secant_applied, secant_abs_diff, secant_re])

        # Salva na lista os nomes dos métodos, valor da amplitude e intervalo (a, b)
        data_list.append((['Bisection', 'Newton-Raphson', 'Secant'], amp, a, b, eps))

        # Passa os dados para a função responsável pelas tabelas
def roots_legendre(n):
    roots = []
    roots_inter = []
    h = 2 / n
    a = -1
    b = a + h
    legendre = form_legendre(n)

    while len(roots_inter) != n:
        roots_inter = []

        while b <= 1:
            if legendre.get(a) * legendre.get(b) < 0:
                roots_inter.append([a, b])
            a = b
            b += h

        h /= 2
        a = -1
        b = a + h

    for i in roots_inter:
        roots.append(bisection(i[0], i[1], 0.000001, legendre.get))
    return roots
def test_methods():
    assert round(bisection(0, 1, 1e-3, func), 9) == 0.337402344
    assert round(newton_raphson(0.5, 1e-4, func, func_derived),
                 9) == 0.337606838
    assert round(secant(0, 1, 5e-4, func), 9) == 0.337634621
def sample():
    brachistochrone_x = lambda r, t, f_x: f_x + (r * (t - sin(t)))
    brachistochrone_y = lambda r, t, f_y: f_y + (r * (-1 + cos(t)))

    segments = 20

    x1 = 20
    y1 = 40
    x2 = 40
    y2 = 20
    # x1 = 1
    # y1 = 1
    # x2 = 5
    # y2 = -5
    # a = -1.04172

    xs = []
    ys = []
    xns = []
    yns = []
    t = abs(compute_angle(0, 0, x2, y2) - compute_angle(0, 0, x1, y1))

    solve_x = lambda y, h, k, r: sqrt(r**2 - (y - k)**2) + h
    solve_y = lambda x, h, k, r: sqrt(r**2 - (x - h)**2) + k
    top_f = lambda x, h, k, r: solve_y(x, h, k, r)
    bottom_f = lambda x, h, k, r: (-1 * solve_y(x, h, k, r)) + (2 * k)
    slope = lambda x1, y1, x2, y2: (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)
    # solve for the y of a given line. needs 2 points on the line and point x to calculate.
    linear = lambda x, x1, y1, x2, y2: (slope(x1, y1, x2, y2) * x) + (y1 - (
        slope(x1, y1, x2, y2) * x1))
    print("t: " + str(t))

    # for theta in thetas:
    # bx = brachistochrone_x(a, theta, x1)
    # by = brachistochrone_y(a, theta, y1)
    # # xs.append(rotate_point(x1, y1, bx, by, 180))
    # # ys.append(rotate_point(x1, y1, bx, by, 180))
    # xs.append(bx)
    # ys.append(by)
    # print("(" + str(bx) + ", " + str(by) + ")")

    # t_equation = lambda x, y, t : ((y * (t - sin(radians(t)))) - (x * (1 - cos(radians(t)))))

    def t_equation(x, y, t):
        # print("x: " + str(x) + ", y: " + str(y) + ", t: " + str(t))
        # return ((y * (t - sin(radians(t)))) - (x * (1 - cos(radians(t)))))
        return ((y * (t - sin(t))) - (x * (1 - cos(t))))

    delta_x = (0 - x1)
    delta_y = (0 - y1)
    off_x = -1 * delta_x
    off_y = -1 * delta_y

    x_val = x2
    x_val *= 1 if x_val >= 0 else -1
    x_val += delta_x
    y_val = y2
    y_val *= 1 if y_val >= 0 else -1
    y_val += delta_y

    off_x *= 2 if ((x2 < 0) ^ (x_val < 0)) else 1
    off_y *= 2 if ((y2 < 0) ^ (y_val < 0)) else 1

    print("x2: " + str(x2) + ", y2: " + str(y2))
    print("x_val: " + str(x_val) + ", y_val: " + str(y_val))
    print("delta_x: " + str(delta_x) + ", delta_y: " + str(delta_y))
    print("off_x: " + str(off_x) + ", off_y: " + str(off_y))
    t = bisection(t_equation, [0, 359], times=25, args=[x_val, y_val])
    print("t: " + str(t))
    # for i, x in enumerate(range(x1, x2+1, round((abs(x2 - x1) / segments)))):
    # # t = 15.4505#(180. / segments) * i
    # bx = brachistochrone_x(a, t, x)
    # by = brachistochrone_y(a, t, linear(x, x1, y1, x2, y2))
    # # xs.append(rotate_point(x1, y1, bx, by, 180))
    # # ys.append(rotate_point(x1, y1, bx, by, 180))
    # xs.append(bx)
    # ys.append(by)
    # print("(" + str(bx) + ", " + str(by) + ")")

    i = 0
    j = 0
    # off_x /= segments
    # off_y /= segments
    # rt = radians(t)
    d = t / segments
    r = y_val / (1 - cos(t))
    print("r: " + str(r))
    while i <= t:
        bx = brachistochrone_x(r, i, (x1))
        by = brachistochrone_y(r, i, (y1))
        xns.append((bx - x1))  # + (off_x))
        yns.append((by - y1))  # + (off_y))
        i += d
        j += 1

    if x2 != x_val:
        # xd = (abs(x2) - abs(x_val)) / segments
        xd = abs((x2 - x1) / x_val)
        print("xd: " + str(xd))
        xns = [(xd * x) + x1 for i, x in enumerate(xns)]
        # xns = [(x1 + x) * off_x for i, x in enumerate(xns)]
    if y2 != y_val:
        # yd = (abs(y2) - abs(y_val)) / segments
        yd = abs((y2 - y1) / y_val)
        print("yd: " + str(yd))
        yns = [(yd * y) + y1 for i, y in enumerate(yns)]
        # yns = [(y1 + y) * off_y for i, y in enumerate(yns)]
    for x, y in zip(xs, ys):
        print("(x,y): (" + str(x) + "," + str(y) + ")")
    for x, y in zip(xns, yns):
        print("(xn,yn): (" + str(x) + "," + str(y) + ")")
    xsys_plot = plt.plot(xs, ys, label="xsys")
    xnsyns_plot = plt.plot(xns, yns, label="xnsyns")

    h = 100
    k = 100
    r = 100
    graph(top_f, range(0, 201), (h, k, r))
    graph(bottom_f, range(0, 201), (h, k, r))

    plt.legend(loc="upper left")
    plt.plot(x1, y1, 'r+')
    plt.plot(x2, y2, 'r+')
from bisection import bisection
from math import sin

def f(x):
    return x - (x-1)*sin(x)

x, iter = bisection(f, -2, 1, 1E-5)
print x, iter
import sys
usage = '%s f-formula a b [epsilon]' % sys.argv[0]
    f_formula = sys.argv[1]
    a = float(sys.argv[2])
    b = float(sys.argv[3])
except IndexError:
    print usage; sys.exit(1)

try:  # is epsilon given on the command-line?
    epsilon = float(sys.argv[4])
except IndexError:
    epsilon = 1E-6  # default value

from scitools.StringFunction import StringFunction
from math import *  # might be needed for f_formula
f = StringFunction(f_formula)
from bisection import bisection

root, iter = bisection(f, a, b, epsilon)
if root == None:
    print 'The interval [%g, %g] does not contain a root' % (a, b)
print 'Found root %g\nof %s = 0 in [%g, %g] in %d iterations' % \
      (root, f_formula, a, b, iter)
 def test_sin_bisection(self):
     result = bisection(sin, [-2, 3], 1e-03)
     self.assertEqual(-0.00018310546875, result)
# root = newtonRaphson(function, dervivative of function, lower bracket, upper bracket, tolerance)
root = newtonRaphson.newtonRaphson(f,df,e,k,tol=1.0e-9)
# The root is returned as one number.


# In-build fsolve Method (returns both roots in an array and so the upper and lower brackets are of the entire interval in which all roots lie).

from scipy.optimize import fsolve
# root = fsolve(function, [lower limit of INTERVAL, upper limit of INTERVAL])
root = fsolve(f,[intlow,intupp])
# The roots are returned in array and are seperated out and defined individually below.
1stroot = root[0]
2ndroot = root[1]


# Bisection Method (do this for each root)

import bisection
# root = bisection.bisection(function, lower bracket, upper bracket, switch=1, tolerence)
root = bisection.bisection(f,x1,x2,switch=1,tol=1.0e-9)
# The root is returned as one number.


 def test_cos_bisection(self):
     result = bisection(cos, [-2, 1], 1e-03)
     self.assertEqual(-1.5704345703125, result)
def y(E,e,a=1.496e8):
	return b*np.sin(E)

time = [91,182,273]
eccentricity = 0.0167
a1 = 0
b1 = 2*np.pi+1
T = 365.25635


print('\nPunto a')
for t in time:
	angle = SOL[0][0]
	print('For t: {}\n  E is {}\n  x is {} = {} AU\n  y is {} = {} AU\n  iterations  {}\n'.format(t,angle,x(E=angle),x(E=angle)/a,y(angle,e=eccentricity),y(angle,e=eccentricity)/a,SOL[1]))

print('\nPunto b')
for t in time:
	angle = SOL[0][0]
	print('For t: {}\n  E is {}\n  x is {} = {} AU\n  y is {} = {} AU\n  iterations  {}\n'.format(t,angle,x(E=angle),x(E=angle)/a,y(angle,e=eccentricity),y(angle,e=eccentricity)/a,SOL[1]))

def bicOpt():
    args = inspect.getfullargspec(bisection)[0]
    return bisection(*defineParams(args))
by using of Bisection method.

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from bisection import bisection

def f(x):
    return 2 * np.cos(x) + (1 - x)  #* np.exp(-x)

x = np.linspace(-10., 10., 200)

y = f(x)

plt.plot(x, y)
xresult1 = bisection(f, 1, 3)
print('solution(1) = ', xresult1)
xresult2 = bisection(f, 5, 7)
print('solution(2) = ', xresult2)
xresult3 = bisection(f, 8, 9)
print('solution(3) = ', xresult3)

solution(1) = 1.3797576182114426
solution(2) = 5.000000000029104
solution(3) = 8.000000000029104
 def test_exp_plus_tan(self):
     f = lambda x: exp(x) + tan(x)
     result = bisection(f, [-1, 0], 1e-03)
     self.assertEqual(-0.53173828125, result)
from regula_falsi import regula_falsi
from newton_raphson import newton_raphson, derive

A crude approximation of π by finding the root of the sine function which lies
between 3 and 4. The sine function itself has been approximated as a partial
sum of its Taylor series around 0.

TERMS = 16
DELTA = 1e-12
EPSILON = 1e-12

def sin(x):
    term = x
    total = x
    for n in range(TERMS):
        term *= -1 * x * x / ((2 * n + 2) * (2 * n + 3))
        total += term
    return total

if __name__ == '__main__':
    pi, iterations = bisection(sin, 3, 4, delta=DELTA)
    print(f"BISECTION      : pi = {pi}, tolerance {DELTA}, {iterations} iterations")

    pi, iterations = regula_falsi(sin, 3, 4, epsilon=EPSILON)
    print(f"REGULA-FALSI   : pi = {pi}, tolerance {EPSILON}, {iterations} iterations")

    pi, iterations = newton_raphson(sin, derive(sin), 3, epsilon=EPSILON)
    print(f"NEWTON-RAPHSON : pi = {pi}, tolerance {EPSILON}, {iterations} iterations")
import math

if __name__ == '__main__':
    max_iter = 200

    #Problem 1
    print("Problem 1: Find real roots of f(x) = -12 - 21x - 18x^2 - 2.75x^3 in the range x: [-10, 10].")
    prob_1_func = lambda x: -12 - 21*x - 18*(x**2) - 2.75*(x**3)
    low_limit = -10
    upper_limit = 10
    stop_criterion = 0.001
    root_brackets = incremental(prob_1_func, low_limit, upper_limit, 1/stop_criterion)
    print("Search within the brackets found by the 'incremental' function!")
    for bracket in root_brackets:
        print("--Within bracket: "+str(bracket))
        output_bisection = bisection(prob_1_func, bracket[1], bracket[0], max_iter, stop_criterion)
        root_b = output_bisection[0]
        print("\t--'Bisection' finds a root at: "+str(root_b))
        output_false_pos = false_position(prob_1_func, bracket[1], bracket[0], max_iter, stop_criterion)
        root_fp = output_false_pos[0]
        print("\t--'False Position' finds a root at: "+str(root_fp))

    #Problem 2
    print("\nProblem 2: The volume of a tank is V (m^3) = pi*h^2*(3*R-h)/3")
    print("Find the height (m) {between 0 and R} to fill a tank of radius 3 (m) so that the volume is 30 (m^3).")
    solve_for_volume = lambda R, h: math.pi*(h**2)*((3*R - h)/(3))
    prob_2_func = lambda V, R, h: solve_for_volume(R, h)-V
    volume = 30 # meters cubed
    radius = 3 # meters
    solve_for_h = lambda h: prob_2_func(volume, radius, h)
    stop_criterion = 0.001
            # test
            i_idx = i - n + num_test + split_idx

        h = channel_h[i_idx, :]
        g = channel_g[i_idx, :]
        # AoI = ProcessAoI[i_idx,:]

        # BEnergy = Energy[i_idx,:]
        # the action selection must be either 'OP' or 'KNN'
        m_list = []
        m_list = mem.decode(h, g, Energy_train, AoI, N, decoder_mode)
        r_list = []
        Energy_now = [x / 1000 for x in Energy_train]
        for m in m_list:
            r_list.append(bisection(h / 10000, g / 10000, Energy_now, AoI, m)[0])
        # encode the mode with largest reward
        # try:
        Energy_bb = [x for x in (
        bisection(h / 10000, g / 10000, Energy_now, AoI, m_list[np.argmax(r_list)])[2])]
        Energy_train = [x * 1000 for x in Energy_bb]
        AoI = [x for x in
               (bisection(h / 10000, g / 10000, Energy_now, AoI, m_list[np.argmax(r_list)])[3])]
        mem.encode(h, g, Energy_train, AoI, m_list[np.argmax(r_list)])

        # the main code for DROO training ends here
        count = 0  # start the calculate AverageAoI

        # the following codes store some interested metrics for illustrations
        # memorize the largest reward
from golden_ratio import golden_ratio
from bisection import bisection
from secant import secant

if __name__ == '__main__':

    print("\n GOLDEN RATIO")
    x, fx, it = golden_ratio(a, b, eps_1)
    print(f"\nfor eps = {eps_1}", "\nx* = ", x, "\nf(x*) = ", fx,
          "\niteration number = ", it)
    x, fx, it = golden_ratio(a, b, eps_2)
    print(f"\nfor eps = {eps_2}", "\nx* = ", x, "\nf(x*) = ", fx,
          "\niteration number = ", it)

    print("\n BISECTION")
    x, fx, it = bisection(a, b, eps_1)
    print(f"\nfor eps = {eps_1}", "\nx* = ", x, "\nf(x*) = ", fx,
          "\niteration number = ", it)
    x, fx, it = bisection(a, b, eps_2)
    print(f"\nfor eps = {eps_2}", "\nx* = ", x, "\nf(x*) = ", fx,
          "\niteration number = ", it)

    print("\n SECANT")
    x, fx, it = secant(a, b, eps_1)
    print(f"\nfor eps = {eps_1}", "\nx* = ", x, "\nf(x*) = ", fx,
          "\niteration number = ", it)
    x, fx, it = secant(1.7, 2, eps_2)
    print(f"\nfor eps = {eps_2}", "\nx* = ", x, "\nf(x*) = ", fx,
          "\niteration number = ", it)

    input("\n\nPRESS ANY KEY TO CLOSE")
import numpy as np  #数値計算用モジュール
import bisection

def func_f1(x):
    return x**2.0 -3.0

solution1 = bisection.bisection(func_f1, 1.0, 2.0, error=1e-15)
bisection.visualization(func_f1, solution1-1.0, solution1+1.0, solution1)

def func_f2(x):
    return np.arctan(x)

solution2 = bisection.bisection(func_f2, -1.0, 1.0)
bisection.visualization(func_f2, solution2-1.0, solution2+1.0, solution2)
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 Program to calculate the root plt

import bisection as bis
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Function to calculate the roots on a given interval

def f(x):
    y = 3 * x**5 + 5 * x**4 - x**3
    return y

a1 = -10
b1 = 10

SOL = bis.bisection(f, a=a1, b=b1, epsilon=1e-22)

print('The roots of the function on [{}:{}] are {}'.format(a1, b1, SOL[0]))
import sys
usage = '%s f-formula a b [epsilon]' % sys.argv[0]
    f_formula = sys.argv[1]
    a = float(sys.argv[2])
    b = float(sys.argv[3])
except IndexError:
    print usage

try:  # is epsilon given on the command-line?
    epsilon = float(sys.argv[4])
except IndexError:
    epsilon = 1E-6  # default value

from scitools.StringFunction import StringFunction
from math import *  # might be needed for f_formula
f = StringFunction(f_formula)
from bisection import bisection

root, iter = bisection(f, a, b, epsilon)
if root == None:
    print 'The interval [%g, %g] does not contain a root' % (a, b)
print 'Found root %g\nof %s = 0 in [%g, %g] in %d iterations' % \
      (root, f_formula, a, b, iter)
        if i> 0 and i % Delta == 0:
            # index counts from 0
            if Delta > 1:
                max_k = max(k_idx_his[-Delta:-1]) +1;
                max_k = k_idx_his[-1] +1;
            K = min(max_k +1, N)
        h = channel[i]

        # the action selection must be either 'OP' or 'KNN'
        m_list = mem.decode(h, K, decoder_mode)

        r_list = []
        for m in m_list:
            r_list.append(bisection(h/1000000, m)[0])

        # encode the mode with largest reward
        mem.encode(h, m_list[np.argmax(r_list)])
        # the main code for DROO training ends here

        # record the index of largest reward
        result = np.array(np.loadtxt("result2.txt",delimiter=','))
        # record K in case of adaptive K