    def __unmaskedMatrix(self, contacts, rec_mask, lig_mask):
        Map contacts between selected rec and lig atoms back to all atoms
        @param contacts: contact matrix, array sum_rec_mask x sum_lig_mask
        @type  contacts: array
        @param rec_mask: atom mask
        @type  rec_mask: [1|0]
        @param lig_mask: atom mask
        @type  lig_mask: [1|0]

        @return: atom contact matrix, array N_atoms_rec x N_atoms_lig
        @rtype: array
        l_rec = len(self.rec_model)
        l_lig = len(self.lig_model)

        ## map contacts back to all atoms matrix
        r = N0.zeros(l_rec * l_lig)
        rMask = N0.ravel(N0.outerproduct(rec_mask, lig_mask))

        ## (Optimization: nonzero is time consuming step)
        N0.put(r, N0.nonzero(rMask), N0.ravel(contacts))

        return N0.resize(r, (l_rec, l_lig))
def arrayEqual(a, b):
    Compare 2 arrays or lists of numbers for equality.

    :param a: first array (multi-dimensional is supported)
    :type  a: array / list
    :param b: second array (multi-dimensional is supported)
    :type  b: array / list

    :return: 1 if array/list a equals array/list b
    :rtype: 1|0
    if a is None or b is None:
        return a is b

    if len(a) != len(b):
        return 0

    if type(a) is list: a = N0.array(a)
    if type(b) is list: b = N0.array(b)

    a = N0.ravel(a)
    b = N0.ravel(b)

    return N0.sum(a == b) == len(a)
文件: mathUtils.py 项目: graik/biskit
def arrayEqual( a, b ):
    Compare 2 arrays or lists of numbers for equality.

    :param a: first array (multi-dimensional is supported)
    :type  a: array / list
    :param b: second array (multi-dimensional is supported)
    :type  b: array / list

    :return: 1 if array/list a equals array/list b
    :rtype: 1|0
    if a is None or b is None:
        return a is b

    if len(a) != len(b):
        return 0

    if type(a) is list:  a = N0.array( a )
    if type(b) is list:  b = N0.array( b )

    a = N0.ravel( a )
    b = N0.ravel( b )

    return N0.sum( a==b ) == len(a)
文件: complex.py 项目: graik/biskit
    def __unmaskedMatrix( self, contacts, rec_mask, lig_mask ):
        Map contacts between selected rec and lig atoms back to all atoms
        @param contacts: contact matrix, array sum_rec_mask x sum_lig_mask
        @type  contacts: array
        @param rec_mask: atom mask
        @type  rec_mask: [1|0]
        @param lig_mask: atom mask
        @type  lig_mask: [1|0]

        @return: atom contact matrix, array N_atoms_rec x N_atoms_lig
        @rtype: array
        l_rec = len( self.rec_model )
        l_lig = len( self.lig_model )

        ## map contacts back to all atoms matrix
        r = N0.zeros( l_rec * l_lig )
        rMask = N0.ravel( N0.outerproduct( rec_mask, lig_mask ) )

        ## (Optimization: nonzero is time consuming step)
        N0.put( r, N0.nonzero( rMask ), N0.ravel( contacts ) )

        return N0.resize( r, (l_rec, l_lig))
    def avgRmsd( self, cluster, aMask=None, threshold=0. ):
        Claculate the average pairwise rmsd (in Angstrom) for members
        of a cluter.

        @param cluster: cluster number
        @type  cluster: int       
        @param aMask: atom mask applied before calculation
        @type  aMask: [1|0]
        @param threshold: float 0-1, minimal cluster membership,
                          see L{memberTraj()}
        @type  threshold: float

        @return: average rmsd and the standard deviation 
        @rtype: float, float   
            rms = self.memberTraj(cluster,threshold).pairwiseRmsd( aMask )
            rms = aboveDiagonal( rms )
            rms = []

        if len(N0.ravel(rms)) == 1:
            ## was: return N0.average(rms)[0], 0.0
            return N0.average(rms), 0.0
        if len(N0.ravel(rms)) == 0:
            return 0.0, 0.0

        return N0.average( rms ), SD( rms )
def random2DArray(matrix, ranNr=1, mask=None):
    Create randomized 2D array containing ones and zeros.

    :param matrix: matrix to randomize
    :type  matrix: 2D array
    :param mask: mask OR None (default: None)
    :type  mask: list(1|0)
    :param ranNr: number of matricies to add up (default: 1)
    :type  ranNr: integer

    :return: 2D array or |ranNr| added contact matricies
    :rtype:2D array

    :raise MathUtilError: if mask does not fit matrix
    ## get shape of matrix
    a, b = N0.shape(matrix)

    ## get array from matrix that is to be randomized
    if mask is not None:
        if len(mask) == len(N0.ravel(matrix)):
            array = N0.compress(mask, N0.ravel(matrix))

        if len(mask) != len(N0.ravel(matrix)):
            raise MathUtilError(
                'MatUtils.random2DArray - mask of incorrect length' +
                '\tMatrix length: %i Mask length: %i'\
                %(len( N0.ravel(matrix) ), len(mask)))

    if not mask:
        array = N0.ravel(matrix)

    ## number of ones and length of array
    nOnes = int(N0.sum(array))
    lenArray = len(array)
    ranArray = N0.zeros(lenArray)

    ## create random array
    for n in range(ranNr):
        ranArray += randomMask(nOnes, lenArray)

    ## blow up to size of original matix
    if mask is not None:
        r = N0.zeros(a * b)
        N0.put(r, N0.nonzero(mask), ranArray)
        return N0.reshape(r, (a, b))

    if not mask:
        return N0.reshape(ranArray, (a, b))
文件: mathUtils.py 项目: graik/biskit
def random2DArray( matrix, ranNr=1, mask=None):
    Create randomized 2D array containing ones and zeros.

    :param matrix: matrix to randomize
    :type  matrix: 2D array
    :param mask: mask OR None (default: None)
    :type  mask: list(1|0)
    :param ranNr: number of matricies to add up (default: 1)
    :type  ranNr: integer

    :return: 2D array or |ranNr| added contact matricies
    :rtype:2D array

    :raise MathUtilError: if mask does not fit matrix
    ## get shape of matrix
    a,b = N0.shape( matrix )

    ## get array from matrix that is to be randomized
    if mask is not None:
        if len(mask) == len( N0.ravel(matrix) ):
            array = N0.compress( mask, N0.ravel(matrix) )

        if len(mask) != len( N0.ravel(matrix) ):
            raise MathUtilError(
                'MatUtils.random2DArray - mask of incorrect length' +
                '\tMatrix length: %i Mask length: %i'\
                %(len( N0.ravel(matrix) ), len(mask)))

    if not mask:
        array = N0.ravel(matrix)

    ## number of ones and length of array
    nOnes = int( N0.sum( array ) )
    lenArray = len( array )
    ranArray = N0.zeros( lenArray )

    ## create random array
    for n in range(ranNr):
        ranArray += randomMask( nOnes, lenArray )

    ## blow up to size of original matix
    if mask is not None:
        r = N0.zeros(a*b)
        N0.put( r, N0.nonzero(mask), ranArray)
        return N0.reshape( r, (a,b) )

    if not mask:
        return  N0.reshape( ranArray, (a,b) )
    def takeMembers( self, mIndices ):
        Take all frames belonging to the members in mIndices::
          takeMembers( mIndices ) -> EnsembleTraj with frames of given members
        :param mIndices: list of member indices
        :type  mIndices: [int] OR array('i')
        :return: EnsembleTraj with specified members
        :rtype: EnsembleTraj
        @todo: return self.__class__ instead of EnsembleTraj
            ## assumes that each member traj has same number of frames
            fi = N0.array( [ self.memberIndices( i ) for i in mIndices ] )
            fi = N0.ravel( N0.transpose( fi ) )

            n_members = len( mIndices )

            ## has wrong n_members and member order
            t = self.takeFrames( fi )

            result = EnsembleTraj( n_members=n_members )

            result.__dict__.update( t.__dict__ )
            result.n_members = n_members

            return result

        except TypeError:
            raise EnsembleTrajError('takeMembers TypeError '+\
                  "\nlenFrames: %i; n_members: %i" %(len(self), self.n_members))
    def takeMembers( self, mIndices ):
        Take all frames belonging to the members in mIndices::
          takeMembers( mIndices ) -> EnsembleTraj with frames of given members
        :param mIndices: list of member indices
        :type  mIndices: [int] OR array('i')
        :return: EnsembleTraj with specified members
        :rtype: EnsembleTraj
        @todo: return self.__class__ instead of EnsembleTraj
            ## assumes that each member traj has same number of frames
            fi = N0.array( [ self.memberIndices( i ) for i in mIndices ] )
            fi = N0.ravel( N0.transpose( fi ) )

            n_members = len( mIndices )

            ## has wrong n_members and member order
            t = self.takeFrames( fi )

            result = EnsembleTraj( n_members=n_members )

            result.__dict__.update( t.__dict__ )
            result.n_members = n_members

            return result

        except TypeError:
            raise EnsembleTrajError('takeMembers TypeError '+\
                  "\nlenFrames: %i; n_members: %i" %(len(self), self.n_members))
    def test_ComplexTraj(self):
        """Dock.ComplexTraj test"""

        import biskit.tools as T

        ## there is no complex trajectory in the test folder so will have
        ## to create a fake trajectory with a complex
        f = [T.testRoot() + '/com/1BGS.pdb'] * 5
        t = Trajectory(f, verbose=self.local)

        t = ComplexTraj(t, recChains=[0])

        #if self.local:
        #print 'plotting contact density...'
        #t.plotContactDensity( step=2 )

        ## create a fake second chain in the ligand
        for i in range(1093 + 98, 1968):
            t.ref.atoms['chain_id'][i] = 'B'

        t.ref.chainIndex(force=1, cache=1)
        t.cl = [1, 2]

        r = N0.concatenate(
                        1191)), list(range(0, 1093)), list(range(1191, 1968))))

        tt = t.takeAtoms(r)

        contactMat = tt.atomContacts(1)

        if self.local:
            print('Receptor chains: %s    Ligand chains: %s' % (t.cr, t.cl))

        self.assertEqual(N0.sum(N0.ravel(contactMat)), 308)
文件: rmsFit.py 项目: suliat16/biskit
    def test_rmsFit(self):
        """rmsFit test"""
        from . import tools as T

        self.traj = T.load(T.testRoot('lig_pcr_00/traj.dat'))

        rt, rmsdLst = match(self.traj.ref.xyz, self.traj[-1].xyz)

        if self.local:
            print('RMSD: %.2f' % rmsdLst[0][1])

        # return rotation matrix
        r = abs(N0.sum(N0.ravel(rt[0])))
        e = abs(N0.sum(N0.ravel(self.EXPECT)))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(r, e, 6)
文件: rmsFit.py 项目: graik/biskit
    def test_rmsFit( self ):
        """rmsFit test"""
        from . import tools as T

        self.traj = T.load( T.testRoot('lig_pcr_00/traj.dat') )

        rt, rmsdLst = match( self.traj.ref.xyz, self.traj[-1].xyz)

        if self.local:
            print('RMSD: %.2f' % rmsdLst[0][1])

        # return rotation matrix
        r = abs( N0.sum( N0.ravel( rt[0] )))
        e = abs( N0.sum( N0.ravel( self.EXPECT )))

        self.assertAlmostEqual(r, e, 6)
    def test_ComplexTraj(self):
        """Dock.ComplexTraj test"""

        import biskit.tools as T

        ## there is no complex trajectory in the test folder so will have
        ## to create a fake trajectory with a complex
        f =  [ T.testRoot()+ '/com/1BGS.pdb' ] * 5
        t = Trajectory( f, verbose=self.local )

        t = ComplexTraj( t, recChains=[0] )

        #if self.local:
            #print 'plotting contact density...'
            #t.plotContactDensity( step=2 )

        ## create a fake second chain in the ligand
        for i in range( 1093+98, 1968 ):
            t.ref.atoms['chain_id'][i] = 'B'

        t.ref.chainIndex( force=1, cache=1 )
        t.cl = [1,2]

        r = N0.concatenate((list(range(1093,1191)), list(range(0,1093)), list(range(1191,1968))))

        tt = t.takeAtoms( r )

        contactMat = tt.atomContacts( 1 )
        if self.local:
            print('Receptor chains: %s    Ligand chains: %s'%(t.cr, t.cl))
        self.assertEqual( N0.sum(N0.ravel(contactMat)), 308 )
    def plotContactDensity(self, step=1, cutoff=4.5):
        Example. plot histogramm of contact density. Somehing wrong??

        @raise ComplexTrajError: if gnuplot program is not installed
        if not gnuplot.installed:
            raise ComplexTrajError('gnuplot program is not installed')
        r = self.averageContacts(step, cutoff)
        r = N0.ravel(r)
        r = N0.compress(r, r)
        gnuplot.plot(hist.density(r, 10))
    def plotContactDensity( self, step=1, cutoff=4.5 ):
        Example. plot histogramm of contact density. Somehing wrong??

        @raise ComplexTrajError: if gnuplot program is not installed
        if not gnuplot.installed:
            raise ComplexTrajError('gnuplot program is not installed')
        r = self.averageContacts( step, cutoff )
        r = N0.ravel( r )
        r = N0.compress( r, r )
        gnuplot.plot( hist.density( r, 10 ) )
    def __init__(self, models, name=None, profileName='relAS', verbose=1):
        @param models: List of models display a Ramachandran plot for
        @type  models: [ PDBModel ] OR PDBModel
        @param name: model name, will show up in plot
        @type  name: str
        @param profileName: name of profile to use for coloring
                            (default: 'relAS')
        @type  profileName: str
        @param verbose: verbosity level (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError('biggles module could not be imported.')

        if type(models) != type([]):
            models = [models]

        self.psi = []
        self.phi = []

        self.gly = []
        self.pro = []

        self.prof = []
        self.profileName = profileName

        self.name = name

        self.verbose = verbose

        # calculate angles, profiles ...

        self.prof = N0.ravel(self.prof)
        self.gly = N0.ravel(self.gly)
        self.pro = N0.ravel(self.pro)
    def __init__( self, models, name=None, profileName='relAS', verbose=1 ):
        @param models: List of models display a Ramachandran plot for
        @type  models: [ PDBModel ] OR PDBModel
        @param name: model name, will show up in plot
        @type  name: str
        @param profileName: name of profile to use for coloring
                            (default: 'relAS')
        @type  profileName: str
        @param verbose: verbosity level (default: 1)
        @type  verbose: 1|0
        if not biggles:
            raise ImportError('biggles module could not be imported.')

        if type(models) != type([]):
            models = [ models ]

        self.psi = []
        self.phi = []

        self.gly = []
        self.pro = []

        self.profileName =  profileName


        self.verbose = verbose

        # calculate angles, profiles ...
        self.calc( models )
        self.prof = N0.ravel(self.prof)
        self.gly = N0.ravel(self.gly)
        self.pro = N0.ravel(self.pro)
    def getFirstCrdLine(self):
        Return the first line of Amber crd.

        :return: first line of Amber crd formatted coordinate block
        :rtype: str
        if not self.xyz:

        result = ""
        for x in N0.ravel(self.xyz)[:10]:
            result += "%8.3f" % x

        return result + "\n"
    def getFirstCrdLine( self ):
        Return the first line of Amber crd.

        :return: first line of Amber crd formatted coordinate block
        :rtype: str
        if not self.xyz:

        result = ""
        for x in N0.ravel( self.xyz )[:10]:
            result += "%8.3f" % x

        return result + "\n"
    def writeCrd( self, fcrd, append=1, lastAtom=None ):
        Write/Append Amber-formatted block of coordinates to a file.
        If a file handle is given, the file will not be closed.

        :param fcrd: file to write to
        :type  fcrd: str or file object
        :param append: append to existing file (default: 1)
        :type  append: 0|1
        :param lastAtom: skip all atoms beyond this one (default: None)
        :type  lastAtom: int
        if not self.xyz:

        if type( fcrd ) == file:
            ## take file handle
            f = fcrd
            ## create new file handle
            mode = 'w'
            if append:
                mode = 'a'
            f = open( T.absfile( fcrd ), mode )

            newf = (mode=='w' or not os.path.exists( T.absfile(fcrd) ))
            if newf:

        i = 0
        for x in N0.ravel( self.xyz ):
            i = i + 1

            f.write( "%8.3f" % x )

            if (i % 10) == 0:

            if lastAtom and i / 3.0 == lastAtom:

        if ((i % 10) != 0):

        if type( fcrd ) != file:
            ## don't close file that was already given
    def writeCrd(self, fcrd, append=1, lastAtom=None):
        Write/Append Amber-formatted block of coordinates to a file.
        If a file handle is given, the file will not be closed.

        :param fcrd: file to write to
        :type  fcrd: str or file object
        :param append: append to existing file (default: 1)
        :type  append: 0|1
        :param lastAtom: skip all atoms beyond this one (default: None)
        :type  lastAtom: int
        if not self.xyz:

        if type(fcrd) == file:
            ## take file handle
            f = fcrd
            ## create new file handle
            mode = 'w'
            if append:
                mode = 'a'
            f = open(T.absfile(fcrd), mode)

            newf = (mode == 'w' or not os.path.exists(T.absfile(fcrd)))
            if newf:

        i = 0
        for x in N0.ravel(self.xyz):
            i = i + 1

            f.write("%8.3f" % x)

            if (i % 10) == 0:

            if lastAtom and i / 3.0 == lastAtom:

        if ((i % 10) != 0):

        if type(fcrd) != file:
            ## don't close file that was already given
    def color_array( self, a, resetLimits=1 ):
        :param a: array of float
        :type  a: array of float
        :param resetLimits: re-define color range on max and min of values
                            (default: 1)
        :type  resetLimits: 1|0
        :return: matrix of color codes with same dimensions as a
        :rtype: array of float
        s = N0.shape( a )
        v = N0.ravel( a )

        r = self.colors( v, resetLimits=resetLimits )

        r = N0.reshape( r, s )

        return r
def packBinaryMatrix(cm):
    Compress sparse array of 0 and ones to list of one-positions
    (space saving function, upack with :class:`unpackBinaryMatrix`).

    :param cm: X by Y array of int
    :type  cm: 2D array 

    :return: {'shape':(X,Y), 'nonzero':[int] }
    :rtype: dict
    if cm is None or type(cm) == dict:
        return cm

    result = {}
    result['shape'] = N0.shape(cm)
    result['nonzero'] = N0.nonzero(N0.ravel(cm))
    result['nonzero'] = result['nonzero'].tolist()
    return result
文件: mathUtils.py 项目: graik/biskit
def packBinaryMatrix( cm ):
    Compress sparse array of 0 and ones to list of one-positions
    (space saving function, upack with :class:`unpackBinaryMatrix`).

    :param cm: X by Y array of int
    :type  cm: 2D array 

    :return: {'shape':(X,Y), 'nonzero':[int] }
    :rtype: dict
    if cm is None or type( cm ) == dict:
        return cm

    result = {}
    result['shape'] = N0.shape( cm )
    result['nonzero'] = N0.nonzero( N0.ravel( cm ) )
    result['nonzero'] = result['nonzero'].tolist()
    return result
def matrixToList(cm):
    Convert matrix into standard python list remembering the dimensions.
    Unpack with :class:`listToMatrix`.

    Note: Not used right now.

    :param cm: array of int
    :type  cm: 2D array

    :return: {'shape':(int,..), 'lst':[..] }
    :rtype: dict
    if cm is None or type(cm) == dict:
        return cm

    result = {}
    result['shape'] = N0.shape(cm)
    result['lst'] = N0.ravel(cm).tolist()

    return result
文件: mathUtils.py 项目: graik/biskit
def matrixToList( cm ):
    Convert matrix into standard python list remembering the dimensions.
    Unpack with :class:`listToMatrix`.

    Note: Not used right now.

    :param cm: array of int
    :type  cm: 2D array

    :return: {'shape':(int,..), 'lst':[..] }
    :rtype: dict
    if cm is None or type( cm ) == dict:
        return cm

    result = {}
    result['shape'] = N0.shape( cm )
    result['lst'] = N0.ravel( cm ).tolist()

    return result
文件: complex.py 项目: graik/biskit
    def slim(self):
        Remove coordinates and atoms of ligand and receptor from memory,
        if they can be restored from file, compress contact matrix.
        self.lig_transformed = None
        self.pw_dist = None

##         self.ligandMatrix = self.ligandMatrix.tolist()

        if 'matrix' in self.info:
            del self.info['matrix']

        ## compress contact matrix array
        if self.contacts is not None and \
               len(N0.shape( self.contacts['result'] ) )==2:
            m = self.contacts['result']
            self.contacts['shape'] = N0.shape( m )

            self.contacts['result'] = N0.nonzero( N0.ravel( m ) ).astype(N0.Int32)
    def slim(self):
        Remove coordinates and atoms of ligand and receptor from memory,
        if they can be restored from file, compress contact matrix.
        self.lig_transformed = None
        self.pw_dist = None

        ##         self.ligandMatrix = self.ligandMatrix.tolist()

        if 'matrix' in self.info:
            del self.info['matrix']

        ## compress contact matrix array
        if self.contacts is not None and \
               len(N0.shape( self.contacts['result'] ) )==2:
            m = self.contacts['result']
            self.contacts['shape'] = N0.shape(m)

            self.contacts['result'] = N0.nonzero(N0.ravel(m)).astype(N0.Int32)
    def writeCrd( self, fname, frames=None ):
        Write frames to Amber crd file (w/o box info).

        :param fname: output file name
        :type  fname: str
        :param frames: frame indices (default: all)
        :type  frames: [int]
        if frames is None:
            frames = list(range( self.lenFrames()))

        template = " %7.3f" * 10 + '\n'

        ## open new file
        out = open( T.absfile(fname), 'wt')
        __write = out.write  ## cache function address for speed


        n_lines = None

        for fi in frames:
            f = N0.ravel( self.frames[ fi ] )

            if n_lines is None:
                n_lines = n_lines or len( f ) // 10
                overhang= ( 0 != len( f ) % 10 )
                i_lines = range( n_lines )

            for i in i_lines:
                __write( template % tuple( f[10*i:10*i+10] ) )

            if overhang:
                for x in f[i*10+10:]:
                    __write(" %7.3f" % x )

    def thin( self, step=1 ):
        Keep only each step'th frame from trajectory with 10 ensemble members.
        :param step: 1..keep all frames, 2..skip first and every second, ..
                     (default: 1)
        :type  step: int
        :return: reduced EnsembleTraj
        :rtype: EnsembleTraj
        T.ensure( step, int, forbidden=[0] )

        ## 10 x lenFrames/10, frame indices of each member
        mI = [ self.memberIndices( i ) for i in range(self.n_members) ]

        mI = N0.array( mI )

        mI = N0.take( mI, range( -1, N0.shape( mI )[1], step )[1:], 1 )

        mI = N0.transpose( mI )

        return self.takeFrames( N0.ravel( mI ))
    def thin( self, step=1 ):
        Keep only each step'th frame from trajectory with 10 ensemble members.
        :param step: 1..keep all frames, 2..skip first and every second, ..
                     (default: 1)
        :type  step: int
        :return: reduced EnsembleTraj
        :rtype: EnsembleTraj
        T.ensure( step, int, forbidden=[0] )

        ## 10 x lenFrames/10, frame indices of each member
        mI = [ self.memberIndices( i ) for i in range(self.n_members) ]

        mI = N0.array( mI )

        mI = N0.take( mI, range( -1, N0.shape( mI )[1], step )[1:], 1 )

        mI = N0.transpose( mI )

        return self.takeFrames( N0.ravel( mI ))
文件: complex.py 项目: graik/biskit
    def conservationScore( self, cons_type='cons_ent', ranNr=150,
                           log=StdLog(), verbose=1 ):
        Score of conserved residue pairs in the interaction surface.
        Optionally, normalized by radom surface contacts.

        @param cons_type: precalculated conservation profile name,
                          see L{Biskit.PDBDope}.
        @type  cons_type: str
        @param ranNr: number of random matricies to use (default: 150)
        @type  ranNr: int
        @param log: log file [STDOUT]
        @type  log: Biskit.LogFile
        @param verbose: give progress report [1]
        @type  verbose: bool | int

        @return: conservation score
        @rtype: float
            recCons = self.rec().profile( cons_type, updateMissing=1 )
            if verbose:
                log.add('\n'+'*'*30+'\nNO HHM PROFILE FOR RECEPTOR\n'+\
            recCons = N0.ones( self.rec().lenResidues() )
            ligCons = self.lig().profile( cons_type, updateMissing=1 )
            if verbose:
                            '\n'+'*'*30+'\nNO HHM PROFILE FOR LIGAND\n'+'*'*30+'\n')
            ligCons = N0.ones( self.lig().lenResidues() )

        if self.rec().profile( 'surfMask' ):
            recSurf = self.rec().profile( 'surfMask' )
            d = PDBDope(self.rec())

        if self.lig().profile( 'surfMask' ):
            ligSurf = self.lig().profile( 'surfMask' )
            d = PDBDope(self.lig())

        surfMask = N0.ravel(N0.outerproduct( recSurf, ligSurf ))

        missing = N0.outerproduct( N0.equal( recCons, 0), N0.equal(ligCons,0))

        cont = self.resContacts() * N0.logical_not(missing)

        consMat = N0.outerproduct( recCons, ligCons )

        score = cont* consMat

        # get a random score
        if ranNr != 0:
            if self.verbose:
            ranMat =  mathUtils.random2DArray( cont, ranNr, mask=surfMask )
            random_score = N0.sum(N0.sum( ranMat * consMat ))/( ranNr*1.0 )
            return N0.sum(N0.sum(score))/random_score

            return N0.sum(N0.sum(score))/ N0.sum(N0.sum(cont))
    def pcMovie( self, ev, steps, factor=1., ref=0, morph=1 ):
        Morph between the two extreme values of a single principal

        :param ev: EigenVector to visualize
        :type  ev: int
        :param steps: number of intermediate frames
        :type  steps: int
        :param factor: exageration factor (default: 1 = No exageration)
        :type  factor: float
        :param ref: take other eigenvecors from this frame (default: 1)
        :type  ref: int
        :param morph: morph between min and max (1) or take real values (0)
                      (default: 1)
        :type  morph: 1|0

        :return: Trajectory with frames visualizing the morphing.
        :rtype: Trajectory
        fit = 1
        if self.pc is not None:
            fit = self.pc['fit']
        pc = self.getPca( fit=fit )

        ## eigenvectors (rows)
        U = pc['u']

        ## raveled and centered frames
        x_avg = N0.average(self.frames, 0)
        X = N0.array( [N0.ravel(x) for x in self.frames - x_avg] )

        ## ev'th eigenvector of reference frame
        alpha_0 = N0.dot( X[ref], U[ev] )

        ## list of deviations of ev'th eigenvector of each frame from ref
        alpha_range = N0.dot(X, U[ev]) - alpha_0

        ## get some representative alphas...
        if morph:
            a_min = factor * min(alpha_range)
            a_max = factor * max(alpha_range)
            delta = (a_max - a_min) / steps
            alpha_range = [ a_min + i*(delta) for i in range(0, steps) ]
            alpha_range = N0.sort( alpha_range )
            delta = len(alpha_range) / (steps * 1.0)
            alpha_range = [ alpha_range[ int(round( i*delta )) ]
                            for i in range(0,steps) ]

        ## scale ev'th eigenvector of ref with different alphas 
        Y = N0.array( [ X[ref] + alpha * U[ev] for alpha in alpha_range] )

        ## back convert to N x 3 coordinates
        Y = N0.reshape(Y, (Y.shape[0], -1, 3))
        Y = x_avg + Y

        result = self.__class__()
        result.ref = self.ref

        result.frames = Y
        return result
    def conservationScore(self,
        Score of conserved residue pairs in the interaction surface.
        Optionally, normalized by radom surface contacts.

        @param cons_type: precalculated conservation profile name,
                          see L{Biskit.PDBDope}.
        @type  cons_type: str
        @param ranNr: number of random matricies to use (default: 150)
        @type  ranNr: int
        @param log: log file [STDOUT]
        @type  log: Biskit.LogFile
        @param verbose: give progress report [1]
        @type  verbose: bool | int

        @return: conservation score
        @rtype: float
            recCons = self.rec().profile(cons_type, updateMissing=1)
            if verbose:
                log.add('\n'+'*'*30+'\nNO HHM PROFILE FOR RECEPTOR\n'+\
            recCons = N0.ones(self.rec().lenResidues())
            ligCons = self.lig().profile(cons_type, updateMissing=1)
            if verbose:
                            '\n'+'*'*30+'\nNO HHM PROFILE FOR LIGAND\n'+'*'*30+'\n')
            ligCons = N0.ones(self.lig().lenResidues())

        if self.rec().profile('surfMask'):
            recSurf = self.rec().profile('surfMask')
            d = PDBDope(self.rec())

        if self.lig().profile('surfMask'):
            ligSurf = self.lig().profile('surfMask')
            d = PDBDope(self.lig())

        surfMask = N0.ravel(N0.outerproduct(recSurf, ligSurf))

        missing = N0.outerproduct(N0.equal(recCons, 0), N0.equal(ligCons, 0))

        cont = self.resContacts() * N0.logical_not(missing)

        consMat = N0.outerproduct(recCons, ligCons)

        score = cont * consMat

        # get a random score
        if ranNr != 0:
            if self.verbose:
            ranMat = mathUtils.random2DArray(cont, ranNr, mask=surfMask)
            random_score = N0.sum(N0.sum(ranMat * consMat)) / (ranNr * 1.0)
            return N0.sum(N0.sum(score)) / random_score

            return N0.sum(N0.sum(score)) / N0.sum(N0.sum(cont))