for i in range(n): print("{}. {}".format(i + 1, client._wallet._addresses[i]['address'])) user_input = input("Select an address (1-{}): ".format(n)) try: val = int(user_input) except ValueError: print("Input error") raise if val > 0 and val <= n: address = client._wallet._addresses[val - 1]['address'] client.set_address(address) print("Selected address = ", client.address) pwd = input("Enter your anonymizer password: "******"", "", "", "") out = phone.fetch_asset_data(pwd) operation = "phone:battery" recipient = "Bis1QPHone8oYrrDRjAFW1sNjyJjUqHgZhgAw" data = json.dumps(out) print(data) user_input = input("Submit this data (y/n) ? ") if user_input == "y": client.send(recipient=recipient, amount=1.0, operation=operation, data=data) print("Sent") else: print("Input error")
""" Demo Script, send a Bismuth transaction """ from bismuthclient.bismuthclient import BismuthClient if __name__ == "__main__": client = BismuthClient(wallet_file='wallet.der') if not client.address: client.new_wallet() client.load_wallet() """ BismuthClient does the heavy lifting of finding and connecting to a working wallet server. """ print(f"My address is {client.address}") # txid = client.send(recipient=client.address, amount=0) # sends 0 to self print(f"Txid is {txid}") # client.send(recipient="9ba0f8ca03439a8b4222b256a5f56f4f563f6d83755f525992fa5daf", operation='dragg:transfer', data='draggon_adn')