    def processImage(self):        
        log.debug("IMAGE: " +  self.image.z + ',' + self.image.t + ',' + self.image.ch)
        print 'In process image'
        if int(self.image.z) == 1  and  int(self.image.t) == 1 and (int(self.image.ch) ==1 or int(self.image.ch) == 3):
			# read image from Bisque system
			resp, content = request(self.image.src + '?format=png', "GET", userpass = self.userpass )

			print str(resp)
			print len(content)

			tempinfile = 'ac_in.png' 
			tempoutfile = 'ac_out.png'

			f = open(tempinfile,'w')
			print 'Done writing the file'

			InitialDistance = 5.0

			seg.doSegment(tempinfile,tempoutfile, self.seedX, self.seedY, InitialDistance, self.Sigma, self.SigmoidAlpha, self.SigmoidBeta,self.PropagationScaling)
			print 'Segmentation done!'

			buffer = open(tempoutfile,'r')

			print ' posting the output to the server ..'
			file = [('upload', tempoutfile, buffer.read())] 
			resp, content =  post_files (self.client_server + '/bisquik/upload_raw_image', file,  [], userpass = self.userpass,)
			log.debug("RESP: " +  str(content))
			self.image_out_url = str(content)
    def processImage(self):
        log.debug("IMAGE: " + self.image.z + ',' + self.image.t + ',' +
        print 'In process image'
        if int(self.image.z) == 1 and int(self.image.t) == 1 and (int(
                self.image.ch) == 1 or int(self.image.ch) == 3):
            # read image from Bisque system
            resp, content = request(self.image.src + '?format=tiff',

            print str(resp)
            print len(content)

            tempinfile = 'in.tiff'
            tempoutfile = 'out.tiff'

            f = open(tempinfile, 'w')
            print 'Done writing the file'

            # define all the input values for now
            #seedX = 81
            #seedY = 114
            #Sigma = 1.0
            #SigmoidAlpha = -0.5
            #SigmoidBeta = 3.0
            TimeThreshold = 100
            StoppingValue = 100

            seg.doSegment(tempinfile, tempoutfile, self.seedX, self.seedY,
                          self.Sigma, self.SigmoidAlpha, self.SigmoidBeta,
                          TimeThreshold, StoppingValue)
            print 'Segmentation done!'

            #OutputPixelType = itk.UC
            #OutputImageType = itk.Image[OutputPixelType, 2]
            #WriterType = itk.ImageFileWriter[  OutputImageType ]
            #writer = WriterType.New()
            #writer.SetInput( segm_out )
            #print 'File Output done'

            buffer = open(tempoutfile, 'r')
            #buffer= cStringIO.StringIO(tempoutfile)

            print ' posting the output to the server ..'
            file = [('upload', tempoutfile, buffer.read())]
            resp, content = post_files(
                self.client_server + '/bisquik/upload_raw_image',
            log.debug("RESP: " + str(content))
            self.image_out_url = str(content)
 def processImage(self):        
     log.debug("IMAGE: " +  self.image.z + ',' + self.image.t + ',' + self.image.ch)
     print 'In process image'
     if int(self.image.z) == 1  and  int(self.image.t) == 1 and (int(self.image.ch) ==1 or int(self.image.ch) == 3):
         # read image from Bisque system
         resp, content = request(self.image.src + '?format=tiff', "GET", userpass = self.userpass )
         # convert stream into Image
         im = cStringIO.StringIO(content)            
         img = Image.open(im)
         log.debug("IMAGE: " +  str(img.format) + ',' + str(img.size) + ',' + str(img.mode))
         ''' IMAGE PROCESSING '''
         # convert color image into grayscale image
         grayimg = ImageOps.grayscale(img)
         # convert Image into numpy array
         in_im = asarray(grayimg)
         # normalize image
         norm_im = self.normalizeImage(in_im)
         # set the threshold value
         thNorm = double((double(self.thValue)/100.0))
         # threshold image with thNorm value
         th_im = norm_im < thNorm;
         # label image with 8conn
         structure = [[1,1,1], [1,1,1], [1,1,1]]
         th_im = binary_erosion(~th_im,structure)            
         label_tuple = label(th_im,structure) #(data, dtype, number of labels)
         label_im = label_tuple[0]-1
         # wathershed
         wh_im = watershed_ift(in_im, label_im)
         # convert numpy array into Image
         img_out = Image.fromarray(wh_im.astype('uint8'))
         ''' IMAGE PROCESSING '''
         # convert Image into stream
         buffer = StringIO.StringIO()
         img_out.save(buffer, 'TIFF')
         # upload image into Bisque system
         buffer.name = 'file.tif'
         fields = { 'file' :  buffer }
         resp, content =  post_files (self.client_server + '/bisquik/upload_images', fields=fields, userpass = self.userpass,)
         log.debug("RESP: " +  str(content))
         self.image_out_url = str(content)