def creates_add_input(bitcoind, tx):
    """Creates and add an input to a CMutableTransaction, SIGHASH_ALL.

    :returns: The txid of the first stage fee bumping tx (for convenience)
    # First we get some coins
    privkey = CKey(os.urandom(32))
    scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_0, Hash160(privkey.pub)])
    address = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey)
    # Let's say we want to increase the fees by 5000 sats
    amount = 5000

    # Bitcoind is nice and will create the first stage transaction
    first_txid = bitcoind.rpc.sendtoaddress(str(address), amount / COIN)
    vout_index = get_output_index(
        bitcoind.rpc.getrawtransaction(first_txid, 1), amount)
    # === We don't generate a block yet ! ===

        CTxIn(COutPoint(lx(first_txid), vout_index), nSequence=0xfffffffe))
    # Sign the new input with ALL
    tx_hash = SignatureHash(address.to_redeemScript(), tx, 1, SIGHASH_ALL,
                            amount, SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0)
    sig = privkey.sign(tx_hash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    tx.wit.vtxinwit.append(CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness([sig, privkey.pub])))

    return first_txid
def add_input_output(bitcoind, tx):
    """Add an input and an output to a CMutableTransaction, SIGHASH_ALL."""
    # First we get some coins
    privkey = CKey(os.urandom(32))
    scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_0, Hash160(privkey.pub)])
    address = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey)
    amount = Decimal("50") * Decimal(COIN) - Decimal("500")
    # This creates a one-output transaction
    txid = bitcoind.pay_to(str(address), amount / Decimal(COIN))
    # We bump the fees by 5000
    tx.vout.append(CTxOut(amount - Decimal("5000"), scriptPubKey))
    tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txid), 0)))
    # Sign the new output with ALL
    tx_hash = SignatureHash(address.to_redeemScript(), tx, 1, SIGHASH_ALL,
                            int(amount), SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0)
    sig = privkey.sign(tx_hash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    tx.wit.vtxinwit.append(CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness([sig, privkey.pub])))
def add_input_output(bitcoind, tx, coin, fees):
    """Add another input to the transaction to bump the feerate."""
    coin_amount = Decimal(coin["amount"]) * Decimal(COIN)
    # First get the private key from bitcoind's wallet.
    privkey = CKey(wif_decode(bitcoind.dumpprivkey(coin["address"])))

    # Add the fetched coin as a new input.
    tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(lx(coin["txid"]), coin["vout"])))
    # And likely add an output, otherwise all goes to the fees.
    scriptPubKey = CScript([OP_0, Hash160(privkey.pub)])
    if coin_amount > fees + 294:
        # For simplicity, pay to the same script
        tx.vout.append(CTxOut(coin_amount - Decimal(fees), scriptPubKey))
    address = CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(scriptPubKey)
    # We only do this once, sign it with ALL
    tx_hash = SignatureHash(address.to_redeemScript(), tx, 1, SIGHASH_ALL,
                            int(coin_amount), SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0)
    sig = privkey.sign(tx_hash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
        CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness([sig, privkey.pub]))
    return tx
def add_input(bitcoind, tx, fees):
    """Add another input to the transaction to bump the feerate."""
    # Don't be dust!
    if fees < 294:
        fees = 294

    # Create the first stage transaction
    new_prevout_addr = P2WPKHBitcoinAddress(bitcoind.getnewaddress())
    txid = bitcoind.sendtoaddress(str(new_prevout_addr), fees / COIN)
    out_index = get_output_index(bitcoind.getrawtransaction(txid, decode=True),
    # Then gather the private key to unlock its output
    privkey = CKey(wif_decode(bitcoind.dumpprivkey(str(new_prevout_addr))))
    # Add the fetched coin as a new input.
    tx.vin.append(CTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txid), out_index)))
    # We only do this once, sign it with ALL
    tx_hash = SignatureHash(new_prevout_addr.to_redeemScript(), tx, 1,
                            SIGHASH_ALL, fees, SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0)
    sig = privkey.sign(tx_hash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
    tx.wit.vtxinwit.append(CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness([sig, privkey.pub])))

    return tx
def test_unvault_txout(bitcoind):
    """Test that unvault_txout() produces a valid and conform txo.

    Note that we use python-bitcoinlib for this one, as
    signrawtransactionwithkey is (apparently?) not happy dealing with exotic
    Note also that bitcoinlib's API uses sats, while bitcoind's one uses BTC..
    amount = 50 * COIN - 500
    # The stakeholders
    stk_privkeys = [CKey(os.urandom(32)) for i in range(4)]
    stk_pubkeys = [k.pub for k in stk_privkeys]
    # The cosigning server
    serv_privkey = CKey(os.urandom(32))
    # First, pay to the unvault tx script
    txo = unvault_txout(stk_pubkeys,
                        serv_privkey.pub, amount)
    txo_addr = str(CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txo.scriptPubKey))
    amount_for_bitcoind = float(Decimal(amount) / Decimal(COIN))
    txid = bitcoind.pay_to(txo_addr, amount_for_bitcoind)
    # We can spend it immediately if all stakeholders sign (emergency or cancel
    # tx)
    txin = CTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txid), 0))
    amount_min_fees = amount - 500
    addr = bitcoind.getnewaddress()
    new_txo = CTxOut(amount_min_fees,
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [new_txo], nVersion=2)
    # We can't test the signing against bitcoind, but we can at least test the
    # transaction format
    bitcoind_tx = bitcoind.rpc.createrawtransaction([
        {"txid": txid, "vout": 0}
    ], [
        {addr: float(Decimal(amount_min_fees) / Decimal(COIN))}
    assert b2x(tx.serialize()) == bitcoind_tx
    tx_hash = SignatureHash(unvault_script(*stk_pubkeys, serv_privkey.pub), tx,
                            0, SIGHASH_ALL, amount, SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0)
    sigs = [key.sign(tx_hash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
            for key in stk_privkeys[::-1]]  # Note the reverse here
    witness_script = [*sigs,
                      unvault_script(*stk_pubkeys, serv_privkey.pub)]
    witness = CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness(witness_script))
    tx.wit = CTxWitness([witness])
    assert bitcoind.has_utxo(addr)

    # If two out of three stakeholders sign, we need the signature from the
    # cosicosigning server and we can't spend it before 6 blocks (csv).
    # Pay back to the unvault tx script
    txo = unvault_txout(stk_pubkeys,
                        serv_privkey.pub, amount)
    txo_addr = str(CBitcoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(txo.scriptPubKey))
    txid = bitcoind.pay_to(txo_addr, amount_for_bitcoind)
    # Reconstruct the transaction but with only two stakeholders signatures
    txin = CTxIn(COutPoint(lx(txid), 0), nSequence=6)
    amount_min_fees = amount - 500
    addr = bitcoind.getnewaddress()
    new_txo = CTxOut(amount_min_fees,
    tx = CMutableTransaction([txin], [new_txo], nVersion=2)
    # We can't test the signing against bitcoind, but we can at least test the
    # transaction format
    bitcoind_tx = bitcoind.rpc.createrawtransaction([
        {"txid": txid, "vout": 0, "sequence": 6}
    ], [
        {addr: float(Decimal(amount_min_fees) / Decimal(COIN))}
    assert b2x(tx.serialize()) == bitcoind_tx
    tx_hash = SignatureHash(unvault_script(*stk_pubkeys, serv_privkey.pub), tx,
                            0, SIGHASH_ALL, amount, SIGVERSION_WITNESS_V0)
    # The cosigning server
    sigs = [serv_privkey.sign(tx_hash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])]
    # We fail the third CHECKSIG !!
    sigs += [empty_signature()]
    sigs += [key.sign(tx_hash) + bytes([SIGHASH_ALL])
             for key in stk_privkeys[::-1][2:]]  # Just the first two
    witness_script = [*sigs,
                      unvault_script(*stk_pubkeys, serv_privkey.pub)]
    witness = CTxInWitness(CScriptWitness(witness_script))
    tx.wit = CTxWitness([witness])
    # Relative locktime !
    for i in range(5):
        with pytest.raises(VerifyRejectedError, match="non-BIP68-final"):
    # It's been 6 blocks now
    assert bitcoind.has_utxo(addr)