def test_immutable_tx_creation_with_mutable_parts_specified(self):
        tx = CTransaction(
            vin=[CMutableTxIn(prevout=COutPoint(hash=b'a' * 32, n=0))],

        def check_immutable_parts(tx):


        # Test that if we deserialize with CTransaction,
        # all the parts are immutable
        tx = CTransaction.deserialize(tx.serialize())

        # Test some parts separately, because when created via
        # CMutableTransaction instantiation, they are created with from_*
        # methods, and not directly

        txin = CTxIn(prevout=CMutableOutPoint(hash=b'a' * 32, n=0))

        wit = CTxWitness((CMutableTxInWitness(), ))
    def test_repr(self):
        def T(txout, expected):
            actual = repr(txout)
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

    def test_repr(self) -> None:
        def T(txinwitness: CTxInWitness, expected: str) -> None:
            actual = repr(txinwitness)
            self.assertEqual(actual, expected)

def alice(say, recv, send, die, rpc):
    """A function that implements the logic
    of the first participant of an asset atomic swap"""

    # Issue two asset that we are going to swap to Bob's 1 asset
    asset1_str, asset1_utxo = issue_asset(say, 1.0, rpc)
    asset2_str, asset2_utxo = issue_asset(say, 1.0, rpc)

    # We will need to pay a fee in an asset suitable for this
    fee_utxo = find_utxo_for_fee(say, die, rpc)

    say('Getting change address for fee asset')
    # We don't care for blinding key of change - the node will
    # have it, anyway, and we don't need to unblind the change.
    fee_change_addr, _ = get_dst_addr(say, rpc)

    say('Will use utxo {}:{} (amount: {}) for fee, change will go to {}'.
        format(fee_utxo['txid'], fee_utxo['vout'], fee_utxo['amount'],

    say('Setting up communication with Bob')

    # Tell Bob that we are ready to communicate

    # To avoid mempool synchronization problems,
    # in our example Alice is the one in charge of generating test blocks.
    # Bob gives alice txid of his transaction that he wants to be confirmed.
    bob_txid = recv('wait-txid-confirm')

    # Make sure asset issuance transactions are confirmed
    rpc.generatetoaddress(1, rpc.getnewaddress())
    wait_confirm(say, asset1_utxo['txid'], die, rpc)
    wait_confirm(say, asset2_utxo['txid'], die, rpc)
    wait_confirm(say, bob_txid, die, rpc)

    # Make sure Bob is alive and ready to communicate, and send
    # him an offer for two assets
    say('Sending offer to Bob')
    my_offers = [
    send('offer', my_offers)

    bob_offer = recv('offer')

    print_asset_balances(say, my_offers + [bob_offer], rpc)

    say('Bob responded with his offer: {}'.format(bob_offer))

    # We unconditionally accept Bob's offer - his asset is
    # equally worthless as ours :-)

    # Generate an address for Bob to send his asset to.
    dst_addr, blinding_key = get_dst_addr(say, rpc)

    say('Sending my address and assetcommitments for my UTXOs to Bob')
    # Send Bob our address, and the assetcommitments of our UTXOs
    # (but not any other information about our UTXO),
    # so he can construct and blind a partial transaction that
    # will spend his own UTXO, to send his asset to our address.
    assetcommitments = [
        asset1_utxo['assetcommitment'], asset2_utxo['assetcommitment'],

    send('addr_and_assetcommitments', (str(dst_addr), assetcommitments))

    partial_tx_bytes = recv('partial_blinded_tx')

    say('Got partial blinded tx of size {} bytes from Bob'.format(

    partial_tx = CTransaction.deserialize(partial_tx_bytes)

    if len(partial_tx.vout) != 1:
        die('unexpected number of outputs in tx from Bob: expected 1, got {}'.

    result = partial_tx.vout[0].unblind_confidential_pair(
        blinding_key, partial_tx.wit.vtxoutwit[0].rangeproof)

    if result.error:
        die('cannot unblind output that should have been directed to us: {}'.

    if result.asset.to_hex() != bob_offer.asset:
        die("asset in partial transaction from Bob {} is not the same "
            "as asset in Bob's initial offer ({})".format(
                result.asset.to_hex(), bob_offer.asset))

    if result.amount != bob_offer.amount:
        die("amount in partial transaction from Bob {} is not the same "
            "as amount in Bob's initial offer ({})".format(
                result.amount, bob_offer.amount))

    say("Asset and amount in partial transaction matches Bob's offer")

    bob_addr_list, bob_assetcommitment = recv('addr_list_and_assetcommitment')

    if len(bob_addr_list) != len(my_offers):
        die('unexpected address list lenth from Bob. expected {}, got {}'.
            format(len(my_offers), len(bob_addr_list)))

    say("Bob's addresses to receive my assets: {}".format(bob_addr_list))

    # Convert Bob's addresses to address objects.
    # If Bob passes invalid address, we die with with exception.
    bob_addr_list = [CCoinAddress(a) for a in bob_addr_list]

    # Add our own inputs and outputs to Bob's partial tx

    # Create new mutable transaction from partial_tx
    tx = partial_tx.to_mutable()

    # We have assetcommitment for the first input,
    # other data is not needed for it.
    # initialize first elements of the arrays with empty/negative data.
    input_descriptors = [

    # First output is already blinded, fill the slot with empty data
    output_pubkeys = [CPubKey()]

    # But assetcommitments array should start with Bob's asset commitment
    assetcommitments = [x(bob_assetcommitment)]

    # We will add our inputs for asset1 and asset2, and also an input
    # that will be used to pay the fee.

    # Note that the order is important: Bob blinded his transaction
    # with assetcommitments in the order we send them to him,
    # and we should add our inputs in the same order.
    utxos_to_add = (asset1_utxo, asset2_utxo, fee_utxo)

    # Add inputs for asset1 and asset2 and fee_asset and prepare input data
    # for blinding
    for utxo in utxos_to_add:
        # When we create CMutableTransaction and pass CTxIn,
        # it will be converted to CMutableTxIn. But if we append
        # to or tx.vout, we need to use mutable versions
        # of the txin/txout classes, or else blinding or signing
        # will fail with error, unable to modify the instances.
        # COutPoint is not modified, though, so we can leave it
        # immutable.
                prevout=COutPoint(hash=lx(utxo['txid']), n=utxo['vout'])))

        # If we are supplying asset blinders and assetblinders for
        # particular input, assetcommitment data for that input do
        # not need to be correct. But if we are supplying assetcommitments
        # at all (auxiliary_generators argument to tx.blind()),
        # then all the elements of that array must have correct
        # type (bytes) and length (33). This is a requirement of the original
        # Elements Core API, and python-elementstx requires this, too.
        assetcommitments.append(b'\x00' * 33)

    # Add outputs to give Bob all our assets, and fill output pubkeys
    # for blinding the outputs to Bob's addresses
    for n, offer in enumerate(my_offers):

    # Add change output for fee asset
    fee_change_amount = (coins_to_satoshi(fee_utxo['amount']) -

    # Add fee output.
    # Note that while we use CConfidentialAsset and CConfidentialValue
    # to specify value and asset, they are not in fact confidential here
    # - they are explicit, because we pass explicit values at creation.
    # You can check if they are explicit or confidential
    # with nValue.is_explicit(). If they are explicit, you can access
    # the unblinded values with nValue.to_amount() and nAsset.to_asset()
    # Add dummy pubkey for non-blinded fee output

    # Our transaction lacks txin witness instances for the added inputs,
    # and txout witness instances for added outputs.
    # If transaction already have witness data attached, transaction
    # serialization code will require in/out witness array length
    # to be equal to vin/vout array length
    # Therefore we need to add dummy txin and txout witnesses for each
    # input and output that we added to transaction
    # we added one input and one output per asset, and an additional
    # input/change-output for fee asset.
    for _ in utxos_to_add:

    # And one extra dummy txout witness for fee output

    # And blind the combined transaction
    blind_result = tx.blind(input_descriptors=input_descriptors,

    # The blinding must succeed!
    if blind_result.error:
        die('blind failed: {}'.format(blind_result.error))

    # And must blind exactly three outputs (two to Bob, one fee asset change)
    if blind_result.num_successfully_blinded != 3:
        die('blinded {} outputs, expected to be 3'.format(

    say('Successfully blinded the combined transaction, will now sign')

    # Sign two new asset inputs, and fee asset input
    for n, utxo in enumerate(utxos_to_add):
        # We specify input_index as 1+n because we skip first (Bob's) input
        sign_input(tx, 1 + n, utxo)

    say('Signed my inputs, sending partially-signed transaction to Bob')

    send('partially_signed_tx', tx.serialize())

    # Note that at this point both participants can still opt out of the swap:
    # Alice by double-spending her inputs to the transaction,
    # and Bob by not signing or not broadcasting the transaction.
    # Bob still have tiny advantage, because
    # he can pretend to have 'difficulties' in broadcasting and try to exploit
    # Alice's patience. If Alice does not reclaim her funds in the case Bob's
    # behaviour deviates from expected, then Bob will have free option to
    # exectute the swap at the time convenient to him.

    # Get the swap transaction from Bob.
    # Bob is expected to broadcast this transaction, and could just send txid
    # here, but then there would be a period of uncertainty: if Alice do not
    # see the txid at her own node, she does not know if this is because Bob
    # did not actually broadcast, and is just taking his time watching asset
    # prices, or the transaction just takes long time to propagate. If the
    # protocol requires Bob to send the transaction, the timeout required for
    # Alice to wait can be defined much more certainly.
        signed_tx_raw = recv('final-signed-tx', timeout=ALICE_PATIENCE_LIMIT)
        signed_tx = CTransaction.deserialize(x(signed_tx_raw))
        # Check that this transaction spends the same inputs as the transacton
        # previously agreed upon
        for n, vin in enumerate(
            if vin.prevout !=[n].prevout:
                die('Inputs of transaction received from Bob do not match '
                    'the agreed-upon transaction')
        # Send the transaction from our side
        txid = rpc.sendrawtransaction(b2x(signed_tx.serialize()))
    except Exception as e:
        # If there is any problem, including communication timeout or invalid
        # communication, or invalid transaction encoding, then Alice will try
        # to claim her funds back, so Bob won't have an option to execute the
        # swap at the time convenient to him. He should execute it immediately.
        say('Unexpected problem on receiving final signed transaction '
            'from Bob: {}'.format(e))
        say('This is suspicious. I will try to reclaim my funds now')
        claim_funds_back(say, utxos_to_add, die, rpc)
        say("Claimed my funds back. Screw Bob!")

    # Make sure the final transaction is confirmed
    rpc.generatetoaddress(1, rpc.getnewaddress())
    wait_confirm(say, txid, die, rpc)

    # Check that everything went smoothly
    balance = coins_to_satoshi(rpc.getbalance("*", 1, False, bob_offer.asset))
    if balance != bob_offer.amount:
        die('something went wrong, balance of Bob\'s asset after swap '
            'should be {} satoshi, but it is {} satoshi'.format(
                balance, bob_offer.amount))

    print_asset_balances(say, my_offers + [bob_offer], rpc)

    # Wait for alice to politely end the conversation

    say('Asset atomic swap completed successfully')
 def test_clone(self):
     txinwit = CMutableTxInWitness(CScriptWitness([1]))
     self.assertEqual(txinwit.serialize(), txinwit.clone().serialize())