def get_dst_addr(say, rpc):
    """Generate an address and retrieve blinding key for it"""

    # Note that we could generate our own keys, and make
    # addresses from them, and then derive the blinding keys,
    # but then we would have to decide how to store the keys
    # for the user to be able to do own exploration
    # after example finishes working. We choose the easiest path.
    # Note that if we have master blinding key
    # (Elements will include master blinding key in wallet dump
    # in future versions), we could derive the blinding key
    # from the master key and the address, with this code:
    # addr.to_scriptPubKey().derive_blinding_key(blinding_derivation_key)
    # derive_blinding_key() follows the logic of blinding key
    # derivation in Elements Core source.

    if say:
        say('Generating new address and retrieving blinding key for it')
    addr_str = rpc.getnewaddress()
    # Retrieve the blinding key
    blinding_key = CCoinKey.from_secret_bytes(x(rpc.dumpblindingkey(addr_str)))

    return CCoinAddress(addr_str), blinding_key
    f = sys.argv[1]
    #with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
        # We could use CTransaction here, but if we want to
        # use mypy to do static checking, we need to use the elements-specific
        # classes. mypy does cannot know about dynamic class dispatch.
    #tx = CElementsTransaction.deserialize(x(f.readline().rstrip()))                                                                                                     [16/1870]
    tx = CElementsTransaction.deserialize(x(f))

    # Read in the blinding key, expected to be in WIF format.
    f = sys.argv[2]
    #with open(sys.argv[2]) as f:
    #bkey = CCoinKey.from_secret_bytes(x(f.readline().rstrip()))
    bkey = CCoinKey.from_secret_bytes(x(f))

    # Iterate through transaction ouptputs, and unblind what we can.
    for n, vout in enumerate(tx.vout):
        # Note that nValue of vout in Elements is not a simple int,
        # but CConfidentialValue, which can either be explicit, and can be
        # converted to satoshis with to_amount(), or it can be blinded, in
        # which case you need to unblind the output to know its value.
        if vout.nValue.is_explicit():
            # The output is not blinded, we can access the values right away
            assert vout.nAsset.is_explicit(), "unblinding just the asset is not supported"
            if vout.is_fee():
                print("vout {}: fee".format(n))

    # Switch the chain parameters to Elements

    # Read in and decode the blinded transaction.
    # expected to be hex-encoded as one line.
    with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
        # We could use CTransaction here, but if we want to
        # use mypy to do static checking, we need to use the elements-specific
        # classes. mypy does cannot know about dynamic class dispatch.
        tx = CElementsTransaction.deserialize(x(f.readline().rstrip()))

    # Read in the blinding key, expected to be in WIF format.
    with open(sys.argv[2]) as f:
        bkey = CCoinKey.from_secret_bytes(x(f.readline().rstrip()))

    # Iterate through transaction ouptputs, and unblind what we can.
    for n, vout in enumerate(tx.vout):
        # Note that nValue of vout in Elements is not a simple int,
        # but CConfidentialValue, which can either be explicit, and can be
        # converted to satoshis with to_amount(), or it can be blinded, in
        # which case you need to unblind the output to know its value.
        if vout.nValue.is_explicit():
            # The output is not blinded, we can access the values right away
            assert vout.nAsset.is_explicit(
            ), "unblinding just the asset is not supported"
            if vout.is_fee():
                print("vout {}: fee".format(n))
    # Read in and decode the blinded transaction.
    # expected to be hex-encoded as one line.
    with open(sys.argv[1]) as f:
        # We could use CTransaction here, but if we want to
        # use mypy to do static checking, we need to use the elements-specific
        # classes. mypy does cannot know about dynamic class dispatch.
        input_tx = CElementsTransaction.deserialize(x(f.readline().rstrip()))

    # Read in the key, expected to be in WIF format.
    with open(sys.argv[2]) as f:
        key = CCoinKey(f.readline().rstrip())

    # Read in the unblinding key, expected to be in HEX format.
    with open(sys.argv[3]) as f:
        bkey = CCoinKey.from_secret_bytes(x(f.readline().rstrip()))

    dst_addr = CElementsAddress(sys.argv[4])

    # Construct P2SH_P2WPKH address from the loaded key
    spk = CScript([0, Hash160(key.pub)]).to_p2sh_scriptPubKey()
    src_addr = P2SHCoinAddress.from_scriptPubKey(spk)

        '\nSearching for ouptut with address {}\n'.format(src_addr))

    utxo = None
    fee_asset = None
    # Search for output in the transaction that spends to the address that
    # we have. We are going to spend the first output that we find.
    for in_n, in_vout in enumerate(input_tx.vout):
elif args.verbosity >= 1:
elif args.verbosity == -1:
elif args.verbosity <= -2:

if args.testnet:
elif args.regtest:

rpc = bitcointx.rpc.RPCCaller(allow_default_conf=True)

if args.privkey is None:
    args.privkey = CCoinKey.from_secret_bytes(os.urandom(32))

    args.privkey = CCoinKey(args.privkey)

logging.info('Using keypair %s %s' % (b2x(args.privkey.pub), args.privkey))

# Turn the text file into padded lines
if args.fd is sys.stdin:
    # work around a bug where even though we specified binary encoding we get
    # the sys.stdin instead.
    args.fd = sys.stdin.buffer
raw_padded_lines = [
    b'\x00' + line.rstrip().ljust(args.min_len) + b'\x00'
    for line in args.fd.readlines()